【指彈古箏】僅用樂器和敲擊演奏英雄聯盟S12主題曲《逐星》【Guzheng Cover】Lil Nas X STAR WALKIN' (League of Legends Worlds Anthem)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: 墨韵 Moyun Official
Views: 173,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 墨韵 moyu, 墨韵, 墨韻, Guzheng, 古箏, 古筝, Gu zheng, guzheng, Chinese Zither, Zithe, Music, 古典, Chinese traditional instrument, 乐器, 樂器, 音乐, 音樂, 演奏, 彈奏, 弹奏, 乐曲, 古风, 古風, 翻奏, 翻彈, 翻弹, 伴奏, 纯音乐, 純音樂, そう, 명사, 음악, 民乐, 民樂, 弦樂, 弦乐, traditional chinese instrument, chinese instrument, tradition instrument, 英雄联盟, 英雄联盟S12, LPL, 中国, 传统文化, 中国风, 指弹, 创意演奏, 英雄聯盟, LoL, STAR WALKIN, s12, STAR WALKIN', League Of Legends, game, game song, 主題曲, theme song
Id: rmTugR9JFPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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