シャバーニ ドラミング50連 Gorilla drumming50beat Best Shabani
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Channel: i Bosch i ボッシュ
Views: 10,093,897
Rating: 4.5445518 out of 5
Keywords: drumming, Shabani, 東山動物園, zoo, gorilla, ゴリラ, animal, TARONGA zoo, シャバーニ
Id: wc1F6N-MzhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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We put these animals in a prison of hell so we can go stare at them, ooh and ahh at them and film them being miserable. It’s utterly gross!!!!!!! Humans should be put in enclosures identical to this and see if you don’t behave like an ape.
This also looks like one broke ass zoo
The last time I went to the zoo (and I vowed it would the last time) I actually burst into tears at the gorilla closure. It broke my heart.
its just a prank bro XD
also, that's a very small cage
Idk much about their behaviour but he seems to be playing with a friend. Correct me if im wrong
It looks like in the video he’s trying to impress the female by lifting the log and showing strength, like chimpanzees do, and chest beating as a sign of dominance. Doesn’t look bored, just kinda smug.
(Also believe we should get them out of zoos and put them in the wild)