「邦尼評測」真的有用嗎 零耗材清淨機?POIEMA Evo 空氣淨化器 開箱評測(TPA 雙極獵塵技術 全面解析 免耗材清淨機 清潔保養教學 折扣 優惠碼 2022 小坪數 清淨機推薦 值不值得買?

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When it comes to air purifiers, it can be said that it is one of the most purchased home appliances in Bonny Studios. There is no other reason . The nose is more sensitive . The large and small air purifiers have 4 sets of POIEMA in the working space. Everyone knows this brand. I have wanted to buy a cleaning machine for a few years. I should have seen POIEMA , a brand that advertises no consumables. Hey , it sounds a bit unintuitive . Is this kind of machine with zero consumables really effective , or is it a gimmick that is more practical than practical? Let 's take a look . For a cleaning machine, I am more concerned about two indicators. The first is the performance and the second is the experience. The experience is easy to understand, such as intelligently controlling the noise level of the fan , whether it can be linked to the voice assistant, etc. Is it comfortable to use in practice? Which performance is important ? Let's start with the purification. On the air purifier, it can be simply understood that the machine will continuously inhale the air in the environment, and then pass through some mysterious levels to separate the pollutants from the inhaled air. Finally , Exhaust clean air, so there will be three key points at this time. First, how to separate pollutants. Second , which pollutants can be blocked by these levels . Third, where do the pollutants go . The most intuitive way to do this is to pass a filter element , block the dirt, and finally discharge clean air . The zero consumables of POIEMA Evo are very counter-intuitive, and the zero consumables of POIEMA Evo are very counter-intuitive. Since it is a filter element , it will take a long time. The efficiency will definitely drop. How can you not have to replace it? How can you have zero consumables when you need to change things? You must have a question , that is where the dirty things go . The purification technology used by POIEMA Evo is called TPA , which is also called TPA. Bipolar dust hunting technology We directly disassemble the machine to see that the air is inhaled and then enters the first stage of the primary filter. Simply put, it is a mesh with a relatively fine pore size. It only does one thing . There are hairy children at home. The primary filter can first block the larger hair, dander and other dirty things. The primary filter can also be seen in many traditional purifiers. Next is this layer, which looks like there are many strips of metal. The line thing is called the generator, which corresponds to the collector of level 3. In simple terms, when you turn on the power to operate the purifier, the interval from the generator to the collector will generate an ion field , and the negative electricity generated in this field will Adhering the passing pollutants to the collector can also decompose a certain degree of formaldehyde VOC harmful gas , but we must be honest. The main strength of the second level is to remove the dirt, such as PM2.5 PM10 , which is directly measured for about a month. Wipe lightly with a white cloth, you can clearly see that the black and black dirt on the metal sheet of the collector is collected here. In addition, TPA can also solve another problem. If there is no special antibacterial treatment However, the TPA used by POIEMA Evo is produced by electrodes. According to the results of the test, the electrodes produced by TAP are sufficient to destroy 99.9% of the bacteria , including the new coronavirus. A small reminder if you want to To open the cover to clean the interior, the official recommendation is to wait for 3 minutes after shutting down and then turn it on again. Of course, if you force open the cover accidentally, the system will automatically stop working. Finally, in the fourth level, this layer with many black holes is called nano The catalytic net can catalyze the accelerated decomposition of harmful substances such as ozone. It is a simple concept. Here we want to talk about the precautions for maintenance . The first layer of the primary filter can be washed directly with water . Everyone has washed it. The concept of the filter bar outside the air conditioner is the same. The second layer is extremely dangerous . Never wash it with water. Just wipe it with a vegetable melon cloth on both sides . Be careful not to let water or foreign matter remain on it . The most important thing to wash is the POIEMA Evo's collector. It is very easy to separate . Open the buckles on both sides to separate the two metal pieces on the collector. Don't make a miracle, just adjust the angle to separate the two metal pieces even if In addition to dust and dirt, there will also be a greasy feeling. The official recommendation is to use Mr. Mighty with a soft vegetable melon cloth for washing. If you want to know which one is, it can be used in the bathroom or in the kitchen, and the metal sheet may accidentally hurt your hand. It is recommended to wear gloves to be safe. After washing , dry it in the shade for about two hours , or blow it with a dehumidifier and electric fan for half an hour to 40 minutes to make sure it is dry. Then the base of the metal sheet is slightly wiped with a damp cloth and it is OK. There is a layer of insulating rubber pad inside the machine . Remember to clean it with detergent. The 4th layer of catalytic mesh should not be washed with water. When the weather is good , you can put it in the sun and dry it. After everything is clean, the focus is on each layer . When putting it back, be sure to remember that it is dry and completely dry. After all , it operates through electrodes. If there is water, the machine may be damaged. Although POIEMA Evo actually has a design to prevent shutdown, it is recommended that you confirm that it is safer to put it back. To sum up , in short The biggest advantage of the TPA technology used by POIEMA is that it has zero consumables . However, the relative dirt cannot disappear out of thin air. It still needs to be cleaned regularly . On average, it is cleaned once every two months. However , the cost of consumables saved is still.... It should be noted that The method of cleaning and do not touch the water . Be careful when wiping, otherwise it will change from zero consumables to replacement parts. By the way, it should be in order to achieve a tight relationship. The edge of the back panel will be a little raised. Tolerance It will take a little force to open and close. Okay, after reading the internal technical points , let's look at the POIEMA Evo measured today, which is closer to the previous POIEM. A Fit is also a machine designed for Xiaopingshu, but this time the internal hardware adopts the same new technology as the high-end model POIEMA One. The official marked maximum CADR value is 240. Simply review the CADR value is an important indicator for judging the efficiency of air purification. The positioning of 3-8 pings is considered to be on the normal level. The air duct adopts the design of bottom + three-sided air inlet and upper and left and right sides. It is also considered complete in terms of smart functions. You can directly download the POIEMA App and connect to iOS . Android has it. After setting , if people have a network outside, they can also directly control the APP remotely. The interface is quite simple . There are 3 modes. You can switch between three manual and automatic sleep modes. There are four manual fan speeds. Advanced functions can also set timing Switch on and off the timer and turn on the child lock. What is special is that in the APP, you can also directly connect POIEMA Evo to Siri Alexa or Google voice assistant, then you can OK Google Siri, or you can select Add in the APP and then select one-key execution Set the function you want and finally fill in the command you want in the position of the name, such as filling in the purifier and set it to automatic mode, then click on the add to Siri in the lower right corner to say Siri Hey Siri , set the purifier to automatic mode POIEMA Evo has a total of 6 modes and 5 gears. You can switch from L1 to the maximum L4 through this button on the fuselage. The corresponding ones are the four gears of wind speed, plus a sleep mode and a smart mode. There are six kinds of them, and each of them is also directly provided here. The CADR value and noise corresponding to the gear can be referred to by POIEMA Evo, which adopts the design of zero consumables. The entire purification system of TPA is also running at any time. In fact, the more recommended usage is to directly select the maximum gear that you can accept in that environment and run it. There is only one indicator to consider, whether you can accept the noise or not . Of course, you can also directly select the automatic mode and let the system judge the POIEMA Evo by itself. In addition to the PM2.5 reading displayed by the LED on the top, the LED light bar on the fuselage will also be based on the air quality in real time. The corresponding color is displayed . What is special is that there is a set of ambient light sensors on the body of POIEMA Evo. When the ambient brightness in the room is low, such as when you turn off the lights to sleep, the automatic mode lasts for about one minute, and the system will automatically switch to sleep mode and turn off. The down-lit LED light bar avoids disturbing your rest . What’s more interesting is that when you get up at night and pass by POIEMA Evo , the sensor on the body will also detect you and help you turn on the down-lit LED , which has a similar function as a night light. The most special thing about the POIEMA brand is that their data reports are very transparent and complete. If you are interested, you can go to the official website to see it. Purifier manufacturers can really do it. Follow up. According to POIEMA's gear design, there is no problem in a quiet room, directly selecting the second gear . The noise of 40 decibels is less than the background noise in many places. If it is farther away, white noise is acceptable for daytime work. Selecting the third gear directly, the fourth gear noise is more obvious. The actual measurement at a distance of 1 meter is about 53dB. It is worth mentioning that the noise value of the sleep mode is only 27 decibels , and it is also a good performance when it is lower than 30 decibels . Next point Another very important indicator for choosing a purifier is the CCM rating . This indicator can see how much air and pollutants the purifier filters, and the purification efficiency will drop to 50%. In fact, the highest rating for this test condition is not very difficult to obtain , but POIEMA Evo uses TPA because there is no multi-layer HEPA filter design, so even after the fourth-level test of burning 440 cigarettes continuously, it still has a purification efficiency of 99.8%. There is no need to consider the problem of reducing it to 50%. Here we also directly carry out About 30 days of continuous operation test and record the average reading of the purifier itself every day . In order to reduce the test error, we also prepared two third-party air quality monitors to monitor the environmental space where the purifier is located. One of them will be responsible for recording Check the outdoor air quality of the day to reduce the difference caused by air monitoring stations and regional pollution. Each monitor will record a group of data every 10 minutes, that is, there will be 144 groups of data to obtain an average value in one day . Interrupted data We selected the test results available for the last 10 consecutive days for your reference . The air quality in Bonny Studio is actually pretty good. The highest average outdoor day is the 38 POIEMA Evo sensors. Accurately monitor the performance of single-digit numerical performance. The average of ten days is about 9. However, if it is more than two digits, it is quite sensitive. If there is perfume, microwave air-fried food can actually adjust the number of files quickly and intelligently. Air quality is not only about PM2.5 , such as PM10, formaldehyde , TVOC, and carbon dioxide. These are all important indicators. Let’s talk about PM10 first , although POIEMA Evo only has PM2.5 sensor , but in the data of the past few days, PM10 happens to be clever with PM2. 5 is right, so the data seems to be quite normal, but because the sensor is missing, it becomes the result of relying on PM2.5 sensing. This is also the place where the entire purifier class can continue to evolve. It is easier for everyone to ignore it. On the contrary, TVOC and carbon dioxide are two indicators. In fact, in a general environment, the weather is good and the air is good. It is recommended that you open the windows to effectively solve the problem of excessive carbon dioxide concentration. TVOC deodorization itself is not the main defense range of POIEMA Evo. You can stay . But you can expect that POIEMA can add more sensors to the series products in the future, such as TVOC PM10. The two main Sensors will further strengthen the TVOC indicator, and it will also become a more comprehensive purifier. Well, the show is here. Conclusion Overall , the biggest highlight of POIEMA Evo is the use of TPA purification technology , so under the condition of normal maintenance of the hardware, it can completely achieve zero consumables , plus the budget burden of replacing the filter element, you can make it run at a higher wind speed. The durability of the filtration efficiency after long-term operation is also a strong point. However , you must spend some time cleaning it regularly and pay attention to maintenance. When you convert the cost of the filter element, you should be quite happy. Before buying It should also be noted that the strengths of the TPA filter architecture are the ability to capture dirt , remove a certain degree of formaldehyde, and have the function of inhibiting bacteria and viruses. Demand for indicators, friends, POIEMA’s own suggestions , or look up. POIEMA ONE and ULTRA are more suitable for use in rooms, study rooms or independent spaces. When purchasing, it is recommended that you choose a machine with sufficient efficiency according to the number of pings . POIEMA Evo is more inclined to small pings. Positioning If you want to put it in the living room, you have to choose it. Well, the above is all the content of this episode. If there are any questions or things that have not been mentioned, you are welcome to leave a message and discuss together.
Channel: 邦尼幫你 3C 科技 - 開箱評測
Views: 40,603
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Keywords: 科技, 3C, 開箱, 邦尼幫你, 評測, PTT, 科技評測, ptt, POIEMA Evo, 空氣清淨機PPT, 零耗材, 空氣清淨機, 淨化器, 超完整, 實測 POIEMA Evo, 評價, 推薦, 值不值得買, TPA 技術解析, 初效濾網, 發生極, 收集極, 實測, POIEMA App, Siri, Google, Alexa, 空氣淨化器, 清淨機, 清淨機推薦, 空氣清淨機推薦
Id: W7ykp0emcYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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