【快閃曼谷EP3】瘋狂打卡日📸️ 超人氣Cafe值得去?新興文青區Ari 超好逛!連續6年米芝連泰菜The Local #Bublleintheforest #曼谷泰菜 #曼谷自由行 #曼谷打卡

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Channel: Edo Tsui
Views: 5,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 好玩, 好食, 抵食, 甜品, 曼谷泰菜, 打卡店, Bubble in the forest, Ari, bangkok cafe, 曼谷文青, The Local, 曼谷打卡, 曼谷咖啡店, 曼谷自由行
Id: 2frOFJZRBls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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