【Movie】剑指苍穹 | 武当隐世老头羽化飞升将绝世秘籍销毁!💥|#武打#动作#超酷影院#武当一剑

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Wu Xiang! I grow and die. You... what do you want? I know what happened to you. So what? You know I have no support, so you want to beat me up in revenge? I used to want to beat you up, but not anymore. I just want to let you know, the past is bygone. Since you are leaving today, please remember, no matter where you go in the future, All right! Let's begin. Disciple Bu Buo challenges Wudang Uncle Masters on behalf of Senior Wu Se. Bu Buo, being the first disciple of Wu Ji, what do you mean by this? Uncle Master Wu Liang, didn't you say that we could have a replacement? I haven't challenged the Seniors and Juniors in martial arts for a long time. I want to take the opportunity today to practice. You go first. Let's begin. All right, all right. Good. Uncle Master! Amazing! Let's go! Master Bu Qi is here! -Master. -Uncle Master. Senior. Bu Qi. The first disciple of your Uncle Master Wu Ji is amazing! As the first disciple of Wu Xiang, what's your thought? I've heard that Junior Bu Bo's swordsmanship is outstanding. Today, I'm here to learn about your Taiji Swordsmanship. Senior, you... Great! -Great! -Great! Senior! Amazing! -Amazing! -Amazing! -Great! -Great! I've lost. Everyone. If none of you want to fight, I shall get to the point. In this election, I think Grand Master Wu Liang is the best candidate for the leader. Stop! What are they doing here? Sneak attack. We have to send a warning. It's too late. What do we do then? We head to the advantage point first, then play it by ear. Let's go. Surround the Zixiao Temple! Senior, you know it too. Wu Xiang is a dying man. Besides me, who else can be the new leader of Wudang Sect? I certainly know that you're not convinced. Taoist Bu Wen is not convinced either. But... Surround the Zixiao Temple! (Who are they?) Mou Cang Lang! You're selecting the new leader of Wudang Sect. Why didn't you invite me, Chevalier of Zhongzhou of the Wudang Sect? Wudang Sect consists of lay disciples and Taoists. The leader of Taoists should be selected among the Taoists. So Elder Wu Liang means that this election for the leader is none of my business? My master has been chosen in the election today. Shut up! I haven't competed yet. You... Mou Cang Lang. How dare you bring the imperial guards here? What's your purpose for coming to Wudang Sect? This is the imperial decree! Imperial decree? Why do they have the imperial decree? It must be given by His Majesty. I've never seen such a situation. Accept the decree, Leader Wu Xiang! Leader Wu Xiang has retreated. Retreated? This imperial decree is for Leader Wu Xiang. After my father received this decree, he has to arrest Wu Xiang. Don't he dare to escape it! Bring him out! How dare you? You! This is the imperial decree. Anyone who is not kneeling down will be killed! You better take care of your tongue! Since Leader Wu Xiang has retreated, everyone in Wudang Sect shall kneel down and listen to this decree! By the Mandate of Heaven, this imperial decree hereby announces, "In the First Year of Taichang, The red pill gifted by Wudang Sect caused the death of Taichang Emperor. They should be punished for treason. Since the leader is willing to take the blame on Wudang Sect by himself, I will reduce the sentences. Wudang Sect can stay as the state religion. But from today onwards, Wudang Sect must hand in all the secret scriptures on martial arts. Disciples in Wudang Sect must not practice martial arts. Wudang Sect shall be led by the new leader who's assigned by the imperial court, Mou Cang Lang the Chevalier of Zhongzhou." From His Majesty. The imperial decree is a sacred thing. Isn't it too inappropriate to let an immature kid announce it? Are you suspecting that this imperial decree is fake? Wu Liang! Who in this world has the gut to make fun of the imperial decree? Seems like you are going to disobey His Majesty's command. There's something I don't understand. Say it! The former emperor was severely ill before he took the red pill. Obviously, someone did it on purpose. He blamed the death of the former emperor on the red pill of Wudang Sect. Nonsense. Wudang Sect is the state religion. It's passed on generation by generation. Now, my disciples can't train their martial arts. This doesn't make sense. Chevalier Mou, you're a martial artist, but you rely on the imperial court to seize this position. You're so shameless! Elder Wu Se, do you mean that I'm relying on the imperial decree but not my skills? Now, I'll leave the imperial decree aside. Let's speak with martial arts instead. Whoever is not convinced can come and challenge me! Whoever that is not convinced can come and challenge me! I'll take the challenge! Master? Lu Han, Xuankong Clique, Kongtong Sect. Bu hui, Wudang Sect. Master! Master! Mou Cang Lang. Let me challenge you! I have said. You may disrespect me. But anyone who disobey His Majesty's command shall be killed. Uncle Master! Take the sword! -Grand Master! -Grand Master! -Grand Master! -Master! Uncle Master! (Grand Master!) Fight them! Uncle Master! Don't act on impulse! Stop! Don't act on impulse! Don't act on impulse! Everyone! Surround them! Let's go! Surround them. Step back. Don't move! Don't move! Move backwards! Wu Liang! Are you competing with me? Surround the Lingxiu Temple! Why is the bell on the mountain ringing suddenly? Did something serious happen? Yu Jing Why are you going back? The bell on the mountain is ringing. Something serious must have happened. No matter what is happening on the mountain now. Leave them aside. Follow me. What? Do I have nothing to do with Wudang Sect just because I was chased out? Yu Jing, that's not what I meant. Since you have promised Leader Wu Xiang, you shouldn't disappoint him. We shall quickly go to Shaolin Temple. Let's go! You're right. But the bell was ringing continuously. I'm worried. No way. We have to go immediately. Get onto the horse! Hop. Yu Jing, stop looking! Let's go! Senior, Mou Cang Lang is here. I've been waiting for him. Then... Senior, you... I want him to give up, so as to protect the successor of Wudang Sect. I'll leave Jing to you. I'll also leave the task to pass on Wudang Sect to you. A new life will only come after death. Enough. Go! I don't believe that I can't force open this door. Father. The door of the Lingxiu Temple is made of copper. It might be hard... You said they will greet me with the Greatest Treasure. I not only didn't get the Greatest Treasure, I was forced to kill them. You! Wu Liang! If you make Wu Xiang hand in the Greatest Treasure, I'll let you become the leader of Wudang Sect. What about you? I'm the ruler of the martial arts world. Why would I care about a single Wudang Sect? Alright. I'll call Bu Qi here. Go! Father, he's here. Bu Qi, you've seen it. Even if the disciples in Wudang Sect are killed, the leader is not coming out. As a supervisor of Wudang Sect, I need to settle this. How are you going to settle this? The imperial decree is for Leader Wu Xiang. As a leader, he shouldn't avoid the punishment and let his disciples take the blame. This isn't a virtue of a Taoist. I'll make things clear first. No matter what, you shall not hurt my grand master. Hurry up! Stop! Leader. Master. Wu Xiang, you've lost your power. You'll die faster if you use your power forcefully. A new life will only come after death. None can get to handle the rule. Do you understand? This is a command from the imperial court. I can't help either! This is a rule of Wudang Sect. You can't bring a weapon to this almighty Golden Peak. You're a layman of Wudang Sect. Don't you know this rule? Senior, I'm sorry. Alright. If you have something to tell me, go ahead. Hurry up! Hurry up! Go! Hurry up! Ling. Go! I want you to go to the Taoist Collection Pavilion immediately. Later, act according to the situation. Do you remember? You must be careful later. Don't talk! Hurry up! I know! -What are you doing? -Why did you push me? -What are you doing? -Don't touch me! This man... Stand still. Move backwards! Go! Hurry up! Step back! Listen to the order! -Master! -Go! Don't push us! Follow the order! Hurry up! What are you doing? How dare you cause chaos here? Do you want to be killed? Bring them away! Go! Hurry up! -Go! -Hurry up! -Hurry up! -Go! Mou Cang Lang. Have you thought of this? Even if you dominate the martial arts world, what can you change about the martial arts world? Even if you manage to obtain Wudang Sect, what can you earn from Wudang Sect? What do you mean? A strong man might die. A weak man might live. How can you know if a man is strong or weak just in a short time? There's a reason for Wudang Sect's fates. You're right. You are too weak to lead Wudang. Wudang Sect should be lead by a strong man like me instead. This is Wudang Sect's fate. You used your cunning tricks to obtain Wudang Sect. That's just an incident that Wudang Sect couldn't avoid. But it won't affect Wudang Sect's future. Looking at this. My Wudang Sect will have a bright future! You're dying. How dare you talk like that? Master! You are the one who took the red pill secretly? You're right. The red pills that were contributed by Wudang Sect are all in my elixir field. If the pure Yang energy of the red pills didn't collide with Eunuch Wei's pure Yin internal force, I wouldn't have a miraculous body now. Eunuch Wei has always wanted to dominate the world. He only took advantage of the red pills. The pill which Taichang Emperor took is Wudang Sect's fatal poison. These are all our fate. Since Wudang Sect was chosen as the state religion and started to offer the red pills to the imperial court, it is destined to face such a disaster today. Disaster? There are wars everywhere in the world today. The situation of Ming Kingdom is extremely unstable. Although Wudang Sect is the state religion, it never helps the imperial court. Eunuch Wei planned this case of red pill in order to protect the future of Ming Kingdom. Wudang Sect shall sacrifice for it to show loyalty to the imperial court. Everything can only be reborn after death. Everything in this world has its rule. So is Wudang Sect. So is the Ming Kingdom. Such an evil plot must be recorded in history. You will be scolded by the descendants. The history is always written by the winners. Moreover, I have the imperial decree. I have the right to do so. I am part of Wudang Sect as well. The past leaders hoped to see the prosperity of Wudang Sect. So do I. Once I take over the leader's position, I'll help the imperial court to defend against our foreign enemies. I will dominate the martial arts world! I will fight the foreigners and keep our kingdom safe. I am loyal and righteous. By then, who will discriminate against me? I'll be the chief of the whole martial arts world. By then, Wudang Sect shall be the martial arts world. The martial arts world is Wudang Sect. Who are you loyal to? Where's your justice? You're overestimating your self-worth. You underestimated the justice of the people in this world. Wu Xiang, stop nagging. Hand in the No-blade Ancient Sword and all your secret scriptures. I'll let you go easily. No-blade Ancient Sword? There's no such thing. That's just a rumor. I know if it's a rumor! Where is the secret scripture? Hand it out! The scripture is on my body. Come and take it. Wu Xiang! I grow and die. The living things mourn. People cry. But I am freed from the constraints in my life. Slowly, my soul will fade away. My body will follow and finally return to my root. All the fate will return as it was. Yu Jing, why did your horse startled? Stop looking, Yu Jing. You can't see Wudang Sect now. Yes. The path is fine. Why did the horse startle suddenly? Could it be that something happened to Wudang Sect? You're from Wudang, not Mount Mao. Do you know fortune-telling? I'm just feeling anxious. Brother Dong Fang, Wudang... Stop thinking about Wudang. Why did Leader Wu Xiang ask you to go to Shaolin Temple? Isn't it because Wudang Sect is in trouble? You're not going to Shaolin just to treat your sickness, right? I do have a mission. Then why are you wasting time here? Aren't you going? Let's go! Yu Jing! [Suizhou] I read the Book of Documents when I was young. [Suizhou] There is a phrase, "Being worried is like stepping on a tiger's tail and standing on an icy river in early spring." I couldn't understand it no matter how hard my teacher explained. You couldn't feel it? I feel it now. I realized it right away. Just like stepping on a tiger's tail. Just like walking on an icy river in Spring. We might fall into the water anytime. Young Master, you are mature now. What does my maturity have to do with you? It's my business. Since you came to challenge Wudang... Since the Blind Date of Tujia Girls... Since I met you and Miss Qiao Er... Young Master, does Miss Qiao Er like you? Yes... She likes me. She likes to make fun of me! Brother Dong Fang, my sister likes you too. That's true love. She never daydreams back then. Since the Blind Date of Tujia Girls, she always daydreams. She was thinking of you! We're at Suizhou. Let's hurry up! Let's go! -Hurry up! -Go! Hurry up! Leader Wu Xiang burnt himself on Wudang Golden Peak. This... Deep condolences. Supreme Heaven. (How come the Leader did that?) Chevalier Mou Cang Lang is officially the leader of Wudang Sect now. Please kneel down according to the etiquette of the inauguration of a leader, to show your respect. This doesn't make sense! Leader has just passed away. Is he in such a hurry? You're not respecting Wudang Sect at all. -This is too much! -Yes! How can he do this? A new leader is taking over Wudang Sect. This is an important event in the martial arts world. We shall invite the heroes. We shall invite all the sects to witness this. How can we take this event lightly? My father is a leader assigned by His Majesty. The imperial decree is the proof. Why do we need the other sects to witness this? Wudang Sect is the head of the martial arts world. As a new leader of Wudang Sect... You shall follow the procedure even if you're selected by His Majesty. Else, people might not be convinced. How can you dominate the martial arts world? Wu Liang, mind your words. Do you want to accompany Taoist Wu Xiang as well? Mou Cang Lang experienced in the martial arts world on his own. He isn't a disciple of our Wudang Sect. There isn't a grade or nobility to the leader. A leader isn't an official. The imperial decree can't assign our leader. Someone! Arrest him! Go! Hurry up! Go! Hurry up! Go! Stand still! Go! Yu. Father. Do you know why I want to be the leader of Wudang Sect? To learn the secret martial art which can only be learned by leaders of Wudang Sect. To dominate the martial arts world and become the ruler of the martial arts world. You're wrong. Mount Wudang is a mountain of medicines. Besides swordsmanship, Wudang Sect is also the best at alchemy. I don't understand. You have taken the red pills for some time. You have a miraculous body now. What's good about these medicines? We shall always take precautions, in case we need them next time. Do you know why people in the martial arts world, including the top sect, Wudang Sect, can't avoid being controlled by the imperial court? This... I've never thought about that. Because the imperial court has troops. There are wars in this world now. We will have to fight a war for the imperial court sooner or later. I want to use these medicines to form a troop, solely belonging to me. The martial arts world will then be mine. What a wise plan, father. No wonder you want to go to Elixir Pill Room before the Taoist Collection Pavilion. There are many rare medicines in Wudang Sect. Such as Eight Treasures Purple Gold Lozenge. It's hard to refine such medicine. But it is highly effective. Although it can't revive a man, it can cure those who are dying. Of course. The most effective medicine is the red pill. I understand now. You kept the Taoists for the alchemy. You're smart! But... Since this is the case, you shouldn't have hurt Wu Se. He's in charge of the alchemy room. You're wrong. I hurt him deliberately in front of the Taoist alchemists. So they would listen to me. Bring them in! Bring them in! Father, they are here. Leader, I've brought them here. You! Bring the medicine I've prepared out. Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Take it! Take it! Open your mouth! How dare you bite me? Open your mouth. Open your mouth and eat it. You wouldn't? You, open your mouth. Open your mouth. Everybody, attention. Make sure all of them take this medicine. Lu Han. Open your mouth. Remember, give them an antidote every seven days. Open your mouth. I heard that the collections of the Taoist Collection Pavilion are sword recipes or secret books. Any one of these books would be worth a lot of money. This is something that the whole world knows. Don't move. Stand up. What are you doing? Stand up. Hold on. Don't move. Go left. No. Go right. OK. That's it. Don't move now. Wu Niang, there are only both of us here, and there won't be anyone else coming soon. How about... Hey, you. What are you thinking about? I'm doing something important. Stay out of my way. OK. Go. The most important thing in Mount Wudang is here. The most important thing is here. Everything will eventually return to its original place. Everything will go back to the origin. Everything will be at the original place. Let's find the if there is any secret Hall or chamber, whatever. No need. The Taoist Collection Pavilion is set up personally by Leader Wu Xiang. Without hints, it's hard to find something from all these books. So what should we do? This note is a hint. The state of life and death is ever-changing. Release the natural restraints. I got it. Got it? What? It's here. Here? According to the hint of Leader Wu Xiang, life comes before death. We should find the door of life first, then enter the door of death. Release and destroy the natural restrictions. The soul is about to get away from the chaos and confusion. This is the location we are looking for. We got it. You are amazing. Check out what's inside. Got it. Sister Shui Ling, you're not only pretty, but also so smart. Let's go. How come I meet you old woman again? What did you say? The thing I hate most is someone mentioning the word "old" in front of me. Can you say the right words? Let me say it again. You, old, woman. You! How dare you hit me? Qiao Er. You've gone too far. Since you have no manners, let me teach you for your parents. Say something. Say something like you just did. Say it. Wu Niang, It's important to get down to work. Bad girl, do you think I'm weak? Let me see it first. Enough. Put it back. You're so stupid. They only asked us to get the Pure Yang Wuji Power Mental Skills, without mentioning this 72-Way Life Capturing Swordsmanship. You're so smart. Of course. That's it. Er Ye, are we just leaving without leaving anything to these two girls? Yes. I'm not that stingy. What are you going to do? What a pity. You are about to turn to dust. The dust of incense. Take it. Zheng Tie Gang. Tang Er. Both of you should bully two little girls. Shame on you. Bastard, give it to me! You bastard, wouldn't you be embarrassed to say something like that? Wu Niang, let's go. Go. Old bastard. Grandpa. As my granddaughter, you can't even beat them? They attacked us sneakingly. Yes, they played tricks, Grandpa Zheng. Right. Let's go. Taoist Collection Pavilion. Chevalier Mou. Chevalier Mou, the Taoist Collection Pavilion... Chief Mou, Congratulations on taking Wudang Sect, the top sect in this world. You'll be the ruler of the martial arts world. Under your leadership, the Wudang Sect will definitely... Cut the crap. What happened to the Taoist Collection Pavilion? Taoist Collection Pavilion is on fire. What? On fire? Zheng Tie Gang did it. The Lone Bandit, Zheng Tie Gang set the fire. Zheng Tie Gang? The junior brother of Wu Xiang. This bastard is haunting everywhere. You were there for so long, have you noticed anything unusual before the fire? -Yes. -No. Well, almost. This is all because Zheng Tie Gang suddenly appeared. Yes. We can't defeat him. We fought with him for two hours but still couldn't stop him from setting the fire. It took us a lot of effort to rescue the box from the fire. We dare not open it without your permission. This is Wudang's elementary sword recipe, even a novice masters it. How could it be! This must be a conspiracy! It's a trap! They must have made it up and let us get the wrong one on purpose. Right. It's Wu Xiang's conspiracy. He would rather burn it than give it to us. Wu Xiang, how could you do that? Then I will not take into account our brotherhood. Someone, send the command. Bring everyone on Mount Wudang to the Arena. Yes. Yi Yu. Father. Do you think that there is a conspiracy that Wu Liang and Wu Xiang turned against each other, as well as Wu Liang's obedience to you? Father, Wu Liang was about to be on our side, for I promised the leadership of Wudang. But now, father yourself have taken over it. There is no incentive left for him to fulfill the deal. Father, in my opinion, it's not a conspiracy that Wu Liang and Wu Xiang turned against each other. OK. I'll deal with Wu Liang. You go after Lone bandit. You deal with Zheng Tie Gang. Bring him to me, alive or dead. I got it. The Taoist Collection Pavilion is ruined. Don't worry, kids. We'll rebuild it someday. Grandpa, this place is full of imperial guards. It's not safe here. We'd better leave right now. OK. Let's go. Go. Search carefully. Get scattered. Don't miss any corner. Be careful. Don't tangle with them. Let's go. Old beggar, where are you going? Brat, how dare you get in my way? You've been in hiding for so many years, you already changed your weapon. This is the Dog-beating Stick from the Beggar Sect. Grandpa, don't talk crap to him. You two get out of here. Go. Leader Mou, Zheng Tie Gang and the two girls have broken out of the encirclement and are fleeing down the mountain. Block the mountain. If you can't catch them, don't come back. Yes, Leader Mou. Father, let me catch them. It's so dangerous. Just leave it to them. I think I still need to go to see. Great, that's the way we from the Mou Family are. Go ahead. Stop. Get down the mountain. Grandpa. Go. This place is full of our people. Where do you want to go? You are out of your depth. Let me take you down first. Go. Qiao Er. There are too many of them. We have to help Grandpa. They can't defeat Grandpa. But if we are there, it will bring trouble to him instead. Go now. I didn't expect you to be this strong. Cut the crap. Show me your power. Do you think that the two girls will succeed once you lure us here? Crazy Woman, do you think my children are useless? You should care more about yourself. You can't even protect yourself now. No need to talk with him. I won't tangle with you. Chase him. Where do you want to go? Qiao Er, run. Don't care about me. Mou Yi Yu, as a man, don't you feel shameful to catch a girl? Let Sister Shui Ling go. Stop talking. Go. You can't defeat him. Go. Hold on, Sister Shui Ling. I'll find Grandpa. Get in. Hurry up. Now they have escaped and the sword book has been burned. Is this the welcome gift you give me as the new Leader? We found half of the sword book. Give it to me. It's not a sword book at all. Can't you even figure this out? OK. Since Wudang's sword books have all been burned, you will have to demonstrate it yourselves. Bring them to the Arena. Go. Hurry up. Grandpa. Grandpa. Let's go. Qiao Er? Where is Miss Lan? Sister Shui Ling is caught by Mou Yi Yu. We must save her. Go. No. There are too many people. Even if I go, I can't save Miss Lan. So you won't go? Alright. I'll go alone. I'll fight with them till I die. Stop. Grandpa. Let's go. We can't let them kill Sister Shui Ling. -Let's go now. -Listen to me. Now the Mount Wudang is controlled by Mou Cang Lang. If we want to save her, we have to find a good opportunity. Listen to me, leave Wudang, and go to find Jing. Why should I find him? Tell him not to come back to Wudang. I'll save Miss Lan. But can you do it alone? Only when my dear granddaughter is not with me can I boldly kill the enemy. Understand? Yes. Then I'll do as you wish. Grandpa, be careful. Go. Write all these down. Finished? Stop practicing. Looks like Grand Master Bu Hui can't stand it. What do you want to say? People should know what they ought to do and not to do. Mou Cang Lang. since you have become the Leader, why do you persecute the disciples so much? Since you are a woman, let me explain it for you. Zheng Tie Gang. set fire to Wudang's centuries-old scrolls. As the new leader, for the prosperity of the entire Wudang, I can only do this. I aim to make sure the efforts of generations are not wasted, and bring the complete Wudang skills to the next generation. Let me see who dares to move. Bu Hui, are you trying to let me use force on you for being so stubborn? Father. Go. Go. Don't play tricks. Where did you get this beauty? Father, she's Lan Shui Ling, sister of Lan Yu Jing. Shui Ling. Master. Don't move. Listen, just give up. Your master can't ever take care of herself. She can't save you. Let go of Lan Shui Ling. Just come for me. Grand Master, it's all up to you. Shui Ling, are you okay? Keep practicing. Keep practicing. Keep practicing. Write all these down. Stop. Yu Jing, why do you stop? No. My eyelids keep fluttering. I'm worried about my sister. That's it? I've told you that your sister is with Grand Master Bu Hui. Besides, Senior Zheng and Qiao are there too. It doesn't matter. Turn back. I'll go back to Mount Wudang. I have to pick up my sister. Stop. Yu Jing, do you think that you can come and leave Mount Wudang as you wish? You are so weak, Miss Lan needs to protect you. I know I'm not good at sword now. We might as well stay here for a few days and compete in swordplay. Once you get progress, I'll come back to Mount Wudang with you, to pick up Miss Lan. What do you think? OK. Move forward. OK. It is said that the most important sword books are not in the Taoist Collection Pavilion. Is that right? Yes. In the past, it's all in the hands of old Wu Xiang. How about the Pure Yang Wuji Power Mental Skills? It's the treasure of Wudang. Of course, it's with old Wu Xiang. So where is it? Well, I don't know. He must have already prepared a countermeasure. It's impossible for me to find it. Actually, I got some clues. Tell me. A few days before, he had secretly met with Lan Yu Jing, his disciple and pretended to expel him in order for him to escape. So could that treasure be related to this brat? Where is Lan Yu Jing? According to Bu Qi, he went to Shaolin. Shaolin? He was born obstreperous. A few days ago, he took the red pills secretly, causing an imbalance in his internal force and suffering internal injuries. Only Shaolin's method of regulating the internal breath can keep him alive. I lose again. Yu Jing, it's impossible to defeat me in such a short period. Brother Dong Fang. Qiao Er. why are you here? Leader Wu Xiang died. Mou Cang Lang took over Mount Wudang, and caught all disciples there. Grand Master died? No. I must seek revenge on Mou Cang Lang. Yu Jing. No, you can't go! Stay right here! Lan Yu Jing. Neophyte like you, can't revenge for Leader Wu Xiang. Wudang is being doomed. How can a disciple of Wudang like me just sit here doing nothing? Yu Jing! Lan Yu Jing! Just clear your mind. Elder Wu Liang, Taoist Bu Qi and Grand Master Bu Hui, they are all stronger than you. If they can't save Wudang, you can't do it with your poor skills, and you'll die there. Even if I die, I will die on Mount Wudang. You can't. Yu Jing, you can't go back. Grandpa told me that you must not go back. But I have to see Grand Master again. He brought me up, and I can't be disobedient to him. Yu Jing. How can you not understand the painstaking effort Wu Xiang put into you? He expelled you to keep you away from the place of trouble. But now you're so eager to send your life away. You want his last effect to be in vain? You too smart to be blinded like this. Don't be impetuous! It never ends well being impetuous. I must see him through to the end. Yu Jing. Yu Jing. Qiao Er. I'm fine. Grand Master, you can't die. What should I do without you? I lost my parents before, now I lost you. Who should I rely on in the future? Lan Yu Jing, I've told you that only when you make progress can you go back. Have you forgotten? Piss off. Don't bother me. Dong Fang Liang, take it. Since you cannot even beat me, how can you beat Mou Cang Lang? Dong Fang Liang, you bastard. Let me go. Yu Jing, you should stop obsessing. Brother Dong Fang, Grand Master died unfairly. If I can't see him through to the end, I'll never feel at peace. Leader Wu Xiang won't care about this. How are you doing with the tasks he gave you? If you promised but failed to do, his death will truly be in vain. Understand? Leader Wu Xiang died with great purpose. He died for Wudang. He died to protect the disciples of Wudang, and preserve the foundations of generations. But you, what have you done for Wudong in your previous 18 years? So, so I'm bullshit. I'm bullshit. Grand Master, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for Wudang. Stop. Yu Jing. Yu Jing, Wudang is in danger now. There is nothing we can do or change even if we go back. Since Leader Wu Xiang and Grandpa are preventing us from returning to Mount Wudang, there must be a reason. Miss Qiao Er, you're right. Now that Wudang is in a mess, how is Miss Lan? Yes, where is my sister? Where is she? Please be calm after I tell you the whereabouts of Sister Shui Ling. What happened to my sister? She was caught by Mou Yi Yu. No wonder I've been feeling uneasy. Yu Jing. -Yu Jing! -Yu Jing! Calm down. We'll figure out a way. Before we figure it out, my sister could die already. Let's hear her out. What Mou Cang Lang wants is the secret scroll of Wudang, but it's not with Sister Shui Ling now, so she is safe for the time being. They come for me. It's all my fault. I got her involved. Qiao Er, Yu Jing, you two go to Shaolin Temple first. I'll go to Mount Wudang to save Miss Lan. No, you can't. Brother Dong Fang, you can't go back. Now Mou Yi Yu is searching for you. If you go back now, you'll be caught by them. But I can't leave Shui Ling in danger. We will save Sister Shui Ling. My grandpa said that he'll find a way to save her. He can do it. Really? Yes. Don't you believe my grandpa? His martial arts are superior. Grandpa and I have agreed to send letters by pigeon. Once he saves Sister Shui Ling, he'll bring her to us. Yu Jing, now you don't have to worry. Grand Master, can you see me? I promise you that I'll put my all efforts on practicing martial arts to complete your tasks. And then I'll go back to Wudang to take revenge for you. Brother Dong Fang, can you help me correct the wrong moves of swordsmanship? I beg you. Yu Jing, you can practice with me. OK.
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Keywords: 超酷影院, 2023ChineseDrama, 2023中国电视剧, 武当一剑, wudangsword, ChineseDrama, 中国电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, 好看中国电视剧, 动作, 大陸電視劇, 古裝, Costume&Period, 武俠, 動作, 中國功夫, 家國情懷, 金庸, 小說改編, 功夫, 功夫片, fightscen, 于非凡, 柴碧云, 周航, 孙佳雨, 梁羽生, 武当, 剑客
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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