【就職演說完整字幕版】賴清德總統520就職演說 兩岸關係將秉持「四個堅持」Taiwan Inauguration 20240520|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01

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Vice President Hsiao Meiqin, heads of state from allied countries and distinguished guests, envoys and representatives from various countries stationed in Taiwan, all guests in front of the TV , and good friends watching the live broadcast online, all compatriots, hello , everyone. When I was young, I determined to practice medicine to save people. When I entered politics, I determined to change Taiwan’s current position. Here I am determined to strengthen the country. I accept the trust of the people with great determination and take office as the 16th President of the Republic of China. I will shoulder the important responsibility of leading the country forward in accordance with the constitutional system of the Republic of China. Looking back on today in 1949, Taiwan implemented martial law and entered the country. The Dark Age of Authoritarianism. On this day in 1996, Taiwan's first democratically elected president was sworn in to convey to the international community that the Republic of China, Taiwan, is a sovereign and independent country. Sovereignty rests with the people. On this day in 2024, Taiwan unified political parties for the first time after completing three political party rotations. The continuous administration has officially begun its third term. Taiwan has also sailed into a new era full of challenges and bred unlimited hope. This journey is the result of the sacrifices and dedication of the people on this land. Although it is difficult , we have done it. At this moment, we cannot Just to witness the beginning of the new government is to once again welcome the hard-won victory of democracy. Many people interpret the election of Vice President Xiao Meiqin and me as breaking the curse of the eight-year political party calendar. In fact, democracy is the people who decide every election. It is an illusory curse and not There is no truer choice for the country's future than the strictest test of the ruling party by the people. I would like to thank former President Tsai Ing-wen, former Vice President Chen Jianren, and the administrative team for their efforts in laying a solid foundation for Taiwan's development over the past eight years. I also ask everyone to join us in giving. They give me the warmest applause. I also want to thank all my compatriots for their support. I will not be influenced by external forces and will firmly safeguard democracy. I will move forward without looking back and open a new page in Taiwan's history. I will practice justice and love mercy every day of my future term. With a humble heart and treating the people as relatives, we will live up to every trust and trust given to us . The new government will work diligently and give its best performance to accept the test of the people. Our governance must continue to innovate and create a new look for Taiwanese politics. The new government took office in February this year. The new National Assembly is the first time in 16 years that Taiwan has had a three-party legislative chamber with less than half of the majority. Facing this new political situation, some people have expectations and some are worried. I want to tell everyone that this is a new model chosen by the whole people. When we use new thinking Looking at the three parties is not more than half , which means that both the ruling and opposition parties can share their own ideas and jointly bear various challenges of the country . However, the whole people also have great expectations for the rational governance of political parties. Political parties should also have the belief in cooperation in addition to competition , so as to strengthen the country. Take steady steps. The deliberative operations of the Legislative Yuan should abide by procedures, justice, the majority respect the minority , and obey the majority. Only in this way can conflicts be avoided and social stability and harmony maintained. In a democratic society, the interests of the people come first. This is the foundation of democracy. The interests of the country take precedence over the interests of political parties. This is the political party. It is the bounden duty of both the government and the opposition parties to promote bills that comply with the Constitution and uphold the spirit of putting the people first and the country first . The national affairs will naturally proceed smoothly. The cabinet team led by Executive Yuan President Zhuo Yongtai will also give priority to issues on which the government and the opposition have consensus on social friendship and take positive actions and innovations. Think about solving people's problems, respond to public opinion, and serve the people. The recovery work after the 0403 disaster is currently underway. I would like to once again express my condolences to the victims and condolences to their families. I would also like to thank all the Chinese people who assisted in disaster relief and reconstruction , and once again thank the international community for their concern and support. The central government has planned Invest 28.55 billion yuan to assist in reconstruction and industrial revitalization to help Hualien people return to normal life as soon as possible. I have high hopes for the future cooperation between the central and local governments and the coordinated operation of administration and legislation. I also hope to work with all people to deepen Taiwan’s democracy and safeguard Indo-Pacific. Peace promotes the prosperity of the world. Fellow compatriots, democracy, peace and prosperity are Taiwan's national line and the connection between Taiwan and the world . Taiwan is the highlight of the world's democratic chain . The glorious era of democracy in Taiwan has arrived. Since the direct election of the president, Taiwan has become the most vigorously developed democracy in the world. As one of the countries, we continue to improve human rights and show the value of democracy and freedom to the world. Taiwan is the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Taiwan has demonstrated that democratic epidemic prevention can be better than authoritarian epidemic prevention. Regardless of the ranking of democracy index or freedom, Taiwan ranks among the best in Asia. Ranked among the top two democracies, Taiwan is already the light of the world. This honor belongs to all Taiwanese people. In the future, the new government will continue to make good use of Taiwan's democratic vitality to promote national development and deepen international cooperation. Internally, I will employ talented people, be honest and diligent , and implement democratic governance. Establish an open government with an open and transparent spirit in which the people make the decision, encourage the public to participate in public policies, continue to promote 18-year-old citizenship, and jointly practice the country's vision. Externally, we will continue to form a democratic community with democratic countries to exchange development experience in various fields with each other to fight against false information and strengthen democratic resilience . Various challenges have made Taiwan the MVP of the democratic world. There are no winners in peace and priceless wars . It will be 80 years since the end of World War II next year. Taiwan and other countries have gone through the arduous road of post-war recovery to achieve today's development results. No one wants to Let war destroy it all. Today, the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Kazakhstan war continue to impact the world. China's military actions and gray coercion are also regarded as the biggest strategic challenge to global peace and stability. Taiwan's strategic position as the first island chain affects the geography of the world. Political Development As early as 1921, Mr. Chiang Weishui pointed out that Taiwan's role in guarding the first hurdle of world peace is even more important today in 2024. There is a high degree of international consensus that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable element for world security and prosperity. In response to the current complex international situation, countries around the world have actively cooperated to maintain regional peace and stability. Just last month, the United States also completed the legislation of the Indo-Pacific Security Supplementary Appropriations Act, which will provide additional security assistance to the Indo-Pacific region to support peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We thank all countries around the world for their attention and support for Taiwan, and we also want to declare to the world Democracy and freedom are non-negotiable for Taiwan. Peace is the only option. Prosperity is the goal of long-term peace and stability. Since the future of both sides of the Taiwan Strait will have a decisive impact on the world situation, we will continue to democratize Taiwan. We will be the helmsman of peace. The new government will uphold the four principles of maintaining neither humbleness nor arrogance. As it is now, I would also like to call on China to stop its civil and military attacks on Taiwan , and to shoulder global responsibilities with Taiwan. We are committed to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region, and ensuring that the world is free from the fear of war . The Taiwanese people love peace and are kind to others. I always believe that if the country’s leaders lead the people Welfare is the highest consideration , so peace, mutual benefit, coexistence and co-prosperity across the Taiwan Strait should be our common goal . Therefore, I hope that China will face up to the fact that the Republic of China exists, respect the choice of the Taiwanese people, show sincerity, and use Taiwan's democratically elected and legitimate government under the principle of reciprocity and dignity. Dialogue replaces confrontation, exchange replaces containment, and cooperation can begin by restarting reciprocal bilateral tourism and students coming to study in Taiwan to pursue peace and common prosperity. Fellow compatriots, we have the ideal of pursuing peace, but we must not have illusions. China has not yet given up using force to invade Taiwan. The Chinese people should understand that even if they fully accept China's claims and give up sovereignty, China's attempt to annex Taiwan will not disappear. In the face of various threats and infiltrations from China, we must show our determination to protect the country, raise the awareness of all people to protect our country , improve national security and rule of law , and Actively implement the Four Pillar Action Plan for Peace, strengthen national defense , build economic security, demonstrate stable and principled leadership in cross-Strait relations , and promote value-based diplomacy to work side by side with democratic countries around the world to form a peaceful community to exert deterrence, avoid war, and achieve peace through strength. Goal: Taiwan needs the world. The world also needs Taiwan. Taiwan has not just opened the door to the world. Taiwan has moved to the center of the world stage. Looking to the future world, semiconductors are everywhere. The AI ​​wave is sweeping across. Taiwan now masters advanced semiconductor processes and stands at the center of the AI ​​revolution . Global democracy. The supply chain is the key to affecting the development of the world economy and the happiness and prosperity of human life. Fellow compatriots, when we advocate that the future of Taiwan, the Republic of China, is jointly decided by the 23 million people, the future we decide is not only the future of our country, but also the whole world. In the future, we must take the right path. The industry must show its talents and be a promoter of world prosperity . Every time Taiwan takes a step forward, the world will take a step forward . In the past, I served as the Executive President and Vice President and visited industries across the country to understand the potential and needs of the industry. In the future, the government We will work closely with the industry to grasp three major directions to promote Taiwan's development. The first direction is to look forward to the future, wisdom and sustainability. In the face of the climate crisis, we must firmly implement the 2050 net-zero transformation. Facing the challenges of globalization and intelligence, we stand on the semiconductor chip On the basis of air guidance, we will make every effort to promote Taiwan to become an island of artificial intelligence , promote the industrialization of artificial intelligence, accelerate the innovative application of artificial intelligence , and enable industrial artificial intelligence to use the computing power of artificial intelligence to enhance national power, military power, manpower and economic power. We must also develop innovation. The driven economic model uses the dual-axis power of digital transformation and net-zero transformation to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in upgrading and transforming , pursuing inclusive growth, creating a smart and sustainable new Taiwan, and creating Taiwan's second economic miracle. In addition to investing in new innovations and cultivating a new generation of hidden champions, In addition , whether it is quantum computers, robots , metaverses , or precision medicine, we must boldly invest in forward-looking technologies in various fields so that young people can pursue their dreams and ensure Taiwan's leading position in the future world. The second direction is to compete in space exploration and ocean exploration. We have set a goal. We need to make Taiwan the center of Asia's democratic supply chain for drones. We need to develop the next generation of low- and medium-orbit satellites for communications and enter the global space industry. We need to explore the ocean, leverage the advantages of a maritime country, enrich people's ocean life , and invest in the promotion of ocean science and technology research. The development of the marine industry enhances the country's competitiveness. We want Taiwan's economy and industry to develop in a more oriented direction. The third direction is to lay out global marketing for the world. Taiwan has applied to join the CPTPP and we will actively strive to join regional economic integration and world democracy. The country signed a bilateral investment guarantee agreement to deepen trade partnerships and resolve the carbon tariff issue to further open up space for industrial development. We must also secure our key position in the global supply chain and seize the business opportunities brought about by geopolitical changes to develop semiconductors, artificial intelligence, military industry security control and sub-assemblies. Generation Communications and other five trustworthy industries , and the investment environment continues to improve. We welcome Taiwanese businessmen to return to invest in Taiwan and encourage local companies to expand investment and stay in Taiwan. I want to assure my friends from all walks of life that you have the ambition to pursue the top and the government is determined to help Taiwan. The industry can be based in Taiwan and layout global marketing. Taiwan is absolutely capable of becoming a country where the economy never sets. No matter where the sun rises, we can build Taiwanese companies, benefit local development , and allow Taiwanese people to live a more prosperous life. I believe in economic development. The fruits of the future should be shared by all people. Under the promotion of the National Hope Project and the expansion of social investment, I want to build a Taiwanese society with love and moral courage. Young people can see hope, and those in their prime can realize their dreams. The elderly can receive care, and the weak can also receive it. Happily , everyone can get government support at every stage of life . Future services such as long-term care, social housing, etc. must continue to expand the gap between rich and poor in prices. We must continue to improve food safety, road safety, campus safety, social safety net and other guarantee requirements . We must continue to strengthen various reform efforts such as education, justice, transformation and justice. I understand the worries and expectations of the Chinese people in life. The government will actively go all out to reform the issues that everyone is concerned about and the needs of society . Everyone hopes to have a higher income . I will promote industrial upgrading and create a better salary environment. Everyone expects better public security. I will actively crack down on illegal drugs and fraud. Everyone needs public stability. I will promote the second energy transformation and develop diversified green energy smart grids to strengthen the resilience of the power system. Everyone is concerned about labor insurance finance. I want to stress again that as long as the government pays attention to traffic safety, it will never fail. I will create a humanistic traffic environment and get rid of the bad reputation of pedestrian areas. We hope that the government can help family caregivers pay and assist industries to improve the lack of work. I will actively resolve these problems into the future. We all look forward to a stronger Taiwan that can properly respond to various types of disasters such as infectious diseases, natural disasters, and earthquakes , as well as accelerate urban renewal and solve the problem of dilapidated old buildings. We also look forward to a healthier Taiwan. I hope that I can use my professionalism as a doctor to gather the strength of all walks of life to fight cancer and establish a sports and sports development department to promote national sports and ensure the sustainable operation of health insurance so that people can live long and healthy lives. In the future, Taiwan must maintain a diverse ecological environment, diverse ethnic cultures , and A Taiwan that realizes environmental sustainability, cultural sustainability, and a better future for the country will have a more diversified innovative economy, more popular digital technology applications , better competitiveness and bilingualism, and a stronger public support service system. There will also be an environment that is more respectful of gender equality so that the rights of every citizen are protected. In the future, Taiwan will have to allow each county and city to develop according to their own characteristics and promote local entrepreneurship and industry to achieve the goal of balance. Taiwan can live in peace and contentment and everyone can work happily. The future development of our compatriots and the country requires every ounce of strength. Facing the era of globalization and all-round competition, no country can fight alone , and no classified society can succeed. If we are united , our steps will be more stable and we will support each other . The footprints are even further. For the survival and development of the country, I will unite all the people of the country through the power of democracy to strengthen the country. We all know that a country only has sovereignty. According to the Constitution of the Republic of China, the sovereignty of the Republic of China belongs to all its citizens. Those who have the nationality of the Republic of China are citizens of the Republic of China . It can be seen that the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other. Everyone must unite and protect the country. Any political party should oppose annexation of each other's sovereignty and must not sacrifice national sovereignty for the sake of political power. When more and more countries in the world openly support Taiwan's international participation , then It has been proved that Taiwan is the Taiwan of the world. Taiwan is a trustworthy force for global peace and prosperity. All citizens, regardless of ethnic origin or first come, first served , as long as they agree that Taiwan is the master of this country. Whether it is the Republic of China , the Republic of China, Taiwan , or Taiwan , they are our own or international friends. We all call our country by the same loud name. Let us not distinguish between each other. We all march towards the world with one heart. When Taiwan enters the world, we also welcome the world to enter Taiwan. Many new residents and foreign friends come to Taiwan from all over the world to write a new chapter for Taiwan. Chapter I want to thank you and I also want to pay tribute to you. Today, there are also international friends who have traveled thousands of miles away, and overseas Chinese friends who have returned to China to support Taiwan with practical actions. Do we welcome them with the warmest applause and thank them tonight for the state banquet we are hosting domestic and foreign guests? Choosing to hold the 1624 event in Tainan marks the beginning of Taiwan's globalization. Standing at the historical moment of Tainan's 400th anniversary, Taiwan must show confidence and bravely sail to the new world so that the world can welcome the new Taiwan. I also invite every Chinese to join me in celebrating the new Taiwan. Taiwan, the mother who gave birth to you and me, is applauded. Let’s protect her with actions and honor her. Let the world embrace her and make her a great and respected country in the world. Thank you all. Thank you .
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Id: V0QbH8O15oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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