【基隆美食】美食多到爆的2條街 | 超巨大雙胞胎 | 一次介紹10多間美食讓你知 | 餛鈍湯.乾麵.豆漿.蔥仔餅.大陸餅.壽司.大腸圈.豬腳麵.烤雞腿便當.炸雞.雞肉飯等 【基隆遊記ep.18】

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Ah, this model seems to be recent, right? Yes, this is very special . The boss wanted to take photos for some netizens. You must add eggs to their wonton soup. I don’t know why , but almost everyone adds eggs to their wonton soup. I just saw what else you have out there. The ones waiting for meals are donated by our caring people in Keelung City, and are then given to our store, who distributes them to those in need. They are all Canadian and non-genetically modified. I don’t use American ones because American things have been said to be loyal and filial since ancient times. 2 I believe people in Keelung will know where I am when they see these two street signs. Hundreds or even thousands of people will linger here every day on these two short streets and lose themselves . That ’s right. Next to it is the most famous food street in Keelung. There are so many delicious foods in just 2 streets. Today I will introduce to you some of the main delicacies here. I may not eat every one. I will list their specialties and then list them one by one. Let’s go visit you and show it to you. At our first stop, did you see this very strange thing at the back ? Is it a model? What model? Let’s take a look. Wow! What a unique look. These twins??? So cool. Boss, how do you sell your products? 50 yuan for six pieces/single purchase (one piece) 10 yuan for a single piece, 100 yuan for each piece. And this small package is called Hua Cai Dan Fa. This small package is called Fortune Egg . Fortune Egg Pair. Separate them. Oh, how much is one package? The money is 50 yuan per pack. They are very cheap. Then I will buy this special fortune egg. How long have you been doing it here ? About 20 years. 20 years ago. I remember you used to work as a stall. Ah, this model seems to be recent, right? Yes , this is very special. The boss specially took photos for some netizens . Just turn it into a check-in point. Yes, I think it is ok. This is very suitable. At first glance , it looks like chicken . Did anyone say it looks like chicken? Yes , this is open to netizens’ comments. What else do you think these twins look like? Hahaha, you have to look at yourself carefully and observe that there are many different things. The more you look at them, the more they look like they are right. Then you have to turn your head slightly and look at them. They are very creative. Haha, thank you. These twins are really special. I don’t think anyone in Taiwan has done this yet. If you have time, you can come and take photos and check in. Now when you enter the selection barrier, there is a very delicious dry noodle wonton soup on the left. There is also a very delicious dry noodle wonton soup here. We took pictures of both of them. We took pictures of the one first. Now the Ah Shange twins came over to Seven. There is a restaurant called Liangli Noodles next door . This store is also very famous in Keelung . Let's see if we can take a picture because The proprietress herself is relatively low-key , and their business is really busy, so it’s not convenient to go in and take pictures. So I will briefly tell an allusion to their store. I must let you know that this is very special. They have been in this store for 7.80 years. Why did n't they call Liangli Wonton King Liangli before? Let me tell you later. They used to be called (Hunchback Ah Noodles) because the founder of the first generation was a bit hunchback, so they called it (Hunchback Ah Noodles). The older generation all know that. Why is it called Liangli after that? Because in the future, government laws will be issued to apply for a for-profit enterprise registration certificate. The origin of Liangli is that it is profitable for customers to eat well , and it is also profitable for them to make money, so it is called the concept of mutual aid and reciprocity, hence the name of this store. The origin is so interesting. In fact, it’s not called 2 pieces in Taiwanese. It’s called Liangli . It’s different. When the wonton soup comes, you must add eggs to their wonton soup . I don’t know why, but almost everyone adds eggs to their wonton soup . Maybe. It is one of the specialties of our place and their wontons are all freshly made. What I think is very special about their wontons is that their skin is very thin and when you eat it, it is obvious that you can eat the meat immediately. I feel that this (the old boss) is a very important feature of their business. I feel like he is also a very affectionate person. The business is so good. Every day it is full of customers and he doesn’t dare to take pictures of us. He said that he already... can’t do it. Do it quickly. I'm not too busy. Many people will get a little confused when they first hear the name of this store. They wonder why it sounds weird. If young people in Taiwan are not so good at speaking, they will interpret it as the same pronunciation of two pills. The words are different, so the pronunciation in Taiwanese will be different. Generally, it is rare to see such a small wonton , but his wontons are many, but his wontons are very thin in skin and very solid in meat. With the twins of Ah Shan Ge, these twins do this. The small ones are so convenient to eat. It’s so easy to get the name. Girls, I don’t think they want the greasy and chewy big ones. The twins ordered these small ones and ate them one bite at a time. It was great. We have 2 of them here. Liangli has enough energy to eat . Now that Liangli has finished eating, you see, they don’t even have any signboards. The business is super good. But now I’m a little full and can’t eat anymore. There’s another wonton soup store. Let’s go and check it out. Then go and check it out. Before the wonton soup restaurant, let’s check out the famous Far Eastern Pan-fried Buns here . It’s closed today. It’s closed on Wednesday. They seem to be closed on Wednesday, so don’t come on Wednesday. But I still let everyone see it. Let’s take a look at what he sells. He mainly sells fried buns, soy milk, black tea, milk tea , and winter melon tea . The fried buns only have three flavors. They are very simple . Fresh meat buns, cabbage buns, and leek buns. His cabbage buns also have meat and vegetarian options. I heard that many people If you like vegetarian cabbage wraps , I missed this one today. They are queuing up almost every day. So we will continue to the next one. Now we are walking over to this one. It also has wonton soup and dried noodles. Why is this one called the Triangular Window Noodle Stall ? Called a triangular window? Because it's located right next to the side, the business is also very good. This is also a special feature of our wonton soup in Keelung. When eating wonton soup, you must add eggs. This sauce feels like a unique trick. It's a bit different from the two-way method just now. They’re not the same , but they all look delicious, and there’s a lot of queues. I just had to interview the owner , and he was super busy , so we just took a few photos to let everyone know that there are two wonton soup restaurants you can choose from if you like to eat them. I want to try the wonton soup , and their dry noodles are also very special. Next stop is the triangular window wonton. Over here, there is a Weijia Scallion Cake, Continental Cake, and Chive Box. It’s only around 12 o’clock now and they ’re almost sold out. They have the Continental Pancake with Carrot Pancake, Pork Pancake, and the Continental Pancake with Scallion Pancake. I highly recommend this Continental Pancake. It’s really delicious . The Onion Pancake is also very sour. There happens to be a store opposite our store, so I'm quite familiar with their products . This is their price cousin. It's almost sold out here at about 12:30 . It's very early . What time did you start selling ? It's 5:30. So it's sold very quickly . We started making it at 1 a.m. in the middle of the night. We started making it in the early morning. I understand , so it's best to come here to buy. 12 I came here to buy it before 12:30. I just checked the image and found that there were two left . Sure enough, they were all sold out before 12:30. Let's move on. Sister, thank you. I won't be here . It’s the tears of the times. The Ah Hui bento has been put away . Otherwise, the pork rib rice in this bento is super delicious. There is a Zoshi Sushi next to the Ah Hui bento. It’s about 12:16 now and there are more and more people . The sushi here is quite famous . Let me show you how many items the sushi here has. So I think the cp value is very high. At this price, you can see that such a large comprehensive sushi is 110. If you don’t eat much. If you want to eat some comprehensive food, it costs 70 yuan. It is very clean and tidy. If you want a la carte food with good ingredients, they also have a lot of choices. There are many combinations to choose from if you like sushi. I have time to remember it, and then there is a charcoal grilled sandwich that I really like. Unfortunately, it is a step too late . They have already closed it. Boss lady, what time did you start closing ? We are open until 12 o'clock. It's only 12 o'clock. So, yes. You have to come before 12 o'clock to eat. Their items are up there. Boss, what's your signature? Our signature is ham and eggs. What most people order is the tenderloin and chicken thigh steak. Yes, and I think the best feature is the peanut butter, right? Our peanuts are a very rich kind of peanut butter. I think our Keelung is very good. Many sandwiches have peanut butter, yes, and the peanut butter tastes different in each restaurant. This is amazing. It has its own secret recipe. Yes, it's good. I can't tell you, so I have a chance to taste this Shengmei breakfast restaurant. It seems to be a branch. We are Then I branched out at the Victory Market . Next to the Victory Market is the main store . No wonder it feels very familiar. Thank you for buying again next time. Thank you. Bye bye . Now I suddenly see a lot of people queuing across the street. It seems to be a face to face. The shop also has no signboard. As a Keelung native, I honestly don’t know much about this one, but I know that every time I pass by, many people line up to come to a noodle shop that doesn’t have a noodle shop (the name of the shop was a mistake). They mainly sell braised pork. Rice, dry noodles, pork intestines, oyster soup, pork belly soup, etc. (Guest) They said that they were almost sold out at almost 1 o'clock. Just now the boss lady also said to try to ask me not to post again, and they can't make it because they are really making food now. It’s very hard and they’re short of manpower. Their sauces all look great. I saw that this pot of marinade is the best. They’re really busy. Just take a photo here. If you want to eat dry noodles and want to eat something special? For example, if you want oyster soup and pork belly soup, you can come here. Their specialty is dry noodles. There are almost many specialty dry noodles here on this street. I heard that there are no dry noodle shops with names , and they have been in business for fifty or sixty years. Well, I think dry noodles have an inexplicable charm. They are such a common thing , but they can be so delicious , and each restaurant has its own characteristics . Today, I have to take photos of many rooms at once and I really don’t have a big appetite, so I can’t help it. I’ll show you the food in every restaurant. If you have a chance to eat it yourself, you’ll know. Seeing the crowds of people queuing up is the best witness. I won’t be fooled because it’s definitely very unique and delicious. Now I see one that I’m very excited about. The thing I want to take a sip is the Ashin soy milk across the way . It’s gone soon . Come and see the pure natural non-GMO freshly ground boss. I want a cup of ice. Good boss, your soy milk is freshly ground every day. It’s freshly ground . Is it freshly cooked and divided into micro-sugar or sugar-free? There are half-sugar ➠ sugar-free ➠ and full sugar . So my cup is half-sugar. Yes, it is half-sugar and half-sugar. We write a sugar-free one above. A label ~ It’s simple and clear, it’s ok, and it’s normal to put nothing on it. In ancient times, it seems that soy milk was packaged in this big table. When I saw this package of soy milk, I thought it tasted delicious. We all grind and cook it freshly , and it’s from Canada. It 's not genetically modified , right! What kind of purple rice dumpling is this ? It's very beautiful. This purple rice is so beautifully made. Oh, I'm too late. It's already 12:30 and there's no sesame cakes. If you come earlier, there won't be any of them. Don't take pictures of that one. It doesn’t look good . The boss’s accent sounds like he’s from another province, right? No wonder I think that people from other provinces are very good at this. When I was a child , my grandfather came to Taiwan in 1981 , and my grandfather was here. Everyone in the military village has not changed their accent. They all use Canadian non-genetically modified ones. I don’t use American ones because American products are terrible . Canada’s food requirements are very strict . So we all use Canadian products and they are all genuine. The ingredients are right, absolutely real. The boss directly showed us that they all use the top-quality Canadian soybeans. No wonder the soy milk you just drank tasted so fragrant~ Yes, it is absolutely healthy! Health is very important , yes, health is very important. They use some of them. The genetically modified one will cause cancer after drinking it. It’s super clean. Your environment is great. Freshly ground and cooked. Thank you for understanding the non-GMO. As the saying goes, it’s better late than never. Although I’m a little late , it’s safe to drink it. Delicious soy milk 376 00:11:55,96 --> 00:11:55,596 To be honest, the taste of the soy milk is really different from ordinary soy milk . Anyone who has drunk it should know that . I want to go to Taipei Black Tea, but it’s not open today. We have a lot of black tea in Keelung recently. Well , I didn’t have a chance with him today . It’s a bit of a bad start today! We have walked from the first section of Xiaosan Road to the middle. As we walk, I will introduce to you some more unique shops there. Now that we have reached the middle, there are two bento shops. I think It’s pretty good. This one is Anyi Hainanese Chicken Rice. Their Thai-style peppercorn chicken and Hainanese chicken rice are both delicious. But... I think this one next to it is even better . I also eat Chef Fan’s bento quite often. Boss lady, I want to order a grilled chicken drumstick bento . Okay! Boss lady, let me take a photo . Their grilled chicken drumstick is really big. Thank you , boss lady, for coming to your place. Besides grilled chicken drumsticks, what else do you recommend? Hmm. Charcoal. Grilled chicken steak. The ancestral barbecue is grilled . Yes, we are a specialty of barbecue . And there are also fried items. I see that you have quite a variety of items. So, Thai fried chicken legs . So this is my first time here, so I recommend eating this. Thai fried chicken drumsticks or grilled chicken drumsticks like the one I ate are fine. Thank you✘2 This grilled chicken drumstick bento is something my wife and I like to eat. My wife is waiting for me to send the bento back. I will leave first. Wait, see you soon. I just sent the lunch box back. I just came over from Master Fan. There is a restaurant in the back, which we Keelung people should all know, Mama Liao’s Pearl Milk Tea . Then we turned around and turned to the most famous Xiaosan Road Large Intestine Wraps on this side of the alley. This large intestine circle is also famous far and wide. Do you think you will get lost if you come here ? Mina Mina, come here or not. Mina, how come you just met my niece Mina here, where are you going? I want to go back to my mother's company to say hi to the audience ~haha Hello , bye. This is my niece who is super cute. If I get a chance, I will ask her to act. I think it is really difficult to walk out of these two streets. There are so many delicious foods . Let’s take a look at Liao’s mother’s pearl milk tea . Mom’s bubble milk tea has been photographed by too many people, so I’ll let everyone take a look at his price list. It’s roughly these prices and some items. There are a lot of items . He also has bean curd desserts and ice cream. So we won’t go up to take pictures of this one. Because so many people have taken pictures and so many artists have been here , let’s go to the large intestine circle opposite and take a look. Every time you walk into this large intestine circle, this alley has a feeling of entering a time tunnel. It’s very retro. This used to be in the 60s and 70s . Many of the restaurants from that era are still in hotels like this one. Before entering the large intestine circle, there was a long-legged noodle shop here. This restaurant is also very good at business. The large intestine circle is here. I bought a large intestine circle to take back as a snack. Boss lady, I want a large intestine. Is there a portion of Jigurah and fried tofu to add some spicy food? The prices here are not very expensive and the CP value is very high . The portion of the large intestine circle is 50 yuan. 50 yuan is a lot of CP value. Our signature dish is the pig lung. Their signature dish is the pig lung. Next to it, it is specially written that 20 yuan is a must-order when you come here. The boss lady has already cut it. Thank you. I believe this large intestine ring is a must-have for anyone who is a friend of Keelung. You won’t be unfamiliar with it . Friends from out of town, if you haven’t eaten here before, don’t doubt it. Then we will continue to walk back. Next to the large intestine circle, you must try this pig’s foot long leg pasta restaurant. Check out this store. It has a history of 70 years. Let me show you their menu. Their pork knuckle noodles are very famous ! It looks delicious . Did you see that our wonton soup in Keelung looks like little nuggets and has skin? They are very thin and are all hand-wrapped . They also have salt-reduced meals and calorie tables . And this one is a longevity meal and a slimming meal. The items are so rich and considerate . And their business hours are pretty long, so I like them. You can’t miss this place that eats pig’s feet. It’s been doing this for 70 years. It’s delicious. La Dafengshou bought a lot of it. After we came out of the alley , we walked back to the place in front of us . Then we walked forward to the Ocean Plaza. You can directly see the sea. Now go back to the opposite side. In fact, many stores here close around noon, so if you want to come here for food, it is best to start coming after 11 o'clock , otherwise many stores close at 12 Everything was sold out at 1:30 pm. I saw that it was already past 2 pm in this inconspicuous little alley, and there were still people queuing up for this restaurant. It was Tiantian Fresh Pork Ribs Rice. Before, it seemed that an idol drama had become popular, such as Bachimen. I didn’t watch it. I heard people say that this restaurant serves fresh pork ribs every day at noon. I told you that you have to wait for at least half an hour. So if you want to eat here, I suggest you call first , and you'd better call at 11:30. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get in. It ’s still full inside. I won’t introduce this restaurant in particular because many people have photographed it. This is Tiantian Fresh Pork Ribs Rice. Basically, their ribs are quite tender , and they have a The signature thing is the chicken drumsticks and shrimps which are also very delicious. If you have a chance, friends can also come and eat here. Let’s continue walking back to where we originally started. We then returned to the intersection of Zhongsan Road and Xiaosan Road. There are a few restaurants here and there in front of us that we didn’t take pictures of. Shangyi Gourmet Fried Chicken here is considered the first place on Xiaosan Road. It’s about 4pm and I’m here to have some snacks . Hello boss, I’d like to order one of those sweet potatoes. I'd like a small portion, either a large one or a small one. Then, when it comes to the chicken drumstick steak boss, do you have any must-order signatures when he comes to your house ? Hmm...Our large chicken drumsticks , sweet potatoes , and taro balls are all delicious . Your big chicken drumstick is really big. I didn’t see the taro balls on site. They are all freshly made. Is it right for our taro balls? They are all freshly fried. They are more delicious when fried , because if they are left on the table for a long time, they will be affected. The taste is very particular about this detail. Thank you . The boss was so nice just now and bought me a can of Coke. The people in Keelung are really hospitable. Okay, let’s go to our last room opposite . He happened to be blocked by the building that is currently under construction . The Jian An Chicken Rice is also a restaurant recommended by several netizens that I must go and take photos of. Hi boss, many netizens recommended me to eat your chicken rice. What is your signature? Our signature is chicken with braised pork. Chicken Rice, Chicken and Garou Pork. You can have two kinds of texture at one time . It’s good. I’ll have a bowl. No problem . It looks like the braised pork must have been simmered for a long time . That’s right. If we use one pot of braised pork, it’s almost done . It takes about 12 hours before serving to customers . It’s very particular. Yes, it’s a very labor-intensive thing. Thank you, thank them. This store has so many other things besides chicken rice, braised pork rice, chicken rice, wow, and cod fish ball noodles , because I don’t eat seafood. If you like seafood, you can try it. I just saw it. Do you still have those kindhearted people waiting for meals outside? The money donated by our caring people in Keelung City is then given to our store, and our store will distribute it to those in need. So it doesn’t matter how many we need to distribute in a day. It depends on which one has it. Those who need it will come to us and ask for it themselves. This way , if I am in need, you won’t bother them too much . I will take a look. If his life looks like he wears gold and silver, then it is impossible to give it to him. Yes, yes. Ah, if those who look pitiful are in need of help, we will give it to them. That is really caring. Thank you. Thank you . It means that you pay part of it and the charity will pay part of it. Yes, yes. Oh, I understand . You guys have this lunch box. It’s so beautiful . The braised pork looks so plump. You might not be able to tell how big the braised pork is when you see it. I’ll tell you, it’s really big and the fat income is very balanced. We love to dine. If there’s no one for a while. Come and get it. When we reach 100, a charity group will help us distribute it. We are responsible for making it. Like tomorrow night at 7 o'clock, we will distribute it to the homeless at Taipei Station. Why is it Taipei Station? Keelung Station is Keelung. There will also be one at the station , we will take turns , we will take turns. We will take turns , and thank you. In this way, we can invisibly help some people who need help. We really, really need it. It is all the help of everyone, and it is not just relying on my strength . Society will be like this and will be more kind . Thank you, boss. Thank you. Bye, there are really many people in need of help in society, but it is really not easy for people who are willing to lend a helping hand to help others. I really like this store. Give him a big thumbs up . Okay, I'm back to square one. Today, the whole day is probably a big circle around Xiaosan Road. The main food street is Xiaosan Road. This one has the most food, so it is also called Xiaosan Road Food Street . If Is there any store nearby that I missed that I didn’t take a picture of? Please tell me in the comment area. I’ll come back next time when I have the opportunity to take additional pictures. Some of the business information, phone numbers, and addresses of all the stores I took today, I will put them there. I’ve pinned the comment area to make it easier for you to search. I have to go back to work as soon as possible. By the way, many people think that I shoot YouTube full-time . In fact, it’s not that I work part-time. I spend one day every week. Then I come to film and the rest of the time I spend the rest of the time editing in the shop , otherwise I just get my hair cut. For the sake of my persistence, please subscribe, like and share for me. I’ll see you next time. Bye.
Channel: 我是夢哥
Views: 29,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 雙胞胎, 美食, 基隆美食, keelung, 餛飩湯, 乾麵, 豆漿, 蔥仔餅, 烤雞腿便當, 小吃, 美食街, 大陸餅
Id: iZpFPT1baqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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