【2024动作盗墓电影】《古楼镇陵宫》摸金小队集结,千年古墓隐藏嗜血巨蟒 | 动作 | 悬疑 | 惊悚 | 冒险

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Lao Wang, I heard about it. This soul-locking mirror was indeed in the hands of a local tomb robber. But later What happened next? On the night of his wedding, something strange happened. Don't be stunned. Go and take off the red veil. If you miss the time, it will cause serious problems. Paper man paper man It won’t be the same in a while. Come and worship quickly. Don't Don't come It is said that this soul-locking mirror is something from the tomb. Once it appears, it will bring misfortune. Later there was an expedition team bought it at a high price. I heard that they entered the ancient tomb with the mirror and never came out. This place is too big, right? Be careful Well Don't touch anything. Alright What's up there? Have a look Professor Where did the bugs come from here? Be careful Bugs I have it here too. Why are there so many bugs? Help Help me Don't forget why we came here. Don't do anything illegal. I just came to find my father. I've found out everything. These people are here for the soul-locking mirror. Nine times out of ten, they also want to go in and have some treasures. I don't think they are tomb raiders. I think these people look like college students. No matter who they are, we can make a fortune easily anyway and improve our life. Am I right? I think our top priority now is Big brother Brother, the factory director is here. Bro bro bro It's so hard for you to talk. This time you brought students to inspect. It's really troublesome for you. Not at all. Just help you out. If the Moyu ruins can be successfully explored, then countless precious cultural relics will be bring to light. It will make a significant contribution. Factory director director director Director Why did you two sneak up here again? Who dug such a big hole? So wicked. This thing can sink in too. Well, it's quite deep. Yes, director What what big deal There's no big deal. College student This is Professor Zhao. Hello Hello Professor Zhao Hello Professor My name is Wang Qingnian. The locals call me a know-it-all. I have long heard of your reputation in academia. The college entrance examination was resumed two years ago. We are actively preparing for the exam. We want to follow you. And do something within our ability. We are native desert people. We can help. OK Deal Thank you Professor Zhao. Director Director Come here quickly What about this thing that was promised? You promised. You, you can't You can't lie to me. What are you in a hurry for? We had a deal. Come on Can Professor Zhao owe you wages? Alright I still have business here. Everyone Let me introduce you. This is my daughter Xiao Zhao. This is Professor Zhao’s student Lin Wan, a rare talent who has returned from overseas. Can you pry it over there? Our exploration progress can be faster with him. Comrade We've been here too long. Must leave as soon as possible. Okay What are you looking at? Desert full of dangers. Let the security department follow you so that you can be taken care of. Wish you an early victory and return safely. Buddy Let me take your place for a while. No, I'm fine. Are you thirsty? Water water water Drink or not? Is this camera imported? This is the only one provided by school. Monkey boy What are you painting? Uncle Yang Xiao Zheng is drawing a map. Map? No need As long as the price is right, nothing is a problem. They're all here. We are lucky that you lead us. But what should we do without you? Go to death Have you been like this since you were a child? Like what, handsome? So annoying You're such a coward, don't be happy too early. The desert has a bad temper. But We're almost at our destination. On yeah? Almost there. Yeah That's great. The data shows that the ruins is near here, bro brother. They they said Almost almost there Professor What's going on over there? Black black whirlwind What to do? It's already hopeless when we saw the black whirlwind. Go quickly, go Run quickly Take things Is there any way? Black sand storm. Wind symbolizes Xun. Xun means southeast. Let's head to southeast. -What's in the southeast? -Hurry! Go Don't worry so much. Go, go, go Everyone, follow me tight. This way Xiao Zhao Go, you go Didn't get the information. Professor professor professor Leave it alone, let's go. Move Quickly Help Come on Hurry up Professor Don't run away. Run I can't see it. Professor professor What are you doing? Brother Erdan, let’s go. Xiao Zhao Here Hug that stone. Professor Zhao, hold on. Go quickly What are you thinking? Come on, come on, arm Go quickly You guys go Give me your hand Xiao Zhao Go here quickly Xiao Zhao, hold on to me. No, can't lie down. Go quickly Professor Professor is here. Xiao Zhao Xiao Zhao Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao Hold on Xiao Zhao Hold on to me tightly. Help me, Xiao Zhao Map Xiao Zhao Xiao Zhao Hold on Sister Lin Wan Help me Be careful, professor. What's this? Get up quickly Hold it. -Go quickly -The ruins Ruins Leave quickly Professor The ruins Professor It's too dangerous here. Move quickly Professor Come on Go quickly Professor Go behind Professor Brother brother Everybody, hurry up Hid in the ruins. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Professor Lao Wang, let’s go. Hold tight Xiao Zhao Come Everyone, hug tightly. Hug tightly Professor Here Come over Be careful Professor Are you alright? Hey, watch out you dumbass. You press my leg. Get get up I'm no better than you, okay? Lao Wang, we seem to have fallen into the tomb passage. Get up quickly We don’t know what's wating for us ahead yet. I do remember, gosh Sorry man For heaven's sake you didn't hurt at all. I'm soft, right? Okay, hurry up Give me a hand. We still don’t know where peofessor is. We have to find them quickly and meet them. Brother Brother A gun Have you injured? Brother, a gun How long will it take for walking in this dark place? Stop complainting. The ancient tomb is filled with miasma. Smoking too much of it can damage your nervous system, affect senses and cause hallucinations. Watch out I almost changed my name to Li Er. Brother Why haven't we arrived yet? Shut your mouth Scared I'm scared. Brother Go to the end and you'll find the treasure. What are you scared of? Otherwise let's Get out I, I, I said nothing. I'm worring about other people. Get back Get back Bald Bald Bald Bald Save me, boss Bald Help me Bald Pathfinding Judging by style and degree of weathering, This ancient tomb is at least two thousand years old. From Han Dynasty According to the history of the Central Plains Dynasty, it's indeed the Han Dynasty. The existence time is consistent with the record of Moyu Kingdom in the ancient ruins. Professor, we found it. Moyu Soul Coffin Uncle Mancang Uncle Mancang, are you okay? It's dangerous. Let's go quickly. Bro brother Watch watch your step Brother There's a door. Go Help help Okay okay Come on, one, two, three Work harder Brother Can't push push Run, they are coming. Bugs Ignite Fire fire fire Torch This this Run quickly There are bugs. What the hell Bang on the door Push the door Uncle Mancang wine Push harder Come on Go quickly go quickly Hurry up Push hard Have you not eaten? Come on. Use your strength Push Hurry up, I can't stand it anymore. I just entered college. One two Come in quickly. Close the door, close the door, go Close the door Quickly Close the door quickly. Close the door. Hurry up Stand up Don't move, everyone. These are all cultural relics. They are well preserved. If let the tomb robbers know, the consequences could be disastrous. For real This is the tomb of King Moyu. It is so rare to see in our country. No It is a world-class tomb miracle. Professor I didn't expect it to be so big. It's difficult to explore completely just rely on a few of us. Let’s investigate and record first. Pay attention to protecting cultural relics. Wait for a large-scale archaeological team to conduct further excavations. Brother Li Look This Good We'll take it with us. Although the tomb is magnificent and completely consistent with the identity of Moyu King, this coffin is inconsistent with the records in ancient books. Contrary to the shape of the soul-locking coffin. So this gold and jade coffin is not the coffin we are looking for. Although Moyu Kingdom was a small country in the Western Region, such a tomb and coffin are correspong with the identity of the tomb owner. There is only one way now. Open the coffin I I -All mine -Fuck you This is all mine. Give it to me. Get lost Chief Li What are you doing? Mine I asked you to keep your voice down but you didn’t listen. Li Meng What are you going to do? You tell me What am I going to do? He has a gun. You brought a gun. Chief Li These gold and silver treasures belong to dead people. It's a taboo. That's right. Li Meng Take care of your people. I guess there are no bullets in your guns, right? Brother Freeze freeze Brother If he hits you, I'll hit back. That's my buddy. What's the point of holding a gun? Do you dare to fight? Don't move. Back Step back Alright Bros I didn't make you friends in vain. Wang Qingnian We made a lot of efforts to get here. Otherwise you kill me. Come Aim here, aim here Here Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot me Actually I am a vindictive person. Don' t move. No, it's okay. By the way, Wang Qingnian I just happen to discuss something with you. You see how we get out? You gotta help me. Look So many things How do we divide the work? The coffin moved. Step back quietly. Ghost What's that? What is it? What, what that is Ghost Fake corpse Don't shoot. Watch out It's already the 1980s. Why are there still ghosts and monsters? Xiao, Xiao Zhao Xiao Zhao, be careful. Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao Brother Erdan, brother Erdan It's fine. Brother will protect you. Looks like he's asleep. Well Everlasting lantern In eight trigrams, qian is horse. Kun is cow. Zhen is dragon. Xun is chicken. Kan is pig. Li is pheasant. Gen is dog. Dui is sheep. Qian symbolizes the northwest. The everlasting lantern with the horse sculpture is in the south. Kun symbolizes the southwest. The everlasting lantern with the cow sculpture is in the east. The location is all wrong. Erdan What did he say about everlasting lantern? Everlasting lantern still missing gen. Take the gun. Door opened The door opened. Move forward everyone. Hurry up Hurry up Come on, Xiao Zhao. Come in quickly. Uncle Mancang Go Help, Lao Wang Uncle Mancang Go Camera Can't stand it anymore. Come on, come on Camera Xiao Song Hurry up Xiao Song Stop picking up, Uncle Mancang. Come back Stop it Uncle Mancang, stop picking up. You really want money more than life. Wait for me. So stubborn Let’s go, Erdan, let’s go. Go Come on in. Wait for me. Uncle Mancang Uncle Mancang Xiao Song Hurry up Xiao Song Save me, please save me. Xiao Song, Professor Hurry up Professor Lao Wang, I can't stand it. Save the camera and information Xiao Song, Xiao Song, Xiao Song Selfishness and greed can hatch poisonous snakes that harm others. The tomb passage here is deep and full of traps. Are you sure you want to keep going? What nonsense are you talking about? There must be a treasure underneath. Kid, rein in the cliff. You are committing a crime. Watch the road, please. Slow down Professor, slow down. Brother Where are we going now? This place is ominous. Lao Wang Look here As I said, some people should mind their hands. Can't help to touch everywhere. You don’t even know how you died. Who are you talking about? People who is greedy for money. Do you dare to say that again? What? You disagree with it? Hold on Don't try me. You wanna fight? Yours Look what this is. You two I thought you two are gentlemen. It turns out they are the same as us. Have a look. This is Lieutenant Touch. Give me back. Don't move. What? What is Lieutenant Touch? It’s professional grave robber. Just like us. Yes We are aboveboard and they are undercover. Professor We have joined the Touch. But I assure you we brothers have never took things which not allowed to take. At this crucial moment, let's find the exit first. Find the exit Okay Come on guys Follow the professional people. Alright Professional ones are different. Fine Since everyone has known our identities, Then you have to follow our rules. Lao Wang, wait until we go out you go on to prepare your college entrance exams. I find a job. We never do this again. Erdan Look This is the unique flame talisman of Moyu Kingdom. It represented the supreme power of Moyu King. Here are words on it. Don't come this way. The universe has ups and downs while rotating. Overturning the Zhou Dynasty. Be careful So professional Hurry up Watch your step Careful Brother, the door is closed. Brother There is water here. Don't touch it. Water represents death. It's not that simple here. Look who that is. Coward Just a statue Freak, freaking me out These statues looks odd. Maybe it's a clue for us to get out of here. No matter what, the most important thing for us now is to go out. There are neurotoxins in this water. It can range from hallucinations to severe death. Everyone hurry up What are you waiting for? Well, it's too Let's go explore the road. There is a magnetic field here. Hard to determine direction. Don't go yet. Let me think of a way. Heaven, Earth, People Watch out It seems that the protection mechanism of the ancient tomb has been triggered. There's phosphorus in the water. It will spontaneously ignite when exposed to water. Erdan Come over Me? Me Brother Erdan, be careful. Go quickly. Shit We can't get out. The fog in the water is getting more and more. Stay alert Don't believe too much in what you see in front of you. According to ancient records, This is where the most skilled generals of King Moyu were buried. They volunteered to be the gatekeeper and mourner of King Moyu here. Eight coffins We have nine living people. There is always one who can get out. There is only one way now. Not me, not me, not me. So hapless Fine, I'll go. Calm down Erdan Be careful Okay, okay, don't say that. Go, go Slow down Sister Xiaozhao, don’t be afraid. I'm here with you. There is a lot of negative energy here. Resentment condensed It’s not surprising what happens after the coffin is opened. Get ready Open it No fire Phosphorus fire spontaneous combustion. Corpse water disperse. Souls go to the cave. Divine power from all directions. No fire Something wrong Go back quickly Why is it wrong again? Do you want to kill me? Corpse water disperse. The fog is poisonous. Everyone, cover your mouth and nose. We are now ten people, with one more added. What do you mean? If the water doesn't hold you, Yinshan will hold it Water does not embrace, mountains do not collapse. Dragons hide in the ground. Find without gods. What are you talking about? Can't understand Stone piles are the key. Everybody stand in position according to the eight directions. East, south west north southeast, northeast southwest, northwest Right in the position. How can nine people stand in eight directions? Wang Qingnian, please think of a solution quickly. It shouldn't be like this. You carry him Carry him on your back Okay, I'll carry you. You come up first. Go quickly Hurry up Help me, help me Buddy Go quickly Leave Go My buddy Go go go Brother Leave Can you please stop making decisions by yourself? You college students don’t understand what’s going on in the tomb. Then you tomb robbers understand it? Are you calling me a robber? Why do you have such a big opinion against me? My parents are both revolutionary soldiers. Five years ago they were sacrified for stop tomb robbers from smuggling national treasures out of the country. You tell me Why do I hate tomb robbers? I'm different from them. I am also doing it for my father. Your father? Twenty years ago, My father is a member of an archaeological team. At that time, The team went to explore the ruins of Moyu Ancient Kingdom together. I was still very young. But since then I never saw him again. Now I finally found it. I miss him very much. These murals recorded the history of Moyu Kingdom. To build a mausoleum, the King of Moyu conscripted and conquered everywhere until the country fell. Another monarch dies due to greed. In the end, he ended up with the sad end of ruining his country and his family. This is the real tomb of King Moyu. We, we finally found it. Brother There won't be any snakes here, right? Is there any danger? What's wrong? I smoked poisonous smog in the last tomb. We finally found it. Xiao Song, Xiao Zheng Did you see it? We found it. Xiao Lin Look The uniform of the archaeological team Looks like someone has been here before. Professor, look here is a photo. Lao Wang Isn't this you? Lieutenant Touch Where is the treasure? Well Where is it? Professor Zhao Is this the final tomb? Where's the treasure? Soul-locking coffin It is the most precious cultural relic. Now that I've found it, open it. Open it According to records, Only the soul-locking mirror can open this coffin. Soul-locking mirror Are you fooling me? Open it quickly. Hurry up This is national property. Nation? Professor Nation, nation, nation Mine, mine, mine Li Meng Mine Get off Stop Professor You You are all liars. There are only two left among my five brothers. Just to send you here. I don't care. Open it I want the treasure. I want to go out. I want the treasure. I want to go out. Even if you kill us all, you won't get anything. Fine Then I kill you all. Lin Wan Be careful Wang Qingnian, Lao Wang Brother Qingnian, Wang Qingnian, Lao Wang Wang Qingnian, Lao Wang I'm fine, I'm fine. I will fight with you. Don't move. Wang Qingnian Wang Qingnian Brother Qingnian What's this? Soul-locking mirror What? Wang Qingnian You Lieutenant Touch are so lucky. God helps me. As I said, it's impossible for you robbers steal something without a key. Give me Give me Give me Bros we can't opened. We can't If you use the soul-locking mirror to open the coffin, the consequences could be disastrous. Shut up Still want to lie to me. Precious Precious Treasure No Li Meng, Li Meng, you bastard. Li Meng, stop Stop Behave You can't No Stop moving Li Meng, Li Meng stop. Stop I'll shoot you. Behave Erdan, watch your back. Brother Erdan What's going on? Professor Brother brother Brother, be careful. Professor beware Brother What, what the hell is this? Big guy Big guy Go away Go away Brother Brother, save me help me. Go away Don't chase me. Stop chasing me. We are not that intimate. Get up, get up, get up Erdan Hit her head quickly. Erdan, come on. I'm here. Brother Erdan Bros Take the treasure. Let's go home. Bros Take it Let's go home. Using dead body to bring back the soul. Stop Professor Professor Don't ruin the cultural relics, Professor. Stop Professor It's all an illusion. After entering the tomb, we've been invaded by miasma and poisonous smog. The soul-locking mirror became the straw that broke the camel's back. The hallucinogenic gases and miasmatic fumes it emits affect our brain nerves. It caused our visual confusion. Professor The problems all appear in the soul-locking mirror. Professor Once the soul-Locking Mirror returns, bad things happened. Professor Hold the treasure, Lao Wang Go home Professor, get, get up You guys go quickly. Go Professor Erdan Get in the coffin. Professor, get up, Professor Quick -Go quickly, go quickly. -It's too late. Come on, go on, go on, Erdan. Professor, Professor quickly Get into the coffin quickly. Professor Professor Come on in Don't pull me, Lin Wan, Lin Wan Hurry up It's too late, Professor. Professor Or we all have to die. Leave me alone and go. Professor Come in quickly, Lin Wan Lin Wan But the Professor is still outside. Professor, Professor, Professor Treasure Go My treasure, go quickly Go quickly Let's go. Hurry up Professor Professor, get up quickly. Kid Take them away Tell everyone about the knowledge and experiences here. How did it get into this closed tomb? There must be another exit. Come In the end, we never thought that it was the big snake that saved us. Maybe it is a warning to future generations left by Moyu King. Punishing for greed, redeeming for nobility.
Channel: 唐阁影院 Tag Theatre
Views: 147,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foryou, 电影, action, suspense, 悬疑, adventure, 冒险, 盗墓笔记, 大蛇3龍蛇之戰, snake, mystery, tombraider
Id: eGgqqG4Z358
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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