「邦尼評測」CP 值超高!科沃斯 T30 PRO 開箱評測!目前最超值「全能掃拖」機器人(優缺點實測 機械手臂 熱水洗拖布 集塵 熱風烘乾 防纏繞 2024 ECOVACS科沃斯掃拖機推薦值不值得買?

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Hi welcome back! I'm a donkey! The recent sweeping robot market is really in a state of chaos. As long as there is healthy competition , it is the consumers who will ultimately benefit. So, as long as we are happy to see its achievements , the robot in front of me can be said to be in the era of chaos. A sincere work, it is the latest T30 PRO from Ecovacs. The T series has always been Ecovacs' all-round sweeper and mower model with a people-friendly positioning. The next step up is the X series. The price of the T series has been around 25,000 in the past. The X series will be up to 25,000. It ’s about 35,000 , so the T series is originally more friendly to the people, but but, but, but, the price this time is not only close to the people, but also a real surprise. The official price is only 19,999, so the question arises: 19,999, what specifications can you buy? According to the usual practice Let’s first take a look at the main highlights of this Ecovacs T30 PRO. First of all, the suction power of the basic specifications is already very powerful. This time we go directly to the 11000 Pa super suction robot. The era of breaking 10,000 Pa has officially arrived. Secondly, on the roller brush. The T30 PRO also debuted Cobos's new V-shaped anti-tangle roller brush. The double comb design on the inside of the upper roller brush can reduce the effect of hair entanglement. We will test the third mopping function later . The T30 PRO not only maintains everyone's favorite There is also a rotating mop. Look at this mop . Yes, it is stretched out. T30 PRO also adds a newly designed stepless hovering mechanical arm this time. So what is stepless hovering? We will explain it in detail in a moment . Until you understand, the fourth T30 PRO uses LDS + 3D structured light plus a new generation path algorithm optimized for the edge strategy. Through the infrared camera, you can see that in addition to LDS and 3D structured light, the T30 PRO has two parts on both sides of the fuselage. There is also an independent sensing module on the side to help the robot achieve more stable edge cleaning and obstacle avoidance. The fifth point is to see the base T30 PRO. It also has an automatic dust collection and automatic refilling of the robot's water tank . Yes, T30 PRO also supplements it. It’s a pity that the T20 OMNI has a built-in water tank design in the fuselage this time and will add hot water. Next, the sixth point is thermal imaging as usual. Yes, this time the base of the T30 PRO also supports hot water washing of the mop. The function has been upgraded to a high-temperature cleaning mop of 70 degrees. In addition to the water tank version, the T30 PRO this time also has an upper and lower water module that can be installed and used. The seventh key point is that the base also has automatic hot air drying and the entire cleaning tray at the bottom. The whole thing can be taken out for cleaning. Personally, I still prefer designs that can be taken out and cleaned. Especially for families with furry children, the base is prone to hair jams. Take it out and rinse it and it will be clean . After talking about the key specifications , you can see that T30 PRO is an integrated automatic dust collector . Wash it in hot water at 70 degrees and then replace it with a large blower that exceeds 10,000 Pa and a robotic arm mopping module. It is a sweeping machine that has all the key functions. In the past, such specifications, including the previous generation T20 OMNI, had to be priced at least around 25,000. Opened in 19999 with T30 PRO! The price is really beautiful, and combined with the platform’s preferential credit card rewards, it’s around 19,000. No problem. At least so far , the Taiwan version can only buy out-of-season models at the same price. Currently, this one has the best specifications. The starting price within ten thousand is very good. But having said that, since it is said to be a high-end and value-for-money positioning , it must still be inferior to the flagship. Should I choose the T30 PRO with a high CP value or go directly to the flagship model? How many channels does Bonnie have? Only through actual testing is the most accurate. The value of this channel is to tell you the actual performance through detailed experience . Don’t just buy it because it’s cheap. Choosing the product that suits you best is the key. In today’s episode, we have updated the 15 hell tests again and recorded the entire test. As a result, all the advantages and disadvantages are displayed in front of you ! By the way, Bonnie Helps Your Sweeping Robot Society has exceeded 12,000 members. Thank you for supporting this discussion forum. We will focus on the purchase and experience of the Taiwanese sweeping robot. The latest discounts on sweeping robots will also be updated in the community in real time. There are now over 12,000 people in the discussion area. Whether you want to buy, want to buy, or have already purchased, just scan the QR Code to join the Taiwan Sweeper Robot discussion area. Or just look at the information column and leave a comment at the top to get a link. Or start with the basic performance. It seems that the Ecovacs T30 PRO also adopts a circular design with LDS and 3D structured light positioning. We actually measured the thickness of the LDS module to be about 10.8cm. The body is equipped with a dust box and a built-in water tank . This water tank is hidden The water in the robot will be filled automatically when it starts, so you don't have to worry about it. During the mopping process, the system will automatically replenish water to keep it moist. The upper cover adopts a magnetic design and opens here to find the dust box. One thing to note is this There is no dust box detection prompt on the generation , so be sure to put it back if you take it out! But the T30 PRO itself has an automatic dust collection function. You probably don’t have the chance to take it out usually, so it’s okay. The white dot next to it is fine. Don’t press it and it will reset the network. Turn over and see this most special one. The place is that the T30 PRO has a mechanical arm , that is, a welt mop design. However, compared to the previous solution, Cobos has improved the arm module hardware and added a stepless hover design. The software has also added a three-dimensional omnidirectional I will show you the new generation algorithm of the perception system more clearly in actual operation. Now it is in a state where the robot normally puts away the mop. When you start the robot, you see the mop tray on the right side of the robot is immediately stretched out. The advantage of stretching out is What is it ? In the past, non-retractable robots would always leave a whole gap when dragging the edge of the wall. In the past, it could only be solved by twisting the butt. But with the telescopic arm, the entire edge can be completely covered. And what is the stepless hovering that Cobos is talking about? I removed the mop plate and showed it to you. It will be very clear. Cobos has added a section of elastic adjustment space to the arm module this time. Use a simple In other words, most of the other previous telescopic arm solutions only have two types: extending and retracting. What Covos's stepless hover does is that it has no paragraphs, which means it is like the stepless hovering tablet pen for folding mobile phones. There is no step in the electronic stepless bracket or the stepless variable aperture of the camera lens. You can stop wherever you want. So back to Cobos' stepless hovering robot arm is when it encounters an object. on the edge He does not need to retract immediately but can retract slowly as close to the radius of rotation as possible. For example, when he is facing a corner, he does not need to stop and retract his arms first before turning. He can retract his arms silkily and When rotating 90 degrees and extending the hand at the same time, there is only a small dead zone left even for mopping the floor. But I feel that if I extend the turn and then back up a little, the edge coverage performance should be better ( FBI Open the door) Oh, you can’t believe it. Just when we started doing this episode, Cobos was caught off guard and launched a new version of the firmware. We then tested it and you can see that it has actually changed to telescopic welting and then reversed to make it closer to the wall. Okay, this is great . This stepless hover is really smooth. Let me show you a cool thing. You see, on the edge of this kind of office chair, it can rotate very smoothly in a circle while retracting the mop and then immediately extending the mop. It's really cool to be able to do this because the stepless module has elastic space and can follow the edge of the object . You don’t have to worry about the module being squeezed to cause mechanical abnormalities when telescopic. However, the really interesting part of Cobos’ solution is that with the addition of stepless hovering, the arm is extended all the way. This also allows the T30 PRO to be used not only on the edge of the wall but also in the middle. The edge of the chair can also perform the function of mopping the floor against the edge. When it encounters an obstacle, it will immediately retract its arm against the edge according to the shape of the object and extend it the entire way. Will there be any leakage on the path ? Of course not. Looking at my picture, it is very clear that when the robot drives forward, it will drag 1 and 3 first. When it comes back from the aisle, it will drag 2 and 4 without missing a beat. Finally, let me talk about it if you don’t care at all about swiping on the edge. Please give me more information. There is also an option to turn off the telescopic arm in the Stable Friends App , so that he will not stretch out his hands. By the way, these two sets of rotating mops can also reach 180 revolutions per minute , and the mopping module also has a 9mm mop lifting function , so it can achieve the first The setting system of sweeping and mopping will also automatically raise the mop module when it encounters carpet. After mopping, it will also raise the mop module to go home to avoid contaminating the clean area. Next, take a look at the other features of T30 PRO. One important point is that this time we also use the V-shaped anti-tangle roller brush that appears on the X2 COMBO vacuum cleaner. When we take off the main brush , we can see that there is a comb structure inside. The concept is very simple. I will demonstrate it here for everyone to see. It is clear that when the robot inhales hair, it will still be slightly entangled on the roller brush , but because of the double comb tooth design, it can separate the hair from the roller brush, so the robot actually separates the hair while sweeping the floor. After it comes down , as long as the robot roller brush rotates long enough, the hair will automatically separate from the roller brush. Here, let’s do a simple test. We feed the hair to the T30 PRO and the old composite roller brush at the same time. You can see that the T30 PRO is almost There is no hair residue , and the composite roller brush will be entangled in the middle. These two positions are more difficult to test. Please continue to read below. In addition, this set of roller brushes also has an anti-static design to avoid dust particles. and hair attachment. In addition, T30 PRO also supports the OK YIKO voice assistant function. This is really useful. Especially if you buy it for your elders, you must teach them that you can say OK YIKO (please tell them) to clean the bedroom (Okay ). I'm about to go) or if you want to take the chassis out for washing, just say OK YIKO (please say) and come out (I'm about to leave the base) (please clear the floor in front of the base) or there are guests coming that you don't want to He continued to scan and directly said OK YIKO (I'm here) go home (OK return to the base). This time, the more interesting T30 PRO added a foot touch activation function for the first time. As long as this option is turned on in the App, you can kick it lightly The robot starts to perform the cleaning task by hitting the front panel of T30 PRO. There is also a button for fixed-point cleaning on the body. You can carry it to the position you want it to clean and press the button. The robot will clean an area of ​​1.5m × 1.5m. Let’s take a look. Base The biggest difference on the base of the T30 PRO this time is that Covos changed it to a horizontal water tank design. The water tank also looks larger. Although the official data says that the clean water tank is 4L and the wastewater tank is 3.5L , after our actual measurement , Almost MAX. The position of this line can hold 4.5L of water . It is a bit larger than the previous 4L water tank. This new water tank design also has two advantages. The first is that you can now see how much water is left directly from the outside. You don’t have to pick it up to know. The second advantage is that with this new water tank design, you only need to lift it up slightly. Officially, it is four centimeters. Officially, it is four centimeters . The water tank can be taken out. So if you want to stuff it into the cabinet, but the cabinet is not If it's not very high , then this one is very suitable. And you can see that the base of the T30 PRO is really slim. I put the previous generation T20 OMNI next to it. It 's really smaller. In the past, in order to keep the space for the water tank, the height was at least You need to leave about 80 centimeters. Now even if you have a lot of room, let's grab ten centimeters of hand space so that the entire height is only 60 centimeters. And because the horizontally designed water tank is larger, it will be easier to fill the bathroom or kitchen sink. In addition, it is also You can install an additional slow-release silver ion module. It is actually tested to be compatible with the X2 OMNI silver ion module. I recommend it if you have the budget. It can extend the time for the odor to appear. By the way, the T30 PRO also has an optional water supply and drainage module. The height after installation is only 42. Centimeter automatic water filling and draining means just like a washing machine . Clean water comes in and dirty water is automatically discharged . Friends who are decorating recently , please remember to leave a water line for the robot to free up your hands. In addition, this set of water filling and draining is designed with a front opening cover to replace consumables. It will be easier to clean up . Here is the place where cleaning fluid is automatically added. In addition, you can also install slow-release silver ions . It is also designed to filter hair and impurities. Friends who are environmentally friendly must recommend automatic water supply and drainage. The base of T30 PRO also has hot water for washing the mop. The function has been raised to 70 degrees. Looking through the infrared camera, it is clear that the mop and base are still hot after washing. Hot water washing is really recommended for friends who have children or furry children at home . Interestingly, the T30 PRO also has a built-in 55ml small water tank. The reason why it is so small in the fuselage is that this water tank will inject hot water before departure. During the cleaning process, water will continue to be injected to keep the mop moist and soften the dirt on the floor. However, in my personal opinion (because it will slowly cool down), the hot water mop does not feel as good as hot water washing. The difference is so obvious that it can be treated as an additional function. The last point is This time, the suction power of T30 PRO has also been increased to an astonishing 11,000Pa. This time, the suction power of T30 PRO has also been increased to an astonishing 11,000Pa. This high suction power of over 10,000 Pa is mainly used to deal with stubborn scenes such as gaps in carpets and tiles. In general, 5 to 6,000Pa is enough for a household. It is enough (the suction power will automatically increase when encountering carpets). In terms of battery life, it is equipped with a 5200mAh battery. After talking about the key points , we will go directly to the new 15-level actual test link that we have updated again. The first level is the cleaning power test. We have prepared three The common cleaning monsters at home are biscuit crumbs, melon seed shells and red beans. 10 grams each of the test objects totaling 30 grams respectively represent small dirty long garbage and round heavy garbage. You can observe whether the machine can sweep up, suck up and round. The shape is like the flying monster of a sweeper. You can start testing by observing whether the side brush will spray the red beans. After the test is completed, you can see that the side brush of the T30 PRO is relatively long this time , so there is some problem of particles flying away. However, because The speed is not very high , so it doesn’t fly too far and there is still a chance for recycling. Let’s finally weigh the T30 PRO. The original 30g was recycled to 29.09g, and the recycling ratio reached 96.96%. This performance is slightly lower than the 29.73g achieved by the X2 OMNI, which is currently on the list. Don’t think that the greater the suction power, the cleaner the roller brush, shape, and side brushes are. It depends on the actual measurement. However, in fact, the 11000Pa large suction power of T30 PRO still helps a lot. The recovery rate is over 95% , and it is currently the number one sweeping robot. As a reference , the performance of echelon models in the past for 5000Pa circular models fell between 80% and 85%. The performance exceeded 9, which is already a threshold. However, what is interesting is that Ecovos has preset the system in this test scenario. He can scan it twice by himself , so 96.96% just now was the first time. If he scanned it twice according to the standard procedure, he could recover 29.90 grams. The recovery rate reached a super high 99.66%. Recently , more and more robots can do this. It automatically determines that cleaning twice will definitely make it cleaner . But in terms of cleaning power, we will still evaluate the performance of one sweep , but we will provide the results for everyone’s reference. Therefore, the cleaning performance of T30 PRO reaches 96.96%. In addition, in order After actually testing this 11000Pa large suction power, we will move on to the more difficult suction power Demon King Pass. The actual measured length is 1.89cm and the weight is 2.87 grams. Can the screws be sucked? One of them is unattractive. Here are a few more just for testing. Please don’t do it at home. imitate! Oh , actually, even the sweeper has entered the era of measuring screws (remind me again not to imitate at home). In the second corner cleaning test, we also controlled 10g of biscuit crumbs and spread them evenly in the corner. During the test, we can see that the T30 PRO is just average. There will be dead zones in the corners of the performance of the round model. However, as mentioned before, the side brush of the T30 PRO is relatively long. After our actual measurement, 7.25g of the original 10g of cookie crumbs came back. The recovery rate reached 72.5%, which is about 60% higher than that of the general round model. The performance is a little higher. In the third level, let’s measure the cleaning time. This time we won’t measure it separately. We will make a table of the test results of different combinations to make it more clear at a glance. At the beginning of the test , most robots in our scenario took about 8 minutes to complete. According to our actual test of cleaning , the T30 PRO took 7 minutes and 39 seconds to complete sweeping with the lights on, sweeping and mopping with the lights on, 8 minutes and 55 seconds , and 9 minutes and 2 seconds for sweeping and mopping with the lights off . I saw that the advantage of using the LDS + 3D structured light solution is that turning the light on and off will not affect the cleaning time. But there is also a little surprise here. Didn't I say that the normal cleaning can be completed in 8 minutes? Yes, the T30 PRO is also 8 minutes long , but the performance of the T30 PRO is scanned twice in these 8 minutes ! So it actually only takes more than 4 minutes to complete one scan. The cleaning speed is very fast and it is a machine suitable for large areas. The fourth level of the hair winding test project has also been revised again. We have prepared a short hair group and a long hair group. For testing , our short hair is actually not too short. It is set at 40-50 cm. For long hair, it is set at 70-80 cm. Prepare 0.5 grams for each group for testing. Don’t underestimate 0.5g! In fact, with so many tiles, the entire test space can be completely covered! Let's first test the regular 40-50 cm hair test. We filled the entire floor with the cleaning and then we actually tested the 50 cm group T30 PRO. There was no problem at all. As long as it continued to operate, the hair would slowly separate from the roller brush. At the end of the cleaning, there was almost no hair. The group with 50cm of hair remaining passed the test. Next, we tested the long hair of the 80cm group. We directly raised the intensity to the highest level to test the Demon King, let it knot slightly and sucked it away at once. At the end of the actual test , part of it went into the dust box , but a large part was still left on the roller brush. However, because of the toothed comb design , it makes a smooth circle and does not get tangled up. Here is a demonstration on how to clean it. In fact, it is the same concept as a glue brush. You just need to push it to the side with a little force and it will come off, right? I think a V-shaped roller brush that requires the use of scissors is no problem at all for dealing with hair and pet hair under 50cm. It is good enough and easier to use than a composite brush. But if you have long hair and a lot of hair, it will be the same as a glue brush and you need to wrap it regularly. Push it down and throw away the V-shaped roller brush. In terms of experience, it is not like a hair brush that requires scissors to clean. I think I prefer the advanced version of the glue brush because it is wrapped around like a glue brush and can be pushed down completely. However, it has more than a glue brush to solve short hair. The key point of the winding ability is that there is no problem of noisy rubber brushes or scratching the floor. It is a cool and practical solution. The fifth level is the obstacle test. This level is the biggest difference between the T30 PRO and the flagship model T30. PRO uses an LDS + dual-line 3D structured light design , so this solution can achieve good obstacle avoidance performance. However, there is a small limitation. There is still no visual solution that is so easy to do in object recognition. If you want to accurately avoid obstacles, Opening pet poop poses a great challenge to the structured light solution For example, if you want to accurately avoid pet poop, the structured light solution is very challenging. We directly tested it and it was very clear. First, we turned on the light and looked at the cleaning strategy of T30 PRO. The cleaning strategy of T30 PRO is also to sweep the edge around first. Similarly, first sweep the edges to draw the cleaning area , and first sweep the edges of large objects such as the edges of chairs so that the robot arm can drag all the edges once, and then use the bow-shaped route. During the scan , we actually tested the T30 PRO on obstacle avoidance. It will only avoid risky things , such as charging cable extensions, which will be identified and avoided. However, general obstacles , such as the two dolls on the screen, will be recognized by the system. The fabric will then try to push it away and clean it. It conforms to the recent mainstream algorithm and will not get stuck. The doll does not deliberately avoid obstacles. Another cool thing is that although the T30 PRO does not have a lens , it actually successfully avoids the poop and is perfectly next to the poop. It circled around but he was very close. If it was real poop, I would have been frightened. But in the end, it was quite powerful to see this perfect mop of poop in a circle. So although pure structured light is good at identifying poop. It ’s difficult. This function is not written in the Ecovacs App and is not promoted on the official page. But in fact, they still do it. It feels like an insurance that can save everyone. But using structured light to identify poop is really difficult even with vision. It's easy to make mistakes. I think each company's poop detection is just an emergency plan. Don't completely trust any company. Level 6: Obstacle avoidance, let's turn off the lights and test again. Level 6: Obstacle avoidance, let's turn off the lights and test again. I like to see the infrared screen. Friends can also observe the operation performance of T30 PRO's LDS and 3D structured light as well as the side sensing module in this link . Basically, the route and identification behavior are exactly the same as turning on the light. The advantage of this solution is that turning on and off the light is basically the same. It will not affect its operation because infrared itself does not require external light sources. From the results, we can see that T30 PRO's obstacle avoidance is exactly the same as turning on the light. Risky things such as poop and wires will be avoided , but the same goes for dolls. I will push open the seventh level of cleaning. Let’s test the Mowang level of mopping the floor. The soy sauce stains that have been dried for several days are also OK with T30 PRO. No problem. Cobos’ rotating mop is also very mature. Basically, you don’t need to worry. But it feels like T30 PRO. The pressure performance is not as strong as that of X2 OMNI. It may be due to the influence of the telescopic structure. We also tested the noise of the base washing mop at 60db. The sound of pumping water was around 68db. The sound was slightly louder when pumping. It was considered OK. Acceptable performance. The eighth level of the noise test When we say that the design only cares about the suction power but not the noise, it is just a rogue. Let’s go directly to the table. T30 PRO has a total of four gears that can reach 57 db in silent mode. When the fourth gear is turned to super power, it will reach 69 db. 11000 Pa is really powerful but the sound is also loud. I really feel that in daily life, the standard is very enough. Then turn on the carpet increase , that is, when you get on the carpet, it will automatically turn the suction to the maximum. If you usually turn it to the maximum, it will not clean much , but it will seriously damage the battery life. We have the ninth level. The new version of the robot has unified testing standards. It can continuously clean the same space for about 27 times, which means it can reach more than 180 minutes of cleaning time. It is very suitable for friends who need a large number of square meters. The tenth level charging test T30 PRO starts charging from 15% and consumes approximately It takes 4 hours and 8 minutes to fully charge, which is relatively fast for a sweeping robot. In the eleventh level of the mop cleaning test, we just went to the devil level. We soaked the rag in the sewage of soy sauce and soy sauce paste. This was originally clean before. The mop is followed by the dirty mop. Then we let the robot clean it with 70-degree hot water. The results are out. You can just look at the picture and the results are OK. Level 12 base dust collection test. Level 12 base dust collection test. We have the same 30g. Mixed debris and half-full of dog hair start to collect dust. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. Let’s see the result. The long dust box of T30 PRO will be in the corner far away from the air duct opening. It is OK to take away hair and dust if there are dead corners , but the heavier particles cannot be sucked out at once , but don’t worry too much. Firstly, ordinary households will not have such a full chance. Secondly, it will be in the dust box when you start the robot next time. The position of the particles will be redistributed. It is very clear from the actual measurement. We let him scan for 30 seconds and then sent him home again to start collecting dust. You can see that this time almost all of them were empty. If you want to nitpick, there are still a few particles here , but this dust collection performance is obvious. The performance of the short dust box is better without the X2 OMNI. Here we also test the noise during dust collection. Please refer to the Level 13 Carpet App. We choose the adaptive strategy. When the robot encounters a short-pile carpet, the butt module will It will automatically raise OK . It's OK for medium-pile carpets. It will raise and then measure long-pile carpets. When you see that it recognizes long-pile carpets, it won't go up hard and will only wrap around the edges . If you want it not to get on the carpet at all, that's OK. The system Just choose to avoid the carpet and he won't get on the carpet. In addition, if your floor mat can be wet mopped, you can also choose to ignore the carpet and it will mop on it as usual. Level 14 Obstacle Test T30 PRO Official The marked obstacle clearance height of T30 PRO is 20mm. The official marked obstacle clearance height is 20mm. Go directly to the actual test of T30 PRO. The one centimeter threshold is OK. We slightly exceeded the standard measurement threshold of 2.1 centimeters . In fact, we can pass it without any problem. We tested it with a mop. The performance is also OK. In the last level, let’s test the big devil of the card robot , which is IKEA. The recliner is not stuck and it’s good to pass the level! At the end of the fifteen tests, the three most impressive points overall are : the first is that the stepless hovering robot arm is really very smooth and the picture when it rotates around the edge of the corner is really comfortable; the second is that the V-shaped roller brush is easier to use. For example, if the advanced version of the glue brush is below 50cm, as long as it continues to operate, the hair will be slowly separated to 70cm. There may be entanglement, but it is similar to the glue brush. Push it sideways and it will fall off, but the noise of the pure glue brush is improved. And the problem of scratching the floor. The third impressive point is the high suction power of 11000Pa and the hot water washing at 70 degrees. It is really sincere at this price range. However, the T30 PRO has a high CP value , but it is definitely different from the flagship. There are still places I think the most obvious difference of this machine is the obstacle avoidance LDS + 3D structured light. Although it can achieve object recognition , due to the characteristics of the solution, it cannot achieve the same obstacle avoidance strategy as the flagship model. For example, we have tested the X2 OMNI before. If you suddenly throw something in front of the robot, it will immediately swerve to avoid it like a self-driving car . The T30 PRO relies on collision sensing to explore the environment and cannot achieve almost no collision. This is the only difference with the flagship, but it avoids wires. Of course, this basic operation is no problem. In addition, the T30 PRO should also use a new path algorithm this time. It will push the doll to clean. For a while, the robot wanted to show that it was strong in obstacle avoidance and pursued not to touch anything . However, Later, everyone discovered that this kind of algorithm that excessively pursues obstacle avoidance will not be able to pass through as long as there is a pile of toilet paper if the road ahead is too narrow. So now every company is gradually adding a judgment mechanism. So now every company is gradually adding a judgment mechanism to determine what can touch and what cannot. From my current observation , pushing the doll away has gradually become a daily operation. In short, the biggest highlight of the T30 PRO is the very sincere price. As long as your budget reaches 15,000 and above, it is basically recommended to go straight to the T30 PRO, at least until this moment . There is no other hardware with more interesting choices . Of course, if there is one in the future, we will continue to follow Bonnie’s robot test series. We will continue to update the final time to show you the key points of the APP functions. This time, you can see all the features on the main menu. For example, choose bedroom A and bedroom B. You can manually frame the area you want to clean and customize the four modes. You can also directly open the AI ​​​​button and press the smart hosting, allowing the AI ​​​​smart judgment to automatically adjust the cleaning mode and frequency. Pull up here and you can switch between pure sweeping, pure mopping, sweeping and mopping. Here you can switch between pure sweeping, pure mopping, sweeping and mopping, and first sweep and then mop. There are three levels of water volume in mopping that can be adjusted. It is recommended to start from the lowest if it is not enough, then slowly move up. Plus, there won’t be any water marks. If you don’t have a large floor area and want to mop the floor cleanest, select two cleaning times and change the path to fine. This way you can draw a very healing and beautiful cross square. The level of soul cleanliness will also be increased by 10% suction. There are four levels. Generally, you can choose standard. Then go to the carpet strategy and turn on carpet boosting. If you live on the first floor, you can select the third level. The base function is hot water cleaning. Remember to turn it on. But if you mop the kitchen floor and there is powder on it, consider turning it on. I'm afraid it will thicken the soup. There are two levels: water saving and depth. You can adjust the water saving for daily use. If you have a pet family and your dog has stinky feet, be sure to choose the depth. It will be cleaner . T30 PRO also adds the ability to pause and interrupt the washing of the mop. Function , but it cannot interrupt the time of drying the mop. There is a progress bar below to show the progress of washing the mop. The base also supports hot air drying and can be adjusted from 2 to 4 hours. The actual measurement is 3 hours in summer. It must be dry in winter or it is relatively humid. Recommendation 4 The base chassis can be taken out in its entirety for an hour and flushed regularly. For friends with a large number of square meters, there is also a function to resume scanning in the app. When the battery is at least 15%, the robot will go home to charge. After it is fully charged, the robot will automatically start and continue to scan the leftovers. After cleaning the lower area, there are two levels of automatic and automatic dust collection. For ordinary families, you can choose automatic. For families with pets that have a lot of hair, please change the dust collection frequency to smart so that the dust box will be emptied every time he goes back. In addition, it is recommended that you can use the App It turns on the smart re-mopping function. If the system finds that the water is very dirty when washing the mop on the base, it will clean the mop and then go to that room to mop again . Therefore, it does not rely on whether the floor is dirty but on the degree of dirtiness of the mop. However, this function will only be executed under smart hosting. The map function can memorize up to three maps. I also remind everyone that when building a map for the first time, you should tidy up the floor at home a little to avoid a bunch of obstacles , and then open the door so that the accuracy of the map will be high. However, There is no need to lift the furniture. This excessive operation will be inaccurate . It is normal for the first cleaning to be slow because it is exploring like crazy. After the map is created, you can add restricted areas on the map to divide or merge spaces. Divide the space and merge the spaces . Then you can name each room and then use OK YIKO to clean different rooms. However, the T30 PRO does not have a lock function and can only rely on the system's smart recognition to switch the final size of the robot. I will also directly help you measure the size of the robot. It’s easy to print it out. I’ll help you grasp the tolerance of about 1cm more. If you want to make cabinets, you can refer to it directly.
Channel: 邦尼幫你 3C 科技 - 開箱評測
Views: 117,869
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Keywords: 科技, 3C, 開箱, 邦尼幫你, 評測, PTT, 科技評測, ptt, 邦尼評測, Ecovacs, 掃拖機器人, 石頭, 高 CP 值掃拖機器人推薦, T30 PRO, 缺點, 災情實測, 掃拖機器人推薦, 總整理, 懶人包, 無級懸停機械手臂, V 型防纏繞滾刷, 70度熱水洗, 2024 掃拖機器人, 自動集塵, 自動裝水, 自動補水, 自動上下水, 自動回洗抹布, 70 度熱水洗拖布, 9mm 拖布抬升, 11000Pa, 斷點續掃, 自動烘乾抹布, 掃地時間, 拖地時間, 清潔力, 拖地能力, 避障能力, 續航力, 充電速度, LDS, 3D 結構光, 下壓旋轉擦地, 拖布抬升掃地機器人, 追覓
Id: M9cu4Bgi6ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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