❤️ CPR and BLS Instructor Teaching Demo - CPR Instructor Prep

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on YouTube everybody I just want to let you know that for the BLS and the CPR instructor monitoring courses this is a safe learning environment our instructor candidates are allowed to make mistakes and also our students are allowed to make mistakes um so what we do here in Jacksonville Florida is my name is Eunice Mathis I'm a registered nurse and I'm the owner of Florida Training Academy is that we train instructors we train students who are interested in actually providing CPR trading to others in the community and within their and at their jobs and so what we have for today is we have Matthew he's an instructor candidate he intended he attended the instructor course on yesterday and today is going to be his monitoring session where he actually uses his aha resources in order to co-teach a class and over here we have a wonderful student named Tony Tony's going to be a student today in our BLS class and so at the completion of this class today we will have a student who has their BLS card and then we will also have an instructor candidate who will transfer transition into the actual instructor role for the American Association so again safe learning environment we cannot show the American Heart Association video on camera and so you will be able to hear it but you won't be able to see it if I can go back and edit the video to remove some of those long areas where it's just a video and no movement I will however if you are a true you know person who is interested in becoming a CPR instructor you may actually appreciate the fact that we didn't edit the video and cut anything out so let's go to get started with our class welcome everybody very good nice to work with you um I'll stop by safety first and so with safety we have the one way in one way out our restroom is all the way down the hall and usually about halfway through the class I'll give you an opportunity to use the restroom with just one student in this class should not take more than two hours to complete okay and then um do you need coffee or any water okay so we do have a nourishment station I've not had you sign in yet and that's one of the first things we have you do and so I'm going to get that roster to you now awesome and Matthew would you tell me what um what he's checking for on the roster oh you're checking to make sure that your name and email are correct and your phone numbers and is everything's correct what does he do after that and then you're gonna ask um and so this is how you receive your e-card from the American Heart Association even though that's on two lines it's um because it was a long email address it's still this one line altogether awesomeness so today in order for you to become a certified as a BLS provider that's what the American Heart uses to say students whether you're a BLS student you'll have to complete a 25 question multiple choice examination no pressure I know you have your ebook there you can also take notes and we start off with the review you'll also have to perform some skills and at the very end we'll show you those skills checklists we're going to watch the video the video is practiced while watching um but the videos want to do some of the talking but it hasn't taught the student how to use this mannequin so it's like is it like okay well we have the video but we also have the human the instructor there for a reason to make sure hand placement Etc e-cards please check your email so I'll teach you Matthew how to issue an e-card before we leave here today if you do not receive it in your email in your inbox please check your spam mail because we have sent it It's just sometimes they get lost in the sauce still don't have it you have my cell phone number just email me or text me and I can send you a separate link to where you can actually retrieve your e-card that's really important when you're dealing with schools and with hospitals because sometimes those servers will reject the AHA emails or treat them as spam and so if you get everybody's company email address more than likely you're going to have 50 people contacting you saying they did not receive their cards do you want their personal money personal is better yes it is and everybody who attends the American Heart Association course has to have an individual email address so if you have a family of four and everybody usually uses mom email address they cannot do that in the AHA class okay all right so pass and score of 84 if you miss more than four questions you did not sell you've earned an opportunity to remediate and just stay here a little bit longer okay so let's go ahead and go through our review okay all right so Tony tell me why are you taking CPR or why you become I know you're interested in um becoming an instructor but while you're taking a BLS instructive course in the future because I want to be able to provide services to the public okay it's wonderful wonderful and then Matthew you are teaching at a school yeah College I'm at USF and I wanted to be like coordinator Perfect all right so not all your paper what does CPR stand for [Music] cardiovascular yes pulmonary or recitation yes let's let's plug it up for you all right now I want you to write this down because everybody have to they take these classes but they really it's like ah yeah I need a CPR card CPR stands for cardio pulmonary pulmonary resuscitation but you pulled that forfeit nine something in the morning I'm really proud of you all right so cardio what organs in the body the heart all right pulmonary what organs it's a great question I don't know so and so that's why because you have we're teaching these medical terms to non-medical professionals he can do safety all day long you start talking about those organs of the body it was a little bit different um so pulmonary will be the laws cardio pulmonary resuscitation resuscitation we're performing skills to help um save this person's life and what are those two skills you can answer in Matthew Ciara we're doing uh so what this song when you say something yes look at them over there right in the dissertation I promise it's going to get easier after this any questions Perfect all right and so now I'm on your sheet I've written down some of the most common abbreviations or medical terms that the American Heart Association uses in their courses and the first one is um c a b when you think of c a b that is your priority for whenever someone's in Cardiac Arrest you'll know when someone's in Cardiac Arrest because the lights go off it's like they're standing and then they're going to go out you're tapping and you're shouting no response you can immediately call for help before you ever feel for a pulse at the point where a person has changed to where they're talking to you and now they are unresponsive that's immediate medical attention all right so we're tapping and we're shouting and we're going to feel for the Carotid pulse on the side nearest us with two fingers while looking for chest rise okay 10 seconds is all you get to determine if this person's in cardiac arrest um so cab once we determine during Cardiac Arrest what is our priority what's the C on CNB what does it stand for from the paper oh circulation circulation which means we have to do chest compressions whenever we start doing those compressions the oxygen that's in the blood didn't disappear it's just not moving right so that's why we should not be focusing on Airway and breathing once someone is deceased once their heart is stopped we can focus on Airway and reeling once our team members come with the first aid kit and then we can give the rest so your job is high quality CPR high quality CPR has different components we talked about not taking longer than 10 seconds so we call that minimizing interruptions how fast do we compress per minute Matthew 100 120 100 to 120 compressions what song would that be same and so if we are stopping to give breaths okay we would we call that a compression to breath ratio and it's actually on your paper what's the compression to breath ratio how many compressions fall about how many reps uh 30 or five Cycles but that's how many compressions so we say 30 to two thirty to two thirty to two so after 30 compressions we do two breaths and then for five Cycles how many minutes should that take approximately it's next to the five minutes next step five seconds two minutes okay if you have help what happens after five Cycles the next term that's on your paper is AED what does the AED stand for Matthew automated external defibrillator awesome I didn't actually just yesterday hard question you ready for it can you use an AED if someone has an implanted AED defibrillator of cellular Clinic defibrillator or pacemaker yes you can but what's the exception you can't do what you're going to see an elevation beneath their skin and that usually tells you there's something beneath there and you could feel it too but that could be like someone's chemotherapy port it may not have a needle or anything attached to it right now because they're not receiving the chemo treatment right now but you'll be able to see something beneath the skin if you see something don't put the past there okay all right so when the add arrives to the scene what's the first thing we do turn it on second thing we do is what listen for the prompts because um you are responsible for wherever you work I need you to learn how to use those aeds on your job sites and what a lot of people will do is they'll leave that up to the safety person or the nurse and my response is what if it's the safety person or the nurse who's actually in cardiac arrest if no one else knows how to work the equipment itself for that one person we're going to be doing it and so all you would do is just simply take a picture of it and then go to YouTube find that make and model and then just watch the training video on that particular piece of equipment what does Ross stand for do you remember return Xbox and circulation teaching 17 Euros they have no idea what that means it's in parentheses what's on your paper what does raw stand for close return the pulse returns so when the American Heart Association is saying all these terms as an instructor we have to actually break these terms down so that our student and that way it makes it it makes it more more relatable all right so we talked about AED we talked about CNB we talked about loss ventricular fibrillation is one of those abnormal heart rhythms that the heart will go in and that's when the person will usually collapse without an EKG without medical um you know equipment they're on site that's what we use the AED for the AED determines whether or not this person's in a shockable rhythm and if they're harsh as quivering it's going to deliver it's going to let you know to deliver a shot so that we can try to reorganize that energy to help you pass your test as a term that I want you to a word I want you to write down actually a whole sentence the AED normalizes an abnormal heart rhythm so that's the goal when it sends that shock it's to try to reorganize that energy that's right now disorganized we'll talk about children and infants whenever we get to that point in the video do you have any questions on what we've covered so far for adults and this is just a preview review before we actually press play all right awesome let's go and press play any notes you write you can utilize on your test and then we will of course allow you to access your ebook yeah all right so Matthew there's two different tracks and this is important because pre-hospital would be paramedics EMTs firefighters Etc somebody who would more than likely be performing CPR on the ground in facility provider would be someone who's performing CPR on a bed it actually has a bad there so today during our class Tony we're going to use these tables as our simulated hospital beds if you cannot compress deeply enough on the hospital bed that's when we're going to actually go to the floor okay and then just FYI just extra information your hospital beds will usually have a CPR mode so if your patient's up comfortable in the bed elevated there's going to be a lever you can pull flattens the bed you call the cold you lower the rail on the side nearest you the air escapes the mattress you get on top of the bed and start doing your compressions while you're waiting for your team members to come with a backboard what you don't want to do is just stand there and do nothing right okay any given day and at any time you can encounter a victim of cardiac arrest because about every 90 seconds a person dies of sudden cardiac arrest but with the training you received today your actions can give a victim the best chance of survival sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs without warning or within just a few minutes after symptoms appear the term heart attack is often mistakenly used to describe Cardiac Arrest although a heart attack may cause cardiac arrest and sudden death they are different conditions but it's important to call emergency services for both there's more information on the differences between heart attack and cardiac arrest in your provider manual throughout today's course we'll review the BLS skills you have learned previously including adult BLS child BLS infant BLS use of an AED and high performance teams in this video we'll revisit each skill and use practice while watching where you'll practice along with the video before you're tested on adult and infant BLS skills you'll have plenty of time to practice first let's talk about the two adult chains of survival one is for out of Hospital cardiac arrest and one is for in-hospital cardiac arrest both chains have six links but the links differ slightly both chains include activation of the emergency response system high quality CPR early defibrillation post Cardiac Arrest care which may be provided in the cath lab or the Intensive Care Unit and Recovery for the in-hospital chain the difference is the first link it focuses on early recognition and prevention of cardiac arrest with patient monitoring and assessment and if necessary rapid response by the medical emergency team when a patient's condition starts to deteriorate for the out of Hospital chain the difference is the fourth link which focuses on Advanced resuscitation in this link a multi-rescuer team arrives and takes over CPR and may perform additional Advanced interventions in this practice session you'll check for scene safety check for responsiveness practice chest compressions and provide breaths by using your pocket mask with a one-way valve you'll practice while watching by doing three sets of 30 compressions with two breaths have students position themselves at the side of their mannequins per the video instructions tell them that they will practice the entire one rescuer adult BOS sequence including scene safety and assessment and three sets of 30 compressions with two breaths at the end of each set of compressions and tell students to compress at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute making sure compressions are at least two inches or five centimeters deep and allowing complete chest recoil right so then it talks about the steps now what's good is that once he stands up and we make sure that he knows how to work the equipment we can press play but then we're following along and these are what the expectations are and so as far as getting your equipment out for adults um for the one rescue adult BLS we know to have our adult mannequin in our pocket mask what happens with new instructors is you want to teach too much too soon and you want to pull out the AED that's going to totally confuse your students right now it's just one mannequin one pocket mask with a one-way valve um before you're bad because we may have to come over and help people why did you put your bag in this other chair that's a nice bag all right and so I'm going to take this chair away and now when you stand up just put your chair over some because you want to make sure that we allow you to get to your kitchen if you'll move your mannequin closer to you and then let's go ahead and pre-assemble your pocket mask with your one-way valve so if you're just going to open up that plastic I know right pressure all eyes on you right now awesomeness before I first play on the video he's into my knowledge or spend two may know how to work the equipment all right so hand placement don't compress on the throat don't compress on the xiphoid process we can actually damage or break ribs you don't want to break the xyflow process the very end of the breastbone because their liver system needs it and we can lacerate the liver so while we're saving Our Lives they're hemorrhaging internally we don't want that so pretend a person has a perfect nipple line You'll interlock your hands okay and then because I'm on the elevated surface awesome go ahead and press down and then bring your shoulders over and press straight down you want to hear a click awesome and then when you release we call that chest recoil the benefit of chest recoil is because you allow the hard time to refill with blood so if you always apply pressure you're doing a whole bunch of work but the heart can't move enough to get any blood back into the chambers all right so now that light that was splashing indicates we were going way too slow all right so now if you give me 30 compressions let's go one two three four perfect seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen one twenty four twenty three twenty four twenty five 26 27 28 29. great job you got two likes throughout now you get 10 seconds to give two breath we're gonna put that Mouse down head tilt chin lift give a breath I'm gonna watch for chest rise so really put your mouth on you give a breath one good and now release and so now your brain get some air for yourself and then go back down again and give your second breath two pause and so as soon as you see chest rise you can stop okay and so now that he has practiced everything now I'm gonna watch you as you watch him because the video is practiced while watching okay so he knows how to use everything he has to say and do everything the animated character on the TV says and does um would you show me how to check the Carotid pulse because I did not have you do that on the side nearest you so usually with your left hand and I'm going to touch you and I'll give you sanitizer left hand down and then that allows you to look at the chest simultaneously all right because you have to look at the chest I see you looking here bring your eyes this way so you're feeling for the pulse and you're looking for chest rise on your translation how many seconds no more than 10. I'm watching you as you watch him you'll press play or DVD players three seconds in no well three seconds he could have a really shallow pulse or really you want to give them an opportunity to prove they're dead before you crack their ribs do that full assessments all right and so then once once you press play the focus is n't they're supposed to be doing and if you need to pause the video because maybe he's not going at the same Pace you can pause the video okay everything it does you have to do here we go in three two one no shout hey are you okay are you okay are you okay are you okay help someone help someone help okay okay help the pulse activate the emergency response and get an AED give me AED please [Music] good chest surprise I'll wait for the video yes [Music] all right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 good good job proud of both of you all very good great job all right so at this point your students welcome to have a seat and then I'll pass High School and then you're welcome so what I do after you saying it it's accessing us if they have any questions and give them an opportunity to write down whatever notes notes okay are there any notes that you want to write do you have any questions about one rescue or review I think I'm good okay and video purposes we sat down after the recycles what would you do in the real world yeah you keep going and that's a good question correct what's the same it comes on sale while I'm continuous verbalize it or do I need to stop and get them out okay if you can you can yes you think about Max casualty incident or where there's a lot of people who are injured the person who's in Cardiac Arrest would not be the priority we have to get those people who have more of a chance at survival just get them out first okay um in Laurel Hospital a provider could pronounce death like a doctor after we do this for about 10-15 minutes we know if we keep going it's a possibility we can get their heart by going but what's going to be the brain function by that point okay yes and then the last time that we'll stop for one of the last times is if they achieved rosk and what does Rock stand for it's awesome and tell me what's the next thing yes we did that so now oh here it is so we're gonna try to read it out yes all right the video we'll show and discuss aedus including AED special considerations such as if the person has a hairy chest is immersion is immersed in water or has water covering the chest has an implanted defibrillator or a pacemaker has a transdermal medication patch or any other object on the surface of skin where the AED pads need to be placed is it infant or child less than eight years of age and is it pregnant awesome okay and so your Press Play the video doesn't pause on its own so if we don't catch in time it's going to go straight to rescue breaths it's not the end of the world you can deposit late or show rescue rubs too and then whenever the student stands up we'll review the AED and rescue reps okay and I'll be back in to help so remember press play and then you just won't let the video play so you're still seated for like two more minutes in this section we will cover use of an AED and a bag mask device aeds vary according to the model but all operate in basically the same way you must be familiar with the AED used in your particular setting the four Universal steps for operating an AED are as follows power on the AED and follow the AED prompts attach the AED pads to the victim's bare chest follow the placement diagrams on the pads the AED will prompt you to clear the victim so that it can analyze the heart rhythm if the AED advises a shock it will tell you to clear the victim if no shock is needed and after any shot delivery immediately resume CPR starting with chest compressions you'll need to consider a few special situations when using an AED first if the person's chest is so hairy that the pads can't adhere to the skin you may quickly shave the area if a razor is provided if no razor is provided and you have two sets of pads apply one set to the hairy chest if the chest hair prevents the pads from contacting the skin the AED should tell you to check the pads if it does press them down more firmly if they still aren't sticking rip the pads off forcefully removing the chest hair then apply a new set of pads to the bare skin excessive water on the victim's chest can also be a problem it could allow the shock to travel through the water between the pads ultimately preventing delivery of an effective shock dose to the victim's heart if a victim is lying in water quickly move them to a dry area before using an AED but if the victim is lying on snow or in a small puddle you can use the AED and if the chest is covered with water or sweat wipe it off before attaching the AED pads but wipe the chest quickly it doesn't have to be completely dry some people have an implanted pacemaker or defibrillator in the same place where you would put the AED pads these devices look like a round or Square lump that's smaller than a deck of cards if you see this lump avoid putting a pad directly over it also don't place a pad directly over a medicine patch if a medicine patch is located where you need to place a pad take the patch off and quickly wipe the chest before applying the pad if the victim is wearing an undergarment containing metal be sure to apply the AED pads on bare skin avoiding contact with the Garment you should familiarize yourself with the AED model in your workplace regardless of the type of AED remember to turn it on First and follow the audible prompts that will lead you through the rest of the steps AED kits may include additional Emergency Equipment such as scissors razors wipes gloves and a barrier device these items may also be found in a separate emergency or first aid kit we'll pause here to allow you to get familiar with the AED in your class today your instructor will show you all that's included in the kit and demonstrate the correct way to place the pads on a victim effects there was a situation a video did not cover can you use an AED on a pregnant mother when in doubt save lives yes whatever damage you think the AED that shot could cause to the baby right now Mom's heart it's not Contracting so the placenta isn't receiving any blood so the baby's dying okay yes why are women more likely to die if they sustain sudden Cardiac Arrest outside of a hospital there's something about our anatomy okay you're interested in knowing your breasts oh breasts okay whenever you watch TV shows if someone goes into study Mark arresting you should always show men but they're not telling you is that women and men suffer starting sudden empirical arrests at the same race 50 and 50. it's like so women are also dying from Sudden crack arrest but if they're around men men are less likely to touch the chest or expose the chest if they don't expose the chest guess what never gets applied so as a safety manager as someone who's going to be teaching CPR in the community in the future you still want to be teaching those men that the good Samarian law will protect them if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing and nine-on-ones on the phone right they can still perform chest compressions on top of clothing okay if they don't feel comfortable exposing the chest keep doing high quality CPR on top of clothing and when those Advanced Rescuers arrive they can expose the chest and apply the pads if no one does anything what's going to happen to that woman's chance of survival gosh okay all right so and you're welcome to um stay seated for right now AED what's the first thing we do in the garage to the scene power it on I don't like talking over it so I'm going to talk through it first and then I'll allow you to practice with it all right so we're going to power it on it's going to tell us um after we power it on we need to listen our device is going to say apply the pads and your paths have the illustration it has an illegal diagram it tells you how to place the pads you peel and stick peel and stick for classroom purposes I don't care if you pill it doesn't matter if you want to peel you can it's just sometimes if you don't peel this one starts sliding right okay so we're going to avoid the nipple peel and stick avoid the nipple peel and stick the strongest part of the heart is that the base or that crease is so you don't want the pad so far down like towards the stomach you want it near the crease of the breast yes our new box is then going to say it's going to be flashing and this is where you connect it it is now analyzing it's trying to determine if the person's immature with fibrillation or another shockable rhythm if we're touching it's going to pick up our normal rhythm so whenever um it's analyzing we say the word clear everyone say clear clear and that means no one should be touching if you're working like a warehouse or a place where people they're not a lot of First Responders or medical personnel we're using the AED as if it's a manual defibrillator like what we have in hospitals where you see like the paddles we don't use paddles anymore we use pads but that's a person who's operating everything with the American Heart Association they have us using an AED as if it's a manual defibrillator so this is going to tell you um shock advised do not touch the victim but if you're a BLS provider that means that you're like a professional rescuer you're supposed to go back and do compressions while it's charging okay so when it's analyzing clear when it's charging compress if you're compressing and I press this button are you going to like me no no so before we press this button because it's going to start flashing and let us know it's fully charged we have to say clear that means anyone who's touching the purse in the bed wherever they are need to back away the operator of the AED presses the shock button there's no residual charge we go right back into chest compression Okay so come on over here [Music] all right so I'm going to be The Rescuer who's doing chest impressions you are the person who just brought the AED to the scene you are the operator of the AED I only listen to you I don't listen to the AED because in the real world and the hospitals are machines on top that's true yes and so you're watching him okay all right so AED arrives I'm doing chest compressions flashing light [Music] pads plug-in connector ready do not touch the patient shock advised all right go ahead continue press the orange button then shock delivery it's not too fast there you go great job available great job all right so do you know the name of that tone um that's your phone so metronome what's the purpose of the metronome is to tell you exactly how fast or slow to go very good comes with compressions would you tell him for classroom purposes only returning off the 80s yeah [Music] it's going to reanalyze every two minutes okay and so um they can keep these on till they get to their destination their destination for you if you're um at the job site EMT right okay the EMT is going to keep these paths going all the way throughout until they get them to the hospital so every time they get to another level of care that agency that organization puts on their AED and we're going to keep this on until we can figure out the cause of the arrest um and so until we can prevent a rearrest if you have any questions as an instructor if you have any questions as a student no so don't tell them to stop while I'm applying the past yeah I need to work Arts yeah yeah it's like you want to keep doing this compression yeah so that matters in order to do that it's like tell them perfect okay so you were like really close in Intimate remember your work area because as a BLS instructor you can teach heart saver students and so if you're teaching lay persons those people who are not professional Rescuers do not confuse their lives have them use the AED exactly as it states right okay but if you start teaching your safety professionals those managers who would have to manage incidents they need to work as a team keep doing those compressions while someone's applying those assets okay and then same thing for you when you're out there teaching know your audience and if it's hard saver just as stated okay very good let's have a seat great job remain seated people who doesn't want to make sure that he has room and now so much because the next segment will be reps okay now he has room to actually practice behind you ventilation is critical to successful high quality CPR especially in respiratory related emergencies such as drowning anaphylaxis and asthma guidelines recommend against excessive ventilation during CPR and research suggests that some Rescuers are less confident and less effective when using a bag mask device on their own without assistance because using a bag mask device is such an important skill and is common in the healthcare setting we'll work on it now bag mask devices consist of a ventilation bag and a face mask and they come in a variety of sizes you can also use supplemental oxygen with a bag mask device to begin position yourself directly above the person's head you'll use the EC clamp technique to hold the mask in place to do this apply the mask by first placing the cushion at the narrow end of the Mask onto the bridge of the person's nose then lower the mask fully onto the face watching for the cushion to bulge as it initially seals against the face form a c with the thumb and index finger of one hand and press down on the Dome of the Mask toward the face to further seal the rim of the mask the remaining three fingers of that same hand should form an e to reach past the edge of the Mask along the Bony rim of the jaw to tilt the head back lift the jaw toward the mask and open the airway make sure you squeeze the mask with your thumb and index finger while lifting the jaw to achieve an airtight seal between the mask and the face and squeeze the bag with your other hand or push it against your leg or body if the chest doesn't rise with each breath you're not providing adequate breaths if you don't get chest rise readjust the mask reposition the head and neck and try again to ventilate and then only if necessary administer a larger amount of air just enough to get chest rise the critical points of delivering breaths remain the same for the bag Mass device as for the pocket mask two breaths are given with each breath given over one second after every set of 30 compressions be sure to deliver each breath over one second with just enough volume to make the chest rise delivering breaths in this way will reduce the chance of gastric inflation or air going into the person's stomach instead of the lungs gastric inflation can cause vomiting and possible aspiration if you have multiple Rescuers the most effective way to deliver breaths with the bag mask device is to use the two-person technique one rescuer focuses on keeping the airway open and securing the mask while a second rescuer squeezes the bag to deliver breaths just enough to cause the chest to rise the first rescuer will use both hands to seal the mask to the person's face and lift the jaw the thumbs and index fingers of both hands each form a c to seal the mask against the face and the three remaining fingers of each hand will form an e for lifting both sides of the jaw into the mask be careful not to press too hard on the mask which could push the jaw down and block the airway now it's time to practice the one rescuer bag mask technique so that in a few minutes we can combine it with compressions to work on a two rescuer sequence we'll pause here to get into position so now according to your lesson plan where you have your student positioned okay so you're gonna have to position yourself at the head of the patient there and so remember both over here because your focus is student okay so if you would just want to read it now before you go over there so you're going to place the mask on the victim's face using the bridge of the nose as a guide for correct position use the EC clamp technique to hold the mask in place while you lift the jaw to hold the airway open what his positioning too much feedback so you want to be able to do it so you don't want to do too much and gastric inflation like would you have a Sac so let's try to do it may end up hurting because you'd be in this position for about two or more minutes and yes so your posture and body mechanics is all for it and make sure there's three fingers on the bottom make sure you have a good day soon keep it open keep the airway open and you're going to press play and you're going to watch him as he watches the video now that we're ready let's practice using the bag mask device follow along with the video here we go in three two one give two breaths watch for chest rise make sure you dispatch give two breaths over one second there you go just like someone's breathing give two breaths it's very good two breaths and give two breaths two good remember if you don't get that chest rise you can reposition you can lift it open a little bit more make sure you have a good rest stop press it up we don't press down too much all right okay perfect so your students will look at you until you tell them what to do and usually once that video pauses after they've practiced they can always have a seat [Music] if you need anything I'll be in the next room but it's literally they're going to talk about um breaths with the um they're going to talk about mouth to mouth and then after that there's going to be a team um two Rescuers you're going to be rescuing number two okay and he'll be rescued number one foreign let's move into special considerations in this lesson we focus on mouth-to-mouth breaths rescue breathing breaths with an advanced Airway opioid Associated life-threatening emergencies and maternal cardiac arrest this section shows how to give mouth-to-mouth breaths when a barrier device isn't available mouth-to-mouth breathing is a quick and effective way to provide oxygen to a victim each Breath You Take contains about 21 oxygen when you provide a rescue breath that breath contains about 17 oxygen this is why rescue breaths are effective in providing oxygen let's go through the steps to deliver mouth-to-mouth breaths start by holding the person's airway open with a head tilt chin lift with your hand on the forehead use your thumb and index finger to pinch the nose closed now take a regular breath and seal your lips around the person's mouth creating an airtight seal give one breath blowing for about one second watch for the chest to rise as you give the breath if the chest doesn't rise repeat the head tilt chin lift give a second breath blowing for one second while watching for the chest to rise if you can't ventilate the person after two attempts check for an airway obstruction but then promptly return to chest compressions make sure you give each breath over one second and deliver air just until you make the person's chest rise today we've looked mostly at the procedures you should perform when someone does not have a pulse but you should also know what to do if someone has a pulse but is not breathing effectively when that happens Rescuers should give breaths without chest compressions this is known as rescue breathing for adults give one rescue breath every six seconds also give each breath over one second and make sure that each breath results in visible chest rise during rescue breathing you should also check the person's pulse about every two minutes all right so you can position yourself over here right with the bag valve do you think the same thing we just love yourself okay so you already did this so this is pretty much the only difference that you have to use every six seconds so so yeah get ready begin in three two one give one breath that's good 39 give one breath give one breath give one breath give one breath [Music] give one breath [Music] give one breath um give one breath give one breath perfect that's good what happened what happened so what happens after two minutes so you do the rest of your breathing for two minutes and what do you do now what do you change oh false yes all right we're gonna any questions Matthew um nope am I allowed to start the next video that's a good job excellent can I start with the infant cell no you know yeah it says Rusty reading but then it says discuss and the master's practice of the set for following risk for being for infants and children so like it's right underneath the restroom it's going to show it later okay and we'll show it later okay um thank you for pointing that out if you voted down this page we did that now turn high performance teams Advanced yeah okay thank you so much so what event stairway does the video not cover what's the one the one uh the trade so the video doesn't remember so if someone has a trade right here I'm like a cup right here yeah it goes back to their lungs and so say something you go across patient that has that so it usually that's the best Airway so so this mass will come off and this they usually I think it's a universal fit I forgot the fit but it usually will fit into the the actual tube that comes out okay and you're gonna do rest your breathing just like you would once every six seconds okay and you can do it continuously as they're doing compressions whichever we're talking about in this video I'm so proud of you I know right now great job excellent excellent another way to deliver breaths is with an advanced Airway devices such as laryngeal mask Airways supraglottic Airway devices and endotracheal tubes are types of advanced Airways that are more secure for providing breaths these devices help prevent gastric inflation and Airway obstruction placing these devices requires special training that we won't cover in this course but you should know how to get breasts when an advanced Airway is in place when you provide CPR to someone with an advanced Airway the ratio of compressions to breaths changes instead of providing 30 compressions in two breaths you'll perform continual compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute while another rescuer gives rescue breaths in other words when an advanced Airway is in place you won't pause compressions to give breaths this goes for victims of all ages and not causing compressions allows blood flow to the heart and brain to remain high an opioid Associated life-threatening emergency is do you have any questions on the advanced Stairway to continue to go to opioid Advanced Airways is not only for medical professionals no sir you could come across anything like say like they could um oh yeah it could I guess it would be from a medical professional say you're in a hospital [Music] yeah the traits though you could see anybody with that right and you could come across that and you know yeah you take this off you attach it you do that but is our Hospital yeah the other tubes are in the hospital where they would do you would do the same thing but with those and you continuously give breaths as a good decompression perfect okay and do you have any more questions no actually some condition that might weaken or stop a person's breathing while they still have a pulse opioids are medications used primarily for pain relief in high doses these medications can cause a person to stop breathing or can even cause death naloxone is a medication that can reverse the effects of opioids and may restore normal breathing common ways to give naloxone are intravenous intramuscular and intranasal if you suspect an opioid Associated life-threatening emergency in an adult who is unresponsive and isn't breathing normally but has a pulse you should give one rescue breath every six seconds then if your local protocol allows give naloxone but do not delay breasts to give naloxone if the person does not have a pulse you may give naloxone after starting CPR but do not delay compressions for further information on opioid Associated life-threatening emergencies please consult your provider manual what is an naloxone treating so naloxone is another name for it is I don't know if you've heard this Narcan yeah so this is a Narcan Administration device for your nose okay so you so if you suspect an opioid emergency like the guy overdose or anybody knows you can do this and you push into it like that okay you have to hold it a certain amount so um yeah it'll go in and it'll stay in because it seems only okay um art on training advice that the puncher comes back out you do got to be ready though because when you give it to them they could wake up very very fast because it binds to those receptors and it just reverses the effects of opioids really quick and it would give them breathing again but you do have to monitor them after of course if you give it you have to keep you have to assess their breathing assess their pulse if it doesn't work first time all the time especially if you're in a hospital could be a lot more you can keep going in days like it is a very long process but so a great problem or how do I move going hope you have history of this person you could just be walking down the street and maybe see drug paraphernalia right sometimes especially if they're in a drug clinic or something they're actually discharged with Narcan a lot of your communities when they have people who are using drugs and legal drugs they just start Mass flooding the community with narcanic so if the person isn't Cardiac Arrest Narcan is Dutch but if you suspect or if you just happen to have some Narcan on you because you're in those communities if you give it and they don't need it it doesn't hurt but if you have some boxes but still breathing you have you have in Narcan you just never know who's on drugs give me one more questions oh if you have to use it make sure you have an hour on the phone because he missed it in hospital and hospital will usually give IB okay yes cardiac arrest and someone who's pregnant can come with heightened anxiety because two lives are at stake in addition some Rescuers may be unfamiliar with handling the visible anatomy of a pregnant woman the best outcome for both the mother and the baby depends on BLS Rescuers summoning help providing high quality CPR and using an AED without delay compressions ventilation and AED use are mostly unchanged if the abdomen is visibly rounded an additional help is available Rescuers should manually displace the rounded abdomen to the mother's left side during compressions to help with blood flow to the heart more information is available in your provider manual so is that assuming you want to push the baby to the left yeah so let's see okay so pause so if you like to see they're pregnant obviously and there's an extra person with you you can move this to the left because I think it's because there's a the vein that goes to the heart the inferior vena cava you're pushing the bait like the uterus is heavy and it's putting pressure on that so it's causing less blood to go to the heart okay so if you admit if somebody's there to manually displace the uterus to the left away from it then that's good you have more blood flow to the heart you know better like better outcomes all right perfect for your job and you keep doing those high quality compressions and when a paramedics come they will displace the abdomen okay so don't forget it because some people just gonna be so afraid we're just getting them to do chest compressions and not worry about holding mom's belly we're okay with that perfect and then after this pauses the Team Dynamics is going to say high performance team activity but it's going to say optional we don't do that if that's part of his role at his job when we're teaching we would actually teach it because I'm teaching a hospital they have to work to go as a team around the bed for him he would not play it just go down and go straight to Pediatrics okay I just want to say optional and then it's going to say Pediatrics okay okay what you're about to see will include the portrayal of advanced life support skills as a BLS provider you may be on a team with Advanced life support providers but rest assured those skills are not part of this training however no matter the skill procedure or equipment used in a resuscitation event BLS must continue successful teams not only have medical expertise and Mastery of resuscitation skills but they also practice good communication skills and adhere to the key Elements of Effective Team Dynamics Team Dynamics is an element of high performance teams and can be broken down into three categories roles and responsibilities what to communicate and how to communicate clear roles and responsibilities should be immediately established by the team leader or the first rescuer on the scene when all team members know their roles and responsibilities during a resuscitation attempt the team functions smoothly the ideal situation is when multiple Rescuers work as a team to perform all the needed roles in a resuscitation attempt this figure identifies six possible team roles for a resuscitation note that some roles are typically performed by Advanced providers if enough Rescuers are present each rescuer takes a role if the team has fewer than six Rescuers some team members may be assigned more than one role some roles have a higher priority than others the compressor assesses the victim and stays next to the victim's chest to perform chest compressions when giving compressions Rescuers should switch compressors after every five cycles of CPR about every two minutes or sooner if tired the rescue were positioned by the victim's head maintains an open Airway and delivers breaths while watching for chest rise and avoiding excessive ventilation the team member ID or the monitor defibrillator can also serve as a CPR coach the role of the CPR coach is to focus on team members performance of high quality CPR and to provide feedback as needed during the resuscitation attempt every resuscitation team must have a defined leader who assigns roles and makes treatment decisions often the team leader will be at the foot of the victim however the team leader may move around to observe and evaluate the skills of the team and to provide feedback when needed the timer recorder keeps a record of the events that occur including frequency and duration of interruptions and chest compressions time of shock delivery and medication administration when only two Rescuers are present they typically take the roles of compressor and Airway with one of them also covering monitor defibrillator and team leader if three Rescuers are present they take positions around the victim in the three critical roles compressor Airway and monitor defibrillator every member of the team should know his or her limitations team members should ask for assistance and advice early not when a situation deteriorates I'm getting pretty tired of these compressions I'm gonna need some help after this so sometimes a team member or the team leader may need to correct actions that are incorrect or inappropriate it's important to be tactful especially if you need to correct a colleague before they make a mistake and now you're too fast Target your heart rate is 110. the next category is what to communicate knowledge sharing and summarizing information are critical components of effective team performance team leaders should review what's happened and ask for ideas and observations from team members you're given one dose of fbiv okay so uh anybody have any ideas on what else we can try with this patient the last category is how to communicate closed-loop communication is the process of verifying that the message sent was received as intended it also verifies that any assigned tasks have been completed so Scott why don't you give one milligram of epinephrine one milligram epinephrine IV in addition to using closed loop communication teams should use Clear messaging to help prevent misunderstandings teams that work together frequently can create terms or phrases that have specific meaning for them to ensure Clarity among members 145. okay let's go ahead and charge us charging we have good pulses with CPR okay our show finally teams need to communicate with respect speak to each other in a professional manner regardless of scope of practice or expertise resuscitation events are stressful and emotions can run High understand that this is the nature of CPR and remain focused on the life you're trying to save a high performing team achieves specific performance metrics including a high chest compression fraction or CCF PCF is the amount of time spent doing high quality chest compressions during a cardiac arrest resuscitation attempt you can only achieve a high CCF by eliminating pauses during high quality CPR the resuscitation outcomes Consortium trials or Rock trials showed that a 10 increase in CCF is roughly equal to an 11 increase in survival pauses typically occur during intubation Rhythm analysis pulse checks compressor switches and defibrillation we'll address some best practices for eliminating pauses in some of these areas but you'll also need to measure high quality CPR metrics at your own place of practice to identify other areas where pauses exist you cannot improve what you do not measure whenever compressions are paused compressors should hover their hands over the chest and be prepared to resume compressions as a BLS provider you may notice that advanced providers check for a pulse pre-charge the defibrillator and prepare to deliver a shock about 15 seconds before pausing compressions at the end of each two-minute cycle when using an AED the prompts will instruct you when to pause for example during Rhythm analysis or shock delivery switch compressors with the second compressor coming in from behind the first this allows the second compressor to have the same view of the team and in particular of the 80d or defibrillator for seamless transitions switching between Cycles every two minutes is best however if a compressor needs to switch because of fatigue coordinate the switch to happen as fluidly as possible such as while delivering breaths three two one switch it's a best practice to use real-time feedback devices during CPR however if a feedback device isn't available a metronome can help establish the proper rate if your AED or defibrillator doesn't have a metronome you can download a metronome app to your mobile device before the conclusion of this course it's not enough to know what to do or even how to do it to obtain the best results your team must perform both the what and the how flawlessly that requires practice and effective practice requires measurement but measurement is only effective if you debrief the team set goals to improve and practice more again you cannot improve what you do not measure for more information on how your team can implement this type of program talk to your instructor if you have any other questions for child CPR okay so we're gonna do you have any questions no no I'm good we'll get on the CCF do you understand that where I know yeah I know that's probably gonna do that was good to me too yeah I broke down okay the higher CCF the better it is because it's more Impressions right you don't want to don't want to do now that we've covered adult BLS let's discuss BLS for children it may be difficult to imagine a child being a victim of cardiac arrest but it certainly happens pediatric cardiac arrest isn't as common as adult cardiac arrest in adults the cause of cardiac arrest is often cardiac related but in children and infants Cardiac Arrest is often due to respiratory problems such as Airway obstruction drowning opioid overdose or seizures BLS for children is unique in certain ways as can be seen in the chains of survival in adults Cardiac Arrest is often sudden and results from a cardiac cause in children Cardiac Arrest is often secondary to respiratory failure identifying children with these problems is essential in reducing the likelihood of pediatric cardiac arrest and improving chances of survival and Recovery like the adult chains of survival the Pediatric chains have six links both pediatric chains include prevention of cardiac arrest activation of the emergency response system high quality CPR Advanced resuscitation post Cardiac Arrest care and Recovery in a hospital setting the difference is the first link it focuses on early recognition and prevention of cardiac arrest which emphasizes patient monitoring and assessment high quality CPR for children includes these critical characteristics push hard and fast compress at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute with a depth of at least one-third the depth of the child's chest that's approximately five centimeters or two inches and the chest must recoil completely between compressions minimize interruptions and compressions to 10 seconds or less give effective breaths that make the chest rise and avoid excessive ventilation if a child has an adequate pulse but isn't breathing normally you'll have to give rescue breaths deliver one breath every two to three seconds which is about 20 to 30 breaths per minute remember when you're performing compressions on a child it's fine to use one or two hands whichever works for you and allows you to provide deep effective compressions now let's combine the blf skills that you learned for adults with the differences we just reviewed to practice BLS for children for this session we'll practice two rescuer child CPR by using a 15 to 2 compression to ventilation ratio one person will provide compressions while the other delivers breaths with a bag mask device switching roles every two minutes or sooner if the compressor becomes fatigued he says as students to position themselves in Santa's mannequin that part um okay so can you set the thermostat all right you will practice each roll the two rest of your child the osc goats and I will be rescue two you'll be arrested for one and we're gonna switch roles so what's the ratio of those two Rescuers for child CPR 15 and two yep all right so with an adult it's always 30 30 even if there's two infants and Childs which what is the age for a child so like when is someone considered an adult now [Music] so that would be that's when you're doing Special adults okay all right so we're going to do this so 15 to two all right and we're good foreign so let's count down to compressions and get started with two rescuer of CPR for children starting with scene assessment to stay together follow the prompts on the screen let's go in three two one hey are you okay are you okay are you okay are you okay to make the emergency response and get an AED please provided pulse check run it pulse check rescue number two go ahead and put that mask on there's no breathing one two three four five six seven eight nine hours 10 11 12 13 14 15. don't go too far back there we go good let's go questions and two great job and so what we would do in our classes is we were like hey let's do a switch for what you're supposed to do you see that little recycle button whenever it pops up now you're supposed to switch roles and then hit that button and then that way he can put a card all right there we go yes same thing and so rescue number two super important um as I was saying before as soon as you put that mask um so once you put it on keep the airway open so if you open close open close you're actually decreasing you're causing inflammation and you're decreasing the size of the airway okay because we know that what pediatric Rescuers we need to keep that Airway painted keep it open so you keep it open and hold it open the entire time I was also talking about AMS instructor that isn't good I don't know if I should be telling people this or not but we like to always keep it open just because it does like even though you're doing community compressions there's like a certain like yes residual area yeah I can remind them of that the fact that the child's area is so small that every time they open and close they're building that they're just making the airway smaller okay all right so let's count down to compressions and get started with two rescuer CPR for children starting with scene assessment to stay together follow the prompts on the screen let's go in three two one all right hey all right okay are you okay activate the emergency response and get an AEP yeah 9 10 11 12 13 14 on the same count with the video okay you just we just pause and just over with the video [Music] great job guys thank you that's great job question all right do you have any questions I don't no do you think you got it oh yeah that's good I said 15 too and if there's like a really small child it does say like one arm Google Assistant you have to make sure you get that one third of the chest yeah okay it's a kid you know what I mean I was just about to say can I just go by how big they are yeah like it's it's subjective it's not always like the same thing I mean you could have a 10 year old kid that's huge yeah exactly that's not if you're like unique you need to do you got a compression so what I'd like to think of Tony is when in doubt treat them like an adult perfect if you can't tell because I'm going to talk about infants next if you can't tell if it's an infant or one-year-old to like a one-year-old you do more than less yes ma'am okay can you do I mean on like a one or two year old so that one-year-old would be I'm sorry less than one would be but you have some big one-year-olds yes so when in doubt I'm not sure if I'm getting one-third you can switch to the higher level technique okay did that make sense yes that's a big one Euro that's a big 11 month old and you're doing this no go ahead and use the palm of your hand if you have to is there any signs let's say if it is and you go to the full one when they're going to talk about the infants because it wouldn't be two hands okay yeah or you want to do two thumbs or you can do two fingers so I think yeah but um yeah just so we we're teaching you backwards we talk to adults we teach you child we teach you infant someone brings you a baby big baby yeah you don't feel like you're getting it there we go yes great job your bags are behind the baby and our babies are sometimes a booger to work with so if you don't see chest rise and fall and usually you're going to select your stomach moment if you don't see it pretend like you did okay because we bought them for the manufacturer like this and it was hard and then like okay that's my disclaimer for TV world all right we're gonna start this video rescuing an infant can feel completely different from rescuing an adult but the principles of CPR for infants who are younger than one-year-old are essentially the same as for adults there are just a few differences but those differences are significant so let's take things in the same order we used for adult BLS right now we'll talk about the skills for one and two rescuer infant CPR first if the cardiac arrest is witnessed check the infant for a response and breathing if it is unresponsive and isn't breathing or is only gasping send someone to activate the emergency response system and get an AED if you're alone and don't have a mobile phone take the infant with you to phone emergency services or if necessary leave the infant and find a phone but if no one witnessed the infant's collapse and there's no response or breathing check for a brachial pulse immediately if you do not detect the pulse perform two minutes of compressions and breathing before activating emergency response if it hasn't already been activated if an infant has an adequate pulse but isn't breathing normally rescue breaths may be required deliver one breath every two to three seconds which is about 20 to 30 breaths per minute to check an infant's brachial pulse first place two or three fingers on the inside of the upper arm between the elbow and shoulder then press your index and middle fingers gently against the inside of the upper arm for at least five seconds and no more than 10 seconds if there is no pulse or if the heart rate is less than 60 per minute with signs of poor perfusion despite adequate oxygenation begin CPR to begin CPR there are two options for hand and finger placement when performing compressions on an infant the first technique is to place the tips of your two fingers on the sternum or breastbone in the center of the infant's chest just below the nipple line but be careful not to press on the bottom of the breastbone the other is the two thumb encircling hands technique Place both thumbs side by side in the center of the infant's chest on the lower half of the breastbone in very small infants your thumbs May overlap don't apply any pressure on the tip of the breastbone now encircle the infant's chest and support the back with the fingers of both of your hands in this position both thumbs will be used to depress the breastbone whether using the two finger or two thumb and circling hands technique once in the correct position push hard and fast to a depth of at least one third the depth of the chest or approximately one and a half inches or four centimeters and the rate needs to be at least 100 to 120 compressions per minute after each compression allow the chest to recoil completely as we get ready to practice infant chest compressions remember these key points deliver compressions at the rate of 100 to 120 per minute make sure the depth of the compressions is at least one third the depth of the chest or approximately one and a half inches or four centimeters allow the chest to completely recoil after each compression and count out loud as you deliver 30 compressions so let's get into position to practice compressions do you have any questions all right so this one is 30 kind of pressures what did I miss such a difference between the 15 and two so single rescuer or two Rescuers so if it's just you just you just so if a single rescuer is always 30 to two no matter what age it's the only thing when you get to two Rescuers from infants and child it's going to be evicting too and it talked about compression techniques so there are a couple there's this which I personally never don't like doing when I practice Yeah Yeah so I always do this so the thumb is a lot easier same compression rate questions okay and then one more thing this video is going to have a pause after 30 compressions you would not pause in the real world unless you were given breaths okay okay and it makes sense once you press the on the video okay dealing with I haven't practiced before the video or no no okay and um I don't know if you thought the thing about saying stuff it's like the heart rate's under 60 or do you see side if you understand that so I need to be counting while um yeah do you have any questions do you think it like it's too slow it's like it's not even one time a second well if you don't ever get that and you see like blue hands and like sign up like cyanosis like on the extremities it's blue maybe doesn't look like they're like like getting confusion okay you start CPR even though they have a little bit of a boss this is not enough to keep them alive as an infant all right okay all right so we're gonna do your practice for watching let's go in three two one 30. [Music] okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen fifteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty four twenty two twenty three points good job all right all right good job foreign now it's time to practice two rescuer infant CPR but before we begin let's note a couple of differences between one rescuer and two rescuer infant CPR one difference is the hand and finger placement for giving compressions and two rescuer infant CPR the person doing compressions should always use the two thumb encircling hands technique here are the steps Place both thumbs side by side in the center of the infant's chest on the lower half of the breastbone and very small infants your thumbs May overlap do not apply any pressure on the tip of the breastbone now encircle the infant's chest and support the infants back with the fingers of both of your hands in this position use both thumbs to depress the breastbone at least one third the depth of the infant's chest or approximately one and a half inches or four centimeters the other key difference between one rescuer and two rescuer infant CPR is the compression to ventilation ratio as mentioned before instead of a 30 to 2 ratio in a one rescuer situation two Rescuers should use the ratio of 15 compressions to two breaths so let's practice compressions for two rescuer CPR as a reminder make sure your rate is between 100 to 120 compressions per minute use the 15 to 2 compression to ventilation ratio because you have two Rescuers make the compressions approximately one and a half inches or four centimeters deep allow the chest to fully recoil after each compression and count out loud for your partner time to practice two rescuer infant CPR starting with scene assessment we'll pause here while you get into position s [Music] do you know why it's 15 to 2 for infants they're not for adults do you have any idea is knowing why would help you remember that's what I was so usually the problems when they go into cardiac arrest it's more of a breathing problems whether adults is more like long-term chronic like heart disease right babies it's usually like some type of crew could be like obstruction it could be anything that's like because they have they're just more they're having a breathing so that's why it's more you get more breathing infants than with adults okay and so show me where you would check and bring to a pulse on a trip yeah so how do you know how to find one on yourself like I don't know I've never it's like imagine Like A smart business right so it's right under your bicep right here push up in your bicep it's under that muscle maybe a little hard it's one of the harder ones finding adults babies a lot easier right here okay on the underside of the biceps that's what we're gonna do this perhaps we're watching good thing you're ready for it no you're right and okay wait no not at all here we go in three two one hey are you okay are you okay are you okay right activate the emergency response there's no breathing and no pulse one two three four five six times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen thirteen fifteen what's up one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen right and so after two minutes you will switch before video purposes recycles if you don't always change positions I came back and I saw what you did so now I'm going to go back in my room over there here we go in three two one oh you're seeing our safety is safe hey are you okay are you okay administers activate the emergency response one two three two four five six six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen good job one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen good job for video purpose we're going to stop right now but yeah they're right so babies you know I always don't you don't have to do this okay all right but you do should like it's like sniffing that's what I've heard you go look right around here like a Midway point you don't do too much because you can hurt your head because they have a bigger head they have like their head proportion is bigger okay yeah so you want to be like right around here excellent it should work with most mannequins it should only allow ventilations when it's in that like approach okay and now this one's going to discuss AED use there are some differences when you're using an AED for infants and children younger than eight years old some aeds can deliver either an adult shock dose or a child dose for children younger than eight years old a pediatric capable AED will have features that allow a child appropriate shock but the available features depend on the type of AED you're using your AED may also include smaller sized pads that are designed for children younger than eight years of age if it does use them if not use the adult pads but make sure that they do not touch or overlap but never use the child pads for an adult the shock dose delivered by child pads is too small for an adult and likely won't be successful it's better to provide high quality CPR than attempt to shock an adult with child pads some AED pads recommend placing one pad on the chest and one pad on the back for infants and children follow the pictures on the pad packages for proper placement if an infant needs defibrillation a manual defibrillator is preferred but as we mentioned before this device is quite different from an AED and it requires special training that is not included in this course if a manual defibrillator is not available an AED with a pediatric dose attenuator is preferred but if neither is available you may use an AED without a pediatric dose attenuator so it's an optional can I do it though it says like for it's like the students practice I promise activity skill steps optional for the the 80s but for him no okay but so I don't he doesn't have to show the placement for like the 80s oh you can if you want but it does say optional there and then you've already depend on your student's competence level so what I do is if the past overlapping what would you place the pad on a child or an infant and so without having him okay so it just depends on on your student and remember even though you're placing it right here in the UNC part yeah I mean you put that on real quick or less compressed like the less like it's the better CPS CCF the better and then you can also do the same thing on the back real quick all right so now we're going to talk about choking introduction when food or other items block a person's Airway choking a curse in a severe Airway obstruction the person usually has signs of poor air exchange and breathing difficulty such as a silent cough an inability to speak or breathe or cyanosis that is turning blue adults are older children who are choking May clutch their neck with both hands making the universal choking side if someone indicates that they are choking and cannot talk you must act for someone who is standing you'll perform an abdominal thrust to perform an abdominal thrust stand or kneel behind the person and place your arms around the waist with one hand locate the navel then make a fist with your other hand and place the thumb side of your fist against the person's abdomen just above the navel and below the breast loan grasp your fist with the other hand and press your fist into the abdomen with a quick forceful upward thrust repeat for us until the object is expelled from the airway or the person becomes unresponsive if you can't wrap your arms around the waist because the person is pregnant or overweight or simply can't stand wrap your arms around their chest and give chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts if you're not yeah do you understand no you don't want to go so the xiphoid process again it says we're all part right here a little body part you don't we want to go under that because you don't want to break the network process do you want to go right here and do this this and you're going to go up like up because you want to push that stuff out all right so [Music] so pregnant so if somebody's pregnant what do you think you would do it yep your chest right so what do you think do you think you Circle up or you need to do it yep just go right in okay all right able to relieve choking in an adult or child or if the person becomes unresponsive have someone activate the emergency response system then lower the person to the ground and begin CPR perform CPR as usual but with one difference each time you open the airway to give breaths look for the obstructing object in the back of the throat if you see an object that can be easily removed carefully remove it but do not perform a blind finger sweep because this may cause the object to become lodged farther back in the airway choking is also a fairly common emergency in infants the steps to relieve choking in an infant are quite different from though did you understand that part of what he was talking about yes so um no blind finger sweep though you can if you don't say anything don't do a blind fingers get damaged the powder you could damage all sorts of stuff and it would end up doing more harm than good than good so only if you can see it only take a big that's a big bag gotcha for older children and adults if you find an infant who is choking but is still responsive first sit or kneel with the infant in your lap hold the infant face down and resting on your forearm with the head slightly lower than the chest support the head and jaw with your hand avoid compressing the soft tissue of the infant's throat then rest your forearm on your thigh to provide support with the heel of your other hand deliver up to five forceful back slaps between the infant shoulder blades deliver each slap with sufficient Force to attempt to dislodge the foreign body then place your free hand on the infant's back supporting the head with the palm of your hand this will cradle the infant between your two forearms as you turn the infant over while carefully supporting the head and neck keep the infant's head lower than the chest and deliver up to five quick downward chest thrusts in the same location where you would perform compressions just below the nipple line over the lower half of the breastbone do this at the rate of about one per second repeat the sequin of five back slaps and five chest thrusts until the object is removed or until the infant becomes unresponsive all right so now we're gonna do another practice while watching do you understand any questions before you start no okay so as you understand all right backstabs flip over make sure the head is lower one two three four five okay all right we're just gonna follow this video and it says sitting but you're not always now that you're in position let's begin follow along with the video as you practice here we go in three two one one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five guys try to push it up yep one two three four five one two three four five [Music] one two three four five good job okay [Music] thank you all right so this is really choking unresponsive you have any questions on that by law no as with an adult if a choking infant becomes unresponsive shout for help and have someone activate the emergency response system then lay the infant face up on a hard flat surface you'll perform CPR as usual but with one difference each time you open the airway to give breaths look for the object to give breaths for an infant the mouth to mouth and nose technique is preferred for this technique you will first open the infant's Airway with a head tilt chin lift then place your mouth over the infant's mouth and nose to create an airtight seal give one breath blowing for about one second watch for the chest to rise as you give the breath if the chest does not rise repeat the head tilt chin lift to reopen the airway and try to give a breath that makes the chest rise if you cannot cover the infant's mouth and nose with your mouth use the mouth to mouth technique instead the mouth to mouth technique for an infant is the same as for an adult if you can see the object carefully try to remove it never perform a blind finger sweep you should only try to remove an object if you can see it if you're alone after about two minutes or five cycles of CPR activate the emergency response system we'll pause here while you get into position to practice with the infant mannequins yeah it doesn't say anything about the practice foreign but you understand oh another point when you're doing the finger suite and you're like looking for the the thing in the second album for infants you want to use your pinky to print the smallest one I learned that yesterday I want to use a big one because their mouth just swallow you're just going to end up scratching stuff you get tired of that regardless or something yeah but like you know try to be careful yeah you know what I'm saying yeah okay thank you we covered a lot today you learned the proper BLS rescue techniques of CPR and the use of an AED for all age groups the importance of effective teamwork as well as how to perform in a one rescuer or two rescuer scenario you've also learned rescue breathing and what to do for someone who is choking thank you very much for your time and attention today and especially for your commitment to learning these critical life-saving techniques we appreciate and honor the important work you all do as Healthcare professionals excellent all right gentlemen great job I'm so proud of you um very proud of you proud of you also and so I always like to do a takeaway take away something new or something that was reinforced because we had a lot of students this is a renewal course for them I'm going to start off with you I want you to tell us from the student standpoint that I want you to give us a take away from a new instructor standpoint and congratulations we issue this card and you have completed your instructor all right so please give us a take away so I would say the terminology for me um and like you said why we're doing what we're doing it it's only took the age uh um CPR yeah exactly that definitely helps um and then saying like how American Heart Association instructors teach versus Missouri instructors he did not say that he did not say that on camera and so well thank you for choosing Us and how did you hear about Florida training academy uh online search we love it we love it well thank you and hopefully you'll be in this position next week and we can get you certified as an instrument Matthew the instructor process my question is going to be a little bit different what was your expectations coming in and how do you feel now that you've completed this initial part my expectations that is going to be like I was gonna I was like trying to think of ways to describe things that they were saying because I want to give like a background like why you have to do this and I was like trying to think of that before I came here and I was like I knew it was going to be like tough to get the words out like the first time just like my first time doing it I did very well so I want to be able to like because I want to give people background knowledge on what like I can't just say oh it's 15 too like this reason like because it makes you remember it more if you like know why you're doing it and like it actually like it makes you want to do it and like follow the rules he would literally just try to sit down and press play he didn't stay here long because you have to be relatable and if they just needed a computer they could they could have stayed home and watched the computer so having that instructor who actually has the background and who actually studied to make sure that they can simplify the words all right so you prepare very well you attended the course what are your thoughts now I love it I feel like I learned learn to secure better just by doing an instructor like I feel like I'm a lot more confident with everything all right all right that's funny here so what happens from here we can actually give you a restaurant break if you need one a coffee break or water break whatever you need um you will be taking a 25 question multiple choice examination at the end Matthew embrager test once you pass which we know you will he'll issue your card Matthew from here will complete your monitoring tool I'll show you the checklist so there's like one more step those checklist that we had you complete during the course so let's read a scenario and that'll be supposed to Red demonstrate everything that we have done practice while watching now he's being do it without the video because you've taught him so well that would be like a conclusion of our paperwork evaluations Are All Electronics so you can print out evaluations so that you get feedback in real time if my students don't like me they tell Google so I don't print off paper evaluations whenever you claim your e-card it's going to give you an opportunity to evaluate your instructor and um that's when you can give us an evaluation and that goes directly to the American Heart Association you'll be able to you have your test I'll send you the link that shows you how to access the atlas system it may take a few days before you're able to issue your own e-cards and activate your own or get access to the portal but you are officially official all right so everybody again this is Eunice Mathis with Florida Training Academy we have a great class it was a long video but if you are an instructor or if you're interested in becoming an instructor we hope this helped all right have a great day everybody signing off
Channel: Florida Training Academy
Views: 6,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida, CPR, Nursing Assistant, RN, ARNP, PA, CNA, HHA, EMT, PCA, AHA, Exam Prep, American Heart Association, BLS, ACLS
Id: mTmaA_u2i14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 45sec (6465 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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