【Full Movie】中國軍人被斬首示眾,女功夫高手從天而降營救,最終手刃敵首 ⚔️ 抗日 功夫 | Kung Fu
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Channel: Gun King - 无敌枪王
Views: 18,735,429
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Keywords: Gun King - 无敌枪王, masterSamurai, 特种兵, 狙击手, 武术, martial arts, 战地枪王, martial arts fight, english movies 2023 full movie, 少林功夫, kickboxing, Chinese television dramas, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, eight route army, Second Sino-Japanese War, MMA, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 武侠神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, battle scenes, kungfu movie, action movie, 空手道, best action movie, 監獄, 擂台, 比武, 功夫大師, 战争打斗场面, 最佳打斗场面, Kung Fu, 仙侠片, 武打电视剧, Chinese Kongfu
Id: g8AXXd5o2qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 51sec (3291 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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