【艾爾登法環】藏好深的T0增傷盔甲!隱形牆後竟還有隱形牆!?這BOSS你還真會躲《BAY阿貝》Elden Ring|跳砍流|黑刀刺客|隱身面紗|死術師哥瑞斯|猛禽勾惡|猛禽黑羽|家族頭連枷|全字幕
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Channel: 阿貝MrBay
Views: 174,977
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Keywords: elden ring, 艾爾登法環, walkthrough, 老头环, 老头环攻略, 攻略, 快速衝等, 快速賺錢, 快速刷錢, 最強武器, 最強盾牌, 最強魔法, 最強技能, 宮崎英高, dark souls, bloodborne, 隻狼, 類魂遊戲, 艾爾登法環攻略, 艾爾登法環好玩嗎, 外鄉人, 艾爾登法環劇情, 艾爾登法環評價, elden ring walkthrough, 艾爾登法環新手攻略, new gameplay, elden ring trailer, 阿砲APAU, 阿貝, equipment, money, 老頭環, 老頭環攻略, funny moment, video game industry, gaming talk shows, play (ep), minecraft, GTA5, adventure, survival horror media genre, indie game, open world video game genre, gameplay, 娛樂, 休閒, 好笑, 精華, 恐怖, RPG, 生活, 冒險, 遊戲, PS5, Swithch, XBOX, play station, PS4
Id: i24bYqeNqa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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