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Spring, in Inveresk Scotland The season to be enveloped by fragrances of young leaves and flowers People refer to here as the secret garden I visited Ann’s and Charles’ private garden again between the end of April to the beginning of May, 2022 An acre of beautiful walled garden like a dream The garden has been created little by little from scratch over the course of 65years with love and attention ‘Life with a garden is one working on a picture that’s never finished’ 93 years old Charles says, the Process is the Purpose Change is part of the joy of gardening, be it by the hour, the day or the year Tulip Ballerina Tulip White Triumphator Charles says, we are a good team We are very opposite that’s why it’s successful 1+1=2, but 1+2=3 (If different type of people get together, it will create something new) If the gravel, grass and edges of grass are fine, it gives definition, then garden looks tidy I’m great believer that if borders are so packed with flowers, the weeds can’t survive I’m more inclined to see things in terms of symmetry, it’s the overall effect I’m looking at I do mostly all the planting, colours and programmes Ann says, my original colour scheme was to start with brightest colours in the sunniest position and keeping to the colour wheel take a clockwise direction gradually ending up with blues and purples Of course colour schemes doesn’t always work Let’s look at the middle part of the garden Charles says, In this area, at first we grew vegetables to feed the family Then, we made it into a cutting garden Now, to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary, we changed it to a lavender garden with pear trained on the arbour We planted 300 pink tulips ‘Mistress’ Tulip Gavota Let’s visit an artist Ann’s studio Ann says, I started learning to paint when I was 40 years old after my 4 sons grew up Painting the portraits of the plants is the best way to get know the flowers in all its moods, in all stages of its development, and also its scent It takes time but, I love picking flowers, watching and painting them The good thing about this house is that you can see the garden from every window Tulip Batalini Bright Gem Let’s have a look at the courtyard garden immediatley beside the house Rosa banksiae Lutea blooms well in the corner, which is not hardy in Scotland Rosa banksiae Lutea Topiary - the neatly clipped box and pyramids by Charles Wisteria Tulip early harvest Limestone wall was inspired by Edinburgh Botanic Garden We collected stones from a nearby lime quarry- 3 or 4 miles away Double Tulip Verona Pulsatilla Tulipa Batalini Bright Gem We got bits of inspiration from Alnwick Garden for an idea of pleached crab apples Crab Apples Tulipa Del Piero Let’s explore from the right side towards the back of garden Rosemary Verey - she wrote in the papers and she opened her garden and had pictures of her garden everywhere and went and lectured in America and all around - she was very well know She had a huge Potager with vegetables and herbs which we copied That was probably my earliest inspiration When she came here, it was great honour Queen of the Night Tulip Affaire Ann says, I don’t lift tulips except the ones planted in permanent planters but, I do add to them each year Bluebell Wild garden swayed by gentle wind Lily flowered tulip Marilyn Fritillaria Meleagris Erythronium Trillium Tulip purple peony Tulip Foxtrot Diamond Art to celebrate 60th years wedding anniversary 'Diamond is forever' Let’s see vegetables and plants grown by Charles I don’t think these will grow but they might. Let’s give them a chance These are all cuttings. So I take a bit of the plant with scissors. I will show you Then I put it in the pot like this, then they will all grow When roots appear here, I plant them in bigger pot These are all cuttings from existing plants Then, It goes to the bigger pots like these ones Take care of existing lives preciously and the joys pass onto the next Ann says, what began as an absorbing hobby is turning out to be a collaborative living work of art Paeonia Cornus Kousa Eddies White Wonder The girl washing hair statue made by a famous pop artist gives a character to the garden Here are big Koi : -) We went to Spain and Alhambra to see the gardens which is where the rill was inspired from Let’s see toward the back on left hand, near entrance area Tulipa Ballade Shell House 'Art is the flower and Life is green' by Charles Mackintosh Old money and spoon found while digging We went to Crathes Castle in the Aberdeenshire Their the garden was divided beautifully by hedges We planted yew hedge as you come there is a hedge in front of you That gave great shape to that part of garden Handkerchief tree, flowers bloom like handkerchief So, every bit of the garden has been inspired by various gardens - it’s just putting it all together. We never had a designer Joys of collecting travel memories and things you like, and making in your own way and growing them When we still had four boys playing football in the garden We opened ours, not as garden but as a children’s playground. People who visited the rest of the other gardens could leave their children here. We even had pony rides as well Ann says, the garden is filled with memories of people as well as plants "To this day we remember who gave us which plant, instantly reminding us of that person who may no longer be with us". Quote from Shepherd House Garden Book I have filmed the garden in spring, summer and winter. Every time I visited, the garden is full of new surprises and gives me a gentle feeling A garden, full of love like a dream by Ann and Charles. Look forward to visiting again one day Thank you for watching & A special thanks to Ann & Charles
Channel: Umikura スコットランド 海辺の暮らし
Views: 270,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ナチュラルガーデン, イングリッシュガーデン, イギリス, 庭, 自然, 美しい, 癒し, 暮らしvlog, ターシャデューダー, スコットランド, ガーデニング, オープンガーデン, ボタニカルアート, お庭, Scotland, UK, Gardening, Garden, Nature, Healing, Open Garden, Garden tour, ガーデンツアー, 個人宅, プライベートガーデン, Private Garden, Tasha Tudor, Tulip, Spring, チューリップ, 春, Cottage Garden, Shepherd House Garden, Classic Music, クラシック名曲
Id: 1RNf4602oXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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