一次搞懂四大品牌櫥下型飲水機 3M HEAT3000/HEAT2500/MAXTEC美是德 VACheater系列/宮黛GD600/GDCROSS/Panasonic NC-ANX1
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Keywords: mypure pro x9, mypure pro v9, mypure pro v6, uva3000, 3m uva 3000, 3m hcr02, 3m tr1, 3m DWS6000, DCP-3000, S104, Everpure S104, Everpure S-100, MC2, UVA3000, 3M HEAT1000, S004, 3M淨水器, BRITA Plus P3000, BRITA, EVERPOLL, maxtec, 美是德, 淨水器, vacheater, 廚下飲水機, heater3000, GD800, GD600, heater2000, EVERPURE, X9, BRITA X6, 宮黛, 源泉, 天溢, 艾克米, BWT, RO逆滲透純水機, 亞太淨水, 聯合利華, ro water systems, pure water, water filter, water storege tank, gdcross, 設計家, 廚下型飲水機, 富山淨水, panasonic 淨水器, 國際牌淨水器, 天山淨水, g1000, 吳董速成班, 藍海小教室, 3m g1000
Id: 5hnB-CExJZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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