【一週只工作10小時、衣服都二手的 !?】完全不買名牌|美國百萬富翁生活大揭秘

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here we go let's go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] hey Mark this is my friend Mark Mark how when did we first meet when I was born I think I've known you a long time it's hard to keep track you may not realize this but you got a lot of siblings and sort of every time we were back home there were more Richards and somewhere along the way you were part of that that's right sequence of Richards you got lost in it I've known you for a long time tell us what you just brought home some architectural steel that's for an addition on the back of the shop [Music] this actually gets buried in concrete you prefer to do this yourself yeah I do because you you could hire it out for me at this point of life working with my hands and working outside and Building Things is a great balance to the other part of my life in meetings on a phone in front of a computer I've been learning how to weld it's a diversion for me wow taco mark this is like 73 questions with Vogue the entrance is just stunning look at that thank you and you and your wife designed all of this she wanted Modern I liked industrial and we were up in the high mountains of Utah so we had to take those three things into consideration to come up with our design that is is so cool this is wild to me what is this just concrete this is concrete that's just concrete come on in okay thank you do you uh want us to wow yeah make yourselves at home maybe maybe like turn around look that way or something there you go oh my God anyways yeah rebar so cool going to hit a pipe honeymoon angles let's go in again look at this View foreign [Music] army guy [Laughter] like not take things too serious ly [Music] um [Music] the record room these little Lego guys in the in the frame that is so unique wow records record player nice wow okay foreign [Music] this my young friend is how we used to listen to music what Justin Bieber is in there I don't know how loud can I ask you how much the stereo was this is a vintage piece that we got at a garage sale for not much at all maybe a hundred dollars oh my gosh wow lonely heart club oh yeah do you have any like super valuable record in here Marin would know that hey this is Marin she is fabulous she is my queen it's weird because the old ones you would think are so valuable and yet like this one at this time there was a transition to CDs okay and so to have this in an original album form is super rare I have a question you're very fashionable can we I'm kidding I feel like you probably have a really interesting closet is that something you would be willing to show us let's go okay let's do it yeah this is amazing we just walked through like five amazing rooms these were in a dumpster you rescued them from a dumpster we're like we'll take them oh you don't want a washer and dryer in here I really like Doc Martens wow small and then I really like old stuff look this is from the 50s that she was actual like jacket it looks like a letterman this is Wolf wow I don't know I thought [Applause] oh yeah or this is like from the 50s I'm sure it was five dollars here eight dollars still has the tag on it do you leave that on when you were have you not worn it said do you have any designer pieces or is it mostly just thrifted um I don't really wear designer my nicer thing are Handmade by my mother she's an amazing seamstress this is from our family plaid in Scotland and I'm tall so it's nice to have someone make something for sure but I don't I don't wear designer clothes so this whole section basically is all like 70 shirts I love wearing these so much you have to commit to it yeah you have to be really bold and I mean I'm wearing this today and owning it it's from a thrift store in Madrid and we were on vacation did you try to go thrifting wherever you go always so we're going to Seattle this weekend and that's like our main activity where's Mark's closet around the corner so Mark is much more boring ew not so exciting wow look how many cups he's got okay this is my snoring room wait what you have another bedroom yeah because I can't sleep with him he's way too loud I sleep in this totally dark room with the humidifier I'm listening to her description of her Refuge room the longer you've been married and the more happily married you are the more you say when it's sleep time it's sleep time we should try sleeping separately to reignite our marriage what oh your daughter yeah I wouldn't be able to tell that could be a thrift it could be a modern art worth five thousand dollars it could be anything the master wake up to this incredible View darker thing hold up look how wide it is over here wow wow look attention away oh my God I knew it spices I love this morning anyway nice take a view foreign that's so cool oh yeah the stickers they have Nikes Archer took a function all right [Music] Clone Wars defensive careful my office is super messy but so is my brain yeah there's so much fun stuff industry if you want to know the most important thing it's right here oh professionally for many years I've been involved in investing that was a company that I invested in that became a very successful big company that's the predecessor to uh Adobe what was your first job as a young lawyer what was your first job like in high school my first jobs were in construction working with my hands because that's all I was qualified for at the same time paying for school do a workshop I'm welding together structural parts for an addition on the back of the shop 10 hours a week in the office 40 or Plus hours a week out here you call that like partial retirement here's why I'd say I'm retired because I don't have to go to an office every day I don't have to necessarily answer to a boss I mean you kind of do well I do Marin's hard work over the years has helped they are a power couple can I ask you guys how old you are I'm 55 62. the shop is made from shipping containers out of Singapore come on in this is where we do metal work wow this is a lathe a metal lathe very old this is what you see in those YouTube videos I actually do watch YouTube when I really want to learn more YouTube this is more shop area that's the metal shot this is uh this is really where the cars and motorcycles and other things get worked on these are for fun this is a car I've had a long time this is a car my son and I are working on what is the goal to fix it up and sell it or fix up and use it we'll have to see this is part of how I paid for college buy an old car I'd fix it up drive it have fun with it and then sell it this is a 1955 Ford you rode in college I did yes you should go to Taiwan and they have a dragon bow Festival oh you should compete in that I have I think it's super cool guess how much that weighs oh it looks like it would be light weighs about 28 pounds it's carbon this is a bare skull this is a gift from my mother this is a typical gift every mom the mom gives their child a bear skull on that concrete we used to have a really cool skate half pipe but our insurance company doesn't like having that here because it's a risk that somebody's gonna get hurt so they say yeah if you want us to be your insurance company take it out a lot of American Insurance companies don't let you have a scuba license that are they're too dangerous so this is the Edition this is her first time she hasn't seen she doesn't bother coming back [Music] all right one more question what is your favorite place to eat around here Lola's what should we order anything with the chicken nuggets we're gonna go eat there then the way you live is so interesting and it's fulfilling so it's inspiring now we feel better better thank you guys so much for showing us your house you guys should come to Taiwan it's open now for tourism okay too okay [Music] coffee cookies [Music] how much is this cookie 325 um wow [Music] [Music] Anita [Music] [Music] [Music] this is foreign [Music] Vietnam
Channel: 莫彩曦Hailey
Views: 1,665,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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