【GC model world:選購指南】IWATA最強空壓機IS975開箱評測!看它到底在貴幾點?讓你的模型作品更精細!

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Today's unboxing is the IWATA IS975 oil-free air compressor! Whether you are a beginner brush painter looking for a suitable entry-level air compressor? or an experienced spray painter seeking a more advanced one let's explore the differences between the IWATA IS975 and other air compressors to meet your needs. sakura What I am sharing is just my personal user experience. If there are any questions or differing opinions, please feel free to leave a comment below for discussion. Let me first talk about why I wanted to switch air compressors. There were two reasons for me to switch air compressors. The first one is that my AS186S started to malfunction after about a year of use. It could still run, but couldn't fill up with air pressure. I then took it apart and found that some parts were damaged. I had to create identical parts using aluminum plates to fix the problem. The second reason is that as the usage time and frequency increased I began to experience unstable air pressure and the compressor would shut down. After thorough checking, I determined that the shutdown issue was likely due to overheating of the capacitor. The compressor's performance was inconsistent. and it would operate normally for up to 30 minutes, but then its temperature would rise and it would shut down. I opened up the module and increased heat dissipation, which solved the shutdown problem. However, the unstable air pressure issue still persisted, so I decided to get a new air compressor. I would recommend that you pay attention to the following points when selecting an air compressor. First, consider extra air storage space. When spray painting, it's common to need to stop and start frequently. If there is no air storage tank constantly turning the compressor on and off can be very inconvenient. Additionally, if you don't turn the compressor off for long periods of time it can easily overheat. Second, consider stable noise levels. The sound of each air compressor varies with some having high-pitched frequencies and others having low-pitched frequencies. Some compressors also have a significant change in sound from startup to when the air tank is full. The IS975 has minimal sound variation from zero to full with a low-pitched sound that I find acceptable. However, everyone has different tolerance levels for noise so it's best to listen and observe carefully to find a compressor that suits your needs. Third, stable air pressure. If the air pressure fluctuates too much, it will be difficult to control the amount of air released. Most air compressors perform well at the beginning but those with poor workmanship may not perform as well over time. Of course, their price may be relatively cheap. There are many air compressors that can meet the above three requirements, so why choose the IWATA IS975? I have always loved IWATA's airbrushes because of their excellent craftsmanship and quality. In addition, their nozzle structure is designed without an O-ring, making them very easy to clean compared to other brands of airbrushes. I don't have to worry about solvent erosion causing poor airtightness and obstructed airflow. Let's get back on track. No matter how good the airbrush is, it still needs an air compressor to operate. Let's take a look at what sets this IS975 priced at NTD 17,000 apart. The models being compared are the AS186S I have compiled the basic information of both models for reference. From the above information, we can see that there are differences in the contents of the two air compressors. In terms of the water filter,the IS975 has an additional layer of black explosion-proof material on the outside of the filter and it also has an extra filter because it supports dual-pen operations with different air pressures. You can enjoy the fun of spraying with your friends or your significant other. Of course, if you don't have this need, installing a one-to-many adapter or a quick coupler on other air compressors is also a good choice. IS975 already has a quick connector, but for the purity of the air I also install a filter with activated carbon separately.The quick-release location seems to be of little use. In addition, the IS975 comes with three US-style airbrush adapter fittings! If you are a user of Japanese or Taiwanese airbrushes this thing is like having extra parts on the board, and has no use for you. You can just ignore it. There is one more thing that was the biggest incentive for me to purchase the IS975 and that is the intake air filter. Painting operations often come with a lot of dust, and although there is a suction system that helps to prevent most of the dust from falling, The dust, debris, and pet hair are sucked into the air compressor which reduces its lifespan. Another thing that was a big incentive for me to purchase the IS975 was its impressive appearance. Just look at that mesmerizing matte finish, oh...wait!? I mean, the metal casing that was installed to increase safety making it not only safe but also extremely heavy. If you're someone who wants to work out and has financial freedom,you can buy two and use them as dumbbells! It also has two pen holders on top. If you're someone who places the air compressor on a desk, you can save money on buying an additional pen holder. Personally, I prefer to place it on the ground. The power module is enclosed in a metal casing to enhance heat dissipation allowing for longer periods of continuous use. The dual-layer shock-absorbing rubber of IS975 makes it more stable than other air compressors. If the ventilation system is turned on, you can hardly feel its presence. After all the talk, let's take a look at the practical performance of the IWATA IS975! I don't know if anyone has noticed, but when the IWATA IS975 releases air the pressure reduction is relatively slow and smooth, resulting in a very delicate spraying sensation. I wonder if everyone is satisfied with the performance of the IWATA IS975? Personally, I am very satisfied. Where can you buy it? For viewers in Taiwan who need it. please contact him and tell him I recommended it. Maybe the price will be cheaper? Finally, I want to tell everyone that if you like our video or if our video has helped you please subscribe, like, and share it. Don't forget to turn on the notification bell! See you next time! Bye~
Channel: GC model world
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Keywords: diorama, ガンダム, GC模型世界, model, मॉडलखिलौना, Môhìnhđồchơi, ของเล่นจำลอง, GUNDAM, 模型噴漆, 모형, 模型, GAIA, 場景製作, MG, 製作過程, 盒繪場景, 4K, 微縮模型, GC, gc, RG, mg, pg, 軍模, TAMIYA, BANDAI, 筆塗, 場景, 模型製作, HG, carmodel, scalemodel, カーモデル, 人偶塗裝, スプレーアート, 星空塗裝, 噴畫, ガンプラ全塗装, GC model world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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