【独步天下】第1集 | 唐艺昕、林峯主演 | Rule the World EP1 | Starring: Tang Yixin, Raymond Lam Fung | ENG SUB

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RULE THE WORLD EPISODE 1 (Devil Mei) I don't want to write anymore. Even if the sky falls on me, I wouldn't be able to write another word! Wretched woman, why didn't you pick up my call? Come over to the publishing house now. Director Huang is mad. He wants to terminate your contract. Talk to you later. Come over here soon. He wants to terminate my contract? Wretched woman, you're finally here. Let me tell you, you must apologize to him later. Tell him your draft is delayed because of your neighbor's renovation, the gas pipe diversion, and your relative's wedding. The recent feedback has been great, as we've not got loyal fans yet and the plot is still in the early stage. You must then guarantee that you will complete the draft on time and the click-through rate will reach 100,000 next week. 100,000? Yes, 100,000. I can't tell this lie. I can't. Isn't this your go-to excuse? Why can't you give him the same excuse today? No. Director Huang and I usually contact each other by phone. I've never seen him in person, so I'm afraid to see him later. Director Huang has personally requested to see you. I guess he is serious and it concerns next year's contract renewal. Good luck. I can only help you out so much. Bye. Hey! Director Huang. I am Bu You Ran. May I come in? Director Huang? Where is he? You're finally here. What is this? Bu You Ran. Do you know what the click-through rate of the novel is? Director Huang. I haven't completed the draft on time because-- I'm not interested in how you write. I only focus on the result. The result shows that you are the worst among the writers. Director Huang, I'm the first writer contracted by the company. I'm not perfect, but I deserve some credit. Stop your current task. I'll give you a week to come out with a new novel series. If its weekly click-through rate can't reach 100,000... No, I mean 200,000... Your contract will not be renewed. That's all. Hey! Hey! Director Huang! What a treacherous villain! Is he really a literary director? He is obviously a blood-sucking capitalist, an unscrupulous businessman! Ah Bu, I've contacted an archaeologist for you. Let's go to Buxiya Mala's tomb to look for creative inspiration. - Are you awake? - Yes, I'm awake. I hope this palace is worth visiting as we've come all the way here. Hello. This is Buxiya Mala's underground palace. You can take a look inside. - Hello. - Be careful. Please don't damage the antiquities inside. Don't worry. You just go all the way down. If you feel that something is wrong, please come out quickly. The air here is quite stagnant. Thank you. This palace is too big. Will we get lost if we go in like this? Are you giving up now? This tomb is the best preserved palace in Mongolia so far. It's also the most luxurious palace. However, it's too strange here. The minority ethnic group living here practices sky burial or cremation generally. They rarely perform burials. Even if they do, the bodies would have been decomposed. Oh, my goodness. Come over here and see this. It is really a miracle. What do these Mongolian words mean? Let me see. It doesn't seem to be Mongolian language. They look similar, but I can't read after connecting the words. There are Chinese characters. Look. Buxiya Mala. Buxiya Mala? Buxiya Mala. Ah Bu. Ah Bu? Ah Bu! What's wrong? Nothing. Let's take a look inside. Let's go. Let's go. - Bu You Ran. - Who's there? Bu You Ran. Come and see this! Bu You Ran! This woman doesn't belong to the mortal world. Conforming to the Heavenly will, she could either make or break the world! Dong Ge, you are mine. The world is also mine! Ah Bu! Ah Bu! Ah Bu. - Ah Bu. - Ah Bu! - Ah Bu! - Ah Bu! Ah Bu, what's wrong with you? Buxiya Mala. She is also known as Princess Dong Ge and is the most beautiful woman of Jurchen people. She married seven times in her lifetime. Hey. How is it? Bu You Ran. I have seen the information you sent me. Several editors decided to give you another chance after our discussion. If the new story can increase the novel's click-through rate, I will renew your contract. I want to write about a legendary person who is different from other ancient Chinese women. She has the modern view of love and won't succumb to nobility who cares only about power and self-interest. It's the story about the most beautiful woman of Jurchen people. Princess Buxiya Mala, who was also known as Dong Ge, was born in Jurchen and belonged to the Yehe tribe. During the Wanli era of the Ming Dynasty, different parts of Jurchen were occupied by rivaling warlords, and the crisis was growing. As the most beautiful woman, Dong Ge became the political tool of the Yehe tribe. Yehe has been defeated in the War of Nine Tribes. Dong Ge's father, Buzhai, was killed by Nurhaci. Her brother, Buyanggu, tried to appease Jianzhou and unexpectedly betrothed Dong Ge to Nurhaci. As Dong Ge swore that she'd never marry Nurhaci, Nurhaci can only make her stay in Jianzhou. Please remove this hair bun. Your Highness. I want to join a horse race with the princes today. It's too cumbersome to keep my hair down. Which hairstyle do you want? Sir. Which manor do you come from? You look familiar. How do I look? I'm manlier than you, right? However, having this outfit isn't enough. You must bring this horse as well. It's a good horse. However, it's not suitable for me as it's too rough to ride. That's right. My lady should choose a mature and stable horse to match with your dignified temperament. Brother, am I right? Daisan always has a way with words. However, this snow-white horse is too gentle. I think you must have thought of me as a child who doesn't know any horsemanship. Well said, Dong Ge. My horse is a great runner and has made outstanding merits on the battlefield. Bravery and arrogance are the perfect matches for Dong Ge. You have been helping me a lot. However, I'm no longer the inexperienced princess. I will decide which horse to ride. Look. My father awarded Lady Monggo this horse two years ago if I'm not mistaken. That's right. Aunt has been sick for six months. She is in no mood for entertainment. Hence, she's given me the horse. I have to go now. Your Highness, please pay attention to your safety. Don't make Lady Monggo worry! This girl is getting out of control. Dong Ge, wait for me! Dong Ge, Cuyen, and Daisan have been best friends since childhood. They grew up together. As Daisan was gentle and friendly, he was very close to Dong Ge. - Dong Ge! - What? - Ride my horse. - Let go of my hand. - Come on. - Let go of me! - Dong Ge. - Dong Ge. Dong Ge, are you all right? - Dong Ge, get up. - Dong Ge, are you injured? - Let go of me! - Brother, let's give her some time. She's shocked. - Are you all right? - I'm all right. What a stupid beast! What are you doing? Kill me if you dare. Don't kill it. This beast must die as it has hurt you! You are just like your father! What's the matter? My father is a hero, the most powerful baturu in Jurchen. I'm proud to be like him. A true baturu will never kill the innocent. That's enough. Stop arguing. Let's go back now. We'll go hunting another day. - Let's go. - Wait a moment! Dong Ge, are you saying that I am not as good as my father? Don't tell me you want to marry him in the future. Brother, why must you make it difficult for Dong Ge? What nonsense are you talking about? Dong Ge, you still intend to fight against my father? You really don't like him at all? - I certainly don't like Nurhaci. - That's great. I will ask my father to grant our marriage. Who do you take me for? I'm not a beast that can be manipulated by you. What Dong Ge said is right. Forced marriage is unacceptable. I support your decision. Daisan, let's go back. What about me? A child is better unborn than untaught. He's learned bad things instead of good things. Dong Ge. Sir. Why are you here? I have been looking for you. Let's go. I'll bring you somewhere nice. Are you going to take me hunting? It's boring. I'm not going. You're getting more and more arrogant. On the contrary, this red fox skin is a good thing. Who gave this to you? First Prince or Second Prince? Eighth Prince gave it to me. He sends someone to pass it to me every year. Eighth Prince is really a filial son. That brat hasn't returned for years. He's only delivered things to us and never come back to visit us. You can't blame Eighth Prince. We've been having numerous wars for years. Several princes have been with me to the battlefield. Although Eighth Prince is young, he's displayed his military talent at his first attempt. He is a promising man. No matter how important the war is, he can't just abandon his mother. I am his cousin and I can't quite remember how he looks. Let me put it this way. Even if you see him now, you probably wouldn't recognize him. He has become stronger and taller over the past few years. Has Eighth Prince returned? However, Monggo has been sick for two days. He keeps her company all day without rest in front of the couch and makes her tea. He looks haggard now. Aunt is seriously ill again? It's not a serious illness. Women always get headaches and backaches. Her body is weak too. Thus, it's easy to get sick during this time of the year. We'll talk about that later. Let's go. Let's take a breather outside. - I want to visit my aunt. - You can go after you come back. - Where are we going? - You will know when we get there. Look! What do you want me to see? The city before me? This city belongs to me. I will own bigger cities in the future! As long as you are willing to marry me, these cities will belong to you and me. I don't deserve such a great gift. If I say you deserve it, you deserve it! You must have forgotten that you killed my father. If I accept this great gift from my enemy, how will I gain a foothold in Yehe? Nurhaci! Sir! Sir! Be careful! Don't kill him! Nurhaci, you killed my father! You must pay with your life! If you want to retrieve your father's corpse, you must agree to my conditions. Nurhaci, I will never marry the devil who killed my father! You listen carefully! I am Yehe Nara Buxiya Mala, and I swear to Heaven now. Whoever can kill Nurhaci and avenge my father, I'll marry him immediately without hesitation! It has been so many years. - I thought you've-- - You thought I've forgotten about it? Beile Nurhaci, I'm not that heartless. After all, my hatred for you will never disappear. Yehe and Jianzhou have been battling each other constantly in recent years. As the governor of Jianzhou, I need to give an explanation to my subordinates. As far as we're concerned, I surely owe you for your father's death. Maybe this city can serve as your compensation. You are really good at telling jokes. This place is given to me only by name. But you won't let me stay in such a big place alone. In the end, you've just regifted it, which doesn't even cost you anything. Buxiya Mala. You'd better know what's good for you. Thank you for your reward. Where are you going? - To visit my aunt. - You! Beile Nurhaci, I'm a very boring person. I have disappointed you. I think you can bring your concubines here tomorrow. I'm sure they will be very happy listening to the same thing. Don't you appreciate my kindness at all? You can choose to show kindness to anyone you like. Remember your words. Just wait and see. I'd like to see if my love for you is as scary as a great scourge. You don't care? You don't care at all. Let's return! Aunt, the flowers in the garden are blooming these days. I've had people pick these fresh flowers to put in your chamber. They're very beautiful. Thank you very much. It's good to see you happy. Hai Zhen, put them in a vase. Have you taken your medicine today? I think the cause of your illness is Nurhaci. Aunt, drink some water. Dong Ge, don't be rude. Yes, I said something wrong. Aunt, don't be angry. I'm not angry with you. I'm angry because the girls who were born in Yehe are ill-fated and have to live under someone else's roof. Fortunately, I have you beside me. For me, you're the only person whom I can rely on in this world. Dong Ge, I can't accompany you forever. I will accompany you forever then. Oh, by the way, I heard that Hong Taiji has returned. Where is he? Where is Hong Taiji? My lady, on my way here, I heard that His Highness had woken up. I guess he will come here after he's finished his breakfast. Your servant is great and clever. But Hong Taiji is too young. I'm scared that he can't bear the responsibility of his title. Eighth Prince has arrived. Greetings, Mother. You may rise. Your cousin, Dong Ge, is here too. It's been a long time since you last saw each other. Now, you two can catch up with each other. Dong Ge. I wouldn't have thought it'd be you who'd bring me this baby. Since you like him so much, how about you give him a name? You want me to name him? You did great in his birth. Of course you should give him a name. Hong Taiji. Hong Taiji? It's a good name. His name will be Hong Taiji. My Eighth Prince, Aisin Gioro Hong Taiji. Greetings, Sister. You brat. It's only been a few years, yet you have grown up so much. Do you remember Dong Ge? When you were born, we were lucky to have her by my side. Call me Sister. Sister. From now on, make sure you both keep in touch with each other. Dong Ge, you're the person whom I trust the most. Aunt. Don't blame me for being long-winded. Eighth Prince is young and inexperienced. You two have to support each other in the future. Don't worry, you're my only relative here. Naturally, Hong Taiji is my closest brother. Dong Ge. Dong Ge. Aunt. You two are all I have. Aunt. - Mother! - Aunt! - Aunt. - Call for the physician! Yes. - Aunt! - Mother! Aunt. Hurry. The physician is here. Hurry! Greetings, Your Highness. - Greetings, Your Highness. - Drop the formalities. - Examine Lady Monggo immediately. - Yes. - Aunt. - Mother. - Mother. - Aunt. I miss my mother. Aunt, what do you need? I'm here. Mother. Take me home. This is your home. Aunt. Mother, I want to go home. I'll take you home. I'll bring you to your mother. Father, Mother's health is getting worse. The physician has just examined her and said she might not survive for long. Mother is in a stupor now. She keeps thinking about her hometown and hopes that she can return to it. Father, I beg you to approve the conveyance of mother's intention to Yehe. Perhaps her relatives will come here to see her one last time. I didn't expect her to be gravely ill. I saw her once last year during hunting season. She was in good health back then. Her health has deteriorated. Mother has been delirious and coughing blood. I'm afraid she won't survive for long. I've got it. Is there anything else? That's all. You may leave now. Father. My mother won't survive for long. I understand that dominating the world is the most important task ahead. Although the relationship between Jianzhou and Yehe is complicated, she is your wife after all. Mother has never requested anything from you. Can't you even grant her dying wish? Do you even know what you're saying? Dong Ge. It's you. Yes. I've obtained a top-grade ginseng recently. Please give it to Lady Monggo to help speed up her recovery. Thank you very much. Dong Ge, who are you waiting for? Hong Taiji went to see Beile Nurhaci. I'm worried about him. That's why I'm waiting here. Why is he meeting Father? Aunt's condition is getting worse. The physician has said that she might not survive for long. Aunt keeps saying that she misses her mother. She's been talking about going home. Hong Taiji wants to beg for Beile Nurhaci's grace. He wants to see if he could invite Aunt's mother to Jianzhou. I'm afraid that he will be disappointed. Why do you say so? We just want her mother to come over and see her daughter one last time. It is not something extraordinary. Yehe and Jianzhou are no longer on friendly terms. Lady Monggo's marriage with Father has been keeping the peace between our two states. But the covenant between the two states exists in name only. Your brother, Buyanggu, has intentionally alienated Jianzhou and become closer to other tribes these years. Father is aware of that. He has been vexed by it for a long time. Now, he's looking for a suitable time to give Buyanggu a stern reminder so that he won't rebel against him. Think about it. Were it not for these factors, he would never let you stay without giving you a title. I don't understand your words at all. I only know that besides the cold deal of profit and benefit, the relation based on affection is most important. Doesn't Nurhaci care about his relationship with Aunt at all? Dong Ge, you mustn't be reckless and act rashly. Now, one slight change may affect everything else. You must make sure you're safe before you can help Lady Monggo realize her wish. Do you understand? You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to see if Hong Taiji is back. Wait a moment. Let me go and check. You wait here. Greetings, Father. Your eighth brother is promising, huh? He dares to talk back to me. He doesn't respect his elders. He has a narrow vision. He doesn't consider the bigger picture. Father, don't be angry. He is still young. It's normal for him to be ignorant. After all, he is worried about his mother. If he has offended you with immature words, please forgive him. He is blinded by emotion. It's hard for him to succeed in life. From now on, you have to teach your brother how to be my son. Yes. Father, Eighth Brother has been obeying your orders. He practices horse riding and archery every day. His martial art is getting better as well. You can ask him to show you during our next hunting season. Horse riding and archery are the things you should learn. From tomorrow onward, you should follow your brothers and learn about civil and military affairs so that you won't speak out of turn again. After six months, you will realize that the request you've made today is ridiculous. You may leave now. How was it? What did your father say? Father asked me to start learning military affairs from my brothers starting tomorrow. I don't get it. Did you mention Yehe? I knew it. He will never let go of that grudge. - I will figure something out. - Where are you going? - Where else can I go? - You mustn't go there. This is your mother's wish, and it's possibly her last wish. Dong Ge, listen to me. You mustn't go there. Do you remember what I've just said? Do you know how long my father has been waiting for you to beg him? If Father wants you to marry him, do you know what this means for me? I know what you mean. But this is our only solution. I understand what you're trying to say. It's all right. I don't care about that. I will do anything for my aunt. Aunt has been away for 15 years and not seen her own kin ever since. She misses her mother and her relatives. The homesickness is excruciating. I've experienced it before. I can't just sit idly by as I watch her suffer until her death. I... I have to help her. Dong Ge. Hong Taiji, listen to me. I don't believe your father is as cruel as such. I bet he will agree to your request. It's fine. I'll return in a moment. Dong Ge! Your Highness, Beile Nurhaci is asleep. You can speak with him tomorrow. - Get out of my way! - Your Highness. Tell your master that I have an urgent matter to discuss with him. But... What? You made me wait under the sun during the day, and now you are stopping me as well? Akdun, aren't you getting audacious? I dare not do so. Fine. You're avoiding me? If you don't let me in today, I won't meet your master even if he comes to beg me personally! Your Highness! Princess Dong Ge has arrived!
Channel: 华策影视官方频道 China Huace TV Official Channel
Views: 534,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022最新, 2022最好看, 电视剧, 電視劇, 中國電視劇, 中国电视剧, cdrama, drama, Chinesedrama, Asiandrama, 国产剧, 中国剧, 中國劇, 熱劇, 陸劇, 大陸劇, 古裝劇, 言情, 热剧, 陆剧, 华语剧, 剧情, 宮鬥, 穿越, 權謀, 宮廷劇, 经典, 情感, 浪漫, 爱情, 愛情, 好看電視劇, 最新電視劇
Id: x7ff33wevxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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