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Channel: jack stone
Views: 61,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AYANEO AM02, 幻虎, ULTRA 5 125H, MECHREVO, imini, MS-01, GEEKOM, 13900H, HEDY七喜 S10, Minisforum, 铭凡, UM780XTX, 硬酷, R2, NPB6, 13620H, 天钡 MN77, 7735U, 康耐信, UM690S, 12450H, 机械师, 创物者MINI 2, M4, 5700U, R86S N305, UM480 XT, 4800H, SER6 MAX, SER7, EM680, UM790, 7940HS, GTR7, 7840HS, ASUS PN64, NBP7, 13700H, 小新 mini, N100, 幻影峡谷, 畅网, N305, 7735HS, UM690, Beelink, 零刻, 6900HX, HX99G, RX6600M, 树莓派 4b, openwrt, 科学上网, N1, 双网口, 多网口, N1盒子, j4125, 众筹软路由, 2.5G, 软路由, 低功耗, PASSMARK, N4000, 主路由, 旁路由, NanoPi R2S, 翻墙, 指南, 教程, 6800H, SER6, R86S, MSI, GMK, 极摩客, 摩方, 小米迷你主机
Id: l7cAPMBX_qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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