【從新手到大師】27個Canva使用技巧 | Canva新手教學

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Canva is a very popular graphic design and video editing tool . More and more beginners choose to use Canva as a platform because it can help you create the work you want in a short time. Today ’s video I will tell There are 27 tips for you to use Canva. Many people don’t know these tips , but these tips can help you use Canva better and make more outstanding designs. Hi, I’m Greyson. This channel is mainly to share about YouTube channel operation and traffic monetization And the content of online entrepreneurship. I share 3 videos every week , so be sure to subscribe to my channel. If you don’t have a Canva account , you can use the link below the video to enter this interface . Canva allows you to use it for free. At the beginning, you can try it out for free , but if you have the budget, I suggest that you upgrade to Canva Pro directly because it has more functions. Some of the functions mentioned in today’s video will also use Canva Pro and then you will enter Going to this interface , registering a Canva account is also very simple . You can directly use your Google Mail, Facebook account or other email addresses. If you don’t have any of these , you can choose this and continue to operate through other methods . There will be more options here to let you register Canva account First of all, the first skill is that Canva can remove the background of the photo. Canva is a feature I like very much because it is very convenient . For example, I have prepared a photo now and I need to remove its background . I can click this to edit the photo and then Here is a background removal tool, I select it , and now Canva will help me remove the background of this photo. We need to wait a few seconds , and you can see that the background of this photo is removed , especially this photo. There are strands of hair , but you can see that the background of the strands of hair has also been removed. I can add a background to it . For example, add a blue background. You can see that the removal is very clean and basically perfect . So I think this tool It is very useful. The second Canva technique is that you can add an outline to your portrait or other objects. This function is very convenient when you make a thumbnail . For example, now I have prepared my portrait , which has a transparent background . Add an outline to him , I can choose to edit the image , then I choose the shadow and then choose the halo , and then I click on the inspection control . At this time, I want to adjust its transparency to 100 and then adjust the blur to 0. At this time you You can see that there will be a black line around the outline of my character , and then I can adjust its size to make it more obvious, and I can also adjust its color, for example, to make it white. Now my character has a white outline. That 's why you can see many people's thumbnails , and their portraits have a circle like this , which is how they are made . The third trick is to use AI to convert text into pictures on Canva. We need to find this application on the left. In the program, you can find this function . In the text to image, you can enter any description. You can use English or Chinese . For example, here I enter the description , the cute little Malteddy dog, the indoor lighting , and then I can choose the style. For example, you can choose a movie-like style, a dreamy style , or a photo format, an anime style, and a watercolor style. In it, you can choose to view all , and there are more art forms for you to choose. For example, I choose a fantasy style , and you can choose here. Aspect ratio There are square, horizontal, and vertical. For example, I choose square, and then choose to create an image. Now Canva will help me create an image . Now you can see that Canva uses its AI technology. According to my description, These 4 pictures are formed. It can be seen that it still fits my description. If you don’t like it, you can choose this one. It’s also possible to regenerate it. So I suggest you try more. This text-to-picture function is very easy to use. The fourth Canva The trick is that you can edit videos on Canva . You need to first go to your Canva homepage and select this video . There are many video specifications for you to choose. For example, there are action videos, Facebook videos , Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube videos, etc. Here I am Select the normal video blank design, and this will open Canva’s video editor . You can see that it’s a little different because there will be a timeline at the bottom . Here I can add a video. I choose this video option . For example, I add this video now . I added this video and then edited it . For example, I can adjust its duration. I choose to drag it here , adjust the duration you want, and then select Finish here . Or if I want to add more videos, I can choose This plus sign adds a new page . Here I can drag in the video. Now I have two videos . Then I can choose to add a transition here. There will be many transitions for you to choose . For example, if you choose this dissolve transition, we can play it. After a while, there is a dissolution transition effect, and then you can add various elements and texts to the screen. For example, if I select an element, I add this element , and then I can add animation effects to this element . I choose this animation, for example. There is this effect to erase the effect , and then this animation effect also has more advanced properties , which can be adjusted by you. Or if I want to add text , I can choose the text option , select the new title , and then I can add text information , and then this text can also be added. The animation effect is also to choose animation , there will be a lot of text animation properties for you to choose , which can completely help you edit a very good-looking video, continue the function of camera editing video , it can also control the time when elements appear, for example , now I In the screen, there is such an element , I can add another element, I select the element option , and I will add this element in it, but I want to control the time when these two elements appear , so I can select these two elements and right click inside Choose to display the time , so that you can see that there will be a sign like this , and then select the arrow to see the separate timeline of these two elements , and then you can control the time when it appears . For example, this element, I want it to start from the beginning. Appears but disappears in the middle , so you can drag it to the timeline , drag it to the middle and it will disappear and this element It will appear when this element disappears , so I need to pull it to the middle of the timeline . Now let's take a look at these two effects. Now this element appears , it disappears, and this element appears . So this is also a very good movie clip function. Next, I would like to introduce another good video editing function of Canva , that is, it can remove the background of the video . For example, here I have prepared a video and I want to remove its background . I can choose to edit the video , and here is Background removal tool Now you can see that Canva has removed the background of this video very quickly. I can add another background to this video . For example, if I add the background of this universe , you can see that it will be very different now. The function of removing the background of the video and the function of removing the background of the photo need to be upgraded to Canva Pro before you can use it. You can use the link below to try Canva Pro for free for 30 days to try these functions. Next, I will introduce a video. The editing technique is that you can adjust the picture of the video and add filters. For example, I have prepared a video here , and I still choose to edit the video. You can see that there are many filters for you to choose from, and each will have a different style. Then you can also adjust its intensity, you can make it stronger or lighter, you can choose to view all to view all filters , and you can choose this adjustment , where you can adjust the properties of the video screen , for example Say you can adjust its white balance to make it warmer or cooler, and then you can also adjust the tone of the overall video , which makes it bluer and redder . Next, you can adjust some of its light color attributes. For example, the brightness, contrast, and shadow are faded , and then you can adjust its color properties or the overall material properties . You can add some vignettes, and you can adjust the color of the video in your own way, so this function can better help you make good-looking videos. The next trick is that you can add a frame to the graph. For example, I have prepared a graph here . I select this graph and select the frame style . Here you can choose a frame form . For example, the solid line is here. Add a solid frame or a dotted line. There will be more different styles . Then you can adjust the thickness of the frame. Now my graphic is added with a very thick frame . The next trick to use Canva is You can round the corners of this graphic. Here I am going to prepare a graphic whose corners are right angles. I want its corners to be rounded . I can choose this graphic , or choose the frame line style . Here is a corner. You can adjust the rounding function and now you can see that the right angle just now has become a rounded corner . You can continue to adjust it to 100 and you can see that this is a very large rounded corner. You can see it here . If you think this video It is helpful to you . I hope you can like this video . Thank you for your support. The next Canva technique is that you can quickly add text to graphics. Now Canva is very convenient for you to add text to graphics. For example, I have prepared this graphic here, and I want to add text in the middle . I can double-click it , and a logo will pop up, allowing you to enter text. You can see that I have entered text now , and I can also adjust the text properties. For example, you can make it bigger and make it bolder . Before this function was available, Canva used to add text to a graph. It needs to be divided into two steps. First, you need to prepare a graph , and then select the text option , then select the new title, and then Adjust its size and then superimpose the text on the graphic to complete this step, but you will find that if the graphic is adjusted, my text will not change. Now it is different. Even if I adjust the graphic, the text will change along with it. It is very convenient. The next function is that you can quickly change the graphics. For example, I am preparing a graphic here , but I want to change it to another graphic. I can choose the shape option, and you can see that there are a lot of shapes for you to choose. For example, I can change the It turns into an arrow, and now it becomes an arrow , or it can be turned into a star shape, and now it becomes a star shape , so this function is also very convenient, it can help you quickly change the shape , and the next Canva technique is to copy the style, for example Here I have prepared two graphics. This graphics has a border. Now I want this circle to have a border. So a quick way is that I can right-click and select Copy Style. Now my mouse shape becomes a brush. Shape and then click on the circle , you can see that it has a circular border , so this copy style function is like this , the text style can also be copied, for example, I want to copy this text style to this text Above is still the same. Right click, select copy style, and then select this text , you can see that it becomes the same text style, and the lines are the same. For example, if I want to copy this style , right click to copy the style and select this line , you can see that it becomes the same The next function is the connection function . For example, here I have prepared two graphics and prepared a straight line . I can connect the two graphics. I can move the straight line. At this time, you can see that in my graphics There are 5 points , and I can connect to this point . You can see that my straight line is connected with this graph . I can move it. In the same way, if I move this end , 5 points will appear in the graph. For example, I Move to this point, they are also connected , so the two graphics are connected together , and you can also adjust and adjust here , which is also possible , so this is the function of connecting , not only the graphics can be used, but also the pictures can be used , it is still the same. The connection method just now will also show dots, and you can connect them together. You can also move the picture. The same is true. For example, move here and here , and then you can move it. It is very convenient . The 14th technique is that you can To quickly extract colors in Canva , I choose this background color , select new colors in it, here you can find the colors in the selected design , and then you can start to quickly extract all the colors on this interface For example, here I can extract the blue and then the gray , so this function is also very convenient, and it is related to extracting the color . The next trick is that Canva allows you to quickly extract the color in the photo . For example, I choose Take this photo and select the background color . At this time, you can see that the color in this photo has been extracted by Canva. The summary is here . The next Canva skill is that you can quickly create a table in Canva . To create a table, you first need Select the element option, and there will be tables in it . You can choose to view all , and there will be tables of different styles . For example, if I select this table, I can add information . You can double-click to add text. Each table can add text. Then there are different options for horizontal and vertical columns. You can choose the 3 dots , and there will be more options . For example, add a column , delete a column, move a column to the left, etc. The column is the same , choose this 3 A dot mark will also have the same attribute here , so the table you want to make can be quickly made with Canva . The next trick is that you can find a lot of borders in Canva , or you can find this border under the element options and then Select to view all , and you can find a lot of borders . There was no search bar before. Now Canva has added this search bar , so it can help us quickly find the borders we want . For example, if you search for the borders of mobile phones, there will be There are many borders of mobile phones or computers , which display many borders of computer interfaces. I will introduce the use of borders here . For example, select this computer border and add pictures here . At this time, you can see my picture and embed it. Once inside the border, it will make the overall picture more realistic , so this is the main function of the border. The techniques to be introduced next have similar functions to the border. For example, I prepared this photo and wanted to make it more realistic. I can Choose to edit the image, and there is a tool called Smartmockups , choose to view all, and its function also allows you to embed the picture into a real picture . For example, if you choose this laptop style, you can see it in this photo. My picture appears on the laptop I’m looking at . It feels like the person is watching my video, so the overall effect will be more realistic . Next, I will introduce a technique that is to blur the background of the photo . For example, here I prepared A photo I want to blur the background I can choose this to edit the image and find the tool autofocus here If you don't find it here, you can find it below You may also like it Here you can find this autofocus function This When you see its background is blurred , then you can adjust its blur intensity , you can adjust it to be lighter , and you can also adjust its blur position , which can also be adjusted. The next technique is about the function of the photo . You can add different filters to a photo . I prepared a photo and then selected to edit the image. Here you can find this filter, which is the filter, and then select View All . For example, if you choose this, you will have a different feeling , or you can choose this and then you can choose this You can adjust its intensity in the view control item , so you can quickly edit pictures in Canva, which is very convenient . The next technique is also about adjusting pictures. You can make more detailed adjustments in Canva , or choose to edit the image and select Adjustment. Check it all here , you can adjust some of its properties , such as adjusting its brightness , my picture will become brighter , you can darken it a bit, adjust its hue by contrast and saturation , and there are some blurring and others The positive film re-shoots the vignette , warms up the transparency, fades the bright shadow, etc. So I think that in Canva, it is enough for you to repair a good-looking picture . Next, I will introduce a technique that you can perform facial adjustment on the characters in the photo in Canva. Retouching, for example, I have prepared a photo of a person , then select this edit image and find the tool of face retouching in it. Similarly , if you don’t find it , you can go to the bottom, you may also like to find this tool in it now This is the picture after beautification. I can click this to display the original manuscript . You can see that it is still a little different. Then there are some specific adjustments . For example, if you smooth the skin, you can adjust its length or whiten the teeth. You can make the teeth whiter. You can take a look at the displayed original, and you can see that the effect is very different. Next, I will introduce a technique that Canva allows you to draw freely. For example, if I want to draw some pictures in this screen, I can choose this drawing option. There will be different brushes. For example, if I choose this brush and select this drawing setting, I can adjust the thickness and size of the brush , as well as its transparency, and then I can start to draw. Now I can draw freely. Here I can adjust its color. For example, adjust the yellow so that I can draw , or adjust a different type of pen , this is a highlighter , and I will draw it again, and it will have a different feeling . Select this to erase it. You can erase the previous one , so this is also A very good function. The next function I will introduce is to find and replace text. For example, you have made a presentation and you have written dozens of pages , but you find a text in it that you need to replace. Canva can now help you Batch modification, for example, you can see that in this briefing, there are a lot of people-oriented , and there are also people-oriented here, so what we have to do is to select the file , choose to find and replace the text, first you need to select the text you are looking for, this is People-oriented , then choose to replace text , for example, I choose to replace with object-oriented, then you can choose to replace a single page or replace all, for example, I choose to replace all , and you can see that it becomes object-oriented, which becomes Object-oriented , object-oriented , this function is very convenient , and the next trick is that you can quickly transfer files to your mobile phone in Canva . For example, we often use Canva After making the thumbnail of the IG thumbnail YouTube video, many times we want to input our design to our mobile phone. Now there is a very convenient function on Canva . For example, I made this IG post and then I can choose to share it . Choose to show more in it , and then you can choose to send it to your mobile phone . You can also choose to scan the QR code with your mobile phone , or you can choose to send it to your email . Both methods are possible . Next, I will introduce a technique. That is, you can download a separate project in the presentation made by Canva. For example, this is a presentation I made . I want to download this element separately. I can select this element and right-click to download the selected project. You can choose what format you want. Whether If you want a transparent background, you can choose to download it. This means that you can download the elements separately. It is very convenient . Next, I will introduce a technique that only applies the style. When you design on Canva , if you want to see other design styles , it will reflect you You can use this function. For example, here I have prepared an IG post . I want to see the effect of IG posts made by others. What is reflected in my design ? For example, if I want to see such an effect, I can choose this 3-dot mark Choose to apply only the style , and you can see that it has the same effect as this post. After you learn these skills , you will be better at using Canva. If you want to learn more different ways to use Canva , for example Go to use Canva to make video clips Use Canva to make thumbnails of YouTube videos You can watch these videos If you think this video is helpful to you , please give me a like and remember to subscribe to my channel Learn more about Canva Follow me My IG can have more interaction with me , then we will see you in the next video , bye
Channel: Greyson Zhang
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Keywords: canva, 免費, 教學, 設計, canva教学, canva tips, canva使用技巧, canva平面設計, 赚钱, 賺錢, youtube赚钱, 网赚, youtuber 賺錢, 被动收入, 网络赚钱, 被動收入, 自媒體, youtube教学, 網路賺錢, youtube訂閱, 油管赚钱, 網絡賺錢, youtube 賺錢, instagram赚钱, 創業, instagram賺錢, 网赚项目, youtube教學, youtube订阅, 網路創業, 網路行銷, youtube 廣告, 自媒体, youtube赚钱方法, youtube賺錢方法, 创业, 社交媒體行銷, 赚钱项目, 社交媒体行销, 财务自由, youtube赚钱教程, youtube赚钱教学, youtube挣钱, 在家赚钱, 財務自由, 怎么赚钱, 怎麼賺錢, 網賺, youtube收入, 社交媒体营销, 网赚美金, 网络赚钱项目, 网络赚钱方法, 網絡行銷, 社交媒體營銷, 網絡創業, youtube 干貨, youtube 賺錢 2023, youtuber收入, 製圖 canva, canva 教學, canva tutorial video, canva app 教学
Id: _K1FmX7TrxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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