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Channel: 阿湯湯 - 世界爬透透
Views: 12,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 越南, 北越, 河內, 美食, 旅遊, 旅行, 越南旅遊, 越南旅行, 越南河內, 河内, 越南河内, vietnam, hanoi, travel, trip, Hanoi, Vietnam, vietnam travel, 美甲, 雞肉河粉, 米其林, 必比登, 牛肉米線沙拉, 咖啡巧克力麵包, Phở Gà Nguyệt, Cosmo Nail Spa, Bún Bò Nam Bộ Bách Phương, Chè Bốn Mùa, KingRoti - 34 Hàng Gai, Zô Zô Tofu Pudding, 甜湯, 甜品, Phở gà
Id: 88gSxc0yYHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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