【Full Movie】女孩上錯車,沒想到司機竟然是飛機機長,一段意想不到的戀情開始了 💗 Chinese Television Dramas

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Thank you, Sister Angkor Wenli, I have looked at you differently recently. Is the scandal between the two of you really true? Don’t care about that mess. Read the flight manual more when you have time. You know, do n’t I care about Angkor’s lifelong happiness? Lifelong happiness means don’t talk to the flight attendants. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Xiao Jin wants to treat you to big Australian beef in the evening. How do we arrange it? Hold the sword tightly and shine brightly. How about it? How about we meet up with our buddies in Australia tonight? Maybe another day. I've been doing well lately. I finally gave you a fat salary. What's even more beautiful is that I have two days off before I flew to Australia. I always come and go in a hurry. I'll go back right away after one night. I have two days off here. It's fun. There's a diving resort here! It's not enough for me to go diving in the sky. You have to go into the sea. You are really very capable. You can play for fun, but I have professional skills. Our airline is absolutely top-notch. That plane pulled up at the beginning of the promotional video of our airline. That’s me. I was in the plane and the photo was taken of me. You are so capable. Why don’t your brothers and sisters who are in the same class as you be leaders? Instructor, you have to work hard to be a firefighter. You don’t understand. My professional skills are absolutely good, so the company leaders cannot do without me. They must let me work on the front line. Did n’t I tell you that I bought something? Don’t worry. I met your brother when I arrived. Do you want to talk to him? But he is driving. Let's not talk about it. You two have fun. Hurry up and find a boyfriend. Don't worry about me all the time. Hear, how can you have time without me? Xiao Ou, you are like this I've just arrived and haven't rested for two days. Can your body handle it? It doesn't matter. I'm here this time. I'm pressed for time and I can't take care of any urgent tasks. Didn't I tell you what you want to buy? Send me a message on WeChat. Okay. Please pay attention to your safety. Have fun. Bye. Are you tired? How long is it? Two hours. We're almost there. I'll take a nap first. Call me when you get there. Otherwise, you can sleep in the back. It will be more comfortable. I'll find a place to stop later. That's it. Thank you, bye. These are yours. Thank you. Sorry. I walked by you alone and had nothing to say to you. I looked at you without knowing it. Girl, when did your singing become so ugly? How did you get here? What do you want? The robber actually stole our car. My boyfriend can talk. Chinese, right? Tell me, what kind of picture do you want, my car or my person? Look in the mirror and see if you are worth it. Then why are you getting in my car? Did you ask for my consent? This is our car and I am my man. My friend rented it from a car rental company. You've been following us for a long time. What did you do to my boyfriend and say I'm following you? Do you know this is called persecutory paranoia? Return your rental car. This is my rental car. Take a look at it for yourself. The model, make, and my name of the car are all on it. Check it for yourself. Don’t move. You can’t get into the wrong car, can you? It’s impossible. It only took me two minutes to go to the bathroom. How could I get into the wrong car by mistake? You, too. Don't rush to tell me. Could it be that you drove the wrong car? Understand. That's it. Thank you. Goodbye. Thank you. You're welcome. Let's go. Do you know that this kind of car is everywhere in the world? It's everywhere. It's all over the street. It doesn't matter where it's parked. There must be only one for me. I'm sorry. It seems that I really got on the wrong bus. Can you please take me back to the rest stop? My boyfriend must be waiting for me there. If you get on the wrong bus, get on the wrong bus. Have a better attitude. Are you calling me a robber and thief now? You know you've given in, right? You quickly call your boyfriend and ask him to come pick you up. I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom just now. I didn't bring it with me. Thank you. I can't remember his number. How old are you? Born in the 1990s. I can't remember my boyfriend. Friend’s phone number: Then why are you out here traveling? Are you the kind of kid whose parents have saved up most of their lives to send you to study abroad? How much do you care about me? Do you understand me? Why should you treat my life like this? If you hadn't locked the car, I wouldn't have gotten into the wrong car. Okay, okay, okay, I won't tell you. I wo n't go back anyway. You know, you can take a car and go back to your boyfriend. Is it okay? I just got here today. I'm not familiar with the place. Who can give me a ride? This should be a main road. You see the cars coming and going. You are like this. You point at that car. What do you mean by giving me a thumbs up? If I give you a thumbs up, you can stop the car and take me back. Do you understand? Then you can hitch a ride here while I leave. Hey, hey, hey, hey. You are so ungentlemanly, you guys born in the 1970s. How did Wenwu learn from Lei Feng when we were young? When you see your compatriots in distress in a foreign land, can't you lend a helping hand? Now you think I am a compatriot. Just now you said I was a robber. You young people now, just don't take yourself too seriously, you know? Let you really think that you are the pride of heaven, that is, the hypocrisy of heaven. Wait a minute, think about it, and think about what I just said. Hey, come up. You just let me fend for myself. What are you doing when you come back? Listen, okay. Yeah, if you want to act coquettishly, wait until you are alive to see your boyfriend before you act like a spoiled brat. You are right. I am an unearthed cultural relic, but my education tells me that I cannot put others in dangerous situations without helping you. In case something happens here. What happened and someone tried to get rich and killed her? It's on the news. I don't want to be famous with you. I know you're afraid of being struck by lightning. If you don't, I'll just treat it as a good intention. Get in the car, get in the car, Ye Xin, your boyfriend is probably I'm determined to dump you, right? It's impossible. He must not have noticed that I got off the car. He probably hasn't noticed it yet. Then I can only tell you that I sympathize with you. Just wait here slowly for him to find out that you got off. He will come back to pick you up when you get off the bus. How is that possible? What if he hasn't found it yet at the destination? Then he's stupid. I'm telling you this. Who is to blame? It's your fault. Just give him a call and everything will be solved. You know, but you just don’t remember your boyfriend’s phone number. You are so stupid. I don’t believe you. You don’t remember anyone’s phone number. I remember my bestie’s phone number. Quick, quick, quick. You’re really good at fire prevention, theft prevention, and girlfriend protection. You don’t even know how to remember your boyfriend. I have to call your bestie. Don’t pretend to understand. My bestie is my boyfriend’s sister. Hello, Ye Xin. Where have you been? Where are you now? I always thought you were in the car at the rest stop just now. I went to the restroom and got on the wrong bus. What's going on now? I'm back to pick you up. I'm back at the rest stop. Where are you? I'll be there in about an hour. You're almost there. It doesn't matter. Just wait for me. Don't be afraid. Ah, I'm coming back to pick you up now. He said he's coming back to pick me up. Don't, don't, don't. I'm going to that place. When I told you, you were going to that place just now. We are the same place. I'll take you there to meet him. Continue. Drive forward, continue to drive forward. It’s been a while. It’s so beautiful. It’s so spectacular. It’s a pity that you didn’t see it with your lover, right ? I also feel it’s a pity. I think this beautiful scenery is good to see by myself. There’s someone next to me. The chatter here with me is so noisy that I am so annoyed that I can’t even read or speak. Why don’t you speak? Do you have no words or do you dare not speak? Are you afraid of making me anxious? If you become anxious, I will throw you down and throw you halfway. I'm taking you with me, right? I'm not afraid of you leaving me on the road. I just looked at your driver's license and wrote down your ID number. I wrote it down. I don't believe you dare to bully me again. Can you remember your boyfriend's phone number? Wait, you took one look at my ID card and it slipped away. That's great. You and my boyfriend have been set as the shortcut key No. 1 to find him. I just press one and it's OK. Who still remembers phone numbers? Who is so boring that he memorizes a bunch of numbers by heart ? Is n’t that boring? Some people really have to memorize all those numbers at a glance, and they can’t make mistakes. If you make a mistake, your life may be at stake. You know, is it that exaggerated? Nowadays, technology is changing rapidly and there is cloud space. How can I still use the human brain to remember those numbers? I won't talk to you anymore. You don't understand anything I say. I won't talk to you. I won't speculate. Drive your car. What are you laughing at, sheep? You put this on so you can pee. The scenery on the road is not bad. You still have it. I'm joking. Big brother, I just took a look at our cars. They are indeed very similar. Thank you. It's okay. I'm only wasting you three little elbows. You've been waiting for a long time. Can you talk? I owe you too much. I originally wanted to say thank you to you, but I still have to say it. Isn’t it because you are too careless? I am careless. You ran out so far by yourself and didn’t realize that I was not in the car. You still said that I was careless. It’s my fault. I forgot. You will definitely faint if you are too tired. Brother, why don't you go to that island? Why don't we treat you to dinner at noon to express our gratitude? Then we can go together. No, no, no, no, I have a lot to do, so let's have a drink in the evening. I still have work. No drinking within 48 hours. You guys can have fun. I'm going to the island. Okay. I'll see you later. Thank you. What's your attitude? It's okay to just say thank you. He's kind enough to drive you over. He's not kind. He can't help it. I just found out that I took the wrong bus and they put me on the road and asked me to ride by myself. This is true. But if I met such a beautiful girl on the road, I would definitely not dare to stop. That’s not the point. The point is his self-righteous look. It’s true. Besides, our own schedule is quite full, why let him take half a day to get on the boat? It's okay, let's go, let's go, I'll help you get it. Everyone, the waves are very big today, and the surface conditions are not good. If anyone has a heart disease, please don't go into the sea. If you If you have no snorkeling experience before, please stay on the boat. Pregnant women and children, please don't go into the water because the waves are so strong. Otherwise, I'll kindly remind you that we'll have to wait another day. I 've already emphasized it several times. Beginners, as for beginners, don't go into the water. We can do it now. Have we set off ? This is a deep dive. Let’s go to your place called snorkeling. You can play slowly. Everyone, let’s go. They seem to be the captain. Captain, please give me a hand. Are you okay? She scared herself and her legs are cramping. You give her a break. Just the big toe. If you show up out of the blue like this, anyone would be shocked. She thinks I 'm either a shark or a robber. You're my nightmare. I get cramps when I see you as a reflex. There are so many people diving there. When you see me, you react conditionedly. You are making too much of a fuss. I tell you, you are talking about physical fitness. No, and I haven’t done any activities before. I didn’t tell you how good this place is. I will dive again by myself. Thank you, it’s okay. Let's play by ourselves. Do you want to drink some water? Look, these clouds look fake. It's like a painting, right? Let's get some sun. Let's go back and have a rest. Let's go and have some ice cream. This makes me very embarrassed. Others think I'm peeking at others. I look, I look. I see that Xiao Ou is in good shape. You didn't swim today. Come on. What a coincidence. Go and say thank you to him. Why do I get annoyed when I see him? But he saved your life today. Let me embarrass you in front of so many people. I don't have the same aura with him. It's best to avoid you. Plus that time in the morning, he helped you twice a day. He helped you twice a day, so I can't stand you. It’s time to say thank you. Listen, I’ll go to the front desk to get the room key. I’ll come over to you later. Our family, Lin Xiaoou, is the most polite girl in the world. Thank you. Thank you for the diving thing. No need to thank you. Everyone would do this when I encounter this situation in the sea. Well, then I will withdraw and you wait a moment. Since we are destined to meet again, I will tell you a few more words. Young people should be calm when traveling outside and not be so explosive all the time. It's not good to get mad at Mao when something happens. Besides, you said you're young, and you always want to talk to others in an educational tone. That's not okay. Teachers don't talk to students like that anymore. If you talk like that, you won't be able to teach good students. Speaking of physical fitness, I am the captain. What do I do? The captain is too important. There are hundreds of people on a plane. Their life safety is all entrusted to the captain. If my physical fitness is not good, how dangerous it will be. I will doze off. So where is my body? Why did Bel stick avoid everyone and fall into the water? I didn’t touch him. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. She’s not usually such a brother. I’ll leave tomorrow and won’t see her again. You still have to think about her all your life. Think about it, think about it again. What did you say? You pushed him into the water. He didn't have that. Don't worry. His water quality is so good that he won't be drowned. Then let's eat. Sir, I'm very sorry. I'll pick one up for you. Did n't you say that after graduation? Do you want to go back to China to find a job? The resume you submitted did not include my major. I am just worried that there will be no particularly good development after returning to China. You know that our research laboratory is the most advanced in the world, so I want to accumulate more experience and produce some results before going back. You mean us? It doesn't matter if you have to continue your long-distance relationship. You can come here. Look at the air and environment here. The air and environment here are very suitable for life. I came all the way from the United States to apply to come back to China to teach. It's not for the sake of the air and environment. Why is there one man and one man? When dating a girl, she has to sacrifice her career to pursue Xiaoou. You know, I respect you and your career very much. It is already a great thing to be admitted to Wharton International by yourself and not by relying on any connections. Of course If you want to be a teacher, no problem. Now that Chinese is spoken all over the world, there are many Chinese children here. They need a good teacher like you. If you can come over, wouldn’t that kill two birds with one stone? I’m here to persuade you to go back. Now you’re making such a move. If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come all the way here to get angry. In fact, the way I thought of it was because I wanted you to come and stay with me. I could look at you every day, hold your hand, feel your body temperature, feel your body temperature, and you would be happy. I can share with you when you are uncomfortable. I can take care of you. I know it is very difficult for you to make such a choice now. Just think of it as it is for me and for us. Think about it carefully. I promise to do it for us too. In the future home, I will try my best to believe in me because I am afraid that I really don’t know how to survive without you. You, a man with a science major, suddenly become so disgusting. Suddenly, I feel so disgusting. I can’t adapt. I am serious. Trust me, help me peel it off first. Peeling one crab may not be enough, Captain Zheng. I know Captain Zheng. I asked about the passport and it will take about a week to get it. Why don't you find someone to help me first? What are you talking about? You are a veteran pilot. How can you be such an amateur? Do you still want to do it? I know, I know it's all my fault this time. I'm so sorry, Captain Zheng. I will definitely make up for it in the future, okay? I'll wait until you come back and give me a deep self-examination. Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you've been spending some time here. Why are you still like this when you are in a fake state? I am flying. I guessed that I am more tired than flying, so I came to pick you up. Why are you so free? You didn't fly. Today is such a special day, so I asked for leave. Team Zheng asked me to come to you. I know what you said. We must get together when we have time. That's good. Goodbye. I'm back from the trip. I had a lot of fun. I even lost my passport. I said Wu Zheng. If you are a young man in his twenties or thirties. I scolded you today. You are also an old pilot. Is it embarrassing for you to make such a mistake ? It's me. I have been deeply reviewing myself every day. I have embarrassed our team. I'm sorry. Please give me some time. I will definitely make up for my mistakes in the ministry announcement and my mistakes in obeying. I have to write a 2,000-word review that is both in-depth and profound. It must make people burst into tears. Thank you. I'm going back to sleep. You should go back quickly. You can go back and sleep for a while. I'm calling you. Do n't bother me. I'm all tired from hard work. No, I've been preparing for this birthday for a long time. You must come to celebrate your birthday. Then have fun with your friends. I won't go. I didn't prepare any gifts. 953R3 953R3 I've prepared it for you. This is not my style. It doesn't matter. You go back and rest quickly. 33R3 When the time comes, when we meet at the old dock, when we meet at the old dock, it's okay, buy the old dock, buy the old dock, okay, you can Send me that address on your mobile phone. Then you must come. OK, OK, OK. I'll go there now. Come back and have some drinks tonight. OK. OK, OK, come back. Auntie is back. My dear, this is a gift for you. Thank you. Yeah, this is not interesting. Let's give you a surprise. Thank you for going home and unpacking it. Thank you. I also have my perfume. Thank you for the fragrance. This is my gift. Thank you. What is this ? What is this? I won't tell you. Thank you for being such a scheming partner. The more, why hasn’t that Wu Zheng come yet? Yes, why has n’t he come yet? Maybe he will come in a while, no matter, no matter, no matter, accept my gift first, this, this, what, what, little secret, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. He is so handsome. I do n’t need to introduce him. We all know him, right? We have flown together with Wu Zheng many times. Captain Wu is also very skilled. I haven’t flown together before, but I’ve heard a lot about this scandal. This is a gift for you. It’s such a big box. It’s so handsome. It looks so cool on the inside, but it’s so romantic on the inside. There are so many flowers. Amazing, how did you know I like roses? Open it quickly. This is a proposal. Put the ring on, put it on, put it on. It’s too bright. Oh my god, the size is just right. Thank you, it must be the right size. Because you bought it yourself. I don’t want to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha. What about the gift you bought? I sent you the ring. I didn’t buy it. Everyone, go on. I’m sorry. I’ll withdraw it first. What does this mean? What’s going on? This is what I bought myself. Why did it go away? Another scandal. What's the big deal? You were too disrespectful to me just now. I originally wanted to wait until the party was over, but you just made the matter bigger, so I'll forget it. I've already said it. Hello, you two. Could you please give me something to drink? Two glasses of water. Thank you. You usually create some scandals about me. I can tolerate it. But you can’t plot against me. How could I plot against you? I really like you. I know you like me, but love cannot be wishful thinking. And I am right. You used to be a little bit too, but what you did today, you see, you pushed me out directly. It was my friend’s idea. Your friend helped you with the idea. What about your brain? Why are you doing this to me? I don’t understand why I’m not good enough for you. It’s not that you’re not good enough for me. I mean, we’re not suitable for each other in terms of age, occupation, and personality. What’s wrong with many flight attendants marrying captains? If you don’t like both of them, Flying in the sky, I can transfer to the ground to work as a ground handler. Or I can resign. Don’t talk so much. Don’t talk so far. We have known each other for such a long time. I will give you a few words for free. No matter whether you marry this or that, don’t think about these things. It’s better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. Didn’t your former colleague, the flight attendant, marry a rich man? Do you remember how glorious it was? Less than a year later, the rich man went bankrupt. Why did he still have to bring his children to work hard? I am a straight man, but I If you like feminists, why don't you become a person that I respect and admire? What I've said so much is just to stop asking me to try my best to influence you. You're not trying to influence me. I don't think you 're just a captain. More, but I spend money lavishly. I don’t necessarily have as much savings as you. Waiter, waiter, where’s the water? No, no, no. I’m going, I’m going, I’m going to get the water. Hello, thank you. Xiao Wei, why are you here? I’m chatting with a friend. Are you chatting? Are you busy? Why are you here? I'm chatting with a friend. Are you busy? Is it delicious? I'm late. Thirteen minutes and fifty-two seconds. Thirteen minutes and fifty-two seconds. Hurry up and finish it. Go home. Hurry up and finish it. Go home. I'll order more. I ordered a piece of chocolate cake. The waiter brought me a glass of ice water. But if you do this, have you ever thought about what my friend thinks? I can laugh at you, right? He is not a friend, so there is no need to care about them. We are definitely not suitable and I I will never get married in this life, otherwise I think our little money is pretty good. I will match you two. Why bother? Hello, your ice water. Thank you for giving me fifteen thousand. Do you want so much money? I have to change my piano. Now that one doesn't work very well. I just gave you a new one last year. It's quite expensive. Why do you have to change it again? The price is 150,000, not 150,000. And if I want to change it, there must be a reason for me to change it. You don't understand music. Don't worry about it. I don't understand. But you can't be addicted to music. You're in high school now. You can't play with things and focus on your studies. When you grow up, you can't live your whole life by playing the piano. No, you can't do it for a few days. If you go missing and don’t see anyone, why don’t you give me heart-stopping pills when you see me and tell me that I’m not good or that I’m not good? Is it so difficult for you to praise me? Then when you meet me, why don’t you ask me for money? You’re being pampered. Do you know the money you want? The monthly income of many families is more than that. Listen to me. You are not young now. You have to make a plan for your future. I want this money. I just want to be simple. I'm not doing bad things. I'm not you. Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a mother in all these years? Is work always more important to you than me? You don't care about my childhood. Please don't interfere with my future as a waiter. Xiao Han, Xiao Han, it’s hard to manage children now because of bad genetics. How have you been these years? Very good. You haven’t changed in the past ten years. Then I’m leaving. Hey, Dad, what’s wrong? Where are you? I’m looking for you. Why is the phone not turned on in the hotel? I had another argument with my mother, so I turned it off because I was afraid she would look for me. Your mother is in trouble. Come to the hospital quickly. I shouldn't be on a business trip at this time. If I'm with your mother, if I'm with her, It won't be because the medicine ran out and treatment was not enough. You called the police, did you call the ambulance? I was on the phone with your mother at the time. I was talking to your mother on the phone about work, and she suddenly fell ill. Then she wasn't Has n't she always had medicine? Then the company has been in a bit of a crisis recently. Your mother is also quite anxious. She may have forgotten the medicine and blamed me. It would be better if you could remind her or prepare medicine for her in advance. It's not your fault, it's mine. It's all my fault. Hey, sir, are you looking for a sea view room? Look at the cemetery. Han Han, mom didn't expect that the relationship between our mother and son would be so bad that we can't talk face to face and calmly. Mom is not writing this letter to educate you. She just wants to say a few words to you. You are right, mom, I have no right to accuse you of your life. Over the years, I have spent all my energy on my second job and paid very little attention to you. Mom is a failure. I have invested so much in the company and now it is on the verge of bankruptcy. Although the company is illegal. The operation was not committed by me personally, but as the legal representative, I have the unshirkable responsibility. Mom knows that you are very talented in art, but I just don’t want to see you embark on the road of a failed artist. Treat music as a pastime in your spare time as a sustenance when you are depressed. Only then will it bring you happiness. It becomes a tool for survival, and it will become an unbearable burden in your life. This is just my mother's idea. I have saved all the New Year's money you have given me as an education fund in your name. It should be enough to support your studies. Choose what you like. Professional, don’t worry about what your mother thinks. Don’t worry about what your mother thinks. Mom loves you unconditionally and trusts you. What are you doing? I quit. If a customer scolds you, you shouldn’t throw water on him. You are my husband and your wife is being raped. I bullied you but stood there indifferently. Well, I don’t have to discuss any decision with you. I am not only your husband on the plane, but also the co-pilot of this plane. I just can’t agree with your view. What do you think of your career? It's more important than anything else, even my dignity. You maintain your dignity. You can use it in many ways. Don't joke about your future. I'm not in the mood to joke with you. Dignity is greater than everything I have, including love, career, and even marriage. Are n't you taking turns? I'll go back and collect my things now. I'll see the civil affairs bureau in the morning the day after tomorrow. The status is jumping. Okay, this time there is a breakthrough history. Your phone call is easy to continue. What's the matter? Come back. You go buy me a bouquet of calla lilies. There is a funeral. Go and run for me. Whose funeral is it ? Don’t you have to go to my place for you? I’m busy here. Keep it down, keep it down. Who’s dead? Xiao Wei, it’s not you Xiao, is this news true? Just a message came from our former colleague of the crew. In fact, I met him last night. She seemed to have a good life before, but suddenly you said that we had not seen each other for more than ten years, but we met before she had an accident. Anyway, I am sorry for her. If I had known about this, I should have apologized to her yesterday, and you should even more Give her a ride. Do n't let me go. I just applied for a class transfer and was rejected. I can't help it. I just got into a big disaster. Now I have no say. I understand. You have brought all the things I asked you to bring for me. You have brought them all. The eldest lady is in the box. So what gift did my brother buy me? What can your pauper brother buy you? This trip has already spent all his savings. Before I came back, I gave me the thousands of dollars my father gave me. Why are you leaving it all to him? He's so embarrassed that he didn't buy you a ring or propose to you. He didn't propose to you. He didn't realize that he has such evil thoughts. My brother must be because he can't promise you a beautiful life now that he hasn't found a job. That's why all science and engineering men in the future are like this. He is very nice to me. But during this trip, we met a nasty ghost who almost left me in the sea to feed the fish. What's going on with the fish? Okay, let's talk about it when we go home. Well, then you are so pitiful. Brother Ang, I heard that you rejected Sister Wenli yesterday. Fortunately, you are not in the same class as their cabin crew today. Where did you hear the gossip? Such explosive news has already spread all over the sky. The work intensity is so high, and you still have a nagging heart. Isn't it because you are so strong that you need these gossips to spice things up because of the high work pressure? This is called consuming other people's pain. It is out of style and painful. But you have to agree to what you give to others. Isn't everyone happy? Poor sister Wen Li, I would have known that I had done it yesterday. Don't encourage her. You kid, don't follow me and make bad ideas. The weather is nice today. There aren't many sorties. There aren't many sorties. Why won't the tower let us fly? I've been a little weak lately. I guess they won't let us fly smoothly today. Go out, do you have any spare sunglasses? Find one for me. Your precious black sunglasses never leave your hand. Why are they missing? I don’t know where they were when I was in Australia. I don’t know where they were. It ’s not your style to leave them unattended. Hey, okay. There's something wrong with the cabin. I want you to come over and see if you're sick or need a nap. Sir, please keep your voice down. Don't talk. I've been waiting here for more than an hour and I have n't flown yet. Don't be angry. Don't disturb the passengers around you. What's going on with the plane? Mr. Sir, I am the captain of this flight. What do you want to say? Tell me not to yell at our flight attendants. OK, I tell you that I am very dissatisfied with your flight. What I am dissatisfied with is why I took your flight. We passengers are angry because of the flow control, right ? Why don't you tell me on the cabin phone? No, this gentleman fell asleep as soon as he got on the plane. I just checked and he has an economy class ticket. I think I went to remind him, but he became anxious when he saw that he hadn't flown yet. Mr. Luo, right? First of all, I want to apologize to you. First of all, I want to apologize to you. The flight was delayed. Secondly, it's not right for me to yell at our flight attendant like that. The reason why I was angry was because I closed my eyes and went to sleep as soon as I got up. When I opened my eyes, I thought the plane had arrived, but I didn’t expect that the flight hadn’t even started yet. It was only an hour long flight, so I had to wait here for an extra hour and missed my flight. Can you take responsibility for this? Mr. Calm down, please listen to me. We are also in a hurry, but whether we can fly or not is not our business. Could it be that the air traffic controller is not a good person? You don't have a good relationship with other air traffic controllers. That 's why I keep asking you to wait here. I'm not very considerate in my daily life, but I will never yell at a woman. Angkor Angkor Tower has let you go. Mr. Luo, let me inform you that the tower has let you go. What are you talking about here? Let's take off. Before we take off, we have two things to do. First, get me back to the economy class. Second, apologize to our flight attendant. I apologize. Who am I to apologize to her? She disturbed my sleep. I want to apologize to her. Second, what should I do if you haven't flown and delayed my affairs ? Can you take responsibility? I ask you again. Do you want to apologize? Do you know who I am? You asked me to apologize to her. I have a very important contract to sign today. You missed my thing, can you take the responsibility? Xiaojin, go and check if Mr. Luo has any checked luggage. If so, get it for me quickly. Second, notify the airport security to ask me to get off the plane. How about we forget it? I've been delayed for a while and have to line up again. Sorry. She is Liu Na from the company's finance department. Sorry. Thank you. Sorry. Xiao Wei has been busy with her career most of her life. She has achieved great results in her career and has sacrificed a lot. Spend time with your family. From now on, Xiao Han and I will inherit her legacy and live a good life. I'm sorry for not being polite enough and not treating you well. Please ask. You are an old friend of Xiao Wei's. Can you please leave a business card? Thank you for your condolences. Thank you for completing the hard work you arranged. I least want to face that kind of sad occasion. How about the funeral? Did Xiao Wei's family go? The funeral was decent, but it was a bit deserted. The world is so cold. After people die, that's what happens. A wisp of green smoke. I can no longer feel all the grievances and fears. I am relieved. That child is pitiful. Xiao Wei and her husband are a little strange. They have to catch up with me and ask for a business card. I am out of town. I will go back to Shanghai later. Let’s go to Xiao Yue’s place. Goodbye, yes, they are all mine, they are all mine. Your new glasses are crushed. I didn’t buy them. You see they are all broken. They are quite special. This is the unlucky one. Be careful not to get stabbed. Then you Do you want to return it to others? Why do you care about him after this? I can't see him again. I ask you, what do you think of me going to Australia? Did n't you persuade my brother to return to China? Why do you want it? Why do you want to go to Australia? It's not me. I feel that Ye Xin and I have been in a long-distance relationship for too long. I have to defend my love. I'm right. But can your father agree? When I was admitted to Wharton International, he was also reluctant, but later he didn't acquiesce. I'm going to work there. This time it's about my happiness in life. He will definitely not stand in the way. When did you consider getting married as your life goal? Isn't your life goal to be a spicy female teacher? Even if I go to you Brother, I can also realize my career ideal. I am such a big piece of gold and can shine wherever I go. Besides, I don’t want your brother to come back because of me. If he doesn’t develop smoothly, he will unconsciously blame me. What will you do if you blame him? This is the difference with this lady. I have the final say in my life. Once I make a decision, I will not blame anyone. It seems that my brother brainwashed you very well. Happiness. Hey, it's okay. Hey, Captain Zheng, come to the flight department immediately after landing. The emergency call came in so quickly. Brother, why don't we go with you to Captain Zheng in a while to give you a certificate? What kind of certificate can I do? Xiaobaicai, just go there and you should reflect on it. Don’t correct it after something happens. It’s so passive. You check the tickets before the guests get on the plane. Do you know? If you know what this is, I will tell you, Lao Zhengxiang, to go to the front line. Take a walk, this is our in-flight meal. The waste rate is 60%. This taste not only affects our company image, but also causes huge waste of food to our country. It will change the topic. Come to me early in the morning to complain about the lunch box. There is also a complaint from a platinum card passenger. What's the matter with you? I know the bad guys are asked to complain first. Did he mention that he yelled and cursed on the plane? Did he mention that he had to fly first class with an economy class ticket? Can't you just ask him to return to the economy class ? Is it so important not to apologize? Then the dignity of our crew members is also very important. For our profession, the real dignity is no complaints and no accidents. I said Uncle Wu, everyone You pick the soft ones when you eat persimmons. Why do you pick the hard ones? Who do you want to offend? You must offend this old man named Luo. Do you know who he is? Super Internet celebrity. If you cause trouble again, you will have thousands of Weibo followers. As soon as he made a comment on Weibo, tens of thousands of fans rushed to our official blog to leave messages. Come and see how these comments have a great impact on the company's reputation. Your last passport damage incident is not over yet. Why? If I cause an incident, then he is a big V. He is a public figure, so he should have public morality. He cannot use public power for personal gain to seize the highest point of public opinion and confuse right and wrong. This is called a person without a bottom line. This is called a public without public morality and a bottom line. There are so many people, can you manage them? Are you qualified to manage them? I don’t care who they are, but the current situation is very unfavorable to the company. Some netizens have already launched a joint boycott of Dimensity Airlines. What should I do about this impulse? How much effort does it take for the company to restore its reputation? Do you know what our company's attitude is? I 'm trying to find a way to apologize to the other party and win their understanding. I'm trying to find a way to suppress this matter. It's impossible for me to apologize to him. It's impossible for me to still have hundreds of thousands of followers on Weibo. Let's compete, can't I just post the whole story online? It's just you, the tens of thousands of zombie fans, competing with tens of millions of other people's fans. Stop trying to trick me. If you still want to wear this outfit? If you are in uniform, shut up on Weibo and use a more professional word to say no. This is called aiding the tyrants. This is called indulging in villains. You don’t want to fly, right? You want to sit in an office. That’s fine. You like the ground staff. Who do you like the ground staff? Zhang desk, you told me that I can arrange it right away. I can tell you responsibly. If you let this incident expand, you may even lose your qualification to fly. Although you have nothing to say about your flying skills, many leaders in the company now have doubts about your flying skills. I have some criticisms about your work attitude. Please keep your tail between your legs for two days. If you cause trouble again, I really can’t protect you. Teacher, please leave your homework. That’s it. Thank you, teacher. Hello, Teacher Lin. Teacher A Pang. What’s the matter? I came to you for a bit. I want to ask you for help. I heard that you have friends in Australia, right? Yes, yes. You want to go there to play? It’s not just for fun. My daughter Shanshan has been admitted to the University of Sydney. She will go to Australia in a few days. Congratulations, but I I'm worried that she's not familiar with the place. I'd like to ask your friend if he can help pick him up at the airport. That's no problem. I just need to call him. That's fine. Thank you very much. Is she renting a house outside or living in the school dormitory? She said I want to rent a house outside. I have been searching online all day long, but I haven't found anything satisfactory yet. I'm really worried that she won't be able to find a place to live when she gets there. Don't worry, don't worry. I'll also ask my friend to help me ask. Then how can I thank you? You don't need to take care of me like you usually do. Okay, thank you. Okay, okay, then you go to class first, okay, wait for me to treat you to dinner. Boss, are you still in the mood to joke? When did this happen? The captain will not punish you again. I should have grabbed you at that time to prevent you from being so impulsive. It was useless for you to drag me. This kind of person should be taught a lesson. He should have been taught a lesson more than ten years ago. Why don’t you have any old grudges? The big thing is Captain Zheng. Let me be a human being with my tail between my legs. Say I have a tail. I have a tail. I am the Monkey King. When have you ever seen the Monkey King? You really should keep a low profile as a person. Your flying skills are way ahead of the other captains. That’s right. You have been flying for more than ten years and have almost zero accidents. You should have been promoted to an administrative position long ago. It’s because you are too upright. Ah, you have no chance of promotion and you are still flying red-eye flights. We brothers are complaining about you. Okay, let’s not talk about it. If the children let me sit in the office, it is better to let me die. This is called frustration in the workplace. I'm proud of you. I'm going to have something good happen in the next two days. I'll treat you guys to a meal. I'll leave first.
Channel: 小幸运影视汇
Views: 222,087
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Keywords: 小幸运影视汇, Chinese Drama, Chinese Drama eng sub, c-drama, Chinese television dramas, 中国电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, 好看中国电视剧, 精选电视剧, 偶像劇, love, kiss, 爱情, 情感, 恋爱, 古装, dilireba, dilrabadilmurat, Asiandrama, 甜宠, cdrama, 青春, 偶像, 浪漫, 小鲜肉, 爆款剧, 吻戏, 接吻, 三生三世十里桃花, 字幕, 英语, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, top chinese drama, chinese new drama 2023 eng sub, 仙侠, 仙侠剧, 精彩片段, 逆袭, 玄幻, 动作, 仙恋, 特效, 翻转, Little Luck Drama & Movie Clips, 励志, 成长, 治愈, 【Full Movie】, 完整电影, 霸总, 宠妻, 灰姑娘, 总裁, chinese new drama 2023, 鏡‧雙城, Mirror:A Tale of Twin Cities, 杉杉来了, 趙麗穎 張翰
Id: hbMk1ti7adM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 37sec (4237 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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