【開箱日記】我竟然入手M3 MacBook Air|買前要考慮什麼?|星光色真心靚|咁樣買真係最平?!|係咪真係啱你|Apple M3 MacBook Air
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Channel: Ivan Siu 蕭文諾
Views: 3,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple, M3, M3 Macbook Air, Macbook Air, MacBook, Apple Mac, Mac, Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro, Apple event, M2, M1, Intel MacBook, MacBook Air M1, MacBook Air M2, MacBook Air M3 15inch, MacBook Air M3, MacBook Air M3 2024, Mac 2024, apple 2024, MacBook 2024, MacBook Air 教學, macbook air m3 vs macbook pro m3, macbook pro m3開箱, macbook air m3開箱, 開箱, macbook air m3 香港, macbook air m3 review, review, 星光色, 蕭文諾, IvanSiu, 蘋果
Id: BuQU4eO3Z-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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