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Channel: 房仲宥來了
Views: 8,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 台中買房, 台中房仲, 房仲宥來了, 買房, real estate agent, buy a house, 買房那些事兒, 買房子, 房仲, 買房投資 出租, 房子投资, 房地產投資, 信貸 房貸, 信貸 投資, 贷款, 貸款, 貸款 詐騙, 斡旋金, 房仲話術, good offices, 房價, 買房流程, 買房 自備款, 斡旋金 注意事項, 買房斡旋, 買屋, 青年首購, 房貸, 房貸試算, 實價登錄, 台灣房價, 房價走勢, 房價指數, 房價會跌嗎, 談價技巧, 房仲秘密, 韭菜, 購屋, buying a house, house price, 漏水, 隱瞞
Id: 780CIG0cX5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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