โฌ†๏ธ Upgrading the Roly Automation LaserMATIC to the 30W Module & First Cut Tests!

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hey it's Rich the Louisiana hobby guy and today I am in the laser lab and I've got a new addition for the laser Matic 20 right behind me which is the 30 wat module right now I've got the 10 wat SL 20 W module on there and I will be replacing that with the 10 wat 30 wat module it's just a little switch on the side that you throw and you go from E you can either engrave really fine details at 10 watts and then you can switch up to 30 watts and cut with it and I've gotten a lot of questions being that I'm the brand ambassador for rolly automation for the laser Matic about how well the 30 watt works and whether or not it's worth going from 20 watts to 30 Watts there are a lot of 20 watt machines out there now and people are very happy with it and they're they're wondering if it's worth the upgrade well today we're going to find out I'm going to go and install that 30 W module right now and take you on the journey with me and we're going to find out how well it cuts since that's what most people are concerned with is the cutting ability so let's get started right now we'll jump over there and install the new 30 wat module and run a couple of tests okay so I've got everything set up here on the laser this is the 20 W module this is the 30 W module this is a simple plug-and playay installation um the focusing tool on the 20 W and the 30 W is going to be the same so you don't need to change that it is different than the uh 10 watt so I'm going to loosen on the side over here and I'm going to raise the module up just because I want to raise it up and then tighten it again so that it won't move up or down and the first thing I'm going to do is unplug this I'm going to grab this by the rug rubber I'm not going to grab it by the wires and simply just rock it in and out until it unplugs this is a very solid plug you can see that it only goes in one way there there are two plugs on the top and one on the bottom the next thing I'll do is just remove this air hose which is basically just pulling up on it and I know you can't see it from there but I'm just going to pull it out like so and drop it behind the Gantry and the laser Matic does come with a wrench for you to do this but I am going to use my own wrench just because it's faster and I'm going to start on the bottom and I really can't zoom this camera in and probably the best thing to do would be to remove that honeycomb but I didn't so uh I'm going to take these out one at a time and if I can see this one there it is right there just going to take both of these out the wrench that comes with the uh laser Matic is just fine to use on this I prefer this one because well because it's magnetic on these top ones you don't have to worry until uh you get to the very last one and this one here now you're going to need to support the U module before you take it completely out so I'm going to do this one just a little bit differently I'm just going to hold it and unscrew it at the same time and now this module comes completely off and I can put that on the side and I'm going to go back and clean it later this is really a very straightforward swap there's not much to do here um so it's very very easy to do all I'm going to do is what I just did in Reverse I'm going to put these screws back in and I don't actually tighten them until I get all four of them in the thing I like about my wrench is that it holds it in place while I do this so it makes makes life a lot easier for me these ones on the bottom you may have to start by hand cuz the wrench could get in the way and I just dropped one so I'll do the other side instead the air assist is sort of in the way there you got to start that one by hand but this one should be fine it's kind of hard for me to do this and have the camera here at the same time we'll just do three for now I'll get the other one later off camera so there is uh three of the four anyway I'm just going to tighten that one up being that I've got the other ones in and then I'll give these a quick tighten and you don't want to overtighten these just maybe a quarter of a turn not even that maybe an eighth of a turn and then we can just in Reverse do everything that we did earlier I'll slip this Airline back in put it over the the uh pipe right there and then I'll come and put this plug back in just like that and just that quickly I mean we're done this is ready I'm going to have to go back and find that other screw now and put that one in but um that's just how quickly you can make the change from 20 watts to 30 Watts all right so I've got the new module installed I went and found that screw and I'm going to run a material test I've dropped a 3 mm reply piece of plywood onto the honeycomb and I've HED the machine and now we can jump over into light burn real quick and come up here to laser tools and material test I do have a preset that I've done for the laser Matic and we're going to start at 500 mm per minute and we're going to max out at 1,00 we're going to do our power from 50 to 100 um I've got the uh wood up in the top left corner so I think I'm going to change this to uh 5 mm * 10 is 50 so I'm going to change this to 330 and I'm going to do the same thing over here for the X Center I'm going to make it 50 and that should do it I hope we're going to do a frame real quick and see if that's the right spot and that looks about right right there so I'll just go ahead and hit the start button and we'll get started with this first cut test of the 30 watt and of course the first thing that it's going to do is it's going to uh engrave all of the numbers all the way around the speed and the power and then it'll come back and do the cut test I can probably um speed this video up for you so it doesn't take as long and slow it down again when it gets to the end of the cut test and we are uh right at the end right now it looks like I could have maybe gone a little bit higher we'll see let's uh take a look and see what we got just clean off some of those that one in the very top is cut through it's just stuck in place so uh there we go at uh 12200 mm per minute uh it cut through at 100% power and uh not quite at 90 so our lowest cutting speed at 50% power was 656 mm per minute down here and our highest cutting speed we got another one just stuck in there is up here and this one's probably stuck as well let's look at the back back real quick okay so on the back you can see and you've probably heard from other manufacturers about cosos technology and how you get almost an exact Square out of the beam well um this laser module comes from a manufacturer that has the same technology and you can see it's almost a perfect square on here and actually that one is that's a hanging chad right there not even so that one came out and I think that this one's going to come out right here and maybe this one so let's take a look and see on the other side again we got exactly what uh I was expecting so it's almost a perfect diagonal as you can see here and that one is ready to come out as well that one is not that one is not so that one is these are all just little little tiny Chads hanging Chads on the back I know some people probably don't want to hear that term hanging chad but that's what it is that one is in there so there is our first cut test with the 30 wat we get and we could have gone a little higher than 12200 mm per minute it looks like um we probably could have gone up one more row and got 100% at um say 1250 or somewhere around there but we're going to leave this as is so this is one of the ways that I create libraries um for the for the laser Matic and all of my lasers actually is by running a test like this I do it slightly differently but I know now that I can put in the library 94.4% power and 12200 mm per minute uh will cut through 3 mm three ply plywood I know you can't see the ply on this camera but that is a pretty good test result for a 30 W laser okay so I've uh run another test cut on it and I've increased I've gone from 650 to 1,400 this time instead of 500 to 12200 and I've got the results so uh I'm just going to switch it's easier rather than me holding up the test card I'm just going to switch to another camera and here we can see them so this is the first test that I ran and we got higher than 1,200 so I ran another one up to 1,400 we got as high as uh 13117 so 1317 100% power cut cleanly through and uh I started it at 650 and it did not cut through on this one at 653 but it did on this one at 650 so um the thing that you have to realize about cutting with wood is that well there's going to be it's going to cut differently in different places so this one uh is just a different grain where it's at I'm going to take a guess at but as you can see at 733 it took 61.1 and over here 61.1 it cut cleanly at 8817 so uh 811 it cut cleanly here as well so that's about the same um now what I did was I looked at an old test card that I did on the 20 wat where I compared it to the uh the laser Matic 20 to the algo laser and the laser Matic 20 did a did a better job and I took some notes off of that test card and over here at 490 was the maximum cut speed at 50% power and you'll see that this one cut cleanly at 578 and if we look over over here it cut cleanly at 650 so uh from 490 to 650 is not a big jump but it's a you know it's a jump and then over here at 55.6 we cut through at 733 where the 20 watt only went uh cut through at 560 so if we look at the same number over here you'll see 656 was as high as we got on the first test and we got 7 33 on the second test which we didn't get through on the first so that's what I'm talking about with the grain so if we look at 61.1 620 and uh 66.7 both of those were 620 mm a minute on the laser Matic 20 and now we've got 8111 millime per minute so uh pretty good jump there almost 200 mm per minute on this side of the test over over here you'll see that we got um no don't let me confuse myself here 61.1 61.1 we got 817 and 66.7 we got 900 so that's you know 280 millim per minute faster than the 20 watt and that's a pretty big jump so um this is just an example of the two test cards and I wanted to uh just show you that there is uh a difference in different parts of the board so just depending on the grain you'll get different numbers and that's why a library is always just a starting point you have to actually run your own test just to make sure so um that's it for for the first test cut I also did uh a couple of quick Engravings and that's not what this particular video is about but let me uh put those up under here too so you can take a quick look at those real quick so if you look here a lot of people say well what good is a machine that can run 30,000 millim per minute you know cuz you're not going to really get any power out of it well this got some pretty good power here that is uh let me see if I can get the light a little better on this yeah that's a little bit better that's 30,000 mm per minute 78% power 276 LPI and that's a uh a graphic and then just as a quick test I ran this uh my eyeball test at 30,000 millim a minute 100% power uh 15 100 Max 15 min in grayscale at 250 and you can see the detail that it got in there uh now that I will slow that one down because there is a little detail under the eyelashes that it didn't get so I'll run a complete complete battery of tests on this before uh I you know I actually add this to my library but those are some pretty good numbers right straight off the bat you know uh just for the first couple tests I think it it uh did extremely well so um the question is is it worth upgrading um so that that's that's the question that needs answered and uh in my opinion I would say no um if you have the 10 Watt laser Matic 10 then I would say absolutely it's worth upgrading to the 20 or the 30 the 1020 or the 1030 but um as far as going from a 20 to a 30 I'm not going to not going to I don't think I would personally do that uh if it were you know if I had to buy it because I mean we're going from at 50% power we're going from 490 mm to 650 or at 55.6 Power uh at 55.6 Power we're going from 560 to 733 at 61% Power we're going from 620 to 817 at 67% power we're going from 620 to 900 um I don't think that's a big difference when it comes to it's it's a big difference when it comes to numbers okay on on a sheet of wood but um I'm not going to say that that's a big difference when it comes to time so will you finish faster yeah you'll finish maybe a minute or two faster or maybe three or depending on the size of the job um you know it's going to finish faster but is it worth the upgrade no if you have the laser Matic 10 it's absolutely worth the upgrade to the 20 or the 30 either one uh both of them have the ability to engrave at at 10 at 10 watts just by throwing the little switch on the side so you'll still have all of the best as far as engraving is concerned and you'll just get a little better cutting out of the uh going from 20 to 30 a lot better cutting going from the 10 to 30 so if you have the laser Matic 10 the 10 Watt on the MK2 or the Mark I as it's called is about 15% more powerful so uh that's worth it right there if you have the 10 watt it's worth it to upgrade to the 10:20 or the 10:30 yes I would say that if you have the 20 wat n that's completely up to you you saw the results yourself hey but listen join me tonight uh tonight I'm going to have a live stream on my Channel at 9:00 9:00 p.m. uh it's already posted to my channel go to my channel click on live click on that video and then click the Bell reminder make sure you set your reminder because I've got a big announcement tonight from uh rly automation on the laser Matic for the holidays everybody's talking about Black Friday sales and uh you know Cyber Monday sales and things like that well you're not going to want to miss this tonight because uh if you're one of the lucky people you're going to have a better deal than any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal so tune in tonight 9:00 eastern time that's 9:00 p.m. that would be uh Greenwich metime minus 6 if you're anywhere else in the world and join that live stream and even if you have to watch the replay you know if you come back and watch the replay you're going to want to watch it because there's something special going on tonight and I've got the announcement for you Leo uh Leo Q the owner of rly automation is going to be on the live stream with me and we're also going to have a few other guests owners of the laser Matic so you're not going to want to miss that one so join in with me tonight and see that and I want to give a big thank you to my patrons that make this CH Channel possible I want to thank you guys my subscribers my viewers if you haven't subscribed yet please hit that little subscribe button you know I mean it doesn't cost anything to subscribe and it really helps out the channel quite a bit so I've noticed that about 40% of the people that watch my videos are not subscribers and that just sort of Baff my mind so hit that subscribe button for me would you and there's tons of links down below the video in the description where uh you can shop in my Amazon store for all types of laser supplies I've researched a lot of the the best deals that you can find and I've got links to tons and tons of products in my Amazon store whether it's wood acrylic whatever the case might be I've got links to other things uh just tons and tons of links down in the description below the video says dot dot dot more I don't know why YouTube keep keeps changing that I like the old version that said description click on that you get the description makes a lot more sense to me but anyway I hope you uh enjoyed this special video tonight as much as I enjoyed making it for you and as always I want to thank everyone for watching and I will see you tonight on the live stream 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time see you then [Music]
Channel: The Louisiana Hobby Guy
Views: 6,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser, lightburn, laser engraving, lightburn tutorials, hobby laser, c02 laser, laser engraving machine for wood, lightburn projects, lightburn software tutorials, lightburn manual, omtech, lm3, fiber laser, lasermakersrealm, laser cutter, laser etching, lightburn software, high power diode laser, make money in 2023, lightburn settings, Roly Automation, LaserMATIC 10, Roly Laser, Roly LaserMATIC, LaserMATIC, Roly
Id: y92SzrBcV4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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