【車主真心話】揭曉“4年油車VS1年電車”擁車成本實際開銷! 保養費?折舊高?買車換車看完再決定~ 鉅細靡遺,花費一次告訴你!#特斯拉model3 #infinitiQ30

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Hello everyone, I am Aobo Daohui and I have turned one year old. (Imperson Shima Gray) I can finally share with you how much the difference in total cost will be. Yes, that’s right, we are coming today. accounts are calculated We have to calculate it one by one . I drove the last oil truck for about four years. I am very careful about my budget. Of course, I have recorded every expense, which in "years" will make me feel better. The mileage of Dao Hui is now. Let’s (Electric cars drive more than 40,000 kilometers a year) 41,944 go to a coffee shop today and I will share with you while eating. Let ’s go. The whole building’s Qingshui Mold coffee It’s snowing in the shop ! (artificial ) My last car was an Infiniti Q30. When it was delivered are given by the business , it came with heat-insulating paper and driving recorders on the front and rear , so I didn’t buy too many accessories at the time and went for maintenance and repair as gifts every birthday. every year for the past four years. Haagen-Dazs all-you-can-eat I use this app to record the maintenance cost details. I also keep the receipt part. So I will tell you how much it cost for insurance and insurance $125,267 accessories . Because I just mentioned that the business provides accessories $0 maintenance and repair parts warranty $ 136,937 refueling in total. It’s $136,937 plus an additional $3,060 AD $ 3,060 . I went back to the original factory for film maintenance because if I didn’t do the film maintenance, there would be no warranty, so the total is $139,997 Tips for $ 139,997 for the film maintenance. I think it’s better to go to the original factory for film maintenance. The quality is not that good and there are regulations. I think more consumables such as tires, discs, batteries, and other parts have to be replaced. I encountered a fault with the turbine electronic parts , but this was also replaced under the warranty. I also encountered that the LED light turned yellow after being used for a long time. It's declining , but I replaced it with a new one within the warranty period. Apart from these, I haven't had any major repairs. To be honest, there aren't many bad things about the Q30. I think its maintenance fee is not cheap, but for an imported car, the maintenance fee of the public parking lot is not expensive. its interior is pretty good. It's a black canopy with a suede-like material. I'm very satisfied with its appearance. It's also a streamlined style that won't go out of fashion a few years ago. For the price of the Q30, it has such a safety system and interior. It is really a car with a high CP value. However, after I switched to an electric car, there was a clear difference in the sense of space. The electric car is really much bigger. In addition to the larger space inside the car, The front compartment can store let me tell you about the most heartbreaking thing. Part of the gas money was spent on gas. I Accessories $0 Insurance $125,267 Warranty $136,937 degree film$3,060 Gas $251,243 drove the car in total before I sold it, 86,641km so the average fuel consumption is 10.19 $2.88/km the gas cost plus maintenance Accessories $0 Degree film $3,060 Insurance $125,267 Insurance Refueling $251,243 Warranty $136,937 Subtotal $516,507 . I also added four years of license tax and fuel tax. The license tax is $7,120. The fuel tax is $4,800 . That adds up. It’s $11,920 , but I’ve had it for four years , so multiplied by 4, it’s $47,680 Tax $47,680 plus tax . Subtotal $567,187 The total is (Tata Fish Panini) this. It’s delicious. OK , then I want to talk about the price of the Q30 when I bought 149 Wan a new car. Because in the era of gas cars , I actually (crazyly eating in the car after changing to an electric car) didn’t allow anyone to buy it. I eat in the car , and I also have a non-smoking car. I don’t smoke. As a person who loves cars like me, (very confident) I think the condition of my car is pretty good, so when I want to sell the car , I think it should be a good seller. Yes, in the end. I sold it 800,000 myself. I sold it about three days after I posted it online . It was so fast that I didn’t have time to say goodbye to him properly . There were so many people who asked me to see the car . There were two people who asked me to see the car. Are you sure anyone wants to hear the story of selling a car with me ? If so, I will share it on my IG . In short , I sold my car at lightning speed and my new car was still on board at that time, so it was a big loss. I don’t have a car during this window period. I immediately rented a car and used the portion of the sale of the car to deduct some miscellaneous expenses and expenses. The actual money I got was 800,000, so I converted it 149-80 = 690,000 and added the maintenance parts and maintenance oil $125,267 Accessories $0 Degree film $3,060 Depreciation $690,000 Refueling $251,243 Tax $47,680 Warranty $136,937 Warranty $ I just mentioned. Money and taxes Subtotal $1,2 54,187 spent more than 1 million : Although I drove my last gas car for less than four years, it was about three years and eight months , but we just divide it by 4. My average annual expenses $313,547 The average annual cost of a gas car is $26,129 about 50,000 The average monthly cost is are if you have done the accounting seriously, you can leave a message below. Tell me how much your gas car or electric car cost you or how much money it saved you. In fact, when I was driving the Q30, I had been waiting to see electric cars , but at that time I was still worried Charging problem until I moved last year. I moved far away from the company , so my daily commute was relatively long. At that time, Gas price surges I was thinking that my Q30 had about 80,000 kilometers on it. If I wanted to drive it over 100,000 , I would sell the car. The valuation will be a lot worse. After a comprehensive evaluation, I decided that Hurry up and change to an electric car in addition to Tesla, there were some Korean brands such as Kia and Hyundai that were more popular at that time. However, for the public, Tesla was still the dominant one, but I At that time, I actually went to place an order for Kia's EV6 first , probably in May. At that time, the salesperson told me that you have to one year after the car is delivered order the car now , but the car will not be delivered until next year (...) . I thought, okay , then wait, otherwise what? I didn’t expect that a month later my family’s Tesla had been delivered , and the charging stations had been installed. After being pushed around, my own mileage kept increasing , so I decided to place an order for one as soon as possible. I ordered the model 3 in the standard range (The cinnamon rolls are delicious) . I didn’t expect that after I waited for a month , he would have a car in more than a month. Plus, my family has a charging station at home. If I go home, (Go home and use the battery YA!!!) I can go and charge it. I don’t have one at home now. I have installed a charging pile. I have some dissatisfaction with it so far , but those are things that everyone has known for a long time. For example, the car will leak when washing the car. The wind makes a lot of noise and the glass is very loud , so it is very hot in the summer . There are some blessings. The more invisible the tolerance is, the more difficult it is to sit on the chair when driving long distances . But electric cars are really economical. Even if I don’t have a charging pile in my home now, I don’t think it’s easy to use it. It would be too troublesome to use public parking lots or overcharge now. In fact, there are many third-party charging stations. Overcharging + I mostly charge at these two places. When I deliver the car, it can run 440-445 kilometers with 100% power. Battery condition in public parking lots It took more than a year to run 422-425 kilometers with 100% electricity. I will wait for the weather and wait for the time to be almost the same. I will continue the story . Let’s watch the sunset while talking. Then I will reveal the cost of my electric car to everyone. Reveal the cost of Dao Hui in one year. If you like my video. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please subscribe for me. The one-year cost of the electric car. I have one too I used this app to record and The insurance part Insurance $18,689 will be $22,624 in the second year because the premium for green energy vehicles has increased. The accessories part Accessories $19,999 . My insulation paper cost almost 20,000 yuan. I also have group tours. I bought accessories Accessories $19,999+$8881 , which are foot pads and some small ones like coasters and mobile phone holders. I also bought the original sunshade, Accessories $19,999+$8881+$5,500 so I spent a total of $34,380 on the accessories, Accessories $ the maintenance 0 part , and the charging part Charge $13,168 (2022) . Add it to August 2023 , which means it will be exactly one year old. Charge $13,168 (2022) + $20,241 (August 2023) At that time, the cost will be $20,241. In total, it will cost about $33,409 now. Charge $33,409 (2022/8~2023/8) By August, the mileage will be 35,000km calculate $0.95/km , which will cost about one yuan per kilometer. I paid the tax 34,380 Accessories Charge $33,409 (2022/8~2023/8) Insurance $18,689 License $5,334 Warranty $0 Warranty when I handed over the car. The license fee , license tax and fuel tax add up so far Tax $0 to $18,689. Insurance (... .. ..) $0 $34,380 Accessories $34,380 Charge $33,409 Insurance $18,689 Insurance $18,689 Insurance $ License $5,334 Charging Tax $0 License plus accessories $34,380. Maintenance and repairs are all $0. Plus $33,409 is the charging fee plus (I have +$2000 to choose a car) a license fee that only applies to the first year Subtotal $91,812 (first year) . After the year, there will be no licensing fees. I have probably bought all the accessories , so I won’t buy any more accessories , so I can probably deduct another 40,000 yuan. In other words, the cost of daily use of my car in the first year, which About 50,000 the most expensive thing about Tesla (I spent more than 30,000 on accessories) is probably the accessories. It has too many accessories. $ 2.88/km $0 Warranty $0 $0.95 $5,334 License $5,334 18,689 Insurance $ Accessories $34,380 Insurance $125,267 Tax $ 47,680 Tax $0 accessories $0 degree film $3,060 warranty $136,937 Sometimes I accidentally keep buying foot mats and sunshades because I have weak brain waves . I think they are necessary (It’s really hot in summer) . There is also insulation paper. These three items are absolutely unavoidable. If you have other problems, I think you should read it. Everyone’s actual use of the insurance is because I have been accumulating it and the car is older, so my insurance coefficient is actually quite low. I have B-type insurance , but starting from the second year, I have more green energy. The terms and conditions of the car (I’m Bao Cathay) have increased again , so I think the most economical part (Oil cars need to be insured for money) is obviously the repair and maintenance. Tax $0 Warranty taxes $ 47,680 warranty $136,937 /km 18,689 Accessories $34,380 Insurance $125,267 License Refuge $ 2.88/km accessories degree film $3,060 Both are 0 yuan . The current tax is also 0 yuan after $ 47,680 $ 47,680 $0 Warranty $ Tax $0 warranty $136,937 holding . I don’t know how much it costs to charge and gas. Of course, it’s a huge difference. Actually, I don’t know $0 $5,334 License 0 7,680 Accessories $34,380 Charging $0.95/km Charging $0.95/km Degree membrane $ 3,060 Insurance Insurance $125,267 Refuge $ 2.88/km Tax $0 warranty $136,937 what the price of gas is now , but it must be more expensive than charging. (Gas and charging fees per kilometer The price difference is huge) I almost never had a charging station at home. was overcharged + Once, it’s about 6 to 12 yuan. If you have a charging station at home, like me now. This is very common and definitely saves money. Electric cars can be driven to another level (Is anyone the same?) . So I often drive to the alley seven to buy things. I have been using it for more than a year, regardless of the brand, the driving mode of the electric car, and its economy, energy saving and environmental protection. I'm really satisfied with it and I don't feel sorry for the passers-by and motorcyclists next to me when I'm waiting at traffic lights in the summer. They $18,689 (1 year) $5,334 Accessories $34,380 Warranty Charging $0.95/km Insurance $125,267 (4 years) Refuge $ 2.88/km Tax $0 Warranty $0 accessories $0 accessories $0 degree film $ 3,060 taxes $ 47,680 (4 years) warranty $136,937 (4 years) shouldn't feel smelly when they're next to the island gray, and they won't feel the heat. The daily ownership cost of the island gray is indeed higher than mine. In the past, the gas price of the car was even lower , but it is not yet the day of selling the car . I don’t know how much the total cost will be. And I have to change the tires recently. The estimated price is about 30,000 yuan. By the way, if you have a good parking place, Or you are welcome to leave a message below to tell me about useful accessories. You can also track my IG (Come to me on ig) electric car. I will put it there every day. If you are still hesitant or want to change to a new car or want to change to an electric car, you can refer to my sharing today . If you like my video , you can click subscribe and like it or leave me a message below. Let’s meet next time to watch the sunset. Bye bye
Channel: Alf 奧菠
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Keywords: 特斯拉, tesla, 充電樁, 超充站, CCS2, Model Y, Model 3, 馬斯克, 充電費, EV, 電動車, 爆胎, 保養, 油車, Q3, M3, Kia, ev6, ioniq5, 交車, JOWUA, Tparts, Amazon, 特斯拉配件, J1772 轉接頭, 台特, 隔熱紙, 車用配件, 車宿, 車泊, 車露, 特斯拉開門, 特斯拉開箱, 開箱, 自動駕駛, FSD, EAP, 輔助駕駛, 特斯拉充電, CCS1, Tesla delivery, super charge, 特斯拉唱歌, 特斯拉實測, tesla key fob, 特斯拉交車, 純電生活, 特斯拉漲價, 特斯拉保養, 里程焦慮, 特斯拉試駕, 特斯拉優缺點, 特斯拉試乘, 特斯拉新手, 新手交車, GAMA, FSK, 特斯拉遮陽簾, 特斯拉天窗, 特斯拉超充站, 特斯拉漏水, 特斯拉淘寶, 特斯拉蝦皮, TParts, 交車注意, Evwave, 養車, 家用充電樁, 油車 電車, PIAA, 特斯拉輪胎, 花費, 油車vs電車, 折舊, 賣車, 換車, 養車成本, 用車成本, 車行, 二手車, 二手特斯拉, infiniti Q30, 油耗, 電耗, 油車電車比較, 中古車, 擁車成本, 分析, cost, budget
Id: 2JYxMfz4fnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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