【🇹🇼台北必去必吃EP02】不要再去寧夏夜市了❗️2024台北自由行攻略👊🏻 | 開箱台北最美餐廳⭐️ | 陽明山打卡位置🤫 | VLOG | 柑柑🍊

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It’s really a must-eat! On the second day , we are preparing to put out sky lanterns in Shifen Old Street . Let’s eat something first~ Then we come to this peanut roll x A Zong taro ice Is it delicious? There are a lot of peanut in it, eh? ! Not bad~ Some of the ice cream in it It's cold~ There are also a lot of peanut! What a delicious meal! The texture and layers are also very rich! The white color is... I don’t know if it’s ice cream or taro ice. There’s some peanut candy on the outside , and then there’s a roll wrapped around it, and there’s also some coriander. Especially if it’s frozen , it won’t be good if it’s hot. I think the peanut candy tastes so sweet when it’s hot and worth a try! Come to Shifen Old Street... Mom is looking for a reference... We are planning to put up sky lanterns . Originally, three of us were planning to write a sky lantern together~ But Xiao Sheng... because he has too many things to write... So he said that each person should write a sky lantern See what Xiao Sheng was writing very serious! May Hong Kong and US stocks soar? Shouldn't you wish yourself well? My only wish is that the stock market will prosper ... I don’t have to do so much in work and career~ The stock market is good! The world is good! write well! I hope... my wish comes true! What are you writing? mommy will live forever. Very good, very good~ My work is going well~ My daughter’s channel is improving day by day. safe to drive ~ It’s safe to go in and out ~ It’s my career... Please write better! Gum gum channel can reach 100,000 subscribers~ have 1 million Views ... Please write down your channel first~ No! subscription! Look , look at the ink on it. It’s not firm enough~ 0 firm! OK Yeah! \Look at it/I really hope that soon... Jie will hurry up and write whatever you like. I hope Xiao Sheng will marry me soon ! I hope your... wishes will come true . I hope you will wait a moment. Don't crash , crash, 67 crash, just because it's raining now , and several sky lanterns just crashed (so ugly xd) (not transitioning) Well, now it 's the night in Taipei on the second day. Originally , we were I planned to go to the Ningxia Night Market , but the driver said... The Ningxia Night Market is actually only for eating, but there is nothing to buy . He also said that the Ningxia Night Market is only for tourists . Locals actually don't go to the Ningxia Night Market . So where are we now? He recommended us to go to this Raohe Street Night Market 📍Raohe Street Night Market, Songshan District, Taipei City , where you can buy and eat together, right ~ and he also said that it is a local rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Raohe Street Night Market Ningxia Night Market ⭐️ The first one we came to was this one... The pepper cake is where the driver just introduced us. There were so many people queuing up~ It’s the one in the middle when you come in from the door~ Don’t go wrong! There is only one restaurant where the driver said... Michelin recommendation! Okay , let's buy this pepper pancake now and let's try it together to see how delicious it is? It's still smoking~ Yes~~~ The skin is very crispy! Ca n't you see the filling? It has a lot of stuffing, and its stuffing is similar to a vegetable dumpling , but it's... heavy on pepper and some green onions because it's hot and spicy. It 's ready immediately . Some people may make it in advance , but I like it very much. It's just... once it's done. It was immediately baked for us to eat! Not bad! Worth recommending! You can see that in addition to eating, you can also buy clothes, phone accessories , etc. on this street ... not only food, but also everything! Good ! ! We also saw a cake called Zhuangyuan Cake, which also sells peanut and sesame cakes. Each cake costs NT$20 , which is HK$5. We ordered a peanut. You can try it. Grandma, you can taste it~ 😂 Shai Gui , um~ delicious. ! Mmm~~ delicious! After eating the No. 1 Cake, you can become the No. 1 Scholar! It’s so delicious. Now... Xiao Sheng saw a pineapple bun shop that seemed very attractive. The pineapple buns were very big! There were many people queuing up. Xiao Sheng was very interested in the crispy buns. ~ Very crispy! And... very sweet ~ delicious! I'll try it again ! Don't be embarrassed. I've already changed my clothes because I just bought clothes. It seems like I'm eating beef horns that are so crispy ! It's not made with the same kind of flour, it's made... You look like it's crispy... There's a piece of cheese in the middle, so special~ We were walking and saw a restaurant called Satan's Cow, No. 233, Raohe Street, Songshan District, Taipei City The braised flavor is very fragrant~ So... we couldn't help but order a bowl and it gave a lot of juice... a big bowl of juice ~ What's here for about 40 or 50 Hong Kong dollars ? Ouch! There is this... fat intestines , tripe and tendons, right~these three! Okay, let’s try it now to see if it tastes good. Let ’s start with the beef intestines . It’s delicious. It’s very tasty! It ’s a little spicy and a little bit of chili pepper . I just ate the beef tendon and it’s very juicy ! It’s delicious! Beef tripe . Well, many people helped me because I held the microphone in one hand and the lens in the other . The tripe is really ... worth a try. We actually walked... three steps That’s it , but we also ate at every restaurant , so this night market is really good! And I couldn’t help but buy a new coat. The local driver recommended it! I have to trust it! I finally found it... Chen Dong ’s stewed mutton with medicinal herbs recommended by the driver. You see there are so many people , so let’s order it. I ordered two bowls of mutton soup stewed with medicinal herbs ~~~~ It’s a must-eat! The soup is very rich!!! It is very tonic and should be... There are many kinds of medicinal materials that taste like this! The soup is really outstanding! It is not really full of medicinal taste , but sweet~ If you eat medicinal chicken rice noodles in Hong Kong, it will not be like this As for Hong Kong's medicated soup, I think it has too strong a medicinal taste and is too sweet to taste the meat. But this one is... mutton has a lot of medicinal taste and is less medicinal. Let's start with the Hong Kong medicated soup. To be honest... I feel the medicinal ingredients are really good. It's not a lot, it's... like it has a lot of seasoning~ But when you drink this bowl, you really feel a lot of yam. Once it enters your throat, you feel like you are right. Let me repeat it . Some of the medicinal flavor is seeping out. It seems to be right when I go in , yes, the medicinal smell is very strong, but I think it ’s sweet or not. It doesn’t matter whether it’s heavy or not . Yes, yes , the medicinal smell is very strong. I can taste it. The price is... The price is Taiwan dollars. It’s 110 yuan , but I think we come here not to eat meat but to drink soup! Really drink soup! Call Mr. Chen and everyone can come and give it a try~ How many points do we have out of 10? Take 10 points to give one extra point . This soup is really delicious~ We have gone there now... Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Xintiandi has some... Look at the different lighting decorations and it is so lively here! A lot of people! It seems that there is a Christmas tree in Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong ... After researching it, I thought it was relatively beautiful, so I came here to take a look. The atmosphere here is very good ~ there are many different performers doing juggling (juggling?) or busking here. There is also snow falling. The fake snow is just like ordinary Christmas trees, which are also green. This white one has a very winter atmosphere. There are so many people. Okay, let’s go and take some photos! On the third day, I finally came to the trip I was most looking forward to~ It is... Yangmingshan is very beautiful~ I saw people on the Internet describing this place as a little Switzerland , but I would describe this place as Switzerland , not Switzerland . The small print will have sunshine today and it will be so beautiful to take photos ~ We just walked over from the entrance of Qingtiangang . It doesn’t take 10 minutes to walk to this location and then you will see a large piece of grassland . I’m so excited that I’m crazy. Can you see it? ? Because it is really spectacular and beautiful , we have successfully climbed to the top in the blink of an eye. We have now reached... a very high position in Yangmingshan and it is not a successful summit... Now it is very high~ Take a photo Go down... there is a large grassy area behind, but... when you come up, you must wear enough clothes and gloves . It is really cold in winter . I think it is below 10 degrees now , and my hands cannot hold the camera . It is very cold. It's very cold. Good luck. What about pretty? Can't you see some miscanthus? yes! So beautiful~ I read the diary of my youth and the sir said that going up the mountain and screaming loudly is the best way to relieve stress. How loud you are means how stressed you are. Here you go again . Tanggan , okay\How stressed are you? Gangan/ I’m so stressed and so quiet~ You just seemed... Isn’t it so stressful~ So loud this time (lol) Is she a social worker? That social worker from Diary of Youth ~ Wow, wow, wow, have you seen it? What's the matter? The helicopter is here, here is the big wok~ No, it’s not us, it’s over there! We are now at one of the beautiful restaurants on Yangmingshan . Xiao Sheng said we must come! It was the driver who introduced us! Without further ado, we will show you the scene. We are coming to this restaurant now... What is the name of the restaurant above Yangmingshan ? This restaurant on the rooftop was introduced to us by a Taipei driver. When we came to Yangmingshan, we actually found a restaurant called Caoshan Night Sleepless , which was introduced by an internet celebrity , but the driver said he had been to 3 restaurants and he said this rooftop restaurant The one above is the best! Since the scenery was introduced by a local, of course we had to take a look. Sure enough, the introduction was correct! By the way, let’s take a look at the scene from the back ~ the whole of Taipei is right behind us! There are still some sunsets to watch~ Right, what’s the point? How much is the per capita consumption ? NT$350! Even HK$100 is not needed! Another great view! There’s something to eat again! It’s hard to find a restaurant with such a beautiful view and such a good deal in Hong Kong ~ We’ll take more pictures of the view and food for you to see later! Why is it called “On the Rooftop”? Because he is really on the roof ~ He is... There are three options for everyone to choose... Chinese food, Western food , barbecue , only Western food can sit at the pool seat ! Let's try this pork bibimbap first . The total cheese seems to be... NT$300! It doesn’t cost 100 Hong Kong dollars! Hmm~~~~ Not bad x3 because it’s very cold now~ I’m very happy to eat hot food . It’s so rich in layers! To put it simply, it’s delicious! I think cheese must be added! It's a little spicy , and actually there seems to be some seaweed in it. I think it's quite delicious. Also, the sauce is a lot, not too little, so... it tastes very delicious! After that , I got another portion of shrimp balls . I think it's about the same...acceptable because it's not too expensive and it's really not hot enough ~ shrimp head! There is no ordinary shrimp flavor ! It's not very special~ Another dish is the Spanish fried medium roll recommended by the waiter . I have never eaten it. It is not onion ring. Didn't onion ring just say that it is not onion ring ? Fried medium roll is onion ring~ (.... .) Grandma said it was squid, it was normal, and there was no special comment. For the time being, I thought the bibimbap was the most delicious of the three things I ate ! The other two shrimp balls and fried medium rolls were average! For the next dish , we ordered a curry chicken skewers. Let’s try it now to see if it tastes good. It’s so fragrant! It wasn’t hot enough (the curry) but the satay tasted so good that we finally finished it on the rooftop . Guess how much we paid for it! The checkout is... NT$2,400. NT$2,400 is about HK $600. That’s right. You don’t need to eat this meal in Hong Kong for NT $1,000 . It must be 2-3,000 to eat this scene . There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s 2-3,000 to order the food. Then 2-3000 is a sell order of 4-5000 , so I think it is worth coming! When you come to Yangmingshan, remember to come to the rooftop (not full enough?) Well, you must call 711 to finish the questions first. We have returned to Hong Kong tomorrow , so we will end it immediately . I feel that all the attractions and food on this trip are ... ..Excellent ~ Where is the most recommended place? The most recommended place should be... Raohe Street Night Market , and the food there is really delicious! Everyone really wants to eat Chen Dong’s medicinal stew ~~~~ It’s a must-eat! Get more local food and it’s really delicious! Hehao went shopping ~ I think the restaurant in Yangmingshan is worth visiting. In fact, Yangmingshan is very big , but we only went to Qingtiangang , but in fact there are... many different attractions that you can explore! My The summary is that I think everyone... If you want to find food, just... (lol) Go to those places where there are many people queuing up ... follow the driver's advice and the driver is also very familiar with their local food and local attractions. He highly recommends it, you might as well go with him. Finally, I want to say that I saw many people on the Internet recommending Zhongshan District . They said that the business district in Zhongshan District is suitable for young people to visit. But after I saw it, I will go there temporarily. I didn’t think I was impressed by the few shops I visited. Instead, I thought... those shops were just shops with no brands. I bought a lot of things and bought clothes , so I think if you really want to buy clothes, go to the shops in the night market. You can already choose! Okay! See you in the next article! Bye! I don’t know which place everyone likes the most? You can leave a message and tell me! And if you like this video, please remember :(
Channel: 柑柑
Views: 31,915
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Keywords: 100毛, Ta, chichi, dodo men, eg, fhproductionhk, gum gum, gumgum, hk, kaying, kiki, lizzydaily, mandies kwok, manson, may, mill milk, mingjai, mirror, mm, polly, pomato, travel, trial & error, vlog, 之旅, 原子檔案, 叉雞, 台北夜市, 台北夜市 2023, 台北夜市排名 2023, 台北旅行, 台北旅行2023, 台北美食, 台北美食 西门町, 台北自由行2023, 台北自由行2023 kiki, 台北自由行2023 夜市, 台北自由行2023 景点, 台北餐廳推薦 2023, 台灣夜市, 台灣美食, 台灣美食介紹, 台灣食物, 夜市, 夜市美食, 小薯茄, 小麻, 屋頂上, 康熙 夜市美食, 情侶, 托哥, 搞笑, 旅行, 智將情侶, 柑柑, 柿柿, 機動電視台, 毛記電視, 熊仔頭, 生活, 笑波子, 米紙, 老高, 肥姨姨, 肥娃, 試當真, 錫蘭, 開心, 香港, 香港美食, 驚喜
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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