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i don't know that wait a minute. a water tank. nice to meet you. I forgot my business card. I don't have one so it's okay. OK. This is my wife. thank you. The car is in a water tank. Why doesn't this have electricity? This is amazing. Provided by MARUMIMIKAMISHOTEN Co., Ltd. Wouldn't it be better to start from where Ita san puts out the fish? He even thinks about taking pictures. This is amazing. I'll serve fish, are you ready? I'm fine, are you okay with taking pictures? Are you ready? are you filming? you put it out the back of the car? I can get this out of there. Are you ready? Am I holding that blue one in my hand? yes. everyone is confused. Is it big? Is this too big to fit in this? Can I cut a fish that big? fine. This fish weighs about 3.8 kilograms. Ita san, are you ready? i'll give this to you this is very big. Is this too big? take it with you This is huge. it's big. I have to cut this flounder right away, don't I? yes. If you don't cut it immediately, this flounder will die. Go inside for now. I'll take this all at once. The flounder is raging. That's big issue. Ita san, do your best. Prepare a lot of cloths. what do you have Load up a lot of dusters there. why do i have to I was surprised when I brought this. This situation sucks. This is a tough situation. I'm afraid I brought this. Ita san, let it die instantly. This is tough. The flounder is on a rampage. Shall I hold it down? I am okay. If you get hit by a flounder's tooth, you're in trouble. Flounder teeth are really dangerous, so be careful. Don't cut your hands. It's really dangerous. First, you have to put it on the chopping board. Wait a minute. This flounder is too big. It is dangerous. using this towel. This is very funny. when does it start? It had already started. That's big issue. Good luck, Ita san. I support You brought me such a big one. you have already started If not, when are you going to do it? I am cooking now. I didn't say the lines at the beginning of the video. I didn't say what Ita san would make today. he's not listening I am cutting flounder now. what do you see me doing This is dangerous. you are in the way So what should I do? This is big. There was such a big flounder. what are you making today It is flounder sashimi. It's IKIZUKURI. what did you think It's IKIZUKURI. Is that flounder still alive? yes. This is really big. The flesh of this flounder is thick. It bleeds a lot. My hands are sticky. I think you can wash your hands when Ita san cuts some flounder. A fisherman brought this flounder. It's factory direct. Ita san, you are quiet today. you are serious That's only natural. Because you're always joking around. What? you don't see my face you're not always serious Don't say it like that. You are doing well today. Because you put one more chopping board on top of another. it is. That's why my height doesn't match the height of this chopping board. you are a little short Leave me alone. are you an idiot. sorry. If I don't go fast, the flounder will bleed, so it's a pity. Please hurry up. You idiot. I have to raise the fish from here. That's ENGAWA. I have to take care not to damage the internal organs of the fish. It seems that a kitchen knife has entered its internal organs. Is that so? It's okay. do you put the fish there? Where should I put it? do you put it there you are noisy I hit the flounder on the head so hard that it fainted. But it wakes up later. you don't know you are in the way Even if you say such a thing, I will be troubled. why are you bothering me I am not in the way. you are in the way I have to hold here and cut. This is craftsmanship. That's right, you idiot. Today's Ita san is completely different from the usual YouTube time. He was nervous even before the flounder arrived. that's right. He's not what I imagine him to be. don't i look cute? I'll bite you Because he's more serious today than usual. it is. The flesh of this flounder is thick. thank you. I brought a fat one. This is really big. I think the flesh of that flounder is very thick. And it's alive. Because I'm a craftsman will you become a craftsman? I will do my best to become a craftsman. I'm a craftsman I didn't get a picture of your face. Because you say it in a hurry I didn't take a picture of your face this is good. This soup is also the best. It looks delicious too. Today is a flounder party with everyone. he is tired I get short of breath in the middle of my work. You are tired. I have to do this here before I put a knife in that gut. I think I hit this fish on the head too hard. This is fainting. It can't be helped. If this flounder rages any further, I will get hurt. A flounder, like a carp, does not become docile even if you hold its tail firmly like this. This is fine. That's great. This flounder died. is it dead? this is still alive. Because I hit this on the head. who hit it? That is you. is that true? You hit it with a kitchen knife. otherwise it would be dangerous. I had the flounder. For now, this is fine. Don't you have an assistant? assistant? where did the assistant go? Is the assistant holding the cat? That guy is no good. Ita san's assistant is holding a cat. Look at this, the fish is alive. do you know that You don't have to understand i don't know How nice of you to bring this. it's so big. Did I hit you on the head too hard? If you die, you won't become IKIZUKURI, so get up early. Don't you say strange things The knife may have gotten a little into its guts. But I hit it on the head and it died. You don't prepare skewers or anything. You don't prepare anything every time. That's right. It is SUGATAZUKURI of flounder. This flounder should bounce again later. I hit it on the head so hard that it might have hit a vital point. Sorry for hitting you. this is cute Thus I raise the head of it. Will this head stand up? That's how you raise the head of a flounder, right? it is. Because this is SUGATAZUKURI. It fainted because I hit this part of its head. This is fainting. Because I hit it on the head. But it's too big, and I have to hit it or I'll get hurt. The flounder was running wild toward the fisherman. he was very scared The flounder escaped. And it goes something like this. Like this? Will it look like this? That's cool. Actually, this should be alive and moving. But for something this big, I can't cut it without hitting it once. Yes, indeed. Small ones are still good. How dare you keep such a big one alive. It's totally for Ita san. Kengo, do your job and repay me. I understand. I will repay you The other day, we met by chance at a convenience store. yes. The fish arrived the next day. amazing. It was good timing. I put radishes here. I have to do this in style. BTW, I didn't build an AMI or anything. We need a lot of radishes. This is amazing. this is working It doesn't work anymore. I'll cut this off once and for all. This knife is short. This YANAGIBA knife is short. I'll make a hole here I have to be careful not to cut my finger. I cut too much of this. And I can get here yes. you know that very well. I'm a fishmonger. Of course. Is this perfect? I will clean here And I cut this in half. this is perfect. This is ENGAWA. I will do this This is amazing. I have half more. This is amazing. Doesn't anyone wash the dirty dishcloths? it's no use. No one is here. I instructed you to prepare the cloth. No you didn't tell me that. Your assistant is here. please. What are you doing. It's dirty here. Wash the cloth faster. president. What are you doing. If you don't have a cloth, you'll be covered in fish scales here. did you understand you move slowly Do it with water. Shouldn't he do it with hot water? The shape of this bamboo is not uniform. You can edit the parts that I didn't do well. I'm wearing clogs, so my feet are unstable. No. because I drank. who drank alcohol? You won't be drinking during the shoot today, so that's good. I agree. I was relieved not to drink. You drank about three bottles of alcohol. that's right. Why am I cutting bamboo now? you prepare But you want to show it that's right. I failed this the other day. I agree. Don't worry about failure. Great. i will put this here. is it good? A wooden cutting board is perfect. yes. this is slippery this is fresh yes. This is amazing. I want such perfect flounder to reach the world. You suddenly strike a pose, but I can't shoot it. you're not good you really can't do anything I am doing my best. This is what it looks like. This is big so I cut it in half. do you know this? No. This will be real flounder sashimi. I will do this I cut them like this. It's like cutting a cutting board. you know that very well I learned it. This is it. The sharpness of this knife is good. cut here Please cut this corner. this is good. Can you shoot from too close? I can't shoot unless I'm up close. shut up. because you are not good No. This is fine. This flounder is fresh. this is perfect. I will use this later as well. you are noisy do not bother. Well, let's shoot with a fixed camera. That. he didn't listen Can you wash the flounder's blood too? i already did it. The young man just said, "Yes." You use it so roughly that it doesn't get dirty. yes. But wash it well and clean. This flounder is amazing. This escapes. It tries to escape from the knife blade. you can't escape from me You shoot not only the fish, but also me. But is this enough? This is just flounder. yes. but. you have to shoot me I will take a video of Ita san's hand. shut up. take my face Enough. you are not funny This flounder is perfect. This is amazing. I haven't seen such fresh fish in a long time. is that true? yes. fresh. The body of the fish is warped. yes. This body is still moving. amazing. can you see this You can't shoot this because you're not good at it. you turn against me stop. shut up. No I don't do that. Shall I do this slowly? No, you can go faster. Alright, that's it. No, it's not over yet. Is that so? Is this a professional skill? I want to drink beer don't disturb me you are a troublesome person look at this. this is working The muscles of the fish are moving. can you see it No. It just moved. is it moving? yes. i can't see it no problem. you don't know that Perfect. This is amazing. this is beautiful Is this enough sashimi? I do not know. As expected, you are a former professional. These two are funny. They seem to create new things. stop. Would you like to collaborate? this is perfect. This is getting bigger and bigger. SHARI, please. I will make sushi for you. you can't A small plate of sashimi. WASABI. You don't help me with anything. That's wrong. Move away. I changed this on the spur of the moment. It's sudden. it is. I want to make sushi for everyone. this is my sushi leave it to me There are only cheesy plates. This is amazing. this is perfect. I can do this because I have an assistant. I have him behind me. I hate it Please try this. amazing. This is completely different. amazing. I will make a lot, so eat more and more. thank you. Next time preview. not yours Bring me a beer. I'm a professional. you are amazing yes. thank you. Delicious? yes. yes. you are noisy I will forever be 58 years old. Don't shoot this sound
Channel: こぶしの板さん
Views: 1,221,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 北海道, 仁木町, 料理, 料理人, 料理人歴50年, こぶし, 季節料理, 季節料理こぶし, こぶしの板さん, ヒラメ, 活魚, 捌く, 海鮮
Id: 85qmP4EuSNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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