【選配四百萬值得嗎?】火力拉滿!自然進氣的賽道王者|Porsche 911 GT3 RS 新車試駕
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Channel: buycartv
Views: 271,412
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Keywords: Go好玩, 旅遊, 台灣, Taiwan, 台北, Taipei, 汽車, 汽車影片, 飛機, 摩托車, 汽車運動, Go車誌, 新車, 賽車, automobiles, engine, mod, racing, motor sports, custom, video game, biking, cars, vehicle, mountain bike, car, wrecks, funny, accident, Top, Gear, 嘉偉, 朱嘉偉, 車訊, 新車試駕, 海外試駕, 超跑, 美食, 試車, 試車影片, porsche, 911, gt3rs, gt2rs, gt3, 718, macan, carrera, cayenne, turbo
Id: KMUVtIO9znw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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