【FULL】In A Class Of Her Own EP01 | 漂亮书生 | iQIYI

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[English subtitles are available] [In A Class of Her Own] [Episode 1] [In Yunzhou, south of Yun,] [lies Yun Shang Academy.] [The school is bustling with activity,] [a perfect place for teaching and learning.] [Yun Shang Academy...] [is where men are nurtured into fine, bright officials.] [It is also where scholars and intellectuals...] [most want to go to deepen their knowledge.] [Yun Shang Academy] -Quick, catch up. -Come on, hurry. Wait for me. Slow down. Yun Shang Academy! The application for this year's entrance exam... begins now! Please register your name... -and take your exam pass. -Hey, why aren't... there many participants this year? Not just this year. It's like this every year. So once you pass, you'll definitely become an official? -Right. -Demand more than supply. Don't be so naive. The Yun Shang exam is very hard. This way. This old man seems to know a lot about the academy. What old man? I'm also sitting for the exam. This year, I'm going to pass for sure! You said the same thing last year, Grandpa. [The breeze blows rhythmically] Boss. What's so special about your fan... that makes my young master so captivated? That's a good question. This fan may look normal and unassuming, but the person who penned those words is a remarkable one. Governor Feng. That's right. The noble dignitary of Yunzhou, Feng Ji Chang, Governor Feng, wrote that himself. Young Master, isn't that the master's... I'm not bluffing. I swear on my life... that if you bought anything fake from my stall, I'd cut off my head in response. Is this really master's handwriting? An imitation. But the person who forged it has some skill. What's your problem? Are you okay, Young Master? Are you hurt? Watch where you're going! What are you doing? My treasure! My treasure! Stop right there! Look! You spoiled my precious fan. Don't you run. I made that fan. If you think it is your most precious treasure, I can get you a few more next time. You! Get up! Look, take a good look! What are you doing? Just speak, don't touch. [Mu Lai Bookstore] This... Where's the second chapter? Show me. The writer sure is wicked. They stopped right at a cliffhanging moment. It's understandable. Sir, if you're willing to pay a bit more, I'll let you read the second chapter immediately. And you're a greedy businessman. Mr. Chao. Here is the second chapter. Don't tell me you haven't written it? [Chu Ci] It must have dropped on the way. I have copiers in the back room... waiting to copy the second chapter. Could this pretty... man be the writer? A free exchange if fake. What are you doing? Are you going to write it here? No use finding excuses. I'll fix it. Don't worry. I'll get it done. You remember everything? [The two silhouettes part ways...] Mr. Wen, what a pity you're not sitting for the academy exam. What are you looking at? -What are you looking at? -Feng Cheng Jun. -It is Feng Cheng Jun. -Yes. Welcome back from your studies away. My young master is none other than Feng Cheng Jun. -Long time no see. -It's our first time to Yun Shang. We're here to check it out. There's a charm for you. I might get lucky myself. We all want to pass, right? You haven't changed one bit. Actually, I'd love to give you a big hug. Hands off! You don't get to hug our young master as you please. -Dialogue novel? -It is a dialogue novel. Isn't this the popular dialogue novel everyone's talking about? "Where Love Begins." You like dialogue novels too, Brother Cheng Jun? That's your hobby? [Where Love Begins, Volume II] It's done. Mr. Wen, are you really not going to sit for the Yun Shang exam? This is small money. Here you go. I'll get Volume III done soon. You should pay me more since it's selling so well. -Understandable. -Okay. -Please come again, sir. -Thanks. Come again. Have a look, sir. Boss, give me one of each. Sure thing. -Have a good day. -Thanks. Here. What? You look weak and frail. I don't simply accept gifts for no reason. Take it back. It's because I have a favour to ask. I'm unable to help with your request. I haven't even told you what it is yet. How would you know? I have my own principles. One being not helping scholars, no ghost writing or taking exams. Second, I won't sit for the academy exam. So I'm unable to do what you're asking. Farewell. How did you know I was going to ask you to sit for the exam for me? Moreover, how did you know I'm a scholar? You're dressed in splendour. You have soft hands and enjoy reading novels. Your eyes were twinkling as I was writing back there. And you've been tailing me ever since I left the shop. It must be because Mr. Chao told you I refused your order. So you came yourself. Besides, the Yun Shang preliminary exam is about to begin. All these just point to one thing. It's really pity you're not a scholar. Well then, I shall take my leave. What's the matter, Wen Bin? Feeling unwell again? Mrs. Wen. This is my pay for today. I've done the calculations. With today's money, we'd have cleared all the debt. Tomorrow, I'll buy some pork belly. Let's have some meat. -Go eat. -Okay. I'm finished with the embroidery for Mrs. Liu. I'm going to deliver it. Mother. You accepted a betrothal gift? Sister. Wen Bin. Wen Xi, the family who sent it is a good family. You'll have a good life if you become their bride. You can even have meat for all three meals. Do I look like I crave only for meat and enjoyment? How could you simply accept a betrothal gift, Mother? A woman has to get married. That's a fact. Moreover, many girls... wish to be married into that family. Sorry, sister. Don't blame mother. It's all my fault. It's my fault I'm weak and prone to getting sick. It's not your fault, Wen Bin. Anyway, I'm not getting married. Mother, please return the gift to whomever gave it. I've already used the gift. You've used it? How? The point is, I've already spoken to them. They will pick an auspicious date and you'd be married off. No way! Look at the way you currently are. You're out there selling your work in your brother's clothes. Is this the life you want? I'm fine with it. I don't know what's going on inside your head. It's fine if you think I'm forcing you, or selling you off. But I'm doing this for your own good. When the day comes for me to go, and I see your father, I will not be ashamed. I'm not marrying. Now, how much gift money did you spend? I'll pay them back. Are there no orders that pay better? I'm in need of money urgently. Other than writing papers and sitting for exams, anything is fine. Understandable. I actually do have a special request. The Yun Shang preliminary exam is happening in two days. There's a guy that needs... an assistant. "Assistant"? To do what? Hand out the papers? Prepare the ink? -Preparing drinks? -Something like that. Basically, the assistant... will read out the answers to help the participant with the exam. That's cheating! How is that different from sitting on their behalf? Of course it is. Sitting on their behalf is replacing the participant. That's cheating. I know you are a man of principles. I won't put you in a difficult spot. An assistant is different. That's a helping hand, a good deed. A person who helps the needy is commendable. -Do you understand? -Not at all. Forget it then. [Where Love Begins, Volume II] Young Master. Young Master, shouldn't you be focused on revising for the exam? How do you have time for novels? This book looks to be unsophisticated, but the writing is refined. The relationship depicted in the story... is alluring and draws the reader in. Still, it isn't something an intellectual like you should be seen with. Remember the young man? Clearly, he's been blinded by those unrealistic love stories. That's true. These materials aren't suited for a person at his age. But, I have to say his imitation of father's handwriting... is indeed very accurate and difficult to tell apart. Unfortunately, he's making a living... off of the counterfeits. Young Master, you only just returned to Yunzhou. There are many things about the society that you don't yet see. There are actually quite a lot of people like him. Those from good backgrounds take part in the selection exam. Those with bad backgrounds have to make do with whatever. That is life. By the way, the Academy said we can visit in the afternoon. I'll go and prepare. -Get out of here! -Pay up! -You can't come in! -Stop! What is this? What are you doing? Committing a crime in broad daylight? -I'll report you! -Who's reporting who? Stand aside! Yes, sir. Madam. I see you've got an exquisitely beautiful daughter. Why even borrow usury loans? You borrowed usury loans? Sister, mother didn't have any other choice. The doctor said I needed an expensive medicine that costs 500 taels. 500 taels? That's right. Now you know the story. Since you're not paying what you owe, we have to come knocking. But I've changed my mind. The money and interest your mother owes... can be forgotten. I want the pretty girl in exchange. You will come with me. No! My daughter's already betrothed to the Li family. She is no longer of this household. The debt owed by us has nothing to do with her. I'll pay you what I owe myself. -Mother. -Looks like you've got everything planned. You're purposely dragging your feet on this. -Men! -Yes, sir. -Bring them to the magistrate court. -Yes, sir. Wait! Seven days. I'll pay you every penny within seven days. And what if you fail to pay in seven days? What will happen then? I'll go with you if I can't pay up. -All right. -Sister! What are you saying? She doesn't get to decide. I'll take your word for it. I'm getting more attracted to this pretty lady's personality. However, before you clear your debt, I'm afraid your little brother will have to stay with me for a few days. Don't you worry! He will be treated well. He'll be fine. No way! You can't take my brother. Miss, I'm already being very understanding here. It's rude to take it too far. Wen Bin! Sister. Mother. Don't worry about me. -I'll go with them. -You can't! Let it be. Don't worry, Wen Bin. I'll get you home quickly. To learn something and timely practice it, isn't that a pleasure? To have friends coming from afar, isn't it a delight? Do not blame a person who does not recognise you. That's gentlemanly, is it not? Scale the wall? Aside from the designated open day, Yun Shang Academy is off limits to the public. Did you think you could sashay in through the main entrance? Hurry up! Stop dawdling! Hurry. Listen, the client is the president of the Student Council. He is known as the President. Mind what you say. This is the President of Yun Shang Academy, the eldest son of aristocrats Han. Good day, sirs. This is the guy I found for you. Mr. Chao. You've brought the right person this time. Of course. This person is definitely the cream of the crop. You call him the "cream of the crop"? Isn't he much too young? You call me out for being young, but from your voice, we should be around the same age. And yet you're a scholar at Yun Shang. I may not have the same qualifications, but to strike me off as not being suitable based on my age... is unfair. If you're truly skilled, why didn't you sit for the exam yourself and be a scholar? There are countless professions in this world. Some choose this, others choose that. If you must argue who's better and not, half would be ousted. The world would be in chaos. I didn't sit for the exam because that's not what I'm interested in. No interest in that, huh? So what can you do? Show us. I will test you with the content of this book. I'll read the first half, you continue with the rest. Why are you laughing? I don't think just memorizing... is enough to eliminate the doubt completely. What about this? Write a phrase on the paper. I'll fill in the complete excerpt. How about that? Your turn. [Be prudent. The so-called sincere one, don't deceive yourself.] President. Not one word is amiss. Last year, Mr. Chao brought me three copiers. Right before the exam ended, the invigilator caught them... and they were punished to 30 beatings until their flesh broke. That was just an accident. I hope you understand. No matter what happens, you will only be getting payment from me, not protection. I'm not someone you can afford to mess with. Got it? I'll remember that. I will bear all consequences. "One, not helping scholars." "Two, not sitting for the academy exam." What happened to your principles? You're such a tease, sir. He only accepted the job because I forced him to. Principles are the most useless standards in this world. It's money that rules the world. What about working for me after this? I have plenty of opportunities for you to make money. You flatter me, sir. It's true that I'm doing this because I need money. But it doesn't mean I agree with your viewpoints. Farewell. Calm yourself. Will staying calm help me get out? Sure. You can get out if you get whacked 30 times. But I don't want to get whacked. Then, get yourself out of here! -What about you? -I have to cover for you. -Make sure you stay safe. -Don't worry about me. -Stop! -Stop right there! Stop! Hey, you! I'm sorry, so sorry! -I didn't mean to. -Do you think just apologising... would make the hurt you caused disappear? Your face, Young Master. Do you know who my young master is? Are you okay? Stay here, Young Master. I'll make him pay for this! Open up! Open the door if you're a man! Open up! You can hit someone but can't open the door? Open up! Now! Open the door! -Sir. -Sir. Did you see a guy? I believe he's a copier that snuck in. What would you do with him if you caught him? He'd get at least 30 beatings. Such a person should be punished. So did you see anyone like that pass through here? He's in there. Let's go. Quick, break down the door. Hey, did you see a man come inside? No, nothing. It's a girl. What is up with the fire? There's so much smoke. -Let's go. -Go. The student just now must have seen wrongly. The 100 taels is not enough to save Wen Bin. I need another plan. -Freeze! -Stop! Stop! -What do you want? -Rob him! -No, don't! -Give it to me! Come on. -Give it back! -You little scoundrel. Are you guys looking for death or are sick of living? Who said that? Big brother, they stole my ransom money! Who are you calling big brother? You're leaving just like that? What... What do you want? You guys woke me up from my nap. I haven't settled that with you yet. Boss! -Boss! -Boss! Scram. Let's go, boss. Unbelievable. A grown man... is acting like a bullied, powerless lady. Thank you, big brother! Now, Han Sheng Zhi will pay his respect to the Venerable Master. [Sacredness] Venerable Master, Please bless the honest and bright exam participants with wisdom. Help them pass the preliminary, second and third exams. Let them acquire vast knowledge... so that they can preserve peace and prosperity in the country. I'm nervous. How was your preparation? [East Entrance] [According to the exam rules of Yun Shang Academy,] [every participant is allowed to bring a male aide along...] [who is tasked to serve them as needed.] -Father, do your best! - [Of course,] [the wives and children are not allowed inside.] [So just locate the person according to the seating plan.] [Sit down next to him when you find him.] [When the question is announced, you'll read out the answer to him.] Any cheating behaviour... will be punished to 200 beatings. And will forever be prohibited from taking the selection exam. -If anyone disregards... -[This is game over.] -our repeated warnings, -[Game over!] and continues with their wretched actions, violating rules and shaming their name, I will be impartial in dishing out fair punishment. [Application of knowledge] You may begin answering now. First, have the right mindset. Be open to learning, inquisitive, deliberate, discerning and practical. That is how you apply knowledge. And... Why aren't you writing? Are you telling me the answer? [What does he mean by that?] [Is he doubting my ability?] Yes, I am. Don't worry, sir. This may my first time being an aide, but I'm confident in helping you get on the board. Your answer is good, but it lacks subjective input. You're the one taking the exam. I'm just providing you with a bit of help. What is your understanding on "application of knowledge"? I help you with the answer so that you can pass. Then, I get paid. That is the application of knowledge. How shallow-minded you are. I'm sorry. I got the wrong person. You're disrupting the exam. Taking the exam for someone else is a disgrace to a literati. You're not getting away. Sir, I wouldn't be doing this if I had a choice. My family is in trouble, a member is sick. We're being chased by the creditor. That's the only reason why I'm doing this. I swear, this is my first time. I won't do it again. Please spare me this once. What's your name? My surname is Wen. My name is a single word, Bin. Invigilator, someone is trying to disrupt the exam! What did you say? Who dares to break the rules? Who is cheating? It's every one of the participants and copiers. Including myself. As well as the invigilators seated there. [Preliminary exam] What did you say? I don't seem to understand. As students, we have failed to be of clear conscience, but resorting to craftiness instead. Openly copying answers... or even using copiers to fish for fame. This is unacceptable! Yet, all of us here have turned a blind eye towards it... for our own sake. How is this different from cheating ourselves? You pretend to be oblivious to what's happening before you. You're not qualified as the invigilator. What an arrogant brat. How dare you to question the authority? State your name. I will strike you off the list! I am Feng Cheng Jun. Show me your registry. I want to know which family this crazy boy is from. No need to check, Principal Feng. Feng Cheng Jun is the son of Lord Feng, Yunzhou's governor. -No wonder. -The governor's son? I see. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Did you guys see that? Did you hear that? This is doing what's best for public interest. This is owning up to your actions. Don't just stand there. Rectify the problem! But they were doing well... Right. All the aides will be removed from the venue! What are they doing? -Go, leave the venue. -Leave. Move it! -Move along. -Hurry up! Go wait outside. I'm off. -Hurry up. -Quick. Continue answering. Finally, a proper academy exam. I've been waiting for it. This is how the academy exam is supposed to be. Mr. Feng, it's all thanks to you. There hasn't been such a smooth exam in a long time. I only did what I was supposed to. Then, why did you bring your own notes? Notes? He really has them. [A distinguished scholar...] -[Such a busybody.] -[Rectify the problem!] -[Now I won't get paid.] -[Hurry up.] -[Leave.] -[Go on.] [Hurry up.] [Go!] Mr. Feng, is this supposed to be your motto? Silence! [Blame the seating plan!] It read the same vertically or horizontally. Did you forget who the client is? It's the president of Yun Shang, Young Master Han! Yes, I know. And do you know... that he is in charge of all matters pertaining to the scholars of Yun Shang? You managed to ruin everything. I will probably never get another piece... of Yun Shang Academy's pie. It wasn't just me who got in trouble. Every one of the aides were removed from the venue. Almost all of the aides present... were arranged by President Han. It's all because you... stepped on the governor's son, Feng Cheng Jun's toes. That's why things turned out like this. It was an accident. I can't do anything. You couldn't even manage this small matter properly. How do you expect us Hans to compete with the Fengs... for the position of leader of the aristocrats? Those useless fools. If they had to cheat to pass the preliminary, they wouldn't be capable of much more. Those useless fools are the ones who will help you become the head! I personally gave my word to the Tians... that I'd get his son into Yun Shang Academy this year. You couldn't even do that. How am I supposed to face the Tians now? Did you do that to get attention... and public praise? I only did what I was supposed to do. Those with outstanding talents are susceptible to jealousy. The higher you climb, the harder the fall. It is better to keep a low profile and bide your time. Listen carefully. At Yun Shang Academy, you have to be the ruler. Make sure all the scholars submit themselves to you. That's how you'll become like me, with prestige and status. Yes, Father. You're unwilling to bear the burden, nor stand out from the rest. So what exactly is your intention? Fairness. Whoever it is, as long as they are smart, and with the aspiration to serve the country, should be supported. As expressed by Mr. Xue Ding Kun 18 years ago. Even though he died before accomplishing much, his dream and ambition... will one day be known to the world and be lauded. What Xue Ding Kun did is seen as traitorous in the eyes of the public. Never mention him again. Okay. If Mr. Feng found out I'm still dealing with you, -I'd really be out of business. Leave now. -Wait... -You're chasing me away? -I have to. -But I really need money. -So do I, Mr. Wen. I'm sorry. Fine then. I shouldn't cause you more trouble. Please take care.
Channel: iQIYI 爱奇艺 - Get the iQIYI APP
Views: 1,775,242
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Keywords: 漂亮书生, in a class of her own, 宋威龙, 鞠婧祎, 毕雯珺, 王瑞昌, 朱圣祎, 张鑫, in a class of her own chinese drama, 古装, 云上学堂, 云上恋歌, 校园, 鞠婧禕, 如意芳霏 鞠婧祎, 以家人之名 宋威龙, 宋威龍, 雪文曦, 风承骏, 雨乐暄, 雷泽信, 韩胜智, 漂亮书生第一集, 漂亮书生1, 漂亮书生ep1, in a class of her own chinese drama ep 1 eng sub, in a class of her own chinese drama ep 1, 漂亮书生 鞠婧祎
Id: 8l2imrOzhRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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