【ENG DUBBED MOVIE】Fat girl loses weight to become a female star and wins men💋| Diamond Lover 01

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[Music] w [Music] hey me get up if I had to pick a fairy tale to describe my life I would have to choose the ugly duckling unfortunately unlike the duckling who ended up as a beautiful Swan all that happened to me was I changed from a duckling into a big fat [Music] duck nice I lost weight looks like the diet's paying [Music] off ah so [Music] handsome M you know he's not your prince he's your boss's client if the diamond doesn't accept this proposal that I drew up that's my entire month's bonus down to drain Mr sha I'm begging you I can't afford to lose my bonus so please accept this Mr sh the meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow tell their team that I want to have it [Music] [Applause] now it's Tina hello M why aren't you here yet where's the proposal I want you here hurry up yes ma'am I'm very sorry I'm almost there now me melee do you want to get yourself fired everyone here was waiting for you to show up I'm really sorry but I have the proposal here I'm sorry again so what's the theme going to be well the main concept is about how diamonds are just like women they both have to be polished from rough Stone before they can really start to shine it's called struggle and and transformation here I'll show you yeah I know so ma'am do you remember to promise it's going to have your name on it wait can I attend a meeting as well what no way it's just that I worked on this myself and I've never been part of any of your meetings I've spent a lot of sleepless nights to finish the proposal I promise I won't say anything I'm just going to listen get back to work oh I'm sorry we received a call Mr sha wants to have the meeting now he's on his way then go and get everyone ready why are you just standing there go make coffee yes stop it's that way right Mr Show [Music] come [Music] go back to your cubicle go [Music] on well then Mr sha shall we start now the theme we chose is struggle in transformation The Perfect Analogy between women and diamonds women go through struggles in order to refine themselves just like gemstones which shine only after they've been cut and Polished women need to continuously improve themselves to shine brighter in today's society and taco will inspire them to do so women naturally enjoy beautiful things like stars and flowers like rings and so on so what we're planning to do is okay that's enough I don't like the concept this proposal has failed to meet too's standard of Excellence it has why listen comparing diamonds to women is an old worn out and boring idea by now it's been done thousands of times and your presentation was completely lacking in substance honestly it's not professional I am certain that there are dozens of other companies with the exact same idea so so why would I agree to this I want you to give me an answer Mr sha we this whole thing is worthless to me I don't like it wait Mr Sha but Mr sha Mr sha wait [Music] please sir I just want to ask if you ever visit your own company's diamond cutting Workshop most companies in the jewelry industry unlike yours don't operate their own workshops for cutting rough stones but I know that your company has the largest cutting Workshop in the country so I'm 100% sure that you know what it looks like when a Raw Stone is turned into a shining Diamond that's exactly how you'll be able to reach out to women what are you talking about Mr sha I'm so sorry it's fine please continue when we relate your diamonds to women it means what we're really doing is representing women women's personal growth we want them to feel that we genuinely understand them people tend to associate diamonds with beautiful women because together they're even more beautiful but there are many other women who people would say aren't this beautiful and very far from perfect but they work hard to improve themselves so they can also look beautiful don't you think that they'd want to own diamonds made especially for them I have a question did you help make the proposal oh not at all she she's here for the presentation who told you that you could deliver that part of The Proposal go and get ready me get ready for [Music] what huh teso's next theme will be transformation we will use the butterfly to reflect the difficulty of making a true Jewel this presentation will effectively serve to visualize the idea behind this plan now let's begin [Music] the larvae and the Cocoon is very much like this fat crude and insecure woman if she hopes to improve herself she must undergo a drastic transformation so in the final commercial when the Cocoon breaks open it will reveal a dazzling Diamond inside and so we show it the diamond represents a woman's pursuit of self as well as Everlasting Brilliance hey don't you think Tina went too far this time Mee might not be beautiful but she deserves better than that yeah and she's always nice to everyone that was a good proposal I like what you presented you may finalize the contract with Mr U that's great thank [Applause] you you may come out [Music] now leave one moment please [Music] [Music] thank you thank [Music] you I am so sorry this is embarrassing for you or for that woman The Proposal was fine except for that show that you put up you were awful I'd rather rather have her than someone who gets her happiness by picking on others imperfections do you get the car you did very well today we'll have a dinner meeting tomorrow you should come yes sir hey what about your [Music] jacket I can't believe it shaol young actually invited me to dinner oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo woo now it's my turn Dr Lei I heard that you're actually an OBGYN is that right what about you what do you think you are Hey fatty I'm busy what ripped her pants a dinner why don't you just go you don't have to tell me any of this sounds like a girlfriend's fat your girlfriend's fat hey what do you mean you're in love no that's not good wait I'm coming over so laming don't you think my story with sha young is just like a fairy tale yeah totally the boss of a multinational jewelry brand and uh and you seriously first you block his way then you rip your pants open right in front of him I didn't know my pants were going to rip okay listen to me you're not falling in love right or are you listen I know you fatty we're childhood friends we know each other well we may never have been lovers but I know you inside and out I know how your brain works you know that I do I'm telling you I'm not in love stop it I'm just a little surprised that was the first time a man ever made me feel like I was a lady the first time I have ever been praised for my work and not criticized for my looks he's like the brightest star in the night sky sure I know he's far away but whenever I look up and see him shining in the sky wow my stomach fills up with butterflies oh I see what's happening here you're love sick and you need treatment you think it's that serious I'm sure that it is you're in love mey please no way [Music] fatty listen to me okay you're kind honest hardworking not to mention smart and strong you're a good catch actually but going for the CEO of a multinational company seems a bit too ambitious wouldn't you agree stop there to be honest with you I don't think it's actually going to go anywhere I'm not that crazy you know and while it's nice to have dreams of handsome CEOs I actually [Music] love delicious Pig [Music] trots Mr sha I know you're young and still a rookie you still don't fully grasp this company's rules tell me what's going on no matter what your reasons are for suddenly replacing shinri with L advertising and while it is within your power to do so you should have informed all of us in advance Mr Lee did you inform us about the cuts you were getting from the previous company what are you talking about how dare you say such a lie that's ridiculous you just got your position and this is how you treat us you need to show us some respect all right then I'll be the dictator you think I am the heads of sales and customer service are relieved their retirement benefits will be doubled and their salaries will remain unchanged out of respect for their tenure how rude look at him this is unacceptable he needs to be taught a lesson Dina M what are you doing here well I'm here for Mr Shia's celebration dinner the dinner but it's already over it's over but didn't you tell me that dinner starts at 8:00 nonsense I said it ends at 8:00 mey are you okay right after you left yesterday Tina got scolded now she's lashing out on you don't mind her okay you're great see you later bye-bye did Mr sha really speak up for [Music] me you guys enjoy yourselves huh Mr Shia I cleaned up your jacket for you here you [Music] go excuse me is everything okay here this is a five-star hotel right yes well we need to book a room what did you say you need a room okay then [Music] um oh are you uncomfortable let me take care of it wait too tight oh yeah g [Music] f [Music] hey get up what's going on here what happened Mr Shia you're up what did you do to me huh where are my clothes have you forgotten already last night you were drunk and I had to carry you to the bed and after that we fell asleep at least until you threw up everywhere you threw up all over your clothes so I had to help you take them off you took off my clothes what else did you do h I didn't kiss you on purpose what you kissed me on the [Music] mouth get out right [Music] now I just remembered here's the jacket you lent me thank you for letting me use it [Music] why would you do that perverts like you make me sick get out I never want to see you [Music] again what why would he do [Music] that is being late your thing now yes Tina what was that oh no I mean no ma' you're getting bold whatever I called you here to tell you that you're out of the tacero project you can go now but my proposal was accepted why are you kicking me out oh orders from above it's not your proposal in fact it belongs to the whole department that means I'll be the one to sign it but but it's my proposal and you're stealing it I made it so if you don't put my name on it you're committing plagiarism what are you saying you don't like it well you can leave you can't just plagiarize my work get out now I won't I demand an explanation really then here's your explanation me Mee I hearby announce your termination from L advertising collect your things and leave we don't need you [Music] fedy you there why couldn't I reach you last night laming I ended up chering a bed with ch young last night so what's the problem he's supposed to be the man of your dream so why are you crying he's the one who should be crying it didn't do anything to me we just slept next to each other I see I see I was just kidding don't cry don't cry but when he woke up this morning he said he hates me and called me a pervert he told me that he never wants to see me again he must hate me now I know he does never mind that okay you hooked up with him oh no you got sha Young on the hook wait you know what forget about the hook just let sha young go because uh there are thousands of others like him uh men who are more deserving of you so cheer up okay laming I can't help help it I'm really really sad I'm probably going to end up eating way too much food did you get your pay already I knew the thought of food would teer you up always no matter how cruel the world is I still have you and food remember that I'm going to work I'll buy some pig trots later where are you at now I'm at the intersection of shha road and changen road right no uh-huh I'll go to your place later I'll wait for you Mr sha many of our International competitors have rolled out new campaigns our sales are reported to have dropped by 10% in the past 6 months alone I need to reassure the board before the semiannual meeting I'll try to um secure their support over dinner we're running late see if you can find us a faster [Music] route [Music] h [Music] what happened car crash there's glass wrap nail all over her body Dr Lee we're counting on you well done Dr Le how did the procedure go it went well both patients survived Dr Lee I'll handle the report well done you were able to treat the mother and you managed to save her baby you've done it again you make us all look good what's going on over there look serious oh it was there was another car crash the victim she weighs over 100 kilos it happened at changan Road 100 kilos That's Heavy changan road yeah a big girl got hit by a car it happened at changan Road Dr Leu her heart rate is low also her temperature is falling defibrillator quickly yes doctor fatty it's really you you have to survive this you hear me you can't die you can't heart rate's recovery prepare for [Music] transfusion hello hello please sit down thank you I'm speaking with Mr Chu correct oh yes and how may I help you too gentlemen you see we're from the traffic police we're investigating an accident our cameras caught your vehicle with the license plate 3625 driving past the scene of the accident an accident Mr sha don't blame yourself this is not your fault the truck that hit her was going in the wrong lane even if it isn't our fault we should pay for the surgery done don't let her know who paid the bill all right [Music] understood hey there how are you doing I saw sh young you were dreaming you silly girl you're badly injured why are you still thinking about him what [Music] happened fatty you were hit by a car you were badly hurt and your face was cut by the wind Shield you were disfigured but your condition is stable now don't worry I've invited the best doctors to restore your face you're going to be fine I don't want that I don't want to spend my life getting my face fixed fatty listen to me if you don't undergo the surgery you might not be able to return to your old life so you need to be strong you were able to survive a car crash there's nothing else for you to [Music] fear don't worry after the reconstructive surgery you'll be the same as before it's funny laming right before I was hit memories of my childhood came rushing back to me back in primary school I used to be B buling for being fat you were the only friend I had when we started Middle School we moved away to Shanghai while I stayed behind alone then I went to Shanghai to study Des sign but when they saw how big I was they told me that that someone my size can be a designer but I didn't let that stop me I told myself that I just wasn't working hard enough I told myself to continue pushing myself to work harder and harder that I should continue to pursue happiness every day every day is a person's appearance really that important that's how we look really determine how we live our entire lives Daddy no matter what you look like or what happens next I will always be your best friend and I will always be Su at you so don't worry I'm here for [Music] you the surgery is about to start please get ready don't worry I assure you you are in good hands [Music] okay [Music] doctor how is she uh she's recovering very well after months of work dietary control as well as facial reconstruction we can finally remove the bandages did you hear that huh I am finally free and after so long I can finally see my girlfriend again if not for your friend here you wouldn't have recovered so quickly now all we need to do is remove your bandages and we can see what you look like underneath no uh please wait what is it take them off for me I'm scared can can I do it sure go ahead like opening a present I'm nervous here we [Music] go [Music] incredible this is what the girl of my dreams looks [Music] like so how do I look incredible oh she has recovered but she shouldn't laugh yet mind the chin and remember she should not try to make too many facial expressions will my chin fall off my face if I smile too much no you'll be fine you had an absolutely Flawless operation oh thank you doctor thank you you're welcome thank you Doctor hey don't smile didn't you hear what the doctor said do you want to see what you look like now I'm scared heing I'm here trust me you'll be fine come on open your [Music] eyes well I can't believe it is that really me of course it's you you're looking at the one and only fatty Hey fatty congratulations on becoming a butterfly happy rebirth day wow you want to try it on mhm [Music] good thank you laying thank you for always being with me beautiful I really am now I meant the necklace hey no [Music] laughing this is graph detailing our company's semiannual report total sales dropped by 10% in the past 6 months and has kept going down continually Mr Shia since this company was founded there's never been such a drop if we don't take action soon we'll have a problem as your president I'll take full responsibility for this but the data can't show everything any true reform requires the process I believe this decline is temporary I agree completely to Foster Innovation we let four senior Executives go we've recruited many people but they lack practical experience of course our sales dropped to I said reforms take time before they can bear fruit 3 months give me 3 months and I'll increase sales by 20% 20% in 3 months Mr sha you don't have to do this if I fail to deliver on this promise I will resign Chu the only way we can increase our sales within that time frame is to roll out a new product line in promotion plan tell the design Department to show me next quarter's products right I'll take care of it oh Mr Shell as requested the newest series of men's rings is now ready the inspiration for it is the shivar order you received in Europe the name of the line is chivalry chivalry rings well done we will put it out in the Market at once let's hope that it'll help increase sales good work all right thank you sir I don't want to hear this nonsense that you're telling me are you saying that me melee was the only one capable of making a proposal if Deo rejects even one more plan you will all leave this company Ling it's too short what too short no it's not well what about the makeup is it too much it's perfect that's how pretty people wear it okay let's go hey sit right here a Breezer and an orange juice one moment hey did you see that I think that guy just checked me out can you act a bit more sophisticated from now on you have to act and think like a pretty lady someone who doesn't jump at the first guy who looks at her set some standards it put your legs together seriously hey Patty congratulations on Surviving and finally becoming good-looking here's to the start of your new life that's right cheers here's a lesson for you do not go to bars looking for the love of your life because men in bars are creeps so that makes you a creep too uh um well I'm of course I'm not I can't believe you'd compare me to these guys I'm not like them hey don't laugh at me try looking into my eyes come what do you see me wrong it's sincerity wrong it's aunk wrong it's [Music] lies oh hey Ting Ting I didn't see you you said you were working overtime Le Ming you're just another creep CH why did the client request to meet in a club we can't talk here from now on no clubs sir would you like a drink did he recognize me no way he can't my face it's different [Music] now hey gorgeous uh are you alone yes I am oh I'm alone too mind if I buy you uh drink uh that's lame uh uh oh to try my drink it's better thanks but I don't drink all right I'll teach you I really don't drink this one's good and it's not that strong excuse me hang on it it's still early just just try I I need to go now what are you saying huh are you m making fun of my stammer come here and sit down I'll give you two options you have to pick one of them the first one is you have to drink this whole bottle in front of me two is I pour it down your throat so you better make your choice uh I I don't want to drink then I'll guess I'll have to force you cuz you're not leaving I don't drink just shut up I I I don't want to drink then I'll have to force you cuz you're not leaving till you finish this you you must think I'm a fool a fool huh I'll pour it down your throat so you you better make a choice want to drink just shut up hey come back here the the that's right run away from me please wait thanks a lot for helping me back there no it's nothing I just don't like seeing guys mistreat women I know but still I must thank you Mr Shia excuse me do you know me oh uh yeah I saw you in the news don't come here dressed like that because it's not safe [Music] are you looking for someone I'm looking for meelee uh no one's opening the door is she not here are you her roommate yeah then please tell her that the company's in trouble right now there are adjustments in the diamond ad she created we need her back oh the company is also ready ready to give anything just to make her return which Diamond ad is that the Theo project how do you know it um well she talked about it before I see tell her what I said okay have her call me right away thank [Music] [Music] you hi Chen M's not here only her roommate starting tomorrow I want you to stay outside their door until you see Mee come [Music] out [Music] uh baby I'm sorry yes it's all my fault I didn't mean to lie to you I thought you might mistake us for a couple and please sorry do you swear that she's really just a patient oh yeah yeah I swear she has postpartum depression and she asked me to take her to a bar as a star obstetrician uh I can't easily refuse her please I can't jeopardize my reputation right okay fine I'll give you this one last chance because the next time you do that I'm going to defile that face of yours well defiled I like it come my face is yours defile all you want all right where should I start then start wherever you want it's fine with me do as you please you'll do what I want okay I'll start here come on close your eyes let's get to it leing someone's eating noodles here H someone's eating what [Music] noodles Le Ming is she also one of your patients do you treat them at home or just her and you who are you why are you here yeah who are you and why are you here I'm asking you who she is and what is she doing here she's right who are you and what are you doing here and what is that it's just noodles oh it's just noodles you big fat liar you jerk I don't mind you being close to your fat friend cuz I know she's not your type but now she's wearing your coat and she's eating here at your place baby listen to me no I've had enough of your lives I'm breaking up with you I'm sorry I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to it was a reflex please oh oh no an obstetrician huh you're a liar you can attend to your patient now I'm going to see an orthopedist wait the hospital's closed right now hey babe oh laming are you okay okay I need an orthopedist too go after her explain everything to her what will I tell her why do I even need to wait a minute what are you doing here huh have I done something to you why didn't you stay at the bar and why are you here I don't understand I'm in trouble what trouble Tina came to my place uh what did she want it seems like she wants me to go back and work on Theo ad again what she hasn't even apologized for grabbing the credit for it but wait did she find out who you are no she didn't recognize me but I know that woman very well she's not going to give up that easily but what will he do now you don't have a clue do you whatever happens we can't let her discover where I'm currently staying all right yeah got it are we thinking the same thing yes we are wonderful Dina doesn't know where you live right now what makes this the safest place for me I'll move in here immediately thanks a lot what you'll move in with me yeah W Are you seriously going out of your mind you know just follow my advice here I'll tell you what to do stand straight and turn around there look see the door all you have to do is go outside and think about it again huh oh no not my foot hey I know that you're hurting cuz you just got dumped and in times like these food is the best way to heal your heart so here have some noodles go ahead don't forget to wash the bow all right I'll go sleep now hey come back how can you do this to me my reputation is at stake [Music] here [Music] what the this is my first night here I'm not used to sleeping upstairs and I'm too scared to sleep alone isn't it enough that you're taking over my home and now you want my bed too can't you see what's wrong with that not being able to sleep alone is not a disease you know I know you can survive that you know this isn't easy for me too stop looking at me just tonight thanks L you know I just realized that I have nothing to gain from this so I won't let you stay here for free you have to clean cook and wash my clothes while you're staying here but you will neither touch my personal things nor will you invade my privacy personal things include these covers on my bed and my body both are off limits to you oh fatty Hey [Music] fatty [Music] new name new face you can put everything behind you now I'm sure no one will find out who you were before see you look great there that's it that's the ad given to us by L advertising Mr sha nothing but crap didn't even include our core values the first one's better I'll get them to improve it you don't even have to say anything just find the color that will surely make you shine it's the weapon that makes men weak walking towards us is the favorite star of everyone today GA wed her appearance brought this press conference to a climax I'm sure you can hear the fans yelling her name behind me let's interview our biggest star [Applause] tonight love you guys thank you thanks for coming here she's everywhere let me turn it off no I just thought of a new ad what do you have in mind Mr Shell that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woman take a look at this dear I saw it what about this one then I said I I saw it Miss go is there anything you'd like to add to the contract of course there is I won't let the ad interfere with my filming it'll be up to me if I want to do a film If the product is flawed I'll be compensated for the damage it may cause me I must have a say in the making of the ad if you're okay with that then we can discuss the rest later okay huh I like working with partners that are easy to get along with I'm excited to work with you well if that's the case wait a minute huh don't you think it's too early for that Mr Shia I may still receive other offers so I won't say yes to you yet that's fine with me Miss go this is the kind of contract that I believe you like oh wow it's a a blank contract just write your terms and conditions and I'll do my best to give them to to you no that's true sincerity just know that I actually hate being turned down but what's worse is a partner with no principles who doesn't know how to say no I'll give you some time to think it over and I hope you'll contact me soon oh bye Mr Shia have a great [Music] day you did very well today we'll have a dinner meeting tomorrow you should come thanks a lot for helping me back there oh it's nothing I just don't like seeing guys mistreat women then please tell her that the company's in trouble right now there are adjustments in the diamond ad she created we need her back what if I failed to give him this ad will it cause him serious [Music] problems hello Miss I came here to talk to Mr Shia he's not here right now do you have an appointment no I'll try to call and ask him may I know what your name is um I am may never mind you don't have to do that I'll just sit and wait for him thank you Mr Shia gowin called you today she's asking to see you tomorrow shall we tell this to the director don't bother him unless it's important I'm only worried that Mr Le probably won't recognize me he doesn't have a say on [Music] anything Mr Sha Sha you're looking for Mr sha M you can try to talk to me instead let's see if I can help you um that will be a big help but can you please give this to Mr Shia for me Mr Shia yes of course thank you very much goodbye [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh The Talk of the Town has finally arrived what is the meaning of this emergency board meeting Mr sha here have a look what can you say about this my private life is not something I need to explain to the board you're right your scandal with this big actress is indeed your own business it's not something that we should discuss however you're clearly mixing business with pleasure here and you also sign this actress without our knowledge making her the new phase of our product this isn't just about you anymore all right you are putting her company's image on the line there's no need to worry I believe he'd never gamble with a company's image he will surely take care of it there's really nothing to worry about Mr Lynn you speak like a true Insider were you the one who told the Press I'm on your side how could you say such a thing I don't need your help everything's under control but it's already on the headlines I'm afraid that this is now beyond your control listen young man just don't be so naive that's not what's important now my results will prove my worth look at what he did it's wrong no please sweetheart don't go in there just relax everyone's watching you let me do it now you say that to me where were you when it needed to be stopped so what if there are people here I only sleep 3 hours a day and I spend every single minute of my day being stared at by other people I work hard to endorse his product and he sells me out to De press you think I'll just let that pass wait don't just calm down all right listen it could be his staff who did it he could be innocent you must give him the benefit of the doubt maybe he had no choice I don't care they ruin my reputation and he needs to fix it you know what if you go up there we'll definitely lose the contract yes to add the movie hey wait no wait oh [Music] no cancel it what's going on that's what I want to know Mr sha Paparazzi catch us every time that we meet and you're saying it's a coincidence what's wrong with that what do you mean it's good for the both of us you've got to be kidding me please sit down and let's talk about this what's there to talk about I'm telling you the two things I hate the most in this world are flies and Traders so cancel it do you think that would make the rumors go away if it doesn't I'll cover it with an even juia rumor I thought you were smarter than [Music] this you have the documents my agent will be in touch with hold on I think we can make use of this rumor you're a very famous celebrity you're young and beautiful but do you think that will last forever I can help you rise to the top that's why I suggest that we make the most out of these rumors and why should I trust a traitor like you because we're the same that's it No One Believes In what I can do like No One Believes In Your acting skills this is the opportunity to prove to them that they're wrong so what do you want me to do just play along okay and help me in making too famous so I was right all along you're the one who's behind all of this and I was also right you're actually smarter than most women should I go public with our relationship not for now get your agents to deny those rumors it'll give us some room to spread other rumors when public Curiosity has reached its peak boom we both become winners to our future to our future [Music] f you're back I almost had a heart attack what are you doing huh I cooked something for you you made that what's that that's your favorite soup what soup tomato and egg soup tomato and wo you call the tomato and egg soup huh it looks more like a suicide that's gone wrong [Music] and what's this is this barbecue [Music] rice [Music] heisten oh so you found out you know fatty you need to stop lying to yourself that feeling you have now for sha young just how long is that going to last why do you have to keep tormenting yourself I just love him there's nothing wrong with that okay I've never felt this way towards anyone before I don't care if it's hurting me you'll just fail in love two parties must be involved that one-sided love will never work out listen I'll help you forget him don't worry come take it off what are you doing give it listen to me from now on you're not allowed to bring any of his clothes here give it back hey what are you doing how dare you throw my stuff away you're so mean to me it's the only thing I have of him give it back to me I this is my home I can throw whatever I want it's not your call it's my jacket how can you throw it away your home your rules huh all right I'm leaving now fine have it your way go leave see if I [Music] care why do you have to keep tormenting yourself anything wrong with that okay I've never felt this way towards anyone before I don't care if it's hurting me you'll just fail in love two parties must be involved that one-sided love will never work out I'm Sorry Miss but we're closing up now may I take this for you it's dark outside the street are empty I'm all alone where should I go now where can I possibly [Music] stay maybe for someone like me the perfect love story is never meant to [Music] be it's already dark and she's is not back yet is she really going to run away from me oh no she's really going to do it what's this I thought you ran away why are you here I don't have a choice I don't have anywhere else to go the knock on the door you want to stand here all night guarding my house all right what I did to you was too harsh I know it was way out of line so it's my fault come on get inside but wait can I ask you to do me one favor get inside [Music] first Todd waterer hold it [Music] by the way you said you needed to ask a favor wait here you really got it back for me yes you happy now yeah but is it really worth it fatty it's not just a jacket to me this thing represents a dream every girl needs a good dream that they can hold on to I know that XA young will probably never love me even if I look better now I know he still won't like me all right that's enough don't get all mushy on me and don't look so down go wallow and pity elsewhere I don't want to see you like that Patty you know what's not wrong to be in love with [Music] someone [Music] Hey fatty why did you dress up just to eat here like your Audrey heurn oh you're back wait here I'll show you something the spreading rumors of the affair have turned out to be not true now that gawan herself has already spoken about it her agent also denied those rumors that she and sha Yang are in a relationship in one recent event gawan said that they're just actually business partners see that just rumors so it's not true at all hey are you all right huh of course for me it's very exciting and encouraging news that's why starting today I'm going to go after Shing again yay no wait what's going on with you please explain I can't understand why you're suddenly like that there's more actually I got a call from his company's HR department they're looking for someone to be his personal secretary and I'll be interviewed why would the company call you in the first place I think it's a trap how could you say it's a trap oh I mean look at me I know they know that I'm brilliant if it's a trap I can definitely deal with it besides it must be my talent that they really want I thought I could live up my gorgeous face in yet it is my great talent they truly want oh the once in a lifetime chance to work with xiaolang is like a dream come true a lifelong dream that I now have how could you can do this 68 me [Music] Duo please sit down go ahead um hello everyone I'm me Duo uh uh I'm number 68 I'm applying for the secretary position is this the girl you asked us to contact for this interview yeah she looks good you look a little nervous be confident just relax thank you I will try what do you think are your advantages that will set you apart in this interview uh this industry is actually new to me though I really don't have a lot of background and experience that would also mean that I'm like a clean slate who can become whatever you need me to be for me to seeo has always stood above all other companies I've always followed its developments and I have worked my way just to be here I completely understand the jewelry market and I have done extensive research in making ads which is why I believe that I'm the most qualified person for this job and I also hope that after this day I can finally add the name to cero on my resume it's the only new addition I want there you said you did jewelry promotion and advertisement now which company did you work for is your name on the proposals um no it's not but I'm telling the truth I I made a proposal for the promotion of the to see Ro brand a while back uh I'm like Mr sha she's new let's not dwell too much on her experience but I think that she fits the role quite well and she's sincere let's give her the benefit of the doubt can I ask you a personal question question why did you dress up like that for this interview if we went to see a client and you're dressed like that the client's Focus would be on you and not on the company or our proposal I'm sorry what I need is a secretary someone who thinks and not someone whose only focus is her appearance you may [Music] go okay next he's so stupid how dare he talk to me that way so what if he's the president so it seems like he's not a playboy like everyone's saying hey that's enough for you you're drunk huh this is all your fault you know it was you who said to me that their company has high requirements for their secretaries that is why I dressed up like that do you know what that stupid shaolong actually said to me I'm just a pretty face who focuses on my appearance and you know that's really humiliating I know I have great talent behind this pretty face and I'm not like any other worthless woman out blaming tell me that what I think about myself is right oh what's so great about cha young anyway he's just one pretty face that's it I'm telling you if we put you next to him you are definitely just as handsome as him that's so nice you're saying that now huh I can't believe that I'm at the same level as your crush so tell me what made you say I'm hot H well I think those eyes are really nice looking those two huge [Laughter] dots with such a perfect large nose and nostrils [Laughter] come let me look at your mouth what about my mouth hey it's a shame they don't use your luscious lips for those lip Bal mats wow M I only want you no I want to kiss your lips right now I'm never going to brush my teeth again what the heck fatty hey what's going on no please I don't want to argue with you I'm dead [Music] tired want to take another look at my lips hey hey stop it I'm dreaming [Music] what the [Music] [Music] hell is it my phone why were you sleeping there well because of you did you forget what happened why what happened last night nothing just had a nightmare I was being kissed by a pig what you got kissed by a pig are you all [Music] right hey where did you put my cell phone laming how would I know where you put it hi I'm mid H huh uh yes all right no problem I'll be there right on time thank you goodbye Ling hey what is it yes I'm hired really that's wonderful yeah here what is that it's water why do I need water Cate I'm so happy leing I finally done it I'm finally going to see him day also H remember don't drink again especially when I'm not here but why don't ask why just stay away from [Music] alcohol you don't scare me [Music] [Music] [Music] your documents have been filed go and report to the design Department design department but I applied to be the president's secretary you were accepted by the design Department you were personally hired by Mr Lynn you can begin as Li you 's assistant H Mr Lynn and Miss C thank you [Music] okay wow Su went a limited edition yes from my boyfriend wow awesome that bring must be worth thousands she's right well you know see youan if I also had a rich boyfriend that is as generous as your boyfriend now I would have quit work and just enjoyed my life me too I will not work anymore he said he'll pay for everything but I can't live with that I will not be cooped up in own by anyone you know actually we have fought many times about it well I would love to be in your shoes wait a minute Sean you have a new assistant I heard that she's pretty she wears flashy clothes but we can all tell that wears cheap stuff I don't care if she's pretty she has no experience education and no family background I can't believe she got into our department weird what I heard was it was actually Mr Lynn's choice to hire her he told HR that Sean will Mentor her doesn't make sense cuz she's a newbie who knows nothing why would they hire her for her pretty face I'm sure of that all right enough of that let's just talk about something positive okay what do you want for lunch oh I saw a new Japanese restaurant let's go all right come on [Music] you are Mido right I'm ly zilan um hello Mr Lynn thank you for having faith in me why are you here during work hours did you encounter a problem um no sir everything's great so far H here take this document and hand it to the president hand it to the president to Mr sha mhm why would you ask me to go to him why don't you want to do it no sir no it's my pleasure I'll do it now thank you come in um Mr sha here are the new pictures from the design department just leave it what's this why are you here uh sir I was hired by the design Department uh my name is me I don't care what your name is I want to know why you keep approaching me I think you're up to something does he know that I Mee I can tell who you are no matter what you're wearing I knew who you were on the day of the interview uh no you don't understand really then why would you apply here how dare a bar Hopper like you talk me all the way here I'm sorry what's a bar Hopper sir what you're not like that [Music] you know Mr Shia you just don't understand I didn't apply for this job I was surprised as well when I heard that I was hired before I came here I was actually looking for other jobs really I turned you down at the interview why are you still here it was Mr Lynn who hired me I'm with the design Department Mr Lynn get out of my office I don't care what's your relationship with that man but you're not allowed to be in my office too needs talented professionals this is no place for empty-headed people like you you better quit as soon as possible get out of [Music] [Music] here oh wait it's Fatty's first day at work I wonder how she's doing oh hello Fatty I was just thinking of you so how was it how did your first day go it was awful awful is someone bullying you everyone's really nice here but I can't do anything right from looking pretty what's wrong with that not everyone has a chance to be called pretty did you know that today is your first day at work you're just not used to it yet so just give it some time you can learn the things you don't know from others I really want to learn from them however never mind just forget it have you eaten yet you've only just moved in and You' forgotten your duties please don't forget to make dinner tonight I'm afraid I can't do it I'm working over time over time what kind of a company are you working for it's only your first day there is your boss a slave driver or what it's my choice to work over time I found some jewelry related information and I want to learn all of it oh so hardw [Music] working overtime what kind of a company are you working for it's only your first day there is your boss a slave driver or what it's my choice to work over time I found some jewelry related information and I want to learn all of it oh so hardw working now what should I make for dinner that's not hard to figure out call one of your girlfriends and ask her on a date you always complain about how you have no time to hang out with them oh that's great I'm finally free now I can make my girlfriend's happy good for you then anyway remind remind me again why I wanted to work for too I kind of need a boost right now yeah to sh right I'm here to chase shaol Yang I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I'm not giving up I should go [Music] bye Mr Shia you've been working late a lot these days slow down a bit 3 months is very short we can't afford to relax even a little ever since Gowan endorsed us our saes of skyrocketed through the roof so the board can't complain they ought to ease up on us we shouldn't let our guard down the proposal for next season campaign is out contact gawen and get her ready okay I didn't know there's someone working even later than [Music] us hey what are you doing here you're working so hard on your first day I have to show my support right as your buddy I'm sure you haven't eaten so I brought you this you're the best who's your best friend when you're working late right wait didn't you go out on a date where's your girlfriend oh well we we did go out and then she had to go home to sleep early for work tomorrow what are you reading about jewelry design I'm trying to memorize a few details to save sometime I write them down here so I won't forget I'm pretty good at memorizing remember how I helped you study for tests back in high school so shall I help [Music] you [Music] [Applause] Hey [Music] [Music] fatty TT [Music] [Music] [Music] for light what the heck am I thinking leing wake [Music] up bye-bye bye-bye bye still working there's supposed to be a typhoon tonight you can go ahead and leave first I'm staying for a while to read this that's a specialized book can you understand it well I'm still working on it sometimes it's all about Talent hard work can't make up for lacking it you've never seen designer jewelry so how can you design them do do you mind if I ask you a question go on why why do you hate me so much because you keep trying to break into a world you don't belong in aren't you [Music] exhausted [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] laming you scared me Mr Shia what are you doing here this is my company what's your excuse well the power for the elevators just went out and the guard must be off duty hello can someone get the elevators fixed I'm stuck in the office with one of our staff thanks thanks Mr Shia if it wasn't for you I might have been stuck here all night someone should come soon just wait here ah wait please don't leave wait for me Mr Shia could you leave the door open I'm just going to stay right here I promise I won't bother you come on in you can sit [Music] there do not speak do not move do not ask questions in short don't disturb me otherwise you're out of here thanks Mr Shia [Music] I just told you not to disturb me I didn't say anything and I didn't [Music] move is this the proposal for the next [Music] campaign get out of my office what are you really up to how did you manage to convince Mr Lynn to hire you actually I don't know I'm sorry Mr Shia I didn't mean anything by it I didn't mean to look at the proposal I guess I'd better leave huh Mr Shia can I just say one more thing only one sir go ahead what I want to say is that I think the campaign would be much more effective if we expand the coverage what do you mean what I mean is that the campaign coverage could still be expanded for example you could make a micro movie and release two versions of it one would be a bridge meant to be broadcast on mainstream media like the internet and TV the other would be a full ENT version for other media channels like public transport networks and Subways and buses each episode will tell a story based on the same theme I believe that this will Intrigue our target audience and at the same time attract people from all walks of life most of all an ad campaign like this would grab more attention than the usual ones and it's way more fun too uh um but of course it's just something I came up with it's still Half Baked have a [Music] seat give me [Music] that now I want you to read the whole proposal carefully and tell me if you have any ideas or suggestions you understand okay [Music] [Music] h this is so creative did you work in an ad [Music] agency why didn't you suggest this earlier actually I drafted a proposal and gave it it seems Mr Lynn didn't give my proposal to Mr Shia why did he hold it back never mind like eing said I should avoid conflicts just act like it's nothing what is it is something wrong oh nothing's wrong Mr Shia did I hear you right do you really think I'm creative I'm very flattered you want to join the planning team I'm not ready to leave the design team you'd rather stay in design as an assistant I know that I'm only an assistant now but that's exactly why I can't leave yet if I choose to leave now it would be like saying I gave up I surrendered I've never been a quitter um but of course working hard still might not lead to success people like me who've never seen designer jewelry will'll have a hard time designing good jewelry come in I'm sorry Mr Shia no one's on duty tonight because of the coming typhoon but the power's back on and the elevators are back in service you can leave anytime well Mr Shia I'll see you tomorrow thank you so much hang on what's what your name it's me D thank you again [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] me [Laughter] [Music] Dr Le uh do you have time now yes I do why close the door and hide your face are you getting a prostate exam or something I'm a psychiatrist you know very funny why B they covering your face everyone here knows you Frankly Speaking I came here today on behalf of a friend of mine I see go on he went through a breakup recently and now he's a little confused because he's having feelings for a childhood friend they used to be just like brother and sister what kind of feelings like annoyed annoyed yes I an extremely annoyed it's the sort of irritation that makes him depressed at times and gives him palpitations when he sees fatty he gets so annoyed he becomes a totally different person do you think that he may be suffering from depression because of too much pressure you know you're far from being depressed wait stop right there I wasn't talking about me oh I mean your friend's condition has nothing to do with depression then what's wrong with him your friends love sick impossible have you heard of the Yiddish saying there are three things in life that can't be hidden coughing poverty and love if you're in love with someone okay okay stop it it's not me I told you it's my friend yes of course your friend watch your words then it's not me as I was saying if your friend's in love then he can't help but miss her or stop caring for her without her he feels stressed whether it feels like in the entire world only her silhouette remains engraved in your mind oh I mean your friend's mind unfortunately there's no method or drug anywhere that could control such symptoms did you break up with your girlfriend I mean did your friend this diamond micro movie takes a look into the hearts of thousands of people in cities eight directors eight cities eight stories from post 60s post 7s and post 80s generation each one depicting a tale of romantic love we hope you can relate to their stories we hope their stories will touch your lives and stir your hearts if they are in the form of a micro movie the ads will attract a larger audience it would also enhance viewing pleasure and image retention tell me what you guys think this company's never used this form of promotion I'm afraid there might be some risks but this is unique creative and yet trendy it goes well with the times we are in now I really like it all right that's what we'll do then Mr Shell this is the list of people selected for the film crew let the directors choose their crew as for the design Department let's see it's Le Yuen and chenmin right Mr alen the oen is in charge of the jewelry's design replace one of them I have someone else in mind and that is midu you know her I do it was her idea to make a micro [Music] movie laming listen I have great news I'm going to work on the film [Music] laying hey are you in [Music] there no way I can't be in love with her come on how could I be in love with fatty she's fatty stop it stop thinking about her stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop why are you calling me now of all times did something happen laming something great happened at work it's about sh young again isn't it could you leave me alone I need some time for myself too you know I have to save the ladies I don't have time for idle talk hey oh I wonder why he's so cranky could it be because of his breakup stop stop hey hun welcome back did you bring dinner no I didn't I'm too pissed off how come who pissed you off you know who as usual it's me du she's a total newbie and yet Mr sha made her my assistant in the film I don't know what she could do she'll definitely make a mess hey if she's a newbie then why don't you teach her why get so angry I've come this far slowly and painfully by working hard if you want to be the best you have to go through pain just like everyone else okay oh but not her the boss favors her just because she's pretty do you think that's fair all right [Music] listen look what could we do we're not Mr Xiao it's fate what about without fate I won't accept fate all you ever talk about is fate don't you have any ambition I'm working under such pressure but never did I give into fate is it your fate to play games you had a hard time at work why take it out on me every day you come home full of negativity have you ever considered how I feel I am your boyfriend not your punching [Music] bag go it's [Applause] coming Goen you're always accompanied by Mr shouted to Hero events now he's the lead actor in your micro movie rumor has it you two are dating is it true or is it just typed Mr sha you accepted the lead girl are you doing this for G um thank you for your interest but he and I just worked together right we hope you'll watch this Euros micro movie thank you all right that's all for today please excuse us make way please miss G and Mr Shia have to go to work please make way going so tell me why did you agree to be the lead actor I thought you weren't detracted to me people think I am and that's enough I like your attitude I have to give you a heads up though there's a kissing scene sweetheart we have to go and meet the director right I should go hold my hand it's l hey mid can't you hear me it's time to work I'm sorry suan you're supposed to be my assistant don't forget your job it won't happen again Mr Shia are you ready H ready ready for what as the one who came up with this project you need to keep keep track of the shoot is that so thank you Mr sha no Talent will be wasted in my company you'd better work hard we do sir go to [Music] work let's continue what did I tell you he's not a big deal I've met directors more famous than him it was easy to win him over you are popular after all sit down and relax a bit where's the costume give it to me Miss goal your dress has it been touched by anyone probably not I won't wear something touched by others Jason change it okay listen Miss G I'm a designer at the C I design in I style sorry but I don't do wardrobe you know I didn't come here to listen to the staff complain change the dress or I will have you change don't waste my time um Miss G um I've read about you online and I know that you're particular about cleanliness that's why before today's shoot I checked each and every one of the dresses and made sure no one touched them rest assure they're all clean good then you'll be in charge of my wardrobe me but miss gal I'm just a rookie CU is a professional designer you two are fascinating rookie or not it's all about doing a good job I Choose You Jason deal with her okay Co I have a question are we going to start soon yes you can change over there let's go what you mean oh hi it's you you're still alive uh it's been a while huh you said you had stage four cancer so what happened how come you're still alive I just I eventually beat the disease and made a full recovery as you can see I'm in perfect health you don't need to say anything I'll never leave you again let's give us another shot fatty what did you call me I I didn't call you anything what's wrong honey you called me fatty I'm 45 kilos at 5'4 you never said I was fat before who the heck is fatty well hang on you must have heard me wrong I didn't call you fatty I was calling your name so what's my name then babe you did I say [Music] fatty [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] go back to the old days [Music] okay only when I see you do I feel [Music] secure about the person in charge Chia told me it's official you're in charge of gwin's wardrobe I don't want anything to do with her anyway she's too fussy nothing I do makes her happy she's your problem now thank you San don't thank me it's all part of the job I've already signed this take care of the rest those on the Flor bring the East to the office find out what's been happening there then report to me I will more those Plastic Trees excuse me coming through hurry [Music] up are you all right mid mid mid he's hurt somebody help me somebody get the car hurry move it hurry get the car is she going to be okay terrible hello how's the shoot going are you working hard uh this is actually mid's boss she can't answer her phone right now she was injured at work she's currently in the [Applause] hospital you're awake how do you feel I'm okay well my head hurts a little the doctor treated your wound the pain means you're recovering don't tell me you've been here the whole time why did you save me if you wanted to thank me you'd didn't have to risk your own life that's not why I saved you then why well I saved you because because I happened to be walking past that's why I knew I had to save you no one risks their life for nothing I don't buy it what do you want if I had a time to think about what I could get from saving you I wouldn't have had the time to save you Mr Shia money may be powerful but it cannot buy the things that are most important in [Music] life Mr sha you all right what oh nothing it's just that you've been acting a little strange since I picked you up at the hospital G tell me do you think I'm too suspicious of people well sir it's a little hard to [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Music] don't come this way don't hit me don't hit me I'm here fatty it's okay I'm here you're okay laming easy when did you get here you were having a bad dream do you still think about the accident I'm close to putting it behind me oh yeah today shall um I'm sorry I forgot you just had a breakup I shouldn't keep telling you about my stuff oh it's okay it was my anger talking on the phone don't take it seriously from now on you can talk about shalang all day and I won't be bothered okay that's the laming I know oh you've been so moody these days I found it so hard to get along with you I just figured it all out I've decided that as long as you're happy I can put aside all of my problems I just want to be happy together with you if you were hurt no matter where I am I'd come and keep you company you and I are friends I won't allow anything to come between us what are you getting so sentimental for is there something [Music] wrong oh it's nothing I'm just maybe I was just too stressed out which is why I've been a little off but now that I'm with you I feel better [Music] okay it seems I didn't get injured for nothing I mean I got to save sha Yang and make up with you what are you talking about that wasn't why you got hurt don't laugh oh my best friend is finally back I'm so happy hey look at me do you think this will leave a scar are there any other wounds on my [Music] face [Music] well no it's okay good to [Music] know no way how am I supposed to act that out when I meet the leading man I should feel conflicted I can't just run over and kiss him but that's the only way to show your love it's the point of the film it gives festive atmosphere it's a micro movie for crying out loud if you want a festive atmosphere bring in drums and gongs I don't have time to discuss this with you hey what's going on why are you back here I had to rush back because I wanted to help I then miss much work did I miss work are you kidding me now even if you want to work you might not have the chance huh sorry to say this but you're not if it wasn't for you I wouldn't need 10 takes every time fine since you have the final say then I quit you let her go if you leave you're done this is bad I should call Mr Shia go and might leave for real are you kidding me do you think he'll answer your call just relax no matter how big a scene she makes gawan always comes back it'll all work out well we should go and make sure that the next dress is [Music] ready H sweetie your tea ready have some where are my clothes your clothes what's wrong they changed the schedule no they changed the actress are you serious hey is this a joke [Music] huh here you go the necklace for gow's next scene put them there hang on who pissed her off on the set I have no idea no idea weren't you just in the set I'm sorry but but it's not part of my job what hey you are so irresponsible you oh sweetie listen maybe we can work it out the crew's waiting let's go back shall we could you just leave me alone you've already signed the contract leave and we lose money got it I told you to leave me alone okay sweetie look it's go in few moment of your time hey fatty are you all right if you are then I'm going bye excuse me you're in the wrong car get me out of here oh wait I know you aren't you then stop guessing who I am and hit the gas wait go don't go all right you're Goan the actress we can talk about this later get us out of here okay okay wait wait wait just a few moment back she got away isn't that go she must be some kind of mod as if go would come to place like this I know all done your wish is my command I got all the dishes you wanted she talking to stop staring she's not a panda focus on your food okay but I'm pretty sure I know you ran out on the shoot just so you could come here how much Tire you as my chauffeur for the day W that doesn't ask any questions I wonder how much [Music] what are you doing if I sell this picture to the paparazzi I wouldn't have to take your money delete it now come on give me your phone give it to me give it to me okay fine you can have it here well how do I look pay close attention to my eyes do I look like the kind of guy who cares about money oh don't worry I'll be your show fer and your bodyguard for the day I may be a lousy one but I won't do anything bad to you but I'm late for work because of what you did I have to take the day off so after eating where shall we go [Music] no so are you having fun uh I guess relax look around no one's watching you everyone here's minding their own business they don't really care about you you only live once you know you shouldn't care too much about what others think and focus on your own feelings instead understand let's put it this way are you happy today mhm yes I am then that's enough so now is there anything else you want to do one more thing let's go follow me hey Superstar slow down would you please you're scaring me this is nice aren't you happy I'm happy so happy let's go even faster no don't slow down woo did I hear you correctly you want me to be GW and stubble yes the scene's all set without the lead actress what can we shoot you and gaen have similar figures that's why you're perfect as are double right am I right guys I know wait wait listen I don't know how to act besides I still have a job to do here if my work is affected Coan will yell at me hey come here a sec Sean help me convince your assistant to do the shot talk to her huh I heard everything go ahead get ready it's an employees duty to help the company save money all right go on huh get ready [Music] show under we're here [Laughter] now you scared me we're already here thanks for letting me drive I should be thanking you why aren't you getting out in a moment what a day I've never felt so relaxed in a long time time hm something wrong are you in a hurry I uh well I I actually came here today because you see you see my pet cat has been missing it's been gone for days I'm really worried about it you're a really strange one this is the first time a man leaves me alone just for his pet stop that don't you try to take advantage of me I was just getting my bag are you kidding me take advantage of you are you crazy or something you're overthinking everything is it true that actresses would even wear makeup while walking their dogs have you ever thought of taking a break from it that's why I'm so happy today as long as you're happy I'm fine [Music] then I won't forget you he sure is [Laughter] funny There She Get [Music] Ready she must be in bed by now and exhausted from [Music] work director I swear that I gave it to miss gal yesterday some of the staff were there they were all witnesses to it listen H oh I heard my name um yes just where have you been what's wrong something missing she said she gave the necklace for the next scene to you who said that when did you give it to me aren't you an employee here then how could you not know where the necklace is but I really gave it to miss G director I didn't receive any necklace I don't even know what it looks like do you have witnesses to prove that no aren't you just framing Miss gal maybe you're getting back at her for what happened yesterday is that it right that's it I I I actually saw it I saw she1 give the necklace to mcow yesterday there's also a record of this I'm sure of it so you're saying that I stole the necklace please don't misunderstand me all of us are worried that the necklace is missing so we'd appreciate it if you check if it's with you or not I don't have time for all of this Jason let's rest oh wait don't go you need to stay how can we Face Mr Shia if you leave us again miss gout you lost the necklace yet you're making excuses now I'll miss the deadline listen I don't care what you have to do but I need that necklace found right now that's impossible to replace it's a one-of-a-kind necklace and it's very expensive so if ever it was stolen everyone is accountable for it oh and if I may point out I noticed that the necklace you're wearing actually isn't anything quite special so between you and me who is more likely to be the thief what are you implying if I may miss go see CN is the one responsible for managing some of our most precious and expensive jewelry why would she try to steal a necklace now what about you aren't you in charge as well of course I didn't take it how can you prove it is there something wrong what's going on Mr Shia we lost one of our necklaces but I'm certain that I gave it to miss GAO I didn't come here for your explanation a replacement for the necklace will be provided okay let's go come on everybody prepare for the next shot go go you all right I am keep an eye on your staff will you Mr sha see you innocent a thief I can attest to that you're in charge of watching The Jewelry you know the rules I'm firing you because of this also if it's lost you'll have to pay for it understood see you when don't worry okay I'll try my best to help you find a necklace enough I don't need your [Music] pity excuse me have any of you seen this necklace by chance no sorry we haven't seen anything hello can you tell me if you've seen this necklace excuse me ladies have you seen this necklace no I haven't um sir have you you seen this [Music] necklace hey see you in why are you here listen I just want to help do you really believe that I didn't take it of course I do why would I think you do such a thing thank you Mida anyway how about you search over here and I'll go check there okay [Music] H sweetie your tea ready have some where are my clothes your clothes what's wrong they changed the schedule no they changed the actress are you serious hey is this a joke huh oh my goodness she never listens to me here you go the necklace for gow's next scene put them there okay hang on who pissed her off on the set I have no idea forget it let's give up we won't be able to find it weren't you just in let's go and head back I'll report the situation I'm staying the footage is almost over I'll just finish it then go I still want to find a necklace you can go home now just leave everything to [Music] me see you [Music] then you can't do this how could you replace her I'll have you all fired for this hey wait why does everyone ignore my questions oh sweetie listen maybe we can work it out the Cru waiting let's go back shall we can you just leave me alone you already signed a contract leaveing we lose money got it I told you to leave me alone you already signed the contract leave and we l I told you to leave me alone sweetheart sweetheart what I already told you I didn't take it you didn't edit this did you if I knew how to then I would have just sent it yesterday um I didn't mean anything by that you really are something see you and said nothing good about you yet you're still here helping her so what's in it for you I have nothing to gain from this since the video shows what really happened to the necklace I just want to help Co and prove she is innocent help her she doesn't seem to be grateful though remember when I doubted you why didn't she even try to defend you I just want to prove her innocence now that there's evidence so now that you've seen the video maybe see for yourself sweetheart what if the necklace did fall inside your bag what then don't worry I never really suspected Miss gal for doing it I'm sure it was only an accident your secret is safe with me don't worry seems that you really trust me very well oh no why isn't it in the B did it fall off again what that's impossible I didn't take anything out of my bag and I didn't go anywhere crowded stop that don't you try to take advantage of me I was just getting my bag it must have fallen out in that car in a car yes in that car well I got in it accidentally I don't know the owner but the necklace must have fallen on the floor it's probably in his car accidentally got in his car what if this news comes out to the public it could cause a huge Scandal what about the necklace where can I find this car I assure you it's all right I trust that guy if the necklace is in his car I'm sure he won't lie about it and he's the type who wouldn't make a scandal so don't worry you know how to get in touch with a guy an old friend of ours might know though I know an old friend the paparazzi they wouldn't want to miss such a scene when I got in the car they must have taken pictures so we just have to check those pictures for the car's plate number and then we'll use that to find the missing necklace right the paparazzi one of us has gone insane don't do this to me oh yes I will go get him well at any rate thank you for your help you really are clever most people would say I'm pretty I'll go now thank you bye-bye she's kind of cute I'm sweetheart why are you helping her this isn't your style I think she's a really nice and simple girl the license plate call the guys oh gosh my goodness are you miss me oh I am here for you thank you for your help my pleasure Jason asked for a favor so we're happy to have [Music] help Le [Applause] Ming I'm here so what's the rush what's the matter look I got no time to explain get out of the way I need to look for what do you think you're doing for something there hurry up move move just move please move what's wrong hurry up look your legs this is too much now don't touch me I'm just looking for something yes I found it here what when did you put that there I finally found a necklace when did I put it here it wasn't me who dropped it I'll explain everything to you later let's go drive me home first now Drive what are you staring at what are you doing why aren't you driving oh I [Music] see OU hurry [Music] up now Drive seat belt please all right ready you bet let's go sh I know it's your favorite so I made it for you here here here let me pour you some more wine huh I I think I have lost my appetite is that so maybe you should get some rest first we still have to talk about work zil young yes take care of your mother [Music] you know that our family seldom gets to eat together why do you have to make it uncomfortable for all of us our family father you know I don't like eating dinner with strangers around us Zang is your younger brother and Mr Linus's mother their family and not strangers younger brother zil Young's family name isn't even Xiao father shut up inform me the next time you don't want me here why can't you accept Mrs Lynn after she had zil young she made him take her family name and she did that because she didn't want you to get upset she's committed herself to our family and for years she's been trying so hard to be a mother to you she's only your mistress no other woman can replace my mother how dare you I've told you many times when we filed for a divorce Mrs Lynn had nothing to do with it we became a couple after your mother left why on Earth couldn't you understand that for forget it we've been arguing about this for so many years already I guess there's no use in explaining this anymore anyway tell me something why wouldn't you at least try to trust somebody and what is this scandal with the actress oh I see this is all because yei broke up with you and left you all alone [Music] where are you [Music] going hey yoyo yeah I see you one return day yet I'm not sure I haven't seen her thank you hello youve reach still I can pick up the phone right now please leave a message why won't she answer Mr Shia we were able to find a necklace sit down how did did you find it um we looked through the security footage and saw that we saw that someone actually did lose the necklace at least we were able to find it we also checked it and thankfully it wasn't damaged good work are you okay you look a bit pale and you seem tired did you stay up all night you can take the day off get some rest yes thank you um but Mr Shia now that the the missing necklace has been found will you forgive C for this and not let her be fired um C still failed to take care of the necklace she still must be fired because we must follow company rules but we've already found a necklace and it's clear se you and then steal it can't you at least forgive her just this once besides see youa never meant for this to happen if I forgive everyone's mistake what use is HR true but if you terminate her everyone will think that she really was the thief and she was forced to return to NE because she was afraid of being reprimanded how can she face people in the future no one in the jewelry industry will ever hire her that's none of my concern I've made my decision and once I've decided I never take it back you may [Music] go Mr Shia maybe you've always been successful and you've never bothered or cared about how your employees felt but even the most ordinary job in your company can already be somebody else's dream job I know you can terminate someone with just a few words but if a person wants to keep their job they could exert 10 times the effort compared to someone who doesn't care and to someone who is hardworking if he hears their boss say you have my trust it would make him feel appreciated and that his whole life is full of Hope don't you think that it's better to forgive one's mistake than only care about company regulations are you finished yes Mr Shia you can go [Music] [Music] now [Music] why weren't you answering my call I found a necklace you know you found it where did you find it did you give it to Mr Shia but I'm afraid that Mr Shia might still fire you I'm sorry SU I did try to help you know honestly I want to ask you something why bother helping me after how I've treated you well I don't know maybe it's because I know what it's like to be sad and heartbroken and I also understand that this is when people need help the most you got to be kidding me how can a pretty girl like you get heart broken I bet many boys want to please you what would cause you to be sad okay do we have this month's sales report absolutely although they only increased by 5% Mr Shia it seems sales department couldn't reach your 20% goal but that was only a projection remember the market is constantly changing since I've made the commitment it's not just a projection although I think with our new round of advertisements to be released conditions may change anytime soon so I want everybody to be alert even if there's a new ad how can one ad drive a 20% increase Mr sha don't you think you're being too optimistic stick with this it's because my optimism can be substantiated so there's no need to worry about it oh as for the jewelry theft in the design Department Mr Shia I've made my decision to fire Leo in Mr Shia you must give Sean another chance please she's not a thief sir Mido you are out of line the necklace has been returned so work should just continue as usual Mr sha you won't fire use when what about the regulations haven't you ever made a mistake don't you think that it's better to forgive one's mistake than just care about company regulations I've decided to hold no one accountable for this theft however it shouldn't happen again let's call it a [Music] day Mr Lynn thank you it seems you now have Mr Sea's support and Trust so why thank me good morning Mr Shia good morning Mr good morning morning good morning Mr what's going on maybe it's because of what happened earlier everyone thinks you're so much nicer now nicer well in the past you wouldn't hesitate to fire somebody who would get involved in such a case this is the first time that you forgave an employee Mr sh you really have become much nicer have I changed sometimes change isn't necessarily A Bad [Music] [Music] Thing good morning Mr sha Mr Shell I'll get the car Mr Shia what is it I just wanted to say thank you thank you for believing in me and also for not firing C I just said a few words there's no need to thank me they may have probably been a few simple words to you but all those words you mentioned meant a lot to me it tells me that I was right to stick to my principles and there's more to interpersonal relations than material gain principles do you know what those led to problems always seem to arise whenever you appear and you always make a mess of things you don't respect rules and regulations I hate those who try and change it no one in the world can change my rules and influence me do you regret it then absolutely I should have never trusted you don't look at me that way and don't appear in front of me again now [Music] go [Music] come I'm back oh we're back how's the problem with the necklace it's been fixed so what's with the long face it's because sha young blamed me he said that every time we meet bad things happen he really seems to hate me you didn't lose the necklace why'd he blame you maybe Mr sha just really hates me so he wants to get rid of me and if he does so what then that me's just somebody having a crush on fatty he's no one special you don't need to speak to him again you have nothing to lose you're right he's spoiled because I like him too much fatty you know what I've always wanted to tell you sha young isn't worth it and doesn't deserve your love think of the last 20 years and how much effort I've put in taking care of you even if he fall in love with someone now he should at least be better than me right cuz if not how can I just give him your hand but haven't you always supported me in running after him why does that change then I'm that's that's because he doesn't know how to cherish you ever since you met sha Yang how hard has your life been how many times have you cried because of him just try to look at it this way you know Romeo and Juliet right they went through so much but what happened they died hard broken they turned to butterflies and lived happily ever after what but that never happened to them that's butterfly lovers look I'm talking about Romeo and Juliet both of them ended their lives by drinking poison they didn't turn into hey I get it now so you're telling me they're just like the poisoned love of Romeo and Juliet you think I shouldn't give up so easily isn't that right hold on let's [Music] see now look this glass of water right here represents you and this here is shaol you think water and oil can mix together look observe look at it I know that you're worried I might get hurt you really are a caring best friend you know sometimes I think friendship is far more important for people than love so to me you're like the oxygen that keeps me alive and [Music] going oh my oh my so what's the new Scandal that you had to come see me at midnight it'll be released by tomorrow now tell me who this guy is why didn't you report this to me huh why were you with him I met this guy accidentally he was the driver I was talking about whose car I dropped the necklace in don't bother me with issues you can solve with your PR skills sweetie please I'm only asking that you keep a low profile because if not you'll suffer greatly have you forgotten how you regain popularity do you want to go through being reduced to a nobody again let's look then let's do that these are actually nice now watch your step oh I feel so happy that Mr sha treated us to dinner and thank you for finding the necklace you drank too much where do you live let me tell the driver Ching pu Road in pingfang District now get in first I won't take a taxi Subway I'll take the subway don't worry this is the train just get in hurry up come on oh bye-bye thank be careful now singur Road in Ping Fong District thank [Music] you Mr sha thank you for treating us to dinner tonight you're welcome thank you very much we'll be leaving now thank you Mr sh see thank you sir Mr sha go in would like to talk to you no she'll be arriving soon don't leave yet Mr Shell [Music] what a coincidence I wanted to see you too well I also wanted to talk to you let's make it official I guess we think alike on issues like this we'll begin the promotional campaign in 2 weeks we'll make the announcement at the same time so you have to be prepared I need it sooner sooner like tomorrow perhaps why so soon so I could take advantage of you I'll have Chu arrange it we will do it the way you want it done I'll keep in touch but based on my experience to make our relationship official the paparazzi must have pictures of us walking out of a hotel room together are you ready I'm ready you could be an actor too you know [Music] according to the latest news we have from Ciro shaoang and gawan will officially announce their relationship at a press conference scheduled tonight this confirms that the two of them are dating [Music] I wonder how fatty will take this hello you've reached meal I can't pick up the phone right now please leave a message yes I'll let you know about my portfolio you know you should visit us you got a great office over there yes that's what [Music] I they are there they are you know I think they really are oh look they look lovelys of great footage of the couple please focus focus on them can we don't want to ruin the shots a beautiful CP starting already he's talking uh dear friends from the media thank you for coming to the Taco press conference tonight Gowen and I are going to make an official announcement yes we are in a relationship and thank you all for your care and best wishes and I do hope that everyone will still continue to support gowin and support our new relationship at the same time thanks to Diamonds we found each other we also hope that our relationship can be as Eternal and pure as a diamond thank [Applause] you wow cheers to love spectacular Mak special MH what a lucky girl it SS she's going to be the Envy of L show off the necklace I know what to do it look so beautiful together isn't she [Applause] pretty yes right over there over here wonderful together be sure to get take smile the camera great all right from this angle okay wow [Music] soul [Music] is yes yes I'm an emotional mess yes but you wouldn't want me any less yes cuz you know how it could G to love and emotional [Applause] man you got me baby I'm yours too head don't hurt me my hearts in your head you got me baby I'm yours to H don't help me baby you got you got me baby I'm your stup head don't put me my heart in your head you got me baby I'm your stupid don't H me baby yes yes I'm an emotional mess yes but you wouldn't want me any L yes I'm in emotional mess yes you know how Wild it could get yes to love an emotional mess yes you wouldn't want so that you'll notice me but you don't need to worry because I've given up already that's why I won't bother you anymore I truly wish you happiness [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] something I'm tired then let's go home would you carry [Music] me okay hey right you and I are from two different worlds but I keep making a lot of effort to get closer to you so that you'll notice me here to a great performance aren't you happy you see it's just business does it really matter why of course we're in it for the benefits right you already got what you wanted so why do you seem so miserable our contract is ready there are conditions and responsibilities I will need you to sign it you even need a contract for this you make it seem like true love doesn't exist anymore it does really yeah I believe so maybe [Music] no no way laying I'm going to be late laying oh my oh my goodness why didn't you wake me up huh why didn't I hear my alarm I don't worry I turned off the alarm and called your office I told them that you're sick so just calm down you turned off my alarm and called in sick for me are you insane lelay no but you are remember how you were last night and this situation you're in now tell me can you honestly work with XA Yang again I did you a favor of course I can sha young is sha young work is work and besides when I was still me m I lost my job all because of him so I refuse to be that fat girl forever I've made up my mind I'm going to pull myself and again I will shine what wait no no no no no no so what you're telling me is that you're not giving up on that guy I can't back down now because of one man fatty oh you've never made me so proud maybe I'll forgive you for sobbing all over my ex's shirt well today just stay home and relax come on let's eat hold on H I really like this job and I love diamonds it's my dream to become a diamond designer and you know what my job right now is not just about shaol young okay it's about fulfilling my dream now I can't lose both my dream job and the love of my life fatty you're a strong girl and I admire that but as the saying goes it's never too late to start over only when you give up on Sha young can you start a happy life of peace and prosperity get it so just listen to me and stay home today take a break just take a break until you finally get over him that good enough I can't come and go whenever I please it doesn't work that way I'm going to get fired is that what you want listen it's a big company I'm sure it'll do just fine even without you there this is the only way to Mend My Broken Heart so I can finally let go you understand you see I need to do this for my sake forget about it okay stay home and relax I've made my decision I'll skip work to take care of you all right and you're welcome you can't skip work wait you're a doctor and I'm sure you have patients in the hospital I'll just go to work by the way my clothes upstairs aren't there anymore why didn't you see them I took your dirty clothes to the laundry I woke up at 3:00 a.m. to do your laundry which reminds me why do you keep so many dirty clothes huh am I supposed to wear to work then well you have two options option one just skip work option two just wear that cute Hello Kitty pajama with pride and go to work now you better go because there are so many people depending on you awesome plan huh hold on a minute where are you taking those sandwiches hey wait a sec you can't eat both of them the other ones for me leave me alone don't you dare come up here CER there are so many Paparazzi outside we need more security I don't want any trouble since last night more than 10 media Outlets have requested interviews paparis have been standing by our phones have been ringing off the hook everybody wants a piece of the action sir that's great we'll see how this BS out then come in Mr Shia Mr Lyn sent these documents for you just leave it there wait a second why did you bring these to me today where's mea she's on leave sir that would be all on leave Mr sha the chairman wants to see [Music] you [Music] Mr sha you wanted to see me Father please calm down do you have any idea what you've done just who do you think you are to ignore my warning and admit your relationship with that woman imagine what they'll say about my company you have destroyed everything I've built you've never respected me as your father I recall mentioning to you that I would do this I have my own plans for the company did I agree remember I gave you everything you have you better bear that in mind every morning you wake up chairman Shia the news is already out everyone knows about my relationship with with gowin I'm asking you to respect my privacy Leon father's already angry stop arguing with him do you know where you are you're in company premisis Don't Call Him Father now you're bossing zil around after what he did for you he was protecting you in front of all the shareholders all night he was pulling strings the investors are questioning your ability the company's credibility this business would have been driven to the ground if so young didn't step in this plan of yours was a mess shareholders are divesting because of your stupidity I know that that we have more than enough funding sales have doubled as well as our stocks I'm not scared of a few shareholders leaving yes my relationship is affecting the company favorably as for those who doubt my ability to run this company I'll shut them up with our success I'd rather give up success and have a son so Indiscreet about the embarrassment of his life father end it end this before it's too late the announc ment was just released if I end this abruptly a real Scandal will be upon us when I made the decision I already knew the consequences I won't back down because of the rumors nor because of you father then you leave me no choice if you don't want to break it off with that that actress I shall chendong I'm going to disinherit you father Wait f [Applause] mother he go get it it's your [Music] phone cut it [Music] out hello mid how are you doing are you okay are you feeling any better all is good I'll be fine in a few days get well soon okay it's been hectic without you when I delivered a files earlier today Mr sha asked me where you were I told him you were on leave so don't worry about it thank you I appreciate that I'll see you soon goodbye I can't believe it he looked for me you rock laming stop it stop it stop tugging on my hoodie you're ruining it you know who was looking for me at work today oh I'm so grateful to you seriously because being on leave is by far the best decision of my life sha Yang found out I wasn't at work today and you know what he actually asked about why I wasn't there unbelievable right so here's a better plan I got to go to work tomorrow no more TV for me today you can have fun by yourself I'm going to check on the laundry you're leg oh wait what did you just say I'll check on the laundry good morning [Music] a a why laming why did you wash my clothes again the cleaner the better right you know what fatty being Lovick sure as torture it's just like giving birth so you should see yourself as a recovering patient and as your doctor I'm telling you that you are sick and you need to rest some more rest some more I'm going to work today in these if I have to hey hold on a second are you doing this for the job or is it for sha Young you see now I know why you're actually lost to Goan what does this have to do about losing to why are you being so naive how did gawin get shaan it's because she knows men well men love missing the things they want the most that's a fact it's hunger marketing when a man really wants to be with you stay away disappear the more you do the more desperate he becomes it's all a game and this is how you hook him in that's how you win then what should I do next honestly uh you should take a leave I am sure he's going to miss you but he never truly cared about me before today then you know what to do [Music] next this seat has been empty for days unfortunately Mr sha she's still on leave still on leave who is she Mido oh what is the matter with her do you know what's wrong with her is it that serious all I know is she's sick is that all you can't miss work just because you're sick company policy is clear you can't be on sick leave without a medical certificate did she submit one to you get her back here right away uh um she reports to me as soon as she gets here is that [Music] clear what's wrong with Hey listen guys need always on leave because she's sick right if she's sick how can she work has it been like this before I have no idea what's really going on you know what honey I'm so happy I just found a used designer bag yes right here in one of the boutiques Hey listen this bag is sold out everywhere it's not easy to get one I'm so lucky right well okay honey I'll talk to you later what are you looking at what's the matter with you don't you have manners I didn't mean to what a perve are you all right why the hell are you touching me you pervert I wasn't trying to touch you I was wiping the spilled coffee I saw you staring at me like a pervert earlier go get your manager I'll have you fir I wasn't staring at you all right I just wanted to wipe the spilled coffee everyone saw what happened I wasn't trying to harass you I won't let you get away with this you're nothing but a lowlife scum of thee waiter who do you think you are to talk to me like that you think it's all right because of the loser that you are why are you so rude Miss I was only trying to help and this is what I get what you're going to get is exactly what you deserve you lunatic now go get your manager go get your manager and get out of my sight okay I'll get the manager I apologize I'm so sorry for this we will correct this mistake this won't happen again shanan apologize to the kind lady admit that it was your mistake apologize if you still want your job forgive me miss I'll be more careful how about I take you to have that stain cleaned what do you say is that okay I don't need your help all right huh what an idiotic place I'll never come back here again H you shouldn't have argued with her you know better why didn't you apologize right away when I was I don't want to hear your excuses just clean up this mess will you [Music] sheesh hey paty feeling stuffed after eating that much how about we go out and exercise or go for a j I can teach you some fancy self-defense skills like this I'm not going anywhere anywhere why would I need self-defense come on it's the office hey give that back wait you have to promise me that you won't just go back promise me you won't no no no no no I got you are you okay huh okay let's answer it you to speaker As You Wish [Music] fine there hello C Mid what is it with you and Mr sha what happened and why are you not at work today huh Mr sha was aware of the situation he asked about you in front of everyone what did he say he wants you to come back to work and report to him immediately yes right away sha Yang himself asked around about why I haven't been to work yeah come on I did it give me five Hi Five yeah yeah oh these rich kids today are so impatient are you really going back then of course I have to Mr sha asked for me you know why wouldn't I no you can't go back but why not well because because because if you go back too soon you lose all right but if you must go actually you can but do it only for one thing what's that resign seriously just a fake resignation this is a form of of reverse psychology you should make sh make an effort to find you do you want to win or lose I want to win then listen to [Music] [Music] me [Music] hang on where were you the past few days I have been sick that's why I asked for a leave Mr Shia so you'll disappear whenever you feel sick where do you think we are at the supermarket this will be the last time you'll be absent for personal reasons no more excuses is that clear I'm sorry Mr Shia I'm only here to give you this my resignation letter [Music] write it again what do you mean Mr Shia your reason is ambiguous I won't accept this half-hearted resignation letter I'm resigning because I you're free to resign as long as you're honest about your reasons I won't accept any of your excuses understood now back to work I will rewrite this then I'll see you soon [Music] hey thanks to your stupid idea and that so-called reverse psychology that didn't work I think I'm the one who's going crazy Oh sha young didn't like the letter and told me to rewrite it I guess he's really going to fire me so what will I do now it's a piece of cake do as he says then just write another letter F you have to trust me this is the only way for you to win his heart hang in there don't give in but what if he no what if you've got to trust me I want I want you to win okay I got to go talk to you soon [Music] bye hey Ying you're in a good mood what's up oh well it's nothing serious it's just that my puppy has come home finally you see a while back my puppy ran off with a stray dog you see it's been a long time good thing he's back home now a puppy that's normal you know a puppy's I really like that huh a few days ago my neighbor's poodle ran away with another dog oh yeah well anyway it wasn't my puppy's fault that stray dog was such a nuisance always coming up to my puppy to bother him so I was left with no choice but to break the two of them up I had to stop them from fooling around you mean you got mad because of two silly dogs seriously yeah well I was bored you know so whatever you say man Mr [Music] Shia I rewrote it you really are stubborn give it to the HR department I don't care about your [Music] letter a does he really want me gone that idiot Le Ming well hurry up you mean me thank you Mr Shia I meant the letter [Music] who wanted to be a designer who spoke about perseverance about persistence were they all lies I'm rejecting this no more sick leaves do you understand I'll see you tomorrow at work and don't be late that's all [Music] waa reverse psychology does work I promise I won't be late tomorrow Mr sha young [Music] goodbye know that I will always be there promise that you can count on [Music] hey you're back come take a seat here you are so how'd it go did you give him the letter okay say no more anyway it's just a job right fatty those idiots don't deserve you tomorrow we are going to start looking for a better job for you you can still be a designer go on go ahead and try the food because these are all for you I made a feast for you I prepared this and that I put so much effort in uh putting them on the plates I'm not hungry uh well you're not hungry how come I prepared this for you come on here try this it's really delicious I'm telling you trust me it's very tasty M when you're in a good mood everything tastes so good you're in a good mood that's why it tastes good Mr sha ripped up my resignation letter what he did he rejected my resignation and persuaded me to stay it's all thanks to you eing you were right about shalang all along you are a true love master and so I'm appointing you my personal Love Guru you will help me cat [Laughter] Shalia [Music] he how are you how was your day same as always I got off work late again today let's have dinner here tonight my treat so your boss likes you a lot keep working hard by the way work has been hectic as well so I have to work late but we get overtime meals anyway so we don't need to eat out save your money sure it's the end of the month and I'm broke we don't always have to scrimp and safe in the future I'll take care of you you know how expensive Shanghai is do you have enough money I've always wanted you to focus on your work and get motivated not because I want to spend your money all right honey as long as you work hard and we make a living together I'll be happy baby I love you so cheesy come on order something uh um it's your birthday soon right I wanted to surprise rur you I think you'll like it is this for me uh-huh this looks real it is the real deal I hope you like it I promise I'd buy you one remember where'd you get the money for this this is expensive it's all right I didn't spend that much I got a salary advance I know a lot about about this brand and it's really expensive is there something you're not telling me well it's it's just that it's only secondhand honey that's why it was so cheap are you angry I got you a used bag of course not I like it a lot plus it's real oh honey thank you so much sweetheart I would do anything anything to make you happy when I make more money I'll get you a better one you don't have to this is the best birthday gift Mr sha you seem happy today sir what are you doing here I'm the boss's girlfriend all right am I not supposed to be here if you're here only to prove something I suggest you head home now this is a high-end event a lot of my friends um a lot of my colleagues rather are going will you be my date do I have to it would help you get more exposure people see us as the perfect match for such an important event how could we not right I'll try to squeeze it in great yeah I'm feeling awesome myself you're welcome to dine with me while you still can busy then I'll go goodbye hi mid go in you still remember me of course I don't lose my diamond necklace every day oh and speaking of the necklace SH now that it's over we can forget about it you mean you really took it as a secret big mouth is easily punished I was punished when I was little you're so superstitious what are you doing let's have dinner all right oh but I'm not not done with my shift yet I'm sha Young's girlfriend which means I also have a say in the company let me take care of this for you everyone I'm taking midwell out for dinner are you guys okay with that no problem go ahead all right then did you hear that come on what are you waiting for come on let's go stop hesitating listen this is how I am if I like you then I like you to this day you kept my secret that means you have integrity and I like your personality uh you do hey don't be nervous I see you as my friend so you can't refuse me sweetie okay come on my bag went missing when I left your Cafe where else could it be tell me I've asked all of the staff in the cafe I'm sorry your bag is not here you're really holding up our business Miss please really then solve my problem and give me my bag back I know one of your waiters stole my bag all right you're just protecting him we're checking the security video to get to the bottom of this we're really trying our best so how long do you need I'm running out of patience here better be fast or I'll call the cops please don't call the police we don't want to get into trouble if you call the police then rumors will spread our reputation is at stake so please just give me some time oh and if your bag really is here I'll give you a huge discount for life all right then I will give you more time but don't waste my time make sure to find my bag thank you thank you so much gather around everybody in here heard what the customer said right whoever took her bag kindly give it back now and you may leave without blame I will give you some time to return the back but if I were you I'd do it now before it's too late this could get ugly if we find out who actually did it get back to work [Music] hey check this out I got you something yummy and TDA a VIP invitation is from gaen not only did she treat me to dinner but she invited me to a celebrity Gala as well oh no wonder all of a sudden you're buying me dinner I see Another Love report is what you need right come on tell me what's this and this what is this something tasteful and fun wrong sugarcoated poison given to you by your arch nemesis who was Goen shaan's girlfriend and you actually accepted these things from his girlfriend did you lose your mind on your way here huh but you see Gowan is really nice enthusiastic and she's really cute we just started talking but then she wanted me to be her friend really now don't stop huh keep complimenting her Shang and Gwen will be engaged H but she's really good to me it's true okay then answer me this right here how much was it why do you ask well because I'm Your Love Guru and I want to know how much it cost about 20 the revolving restaurant how much would dinner cost there how should I know you never take me there 200 2,000 or more what's your point point then this is the difference between you and Gowen you see Gowan is priceless Gourmet while you're cheap street food if real Gourmet treats is all you could have all throughout the year then tell me would you honestly not get sick of it but if someone could eat street food from time to time he'd have many different choices and live a happy life really am I really that good of course what I'm saying is do not be afraid of gowin after all it's not about who's more expensive and better looking but who has the last laugh right okay got to go hey you're seriously such a nice friend of mine huh I worked the night shift yesterday just so I could go shopping with you today what am I supposed to do now Mr Shia hello oh take a seat I didn't have the chance to meet you with shaoang now you're visiting me I'm sorry about this please forgive me no need to apologize just name your amount what are you saying I know one or two things about you and my son sha Yang you two didn't date for very long how come you got into this relationship as fast as it did I really want to know what tricks you use to get shaol young Mr Shia do you watch entertainment news entertainment news no I don't I'm sorry I don't so I don't know much about this generation of yours I just wanted you to know that the Shia family will never accept a a girl like you if you ever watch Entertainment News you'll learn that I know a lot of people like your son so there's no need for me to use tricks things just naturally fell into place I suppose please don't misunderstand us we are young and we are in love sir misunderstand you you know nothing about my son shaoang shaoang was always rather antisocial never was he interested in strangers he's only been with you for a few days and yet you're saying it's because of love that he felt for you do you really believe that what you just said Mr sha you're just saying these things because you want me to take your money and leave believe me this is my very first time to see such a soap oper cliche in real life well put I can see that you're getting comfortable it's time to face the facts do you think sha young will give up everything I gave him just so he can be with you let's be honest now I'm not sure if sha young ever told you I must stubborn person the more you try to stop me unfortunately the more motivated I become oh I've acted in a lot of Romeo and juliia type dramas it's not going to work on me in real life so save your time and just wish us the best I'm the best thing that happened to your son trust me if that was all you had to talk to me about sha young and I have an event tonight so please excuse me I have to go [Music] sweetheart here come so hey how was it huh was he hard on you so what did you tell him he tried to buy you off didn't he I knew that would happen sweetheart you know what wealthy families are all like this so how did you respond to him I refused oh yeah how'd you do it I told him there's nothing he can do to stop me from being with shaan no why did you talk to him like that you shouldn't have done that he's the chairman he can't offend him even if he don't you have to think about sha I care about sha young and that's why I did it if I didn't show an ounce of toughness he'd continue to pressure us then shalang would be distracted trying to protect me if I was weak he'd use it against me now shaan can relax sounds about right I'm spend keep up if you can wait ju just laming told me not to if I get drunk I'll get in [Music] trouble Go's here she's so beautiful oh yes she is look look at her mid hi oh what a lovely dress it suits you perfectly thank you I forgot to tell you midw is my friend make sure you take care of her I thought I was going to meet someone else all right let's go do that I'll see you later okay shall we it's been a while you're even prettier now is he your boyfriend yes where did you guys meet wow look perfect together cute G you look good together why ni get together on my private jet I'll bring when are we leaving maybe after this party why not how much did you drink you're wrong I didn't drink so what is that well there's nothing here that's definitely not soda it may taste sweet but it hits hard by the way how' you become friends with gowin we've known each other for a while I met her while I was working as a film crew all this effort you've done to get close to gow did you do it for me o we met each other on a very special occation I don't care how you met her her but know that I sure do hate how people approach her with a hidden agenda listen I don't care why you're trying to get close to us but I'm warning you give up on what [Music] you [Music] h [Music] [Music] would you please drive me home thanks a L you're the one who's drunk I can have one more shot I'm not drunk oh what a great night we're leaving way too soon Jason Jason hey oh what happened what happened to her she drun take care of her she's drunk heyy are you okay huh mid where is she she's too drunk you better bring her home okay no wor bye for now hey will you please take e come on hey I dropped my huh thank you so much Mr sha shall I drive you home I'm good I'll drive myself home you can go ahead yes sir [Music] here you go what are you doing here why are you in my car oh just shut up and take the money already hey wake up and get out of my car
Channel: ChinaZone-Romance
Views: 655,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 克拉恋人, 克拉恋人全集, 克拉恋人全片, 克拉恋人完整版, 克拉恋人 全集, 克拉恋人 完整版, 克拉恋人ENG, 克拉恋人英文, 克拉恋人 唐嫣, 克拉恋人 迪丽热巴, 克拉恋人 Rain, 克拉恋人 罗晋, 唐嫣 克拉恋人, 迪丽热巴 克拉恋人, Rain 克拉恋人, 罗晋 克拉恋人, 唐嫣电视剧, 迪丽热巴电视剧, Diamond Lover, diamond lover, diamondlover eng, 爱情剧, 职场剧, 偶像剧, 霸道总裁, 唐嫣罗晋, 幸福触手可及, 迪丽热巴, 迪丽热巴 杨洋, 幸福 触手可及, 迪丽热巴 罗晋, 三生三世枕上书, 三生三世十里桃花, diamond lover eng sub ep 1, diamond lover season 2 episode 1, diamond lover ep 1 eng sub full, diamond lover ost, diamond lover eng dub ep 1, diamond lover eng sub, diamond lover english dubbed
Id: kS0kE2LSY3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 41sec (12041 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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