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Hello, everyone. Now we're in Jinan. Now the three of us are heading to Zibo. To try some barbecue. We couldn't go last year because there were too many people there. Because we were afraid we wouldn't get a table. This year, the popularity should have decreased a bit. We're leaving now by car. It's a total of 114 kilometers. An hour and a half away. Okay. We've arrived. As soon as this car reached this side, We could smell a strong barbecue aroma, Which means we're almost there. Let's go. Look at all these cars lined up. All here for barbecue. Do you believe it? I do. I'm just wondering Why they chose this location, Right by the roadside. This road is very straight, Like an industrial park, But also a bit like a farmhouse. They mainly serve halal beef, right? Yeah. No pork. Today, Lao Zhao said he won't open in the evening. Oh. Jinling Lao Zhao. What's going on? Lao Zhao's closed. This guy... Lao Zhao's closed. Oh. Lao Zhao's closed. What's up with him now? Closing during barbecue time? This is the best time for barbecue in my local area. Yeah. Yeah. They don't open for lunch. Are you guys locals? No. Where are you from? A bit far away. We're from Sichuan, took a flight here, Just to come to his place. Yeah Then isn't this all for nothing? We still have a second option Let's go Are you locals? Yes, we are locals You used to eat his barbecue, right? We've eaten it, even over twenty years ago Oh He is He wasn't as popular back then, right? Back then, he was a small place for the factory area Is because he got something to do at night? Why he doesn't do business at night He doesn't work at night Oh Only at noon At noon, he works But barbecue at noon Yes Oh Having barbecue at noon is a bit strange It's just a habit of his Okay Thanks This is getting a bit awkward I've only heard Those who work night shifts usually really like those food Because it's called 'timely' in Chinese cuisine Right time for the right food at right place This place, Lao Zhao's I haven't tried their food, is it good? You're too late, you definitely won't get to eat His place only has barbecue during lunchtime Only at the lunch No barbecue at night We're moving to a different place now Let's go We're going to a new place now Called what village? Shepherd Village Shepherd Village, right? How far is it from here? About twenty minutes Okay Twenty-three minutes Who's ready? Why is this Zibo barbecue so popular? Was it cheap at first? Was it good value for money? The way of eating is different Different way of eating With flat bread Those small bread Oh The taste of his barbecue is similar But serves it with flat bread I want to see what's different about these bread We've changed locations This place is called Shepherd Village Let's go in and see which place is crowded We'll go wherever it's crowded Anyway, the choice of the masses should be right, right? Actually, every place seems to have many people I feel like that indoor place looks like an abandoned factory It's a factory It's a factory building They also have outdoor seating Look, there are indeed more people here Right Do we need to get in line or something? Wow This side is full I feel like there are more inside Really? Let's take a look I feel like I've entered a "rural place" disco How do we get food? How to Place the order over there Place the order over there Then Right Then bring the order here Oh And pick up the food here Right Okay Their way of ordering is quite primitive Communication mainly relies on shouting I feel like I'm in a rural stage show Here's what we need. Will it be enough for three of us? It's better to order two portions. Two portions it is. And three dipping sauces. Garlic. Get a head of garlic. Peanuts. Edamame. Zibo dipping sauce. One serving. Let's give it a try. It's a bit like picking up prescriptions at a pharmacy. Right. Exactly. They have various seasonings in here, and they will pick them up in a bag for you. Then Here is only for seasonings and accessories, if you want to order other meat You need to scan the code again on the table to order. It's divided into two steps. Right. Just this table? Look. These are our seasonings. This is the bread. Here, have one. And this is Zibo barbecue dipping sauce. These are all pre-prepared. See? What's this? Oh. This is a dry powder seasoning. This is also a dry powder seasoning. Both are powders. This is garlic. A bulb of garlic. And there are napkins. Let me see. ¥1.50 for garlic Then these edamame and peanuts. These two, these peanuts should be over a jin (500 grams). But they've absorbed water. This should also be about a jin (500 grams). ¥12 per portion. I just tasted it. It's boiled. Now let's order some meat. This grilled beef skewer. 48,000 sold per month. Grilled lamb skewer, 69,000. Let me count how many dishes they have. One, two, three, four, five. Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three. Thirty-four items. Most of orderings are from five skewers. Beef skewers, lamb skewers. Pork, five skewers. And a bit of beef tongue. Just order the ones with good sales. We should trust the public's taste. How about some lamb kidneys? One for Huang. Okay. ¥157. Let's start from here first. ¥157. The waiter just added the charcoal. You see? It's like this, like a drawer. Like this. There's one on each side. See? And this. I think it's a good design. It has water in the middle. Charcoal on both sides. This way, when grilling, the oil won't drip down and create a lot of smoke. Learned something new. This method is good. Take a look at these peanuts. These peanuts are quite large. Didn't you notice? And look, when peeled, there's a lot of moisture inside. See? They're just a bit salty, no other flavor. And these beans, where we're from, we peel them to make bean curd. Right? The taste is really good. And these, they're also boiled, just with some salt. Nothing else added. It's basically plain. And these are the dishes we ordered. Over 150. They're a bit over half-cooked. We'll bring them up and do some re-heating. They'll be ready soon. Put them on. There's a saying about this. What saying? Put the oily ones on top, and the non-oily ones on the bottom. The oil drips down to the bottom layer. Seems like there's not much on the plate, but when it's served, it's quite a bit. Right? Yes. Honestly, after grilling like this, I can't tell beef from lamb anymore. Can't distinguish them. Let's leave it at that. Okay. Inside the kitchen the chef has been grilling non-stop. After they're semi-cooked, they're placed on a rack. Then we scan the QR code on this table. After scanning, they use a plate to pick them up, then bring them to us. They pick them up with this plate, prepare them, then serve us. Then we do some more heating here, then use the dipping sauce. use the sauce or the powder Then we eat after more seasonings These are already heated. Let me have a skewer first. I'll randomly pick one. This one looks a bit darker. I guess it's beef. Okay, I'll try one. This beef has a chewy texture. Although it tastes like beef, but there still a bit more moisture inside. It's not that it's tough to chew. There's nothing particularly special about the seasoning. It's just a basic salt marinade, with a sprinkle of MSG, and then some cumin powder and sesame seeds. A basic seasoning. For the original flavor, you can taste the meatiness and meat flavor Let me taste what this white one is. This is aorta. Beef aorta. It doesn't have much flavor, and it's not heated through yet, a bit cold. Let's grill it a bit more. And then, look at this, it's all oily. It's been sizzling for a while. What's this? This seems to be pork belly. Grilled pork belly. Pork belly with skin. I have to say, it taste good. This only has a basic seasoning, with a bit of cumin added, nothing else. I feel like barbecue here in Zibo is a very good way you can taste the meatiness and real flavor of meat In Sichuan, on top of our barbecue, we add a layer of chili powder, then some more chili flakes, sprinkle sesame seeds, and even add chili oil. This is the first time I've had barbecue meat so fresh. I want to try the bun now. With Zibo barbecue dipping sauce. Let's see. It's quite runny. This sauce is a bit... It has a strong taste of garlic chili sauce flavor. A bit tangy, with a sweet aftertaste, a little spicy, with a hint of garlic. It feels like garlic chili sauce with tomatoes, just not very red. That's all. This separately packaged one is also garlic chili sauce. This one? Yes, this one is also garlic chili sauce. Let's see what the difference is between these two. I'll try a bit of each. The colors are similar. This one's a bit darker. Yes, this one's darker. The flavors are different. The bigger one is more tangy, and its flavor is a bit stronger. Let's get some more spicy powder. Just like the Liu Po Powder we have over Sichuan. This powder is very fragrant. It's not very spicy. Let me try the five-spice powder. I think the main ingredients in these two sauces are soybean flour, peanuts, and sesame. Then add some chili powder, a bit of MSG, and a little salt. It's very simple. Grill a bun, Close it up. Close the window. Closing the window doesn't make much difference. Okay, this is good. From what I saw in the video, flip it over, and then dip it in this sauce like this. Like this. Then dip it in this powder again. Like this. Then open it up again, and then add the meat. One skewer, two skewers. I don't even know what kind of meat it is because you can't tell anymore. And then some green scallions. Then take a bite. Actually, if you add some garlic, it would be even better. It feels like biting into this bun is full of meat, with the fragrance of scallion and the flavor of the sauce. The texture and taste are quite good. They call this Zibo barbecue, but it's only grilled, not roasted. It's like reheating it on top. The actual grilling step is done by the chef inside. He's already done the grilling. Now I understand why Lao Zhao's place can only opens for lunch, not dinner. Because this is a really good lunch. Shandong people like buns. Eating this bun with some grilled meat inside really perfect lunch. In Sichuan, it's just meat for barbecue No staple food. So it can't meet the immediate need for lunch. I noticed there are two kinds of sticks this has a stainless steel one, and also wooden sticks These wooden sticks are most likely not manually skewered, they should be machine skewered. Try one. It's alright. The meat here doesn't have any funny taste, it has that fresh meat fragrance from grilling. And from the flavor point of view I think people from any place can eat this. I think the atmosphere here is quite harmonious. There's karaoke inside. Karaoke. Then everyone casually sits outside eating barbecue, and people of all ages are very comfortable. I think this Zibo barbecue is not just about barbecue, it's also about an atmosphere, a strong sense of atmosphere. I wanted to come here last year too, but it was too crowded back then. Even if I had come, I probably couldn't have the chance. Waited a year, and then came to eat. It's pretty good? Yeah, it's alright. It's okay. They say something can't stay popular for too long, like a internet-famous product, they're only a fad, but I think Zibo barbecue should not be just a fad, it's a way of life. After work, it's a way of life for everyone, calling a few friends, sitting down to eat barbecue together. And here are some grasshopper. This must be pre-prepared. You can't catch them now. It's still not the season for grasshoppers. They're not easy to catch now. Do you want to try? Hesitant expression. Sweating profusely. I used to eat this when I was a kid. Just try one. Just try one. A bit, you know... A bit scared. Just pull it off. Hahaha. This feels so weird. It's not because it's hot, it's hard. It feels hard. Haha. I used to eat this a lot when I was a kid. You're giving up, aren't you? Let me tell you about when we were kids, we caught these big ones, and then we roasted them directly over the fire, ate them half-cooked. We used to eat these when we were kids. Its claw hooked onto my mouth. We're done with barbecue now. We spent a total of 300 RMB (ordered some more later). Average of 100 RMB per person. But some things weren't finished, like those peanuts, and those beans weren't finished. Other barbecue items, all the skewers were finished, and we drank some beverages. Altogether, it added up to 300 RMB. In the end, we felt that this barbecue unanimously received good opinions, It's good. It's very suitable to bring children here to eat, no problem. It's not spicy, and the taste isn't too heavy. Barbecue is actually quite delicious. And today is Saturday, where we're staying over night now, wow, it's twice as expensive as other small cities. We three people booked two rooms, costing over 800 RMB. It's one of those chain hotels, very ordinary ones. Barbecue is not expensive the cost performance is quite high, but staying around here is indeed not cheap. Alright, this video ends here. Goodbye. If you want to eat barbecue, come during the day and leave after eating. Staying here, the room rates are not cheap.
Channel: 餐饮研究员王刚
Views: 464,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 美食作家, 美食作家王刚, 王刚, 探店, 王刚探店, 美食, 美食探店, 餐饮, 餐饮行业, 后厨
Id: q0T7BkxT-b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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