【電影】全家被滅門,姑娘苦練功夫成為最強特工,最終手刃仇人 ⚔️ 抗日 MMA | Kung Fu

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Go and inform the captain. What about you? I'll go over and see if the Japanese can't be allowed to enter Mr. Lin's house. What's going on? Sir, they must be here for these two things. What are you talking about? Hush, come here quickly. What are these two things? Take it and leave quickly. What about you? I can't save my daughter. We have to go together. Even if we die, we will die together. These two things are more important than our two lives. You listen to me and leave through the window. None of you can escape. Qin Tu and Mi Tu obediently hand them over to me. Don't even think that Master Mu Zhai is you, right? It's my father, mother, Yan'er, you gang of robbers. Brother Qixuan, goodbye. Master, Master, Master. How are you, Master Yan'er ? Captain, it's not good. Something happened to the Lin family. Let's go, Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, Captain, save people. Get up. Lin Qiuyan continues to train. Lin Qiuyan, have you forgotten why you joined the military? Don't you want to avenge your parents? Get up. Where are you? Student Lin, let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yuan. My father is serving you in the National Government. How did you get in? Tell me how you got here. Student Lin, why don’t you speak? I think it is necessary for you to have a good relationship with your classmates. I can help if you need me. I'm familiar with Lin Qiuyan here. Fast one point nine. You should have a good relationship with the students. One hundred and one hundred and two. One hundred and three. One hundred and four. Wang Yuanli. One hundred and zero. Five hundred and six, please work harder. One hundred and seven, Wang Yuan. What kind of god is there? One hundred and nine, everyone has a royal body and stands at attention. Let's take a moment to stand at attention. Let's conduct group confrontation training. You only have three seconds. Find your opponent. The timer is up. Student Lin, please give me some advice. Are you ready? Are you ready to start? Lin Qiuyan is confined for three days. Lin Qiuyan goes to the confinement room by himself. Yan'er, I have been training a coward. I am not a coward. This situation beats me. I don't know if I want to give you another chance. These situations have caused you pain. You have never gotten rid of it from your heart. It has been tormenting you. Don't waste your efforts. You can't beat it. What do you think? You said, please believe me. I will meet you at the training ground in two days. It's so cruel. It's so cruel. Give me a drink and pull her down. Who are you? The car crashed. That's great. This car is not mine. I stole it. I stole it. You bastard, put her in jail and wait for Captain Nakamura to come back before she gets punished. Is it my car? Please be honest. Where are we going? Can you guys walk slower? I can't walk anymore. If I don't go, brother, where are we going? You're tired of walking. Come on, be honest. Come on. Come on. My shoes are my shoes. My shoes are here. Put them on. Open the door. Where is this? Go in. Where are you taking me? What are you doing? You guys, let's go have a drink. Okay . Who are you? I am the person who sent you to see the King of Hell. You are the commander of the military. Stand at attention. As a warrior of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, you must always pay attention to your appearance. Yes, my subordinates understand that it is good to open the door, Zhankui- kun. Thank you for your hard work, Zhankui. Mr. King, Mr. Wang, bastard, who can tell me why this is? I don’t know. I don’t know. bastard, seal the prison immediately. The murderer should still be in the prison. Act now. Go quickly. Block the prison immediately. Report to the captain. Something happened in room 37. Captain. Who is being held in the cell? A drunk woman is a subordinate. I understand that she was the soldier just now. He is the murderer. Hurry up, you are an [ __ ]. Don’t let her escape. Chase me, you [ __ ]. Qiu Yan, get in the car, get in the car. [ __ ], you have completed the mission very well. Thank you. The instructor praised you for your mission, which is to secretly investigate a top-secret plan launched by the Japanese, the Scorpion Beauty Plan. From now on, remember your code name, Papilio Wang Yuan, will go to Shanghai with you as your assistant. We have a special agent action team that will cooperate in Shanghai. This action team of yours has been lurking in Shanghai all year round. It is composed of four of the best female agents of our military command. Within the military command, they are called the four wild berries. Your Excellency, our cargo, our cargo, please get off us. The cargo was hijacked. The vehicle escorting the samples was attacked by four armed women while passing through Yuyuan Road. All the people on the vehicle were killed. The box containing the samples was hijacked by four armed women. According to the former deputy director of the Shanghai Station of the Central United States, who had just been dismissed Ding Bowen analyzed that these four women should be the Four Wild Berries of the Military Command Bureau. Why haven't we heard of the Four Wild Berries before? This is just the name given to them within the Military Command Bureau. Liu Dong must be interrogated immediately to find out who the Four Wild Berries are ... You take them to meet the captain first. I'll come over to you later. Where are you going? I always feel that Zhang Zimo has more important things. You go first. I'll see you later. I'll see you later. Miss Zuo, what would you like to order, a glass of black? Okay coffee, please wait a moment. Are you escorting a group of senior scholars ? What's wrong? One of them is named Lin Bicheng. Yes, he is one of the leaders of the Shanghai Scholars Association and is our key protection target this time. He is a spy. I just got the news that this person has been bribed by the Japanese. Miss, this is your coffee. Thank you. Please use it slowly. This is obviously a trap set by the Japanese. Now it’s all right. Are you? Didn't I realize something? It 's because I didn't have time to tell you more. The operation has already started. I have to rush there immediately. I can go with you. No, if you go, you are risking death. It's the same for you and me. We should face it together. Thank you. Your words are enough. I leave ten minutes later. If you leave again, why don't we go together? No, trust me. I can help your sister choose. It doesn't matter what kind of person you use. Who are you? What do you mean? When did you learn to use a gun? A chance. It's not that simple. It's not that complicated. From the moment you pointed at my head, I knew that you had received extremely professional training. At that time, because I really thought you were Wang Puppet, so I didn’t think much about it. But after I shot you, you started to think about it. I’m sure, I’m sure you are from the Chinese Communist Party. What happened? Just stay at home and listen to what she said. The waiter put the money on the table. Don't rush. Take a break and sit down. Sir, what can you drink? Bring me a pot of tea. Lin Qiuyan, she went to the toilet. Nothing happened. No sir. This is the tea you want. Okay, thank you everyone. Please wait until Lin Qiuyan comes back. We will set off. It's wontons. Hot wontons. Are you ready? Mr. Aoki, don't worry. I've arranged everything. Try to catch me alive. Understand that there is discipline, right? What kind of discipline are you guys? The discipline of the CCP, you are overthinking. We also have discipline, do you know? I know who you are to me. Do you know that you are my relative? Do you know? I know that I have disobeyed military orders because of you, but why can't you tell me? To be honest, I will. Are you waiting for the time? Why is Lin Qiuyan not back yet? Is there any accident? I'm going to check it out. Just wait and wait . Don't be nervous. It's okay. Wait a moment. Where did Lin Qiuyan go? I'm going to see Zhang Zimo. Isn't this nonsense? She is afraid that there will be an emergency. What should I do if I don't wait for her? Let's go. What should Qiu Yan do? Execute the order. Bring someone. Let's go. The boss is here. Guest officer, please go slowly. Why haven't you come yet? Don't worry. We are ready in other places. I admire how meticulous the arrangements are. The most important thing is that if they really leave us, you must not disappoint Mr. Mu Zhai. Prepare to take action. I hope you still have time to tell me the action. Try not to raise money. Show yourself to me and live. Did you also see the street light at the gate of the pier? You must evacuate immediately when I blow up the street light. I trust you and I will give you the car... Be careful, come on, Here you go, thank you for your help . Come on, leave it all here. It's going to be a tough battle later. Let's prepare for the battle. Come on, two brothers. Brothers, thank you for your hard work. The wontons are sold. Don't worry. People noticed that you thanked Zhang Zimo. There is something going on there. Isn't this nonsense? She is afraid of an emergency. Wang Yuan is preparing to take people to evacuate. Understand, everyone, follow me naturally. Don't be afraid to leave. Wait. Why are we leaving? It won't take more than half a minute. You will understand whether you can leave with me or not. It ’s all what you said. One moment you say you want to leave, and another moment you say you can’t go. What does that mean? Can you please keep your voice down? Okay, I can keep your voice down, but today you You have to give us an explanation, right? We've fallen into a trap. Tell us, give us an explanation. Kill people. Cover them. Everyone, take cover. Come with me over there. There, quickly send people to suppress the enemies on the two commanding heights. Remember, you must give it to me. The one who was caught alive must be Qiu Yan. Why didn't you say that there was someone to help us? We didn't have anyone to help us. Those people seemed to be members of the Chinese Communist Party. Don't be afraid. Lin Zi evacuated you guys according to the original plan. Evacuate here. Wang Yuan's cover is here. While evacuating, hurry up, keep up, keep up, keep up, keep up, keep up, keep up, hurry up, hurry up, let's go separately, you go to that car, we'll divert the Japanese troops away, thank you, all get in the car, get in the car, go, get in the car , get in the car, if I You guessed it right, you should be from the Chinese Communist Party, right? You'll have a good time after protecting them. Captain Kuai has made arrangements. What should Qiu Yan do? Execute the second plan and send the people away first. Captain Zhiwei executes the order to pick up Qiu Yan. Take her away for me quickly. Miss Lin, you have thought it through. You have thought it through. Miss Lin is indeed a smart person. So we can talk now. Let go of Miss Lin first. This way I will feel more secure. If you have anything to say, just tell me. Well, what I want to tell you is that you are destined not to leave China alive. You are destined not to leave China alive. Mr. Aoki, please be polite to our respected opponent, Miss Lin. I have prepared a special treat for you. Come in, Your Excellency, and let me introduce it. This is Dr. Ishihara, who is currently serving in the Kwantung Army’s Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Force in Manchuria. He is very knowledgeable about human vivisection. I specially transferred him to help interrogate those die-hards. Ms. Lin is his first guest. Dr. Ishihara, how are you going to entertain them? Where is Miss Lin? Miss Lin is your distinguished guest. I will bring out the latest research results for her to enjoy . Injection into the vein will control the person's brain within a few seconds. Miss Lin will let others control her brain, but It's an extremely wonderful enjoyment. Please enjoy it, Ms. Lin. Don't fall. Slow down. Don't fall. Give me the windmill. Give it to me. Give it to my brother. Shake me. Shake me. Come soon. Brother, I want to shake too. Okay, here you go, fly up. Mother, please make me some duck blood vermicelli soup tonight. I’m so greedy. Okay, my baby girl, daddy, I’m back, Qiuyan. Are you back? Let me see if you ’re not thin. Of course, it ’s for you. How dare you lose weight? You can ask questions. You can ask questions . Miss, Miss, Miss, you are, I am Acheng, I am the housekeeper, Miss Acheng, Miss, I am the housekeeper, Acheng, Uncle Cheng, it is really you, Uncle Cheng, Miss Master collected that Do you know where to put a batch of famous paintings? Miss, little miss, Miss, I am the housekeeper Cheng. Master has collected a batch of famous paintings. Do you know where to put them? Miss, please tell me, tell me quickly, miss, tell me, I know, I know everything too. It’s terrifying that such a large dose didn’t completely control her. It’s incredible. Opening the door opened her handcuffs and shackles. Miss Lin, come with me. Mr. Makisai, please wait. Mr. Hashimoto didn’t call Mr. Makisai personally to inform anyone. No one is allowed to take Lin Qiuyan away. I have a warrant from Mr. Musai. I have a warrant from Mr. Musai. I ca n’t do it even with a warrant from Mr. Musai. [ __ ], I’m sorry . This is my duty. [ __ ], you didn’t see Mr. Hashimoto holding Mr. Musai in his hand. But we didn't receive a warrant. Shut up, Mr. Hashimoto. He's new here and doesn't know the rules. Please get in the car . Put it on. Thank you. You're being followed. I know it's not good. I got into a fighting position quickly. I took that guy Muzai. His attention was drawn to Qingpu, but he still might have deployed fortifications along the way. Understand that if you lay down with grenades, get out of the car quickly. Get in the car, get in the car, you get in first, I'll cover you, you must stop them, don't let them run away. Is it okay? Is it the captain and the others? It shouldn't be Zimo. He doesn't know that this operation must be him. Don't worry about him. Attack the enemy in front with all his strength. Qiu Yan, get in the car quickly. Everyone, move away from Qiu Yan. I never thought that you could betray me. Why is the rest of the empire left to you? Qiu Yan, be careful. I'm waiting for you in the yard. I admire your courage. Does this have anything to do with courage? I am in my own home, but your home is still home. It will always be. Now that you are here, my people will snipe you at any time, please. Then you can snipe me at any time, right? They won't hinder us. There are only two of us here. You are so confident. Why don't you use the weapon I prepared for you? Okay, you don't seem to have much time. If you can't kill me within five minutes, you and your friends will never get out of here alive. You understand, you have arranged for your people to come for support, but they still need ten minutes. You can drag me along, or we can compete with each other to see who can kill you faster with a gun. You are the ending I have been waiting for for a long time. It’s really uncreative. Why is it the same as I thought? Come on, Lin Qiuyan, you don’t have time. Killing you is enough.
Channel: Gun King - 无敌枪王
Views: 9,596,189
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Keywords: Gun King - 无敌枪王, masterSamurai, 特种兵, 狙击手, 武术, martial arts, 战地枪王, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, 少林功夫, kickboxing, New Chinese Action Film 2023, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, Second Sino-Japanese War, MMA, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 武侠神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, battle scenes, kungfu movie, action movie, 空手道, best action movie, 監獄, 擂台, 比武, 功夫大師, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, 最佳打斗场面, Kung Fu, 仙侠片, 武打电视剧, Chinese Kongfu, 囚犯
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 48sec (6828 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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