《乘风破浪》The Warlord of the Sea 中国版《海贼王》震撼上映!海警寻找新大陆血战巨型海怪与海盗王【FULL】

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[English subtitles are available] Quantum mechanics proposes that there is not just one universe. There are multiple universes. One of them is a parallel universe similar to earth civilization. This area is covered by ocean. People built Wuji City on the largest island. While the desperadoes and rovers drifted on the sea, and turned into pirates. Due to the backwardness of technological civilization and the lack of resources for survival, people started the legendary new land exploration journey. Thus, the hot-blooded sailing adventure era begun. [New Land] But no one has ever arrived. In the face of the reality of broken legends, the pirates aimed at the resource plunder, conquering non-stop. Invade Wuji City and plunder everything they have. Tomorrow, it will be your turn to be coastguards. Kill all the coastguards. We, as the last righteous army on this continent, must win this battle and protect Wuji City. Now the North Sea Yama has led all his pirate ships out to invade our waters and point their swords at our Wuji City. The situation is grim and not optimistic. Take up your weapons. Get ready for battle! [The Warlord of The Sea] I've given the strategic plan to Luo Li. Now it's up to Luo Li to give you the deployment. Geese formation. Change the formation. Fire! Fire! Fire! Ignite! - Fire! - Fire! Get down! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Everyone, side sail forty-five degrees. Machine prepare. Machine ready. Stop! The ships come from the left, and you made left full rudder. Are you looking for a collision? Right, right full rudder. Now it's force 6 northwest wind, with all the points of action at our stern. If we make the right full rudder, the left deflection moment caused by the wind plus the lateral force of the accompanying current will make us unable to move at all. Their ships are downwind. They will ram us to pieces. Launch! Get up! Everyone get up! Sacrifice them to the sea! For the sake of Wuji City. Kill them! Look! There is something on the sea. Luo Li. What are you doing? Run! Brother. What do we do now? Fall back. Yes. [Wuji City] Those black and gold coffins on the coast floated to the shore, with a large amount of unidentified gas inside, resulting in heavy casualties among the people. Luo Li. This case is much more important than fighting pirates. Now everyone is watching our Coastguard Commission. Did you find any clues from the shore? According to my investigation, the black gas in the black coffin is a kind of algae. It is similar to an ancient plant recorded in the 'Book of Human Plants.' It can only reproduce in large numbers on land where water and grass are abundant. It suggests that there is one such land in the world at least. And there is a strange pattern on the inside of the black coffin. One of the dots is obviously the topographic map of Wuji City [Wuji City Coastguard Commission] So I presume [North Sea Mengpo North Sea Impermanence] this is the sea map. I have invited Tu Gedong, a scholar from the new land who has studied sea maps elaborately. Where did you get this baby? A lunatic asylum. Okay, okay, okay. Is he crazy or are you crazy? This is the new land. I did my research correctly. It seems that the new land is not just a legend. [New Land] Mr. Tu. Please help us to set sail immediately. No one can arrive the new land. [Fresh water] A legend says that the new land [Gold] has an inexhaustible supply of resources. [Farming land] [Wood] But you must pass through the extremely dangerous Waters of Death [Minerals] to arrive. The waters are full of fierce sea beasts. Especially, the Lantern Ghost King. Unless there is someone who understands the sea language. [Wuji Iceland] File records, this person is called sea woman. Three years ago, in exchange for the lives of her crew, she volunteered to be taken to the ice prison. Pirates can be so righteous? Really? [Hai Ji] You are sea woman. Can you leave if I say no? Don't you want to know why we are looking for you? You want to make me work for you. You can get out of here if you want. So I just come and go at your wish? Hai Ji. If we dedicate this to you, is it enough to show our sincerity? The Wanhai conch was originally my treasure, but you took it away, now this is called return. Since it is returned to its rightful owner, let's get right to the point. Hai Ji. Our Coastguard Commission wants to cooperate with you. Cooperate? It's hard to say if it's sincere or a ruse. Back then, your Wuji City was afraid of my ability, and used the lives of my crew to blackmail me to voluntarily surrender. I am in the ice prison, but you tried to threaten me several times to work for you. And now you're talking to me about cooperation. Do you think I am naive, or you are really hypocritical? That was all the dirty work of my former commissioner of Coastguard Commission. It has only been a year since I took office and we are not the same at all. Not the same? Your brain has not evolved very thoroughly. You. Don't be in a hurry to reject. We haven't thrown in our real price yet. Our real price is a piece of land on the new land for you to house the crews and rovers you take in. Hai ji. We know you were looking for the new land before you went to prison. The new land was found? No way. That would have changed the world a long time ago. And how could you be so kind? I know. You have clues about the new land. But you are short of people, especially me. Clever. Since we all have the same goal, let's go as soon as possible. Wait. I haven't proposed my condition yet. I don't know what could be a more tempting condition than the new land. On this voyage, we must use my crew and my Black Widow. Your Black Widow is drifting on the sea. Where can we find it? My crew must be waiting nearby. As long as I blow this Wanhai conch, the sea bottle will definitely appear. Hai Ji. Your Black Knight is here. I don't believe any word they said. When I think of what you've suffered these years. If I do not kill them a thousand times, I'm sorry for my "top 100 pirates" title. Don't we have Wanhai conch? Blow it. Summon those deep sea beasts. Let's go straight to the Coastguard Commission and kill them. Just do it. Uh. Brother. Uh. Well. Cooperation is important and let's move on. All past crimes and sentences can be commuted. Commutation? Commutation. I had a hard time getting on the list of top 100 pirates, just barely worthy of Haiji. Are you going to give me a commutation? When did you also become one of the top 100 pirates? To chase after you, just entered today. Am I good? Calm down. I do need to calm down. I need to think about how to let the world know about this. Sea bottle. Your real name is Ruan Mengmeng. Ruan. Ranked 100th, with a reward of 8,000 Belly. You are far from Hai Ji. So that's how it is. I must take you two to improve my ranking today. Put out the fire. You, put out the fire. The agreement was reached only 10 minutes ago, and it changed in a flash. Of course. There is no trust between human beings. But, luckily, I have never trusted anybody. I Listen. We can choose to die together. Or, you guys can jump into the sea. Who are you battling with here? You pick the wrong guy. Then I will light it up. Put it out. Put it out! You didn't blow it out. Enough! Keep blowing. Put it out! It's on! It's on fire! Enough! Do you need me to help you blow it out? I, Hai Ji, swear by my blood. I will do what I say. You can stand if you want. But I am sure the new land will not come to you itself. I only say this once. Since we are on the same ship. Once the ship sinks, no one can survive. When you get on my ship, you must learn to trust. Pick up the old scholar you mentioned and set sail immediately. Just wait. Fasten the ropes. Yes. I finally know why you insist on using the Black Widow. Okay. The keel of the ship is made of ghost trees which grown in deep seas for thousands of years -and is extremely tough. -Take the ammo. -Yes. -It can withstand several tons of pressure. -But it is light in weight with a shallow draft. -Put it here. Maybe, it is a powerful weapon for us to drive through the Waters of Death and defeat the Lantern Ghost King. You do know about the value of this ship. Sails up. Move things there. Yes. Fasten it tight. Come on. - One, two, three, go. -Come on. -Go. Watch it. Course. Thirty-five degrees southeast. Take a break, take a break. Our captain has her own navigator. Idiot. Adjust the course to thirty-five degrees and head to the right side. It's so easy to control these marine animals. You know nothing about the true power. Sail down the wind at full speed. -Yes. -Yes. I am going to prepare the sailing ceremony. Let these idiots see something unusual. Watch it out. Yes. [Island of Skeletons] [Waters of Storm] [Waters of Guangzhi] Turn the rudder to 15 degrees southeast and sail 7,500 nautical miles. After ten days, we will arrive at the target area. Commissioner Zhang is a person good at social intercourse. He can play with anyone. Hai Ji, I am here. Let me go. Mine, I... Hai Ji. Hai Ji. Put me down. Hai Ji. Let me go. You... You... Let me go. Hai Ji. Take your hands away. You. You dare to touch our Hai Ji. Let go of her. Come here, here. Coming. You are different from the other coastguards I have met. I am more handsome than them. I mean it's different here. You have something in your heart. And they don't have. This is not definite. For example, our commissioner. He has an abacus in his heart. With your ability and means, you can't be just a normal coastguard. Tell me. What's your secrets? We have just met. It's inappropriate to talk about my secrets. Did you forget? I said since you are on my ship, you must learn to trust. I won't allow someone unreliable to be around me. This is a long story. The last thing you lack on the sea is time. All right. Everything has to start with it. Since I was born, this compass was with me. [Why is there a baby in the box?] [Let me borrow some of your milk.] [You rogue.] [All the crew work as the father.] [It costs a lot to raise him up.] [He is surprisingly talented.] [It's a shame to follow the cargo ship.] [Take these two things.] [They are the only clues to your birth story.] [New Land] So, the new land on the compass becomes your goal. I believe my relatives are waiting for me at some distant place. This longing is a bond. People have bonds, life has a goal, isn't it? She believed it! Yes. You have goals. She believes in the story. But all I have is my brothers. This can be nice. We laugh and talk and life goes on. Man, you take it too easy. I have a story. Do you have money? Damn. You are so shameless. Well, well, well. I will buy it. Hai Ji. You will definitely fall in love with me. To love or not to love, is really a tough question. Since it's a tough question, you should go to sleep quickly. Do not make tricks. What happened? Are you sick? Apart from loving you, I have no other disease. Don't say such scary words. Just tell me. Why are you coughing blood? Silly Bottle, what happened to you? No...nothing. Tell me. Last time, when I went to save you in the ice prison with our brothers. My lung was beaten through by those coastguards. Now it turns to lung cancer. Final stage. How? In this world, the only person I can't let go is you. But I know what I am. I know I look like this. I didn't except you to accept me. Actually, today is my birthday. I make a wish. I just want to spend the rest of my life accompanying you. I want to cry with you, laugh with you and go to distant places with you. I want to see the sunrise and sunset and the rise and fall of tides every day with you. Your world can be without me, but in mine, all I have is you. It is the last wish of my about-to-end life. How many dishes do you have? How can you be drunk like this? Aren't you an abandoned baby? Why do you know your own birthday? I have mixed up the two stories. There is noise out there. What happened over there? Who rang the bell and interrupted my business? This is the legendary Waters of Death. [Waters of Death] I think we are being watched by the Lantern Ghost King. Its powerful magnetic field will make all ships lose their directions and stay still. And finally all ships will die in the belly of the fish. Here belongs to the Lantern Ghost King. Blue whales can't come inside. The Lantern Ghost King appears. Mr. Tu, please hide in the cabin. Quickly. Hai Ji, speak your sea language. Hai Ji. What does that thing say? Isn't it obvious enough what it says? It wants to eat us. Help me! The Lantern Ghost King is moving too fast. But it can't break the Black Widow, I am afraid it will swallow the entire ship. If it goes on like this, we will all die. Now there is only one way. Kill it. You do have some masculinity. Just like me. Just do it! Where is my knife? Take it. You finally learn to trust. Hai Ji. -Luo Li. -Luo Li. Hai Ji. Hai Ji. What is that sound? Luo Li. Luo Li. You are hard to kill, aren't you? Don't you dare to die. I'm determined to take you as a brother. Luo Li. Luo Li. Luo Li. Luo Li. You are finally awake. You are finally awake, my brother. Look how anxious I am for you. I thought it must be really bad. Good news is you are all right. Luo Li. Here. Have something good to eat. Make up for your body. I'll put it here. Have a seat. Why are you looking so pale? You got caught by the Lantern Ghost King. Hai Ji came to rescue you, and she only came to life after three days in coma. Looking pale? I kept her company for three days and nights, why didn't you say I look pale? Look at my dark circles. What are you talking about. I'm fine. This time, thanks to Luo Li, who held back the Lantern Ghost King, we could drive out of the Waters of Death. At that time, I didn't know why, but my body seemed to have gone through some change. It felt like my body... Awakened? Right. It is really you. I finally found you. You were looking for me? So you are? No, no, no. I'm not your father. But I do know about him. Twenty years ago, to meet the extreme lack of resources in the future, Luo Dayong and I were appointed as researchers, to develop a reagent that can evolve human body real fast to adapt to living in the sea. At first, it was only experimented on mammals. [Evolution Plan] But later I found that Luo Dayong went go so far as to experiment on you. Therefore, I rescued you. He got into a rage and I had to send you on a merchant ship. After that, Luo Dayong went missing. I have been very self-condemned that I didn't stop him. So I kept looking for you. You might be the only guinea pig that has successfully evolved. That is why you have such powers. This is unfortunate, yet fortunate in another sense. I have looked for him for so many years. I never expected that he was such a despicable person. Luo Li. I know that since the emotional link is broken, you must be very sad for a while. But don't worry. We will be here for you. Rest assured. You have got us at least. Luo Li. It is not a big deal. Don't you take it too hard. Right. Perhaps, you, my partners, are the real emotional links for me. Since we were all born in this cruel world, no one can live like an islet, alone on the sea. Every one of us is like a little piece of mud. Only when these pieces connect with each other, the real new land can be formed. They are so pretentious. You are so... Something went wrong! Something went wrong! Someone has found his way up here. Commissioner. Commissioner, help me. I had no choice. So it was you who gave away our route. We can't beat them. Run. Commissioner. Run. Stop there. What is that? Leave it. Go, go. Go. Captain, we found this sea map on him. The new land? Assemble the other four kings, and send out a secret order to all pirates on the sea. I will hold the King of Pirates Convention at the Senluo Market. Yes. This world is about to change. Yama and others didn't catch up. Mr. Tu and Commissioner Zhang must have been caught. Even if I have to die, I will reseize the Black Widow. No way. Luo Li has just recovered. We can't bear a tough fight. Luo Li, why didn't you turn into a fish just now? Let's go back to where the Black Widow was at. We may find some clues. That is too dangerous. If we can find out where the Black Widow is heading, we can trace them down easily. These markers are specially made by the Coastguard Commission. They will float on the sea and won't move due to winds or waves. This must be the clue that Commissioner Zhang left for us. Never thought the old codger would be so conscious. [Senluo Sea Market] What is this place? That should be the entrance to the Senluo Sea Market. Go through this and straight to the end, there will be the real Senluo Sea Market. This trip will be fraught with grim possibilities. We can only do it by strategy, not tough confrontation. There's no coward in us. Let's just do it. Welcome to the World of Pirates. This is me, isn't it? Take a photo for me. -Here. -No problem. Take a photo. Here. Here, again. Another pose. Good. One more. We have business to attend to. Let's go. One more, please. I'm not done. Don't miss out on this. Take a look. Hold on. -Kill and rob? Knife not handy? -Am I having illusions? Assassination, but with fear of being found? Suicide, but with fear of pain? I have here the exclusive secretly-made poison from West Sea, the Suffocated Donkey. With no color or smell, no trace or clue, no pain or itch, your problems will be solved before you know it. The price yesterday was 988, and today it is only 688. Pay 688 and you can have it. Fast, fast. Here. 688. -This old codger never cease to surprise me. -Give me money. See. He is bent on money again. Take it yourself. You guys. I have finally found you. Did you see the clue I left for you? You saw... -Yes. -The clue. Saw it. You saw it? Congratulations, Zhang. You have found a new direction in life. Promising future of wealth. I'm mainly doing this for intelligence gathering, right? The business is only sideline. I have something important I need to tell you. Here. Let's talk over there. Right, let's talk over there. Let's go. Let's go. You haven't paid the money. Look, the King of Pirates Convention is tomorrow. I'm not ready yet. How should I make my appearance? I'm not done. North Sea Yama has secretly imprisioned Tu Gedong. It seems that there's going to be a public interrogation tomorrow on the convention. And he will discuss with the other four kings about how to invade the new land. If we want to rescue Tu Gedong, tomorrow is our only chance. The top priority for now is to figure out how we can sneak into the convention. It is too hard. The King of Pirates Convention is the biggest gathering in the pirate circle. The grandstand tickets were sold out even the five kings of North Sea and their minions haven't arrived. Such a brisk business. What did you say? Such a brisk business. No, the sentence before that. The grandstand tickets were sold out. The one before that. The five kings of North Sea and their minions haven't arrived. [Beautiful-voice dancers] On the endless waters, if there is one glimmer of hope left, that must be our Senluo Sea Market. We drifted about, fought against all. It is the pirates' turn to come on the stage of the world. Welcome the fifth king, North Sea Rakshasa. He is in charge of the excavating and mining of all the coals and minerals used for steam power. He is the myth of earth in charge of the world of pirates. [North Sea Rakshasa] Welcome the fourth king, North Sea Impermanence. Thanks to the gunpowder developed by her, we have the capabilities to invade and plunder by firearms. She is the one to build the fire glory of the world of pirates. [North Sea Impermanence] Welcome the third king, North Sea Mengpo. Smells so good. He is responsible to extract and offer the source of life in our daily life. He is the Shura of water dominating the pirates' world. [North Sea Mengpo] Let's welcome the second king, North Sea Judge. He is proficient in making ships by wood, and controls the maritime transport. Without him, all the pirates are in difficulty while sailing. He is the chief of wood dominating our pirates' world. [North Sea Judge] Everyone, let's welcome our king, North Sea Yama. He makes all the currency we use to trade . One of his words can throw the world into turmoil. One cannot live if he wants him dead. He'll not be absolved from the sins even in the hell. He is the legend of gold dominating the pirates' world. [North Sea Yama] The five kings are here. I declare the Pirates Convention begins officially. Good. Good. Good. Pour wine for our brother. Refill it. Brother, a toast for you. Never ming them. The breaking news I'm going to declare will rewrite the history of the world, and restructure the global situation. There is going to be a brand new world dominated by us pirates in the future. I've got the sea map of the new land. Sea map? He is going to be our guide and leads us to the new land. The new land! The new land! Here comes the wine. Come on. Hurry up! Here. Fetch the wine. Here. Pour it. Pour it. In the name of the King of Pirates, I command you to follow me to the new land. Wish us success through all the wind and waves to conquer the new land. Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Come on. Refill it! Drink! The wine is strong enough! Good job! Well done. Let me pour the wine for you! Drink the wine. What's wrong with you dumb? I don't know, either. Cheers, girls. Pour the wine. [Specified List of August Sulphur Saltpeter] [Specified List of November Sulphur Saltpeter] -Boss -What's wrong? Laosi, she earned a lot of dirty money, but she didn't share it with you. It's true. Brother, I have something to say. We can't take North Sea Impermanence with us during this expedition. She is an unfaithful and perfidious bitch! What's the fuck you are talking about? I'll shoot you at once! What? What? Have a try? Try it! Try it! What? Try it! Sijie. Laosi, have you forgot about the rules? Let him finish first. Brother, I've treated her as my brother, but she always tries to entrap me. These years the price of sulphur and saltpeter has risen by dozens of times in the market. She has never mentioned the increase, but denies that the raw ore and extractant are two different conception. You, how much does she owe me? 200 ships in the last 10 years. 20 tons each ship. According to market price, a ton costs 7,890.33 belly, so she needs to make up for the price difference by 23,561,320 Belly. That's right! 24 million. Don't blame me for being malicious if you don't pay today. Your base would have been destroyed by the Coastguard Commission without my protection. You need to pay the protection money! I pay the shipping cost of raw material every year. Do you have any conscience? -What are you saying? -Wait. I... Shipping cost? Laowu, I've never received any shipping cost. So you use my ships for free? Free? Stop now. -Drop it! -Erge, we can talk about it later. We can spilt the money half and half after I get it. Perfect! Give me my money! Don't change the topic! Don't change the topic! You jerks with evil mind! I've hated to see you guys for a long time! I cannot bear the sight of you! -Get out! -What? This sissy is annoying! Shameless! Hit him! -I cannot bear the sight of you! -What did you say? You filthy sissy! -What are you doing? -Hit him! What did you say? I will beat your ass! Hit him! Look, brother. Shut up! It's alright. Sit down. Anyone else who broke the rules? Talk! Brother. Brother. Brother. He's bleeding. Come to stop the bleeding now. This bitch is afraid of the disclosure and being caught. You did this? Who did it? It's her! -What did you say? -Murder! Murder! What did you say? Erge. You did want to kill me! The wine is poisonous. The wine is poisonous. It's poisonous. You sissy! I didn't do it. Let's go. Go go go. Hurry up. Easy. What is that? Knockout drops. Let's go. I moored the Black Widow at the port in advance. What about the crew? We are on our own from now on. -Cheers! -Cheers! Next stop, the new land. It's a pity our sea map has been left at the Senluo Sea Market. It doesn't matter. I've studied it for my entire life. The sea map is already in my mind. You do know about the map! The wine is a gift given by a captain when I was at Caribbean. This is all that have been left. I will share with you guys since we are so cheerful. I've learned this eye make-up from him. You acted well this time. You live up to your name as the Commissioner of Coastguard Commission I did all these things because of my families. All businessmen are profiteers. Right? But this time I truly treat you as my brothers. Can I call you brothers? Interesting. Now the coastguards and pirates are brothers. This is insane! We've been through death together. Of course we are brothers. How about this? We three become sworn brothers? OK. -How's that? -OK. Good. Listen to my command. OK. What's our relationship? Brothers! How do we drink it? Bottoms up! Good wine. Come on. Let me do this. That's enough. -It's quite strong, don't drink too much. -Let m do it.. Just one sip. How come there is still some left? -No, that's all left. -There must be more. Give me. Refill it. -There is little left. -I'll drink it. Don't spill it. Don't worry. I won't. I'm your brother, too. Do they look good? -Yes. -Yes? That's enough. Don't be endless day by day. I tell you, she is going to be you sister-in-law. It might be hard for you to go after her. Hai Ji is not mean to be a normal woman. I knew that. She has been my life since the day she was willing to sacrifice her life for me. I will set sail if she wants to set sail. I will be her stepping-stone if she wants to be a queen. I'll be her side all the time, and be her chief mate even if she marries to someone else in the end. That is the way how I love her. You have love in your heart, and you dare to love and hate. You are a real man. Mr. Tu, what are you... Nothing. People love to reminisce about the past when they are old. Once Luo Dayong and I were good brothers like them. Once I had a daughter, a beautiful and kind little girl probably like you. I wouldn't have been mad for years if she were still here. Love sometimes makes men mad. Mr. Tu, I believe your daughter will feel your love no matter where she is. Maybe she will feel it soon. [The New Land] The new land. This is the new land. -This? -This? Isn't it a deserted island? It's impossible. My research can't be wrong. It is here according to the sea map. Let's land on the island and explore it first. We can discuss it later. Let's go. Look, the Black Coffins. Isn't it a deserted island? [Wanhai Tong] How come there is the newspaper of Wanhai Tong of a year ago? It can only explain the real murderer of the the Black Coffin case might be on the island. How come there is an artificial building on the deserted island? Let's go. Let's have a look there. Hurry up. Go. Tell me. Who on earth are you? Luo Li, what's wrong with you? He is Tu. You are the only one who knows about the sea map. What do you want by guiding us here all the way? Who the hell are you? Who am I? Haven't you known about that? Why? Why did you do that? Do you still remember the story I once told you? In fact, the hero of it wasn't Luo Dayong, but me. At that time, my daughter was dying. In order to save her, I did an experiment on her privately. Shasha. Dad, I feel so bad. However, there was a mutation. She became a monster. I had no choice but to seal her in a Petri dish. [Evolution Plan] Later, I did the experiment on you secretly. I had not expected that you could integrate with the reagent perfectly and produce antibodies automatically. You were all the hope for curing my daughter. However, after Luo Dayong discovered it, he destroyed all of it. So you're the real culprit of the Black Coffin case. There isn't the new land at all. Right. I did all these things just for attracting you here. As for them, they're just the supporting roles I've arranged. The purpose is to make the show of looking for the new land more real. Now it's time to finish the show. Old man, if you dare to act rashly, I'll kill you. Otherwise I am not the Sea Bottle. Tu, calm down. I can give all my money to you so that your daughter can receive the best treatment. If your daughter knows that your love is so ruthless, I'm afraid she won't be willing to wake up. You can't understand the pain a father has to suffer after losing his daughter. For her sake, I can bear all the sins. I'm willing to save your daughter with my own blood, as long as you let go of them. -Luo Li. -Luo Li. Each of us is like a small piece of dirt. Only when all these pieces of dirt connect with each other, it's truly a new land. Really? Yes. Okay. I trust you. You know what? I really appreciate your telling me about all these things. It turns out that my father was a good man. From your words, I could feel his existence, his conduct and his love for me. So it's enough for me to have known about these things. I believe his love for me was the same as yours to your daughter. So I'm willing to save your daugther with my own blood. -No. -No, Luo Li. As long as you let go of them. You might die by doing this. Sorry. Maybe… I mean, maybe. If the antibodies in your blood is strong enough, maybe both of you can survive. Luo Li. How are you? We meet again. I've made so much effort to find you. Say it. Where's the new land? Well, haven't… haven't you found it? Here is the new land. You can hardly stay longer when your god is calling on you. Don't worry. I'm here. It's time to show my true power. I won't disgrace you. Idiot. Kill them all except for that old man. Yes. Hai Ji. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. How are you? Don't cry. I can't stand it if you cry. It's worth it if I can die for you. Before I die, could you kiss me? Luo Li. Shasha. Just wait. I'll come back again. Luo Li. Are you all right? Look. Thanks. I've caused you all the trouble. But you still returned good for evil like this. Luo Li, thank you for doing all these things. It's all over. Luckily, everyone is fine. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. -Bottle. -Bottle. Bottle. What's wrong with you? You're faking death again, aren't you? Bottle. I've told you many times. It's not funny at all. If you do this again, I'll be very very very angry. Bottle, hang in there. Bottle. I'll be so angry that I won't forgive you all my life. Did you hear it? Did you hear it? Did you hear it? Bottle. I heard it. It's good if you won't forgive me. Then will you remember me all your life? Do you still remember what I said to you in the cabin that night? Yes, I do. Though the story was false, and the lines were fabricated, I love you. My love for you is true. I'm sorry. I've caused you all the trouble and Sea Bottle even died because of me. What a terrible mistake I've made. I'm not worthy of being a human. Bottle, wake up. If I could, please let me repent of and atone for… -Bottle. -Bottle. -…my sin in the rest of my life. -Bottle. -Bottle. -Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. -Bottle. -Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. Bottle. I only want to spend the rest of my life with you. Cry and laugh with you. Go to the ends of the earth with you. See the sunrise and sunset with you every day, and the ebb and flow. Your world could be without me. But in my world, there's only you. That's the last thing I wish for during the last minutes of my life. Bottle, I'll go on living with your will. I'll also find the new land and help your Hai Ji and your buddies settle down. I won't allow the loss of any of us again. [After the sea was hit by typhoon with strong winds sweeping across it, undercurrents were all over it] [The warship slowed down to approach an island] [Returning to the homeland] [ NEW LAND] Luo Li, where is our next destination?
Channel: 观影吧-HI MOVIE
Views: 116,173
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Keywords: 乘风破浪, TheWarlordoftheSea, 玄幻, 惊悚, 冒险, fantasy, thriller, adventure, 航海王红发歌姬, ONEPIECEFILMRED, 海贼王, 海贼王大电影, ワンピース, OnePiece, 航海王, 剧情, drama, 观影吧, HIMOVIE, The Warlord of the Sea, 路飞, 路飞海贼王, 海贼王路飞, 无极城, 海盗舰队, 海警, 新大陆, 女海盗, 海姬, 海怪, 海盗王, Fantasy, Thriller, Adventure, 大航海王, 大航海王乘风破浪, 海贼王剧场版, 海贼王电影, 电影海贼王, 中國電影, chinese movie, China Movie, CHINA MOVIE, china movie, China movie, 电影 吳春怡, 封神榜, the sniper, 高启盛, 電影, 狙击之王, 神墓, 徐冬冬, sniper, 最新电影, white snake, 美女, 张三丰, 狙擊之王, 2024電影, tai chi hero, 流浪地球2, 电影2024, 最新電影, taichi master, 2024电影, 中国电影
Id: yjUbWhf6uyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 51sec (5391 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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