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Aya Aya Where are we going today We are going to come today Aya Aya Where are we going today We are going today This is our trip of four days and three nights , although it is supposed to be only three days, so we will take advantage of this essence Let me eat well and play well for you to see in three days . Then we won’t say much and get on the plane. The preparation before coming to Hong Kong this time was actually very simple, because after doing my homework online, I found that as long as there are people from Taiwan Passport and then go to the website to apply for their Hong Kong visa . This Hong Kong visa is very convenient and probably takes less than a minute. When you board the plane, you just bring your visa and passport . In this way, there will be no problem. The weather in Hong Kong is actually The weather is no different from Taiwan , so what you wear in Taiwan is what you wear when you go there. Also, I would like to remind everyone that the voltage there is different from Taiwan , so it will be safer if you carry this adapter with you when you go abroad . Although there may be hotels, the last thing I can't forget is the Internet. This time I applied for Taiwan Mobile's China-Hong Kong roaming. It 's actually very cheap. It only costs 199 for five days . But Mr. Xu , I just helped him use the esim card because there is no need to change the esim card. I would like to say that we use two methods to be safer in case we lose the Internet if something goes wrong. Here is a little reminder for everyone. We came to the Daan Tea and Ice Hall in Yau Ma Tei. This Daan Tea and Ice Hall is actually very special because It is an old store in Yau Ma Tei for more than 50 years. But because the owner wanted to immigrate, he was going to close the store. I don’t know if he immigrated to Taiwan. Then in March this year, someone seemed to take over, so they completely He is operating under a new model. Now this shop does not sell tea, it only sells coffee. But its decoration still retains its previous look. It is a bit like injecting a new soul into an old tea restaurant. I feel that it has not retained its previous look at all. Now what are the new layouts of these things ? Where are the old ones retained? I just took a photo with Maggie Cheung. I met Maggie Cheung here. I think he still feels like a tourist now , but I am not a tourist . I think this is the biggest place. The advantage is that when we first arrived, there was no queue , so we sat directly in. There is a small seat inside, which feels a bit like a small box. I tell you , but I would be a little scared if there was no queue. I'm afraid it's not the most authentic. You know, don't worry. It's a bit like adding some Western colors to the meal. Like what I ordered today is a cheese omelette with pineapple oil. Look here , this cream. But the prices in Hong Kong are really scary. You know this? How much does pineapple oil cost? 58 Hong Kong dollars, 58 Hong Kong dollars , Hong Kong dollars , not Taiwan dollars, eat it first, come on, I want to eat it first, I want to show it to you directly . As you can see, this pineapple oil has been destroyed by me myself . You really have to eat the pineapple oil as soon as it is served because it will melt all the time. If you keep moving your excited little hands, you will be scolded by netizens. and I’m about to be scolded by netizens again. Originally, what was served was a fried poached egg. I was a little disappointed at one point. I wondered if it would be dry inside. This is the Sun Egg. When Mr. Xu eats it, the egg liquid will flow out. His egg will not be so liquid that you can’t hold it in . I think all tea restaurants in Hong Kong should not use pineapple oil. You can’t go without eating their raw porridge in Hong Kong. What I’m most looking forward to is the raw porridge. This time I picked the very famous Mei Kee Sang Porridge in Mong Kok . We just looked for it on Google Map for a long time because we were on site. I found out where the store was at that time , and it turned out that it was in the market on Fa Yuen Street. Their market is the food center on the third floor of the vegetable market , so we took the escalator and boom boom boom. There were so many people there. I thought their cooked food center was in chaos, right? Wrong, it doesn't look very clean. The ground is a little wet , but it seems to be okay because the first and second floors are actually selling raw food. You can see the pork stalls and the vegetable market . That's the area . When you get upstairs, it 's a restaurant. The space is actually a bit like a semi-outdoor. You know we are blowing the natural wind. Today we are ordering their Jidi Porridge . Jidi Porridge. Jidi Porridge. In fact, when translated into Mandarin, it means pig offal porridge. Pork heart, pork liver , pig meatballs, pork meatballs, yes , but we were very greedy and added fish fillets. Look how strong the wind is now and how natural it is. Their porridge is very special. Did you find that their porridge actually has lettuce on top? It's interesting. It’s very interesting. You can eat the original one first . I ’ll add pepper later to make it hot. Every bowl is freshly cooked. I just went to check it out and I told you that his porridge is super delicious because their raw porridge is a little bit spicy. For example, porridge that has been boiled until it has no texture of rice grains will have a pot aroma in the mouth because the ingredients you ordered will be stir-fried first, and then the porridge base made with fish soup will be added to mix and boil. Immediately fill the bowl and serve it to you directly , so when you eat it, you will have the aroma of frying , the porridge base of the fish soup, the pork liver, the liver, the heart balls , and the intestines in such a large piece . This bowl costs 45 yuan for us. There is an extra 9 yuan for the fish fillet. The whole bowl of porridge is 54 yuan, so the Taiwan dollar is about more than 200 yuan. In fact, I think I can accept this . Compared with the previous things, I seem to be more able to accept it , because after all, it is There are quite a lot of freshly cooked ingredients. In fact, when I scooped it in like this, it was actually full of ingredients. And I told everyone that his pork liver Xiao He Xia Xiao Le He Xia is very fresh and cooked , just right to eat inside. It looks very sexy. I think you should buy raw porridge for breakfast. It’s really good to have as an appetizer early in the morning. It’s very suitable for people like me who need to nourish their stomachs. It’s great. We just discovered that there are a lot of themed streets in Mong Kok. For example, I just passed by Goldfish Street, Women's Street, and I just found out that there seems to be some kind of sneaker street. They like to put the same kind of things on the same street so as not to fight each other on the Internet. But I have no interest in these . I just want to eat. If you just want to try out the characteristics of the streets here, I think it’s okay to come and take a walk, right? Why do tourists come to Goldfish Street? They can’t take goldfish back with them. They can watch it . Next, we went to the Baibao Tea Stall in Yau Ma Tei. Bao Cha stall was recommended to me by our Hong Kong netizen EVAN because she said that the doll noodles with satay beef doll noodles in this restaurant are the best doll noodles that her son-in-law has ever eaten in Hong Kong. Wow , I was really impressed when I heard that. I told Mr. Xu that we must come and eat today. Their special meal includes satay beef doll noodles . This doll noodles actually refers to Demae Itcho Hong Kong’s instant noodles. Right ? For Hong Kong instant noodles , there are actually many noodles to choose from. You can choose rice noodles or rice noodles. Anyway, there are many noodles to choose from. Of course, Mae Itcho is one of them, so I directly chose Mae Itcho ’s special dish. There are also free butter toast and double eggs. You can choose double poached eggs or scrambled eggs. In addition to butter toast and scrambled eggs, there is also a free hot and cold drink . This group is 43 yuan . I think it is a relatively cost-effective food after coming to Hong Kong. Google said that the price of this stall is very approachable in Hong Kong. So far, we have not queued in a tourist hotel. We have not queued today. It will be here soon. You can sit down. You know that the scrambled eggs are golden and half-cooked. I want to eat them with toast. The toast is fried with butter , and the toast is fried quite well. It can be touched right now. It's crunchy . I think the toast in Hong Kong is fried very well. I found that when people come to Hong Kong, they usually go to the Australian Dairy Company . Because I think that one is really popular among tourists, so we want to introduce it. The toast from the small stall is so awesome. The toast is fried with salted butter and toasted very well because it is very crispy and fragrant. The scrambled eggs on it are super moist and slippery. The whole set is invincible. It's delicious. It seems to have a little peanut flavor in it. I don't know if I ate it wrong. In addition to the aroma of sand tea, it also has a slight spiciness , but it's just a little bit very appetizing . This dish is really appetizing. The whole beef salad The seasoning of the beef is actually quite heavy on the taste , but it is very appetizing. I like it very much. It suits my Taiwanese taste. It 's a little sweet, a little spicy , and has a little bit of sand tea aroma. This is good. Come to Hop Yee in Sham Shui Po. Thai Snacks, He Yita Snacks, is most famous for its rice rolls. Is that okay if you don’t eat rice rolls when you come to Hong Kong? They have a queue when we first arrived. There were about ten or twenty people in line , but the speed was so fast. It's very fast and his rice rolls are very considerate. They have 10 yuan, 20 yuan, and 30 yuan in various portions for you to choose. His rice rolls will be topped with sweet sauce and peanut butter for you first . The peanut butter is the soul. If at the end If you want spicy food, my sister will help you pour the spicy food on the side and sprinkle sesame seeds on it. It is said that these sesame seeds will make the rice rolls very fragrant. I think the rice rolls themselves have only one QQ. The taste and sauce will help it turn into something very powerful, yes, yes, yes, yes, because the peanut sauce is very fragrant and the sweet sauce is salty and sweet. It is very delicious . I think the ordinary rice rolls are not bad. I like Hong Kong fish. Maru hot sauce is slightly spicy , but it is very similar to our Taiwanese Douban spicy Douban spicy, because it is salty and quite salty. What should I do ? I think you don’t need to dip it in hot sauce when you come to their house , because the original soy -sweet sauce plus peanut butter is enough. It's amazing, yes , you can really eat it. I think it's completely different from the rice rolls eaten in Taiwan. The degree of softness is different. Hong Kong-style rolls are delicious . It's delicious. It's delicious. Just put it here, put it here, put it here, and put it here . This way you can wash all the things at once. Wow, that's awesome. We finally visited a Michelin-famous restaurant. The guy behind me is Zhan Zaiji. He is a restaurant recommended by Michelin for many years in a row. But what Mr. Xu and I just experienced after eating is that his noodles are not good. We like it the noodles are very elastic. Oh, a little firmer than the doll noodles we ate yesterday, but I don’t think you’ll like it. Although it’s thin noodles , it’s like putting the noodles in soup stock and soaking them, so the hardness is the same as soaking them before they’re cooked. The kind where the noodles are only soaked for 5 seconds, yes, yes , but his wontons are really delicious. His wontons are very springy. The shrimp in the middle is a huge piece. I don’t quite understand the fish meatballs What is this piece? Such a big piece of dace fish ball. This is a big piece of dace fish ball. It’s a fish ball. The fish meatballs taste It’s a dace fish ball . It tastes like tofu. It’s not the fish ball we usually eat. That’s why it’s called a fish ball . It’s not called a fish ball . It lacks the beating power of the hand. Finally, the fresh beef is very tender. It's really tender fresh and the beef and fresh. It 's super tender, but the overall seasoning is quite salty. Now that I've finished eating it, I actually feel it's quite heavy. The soup is very complex , with beef, fish, and wontons all boiled together. The broth has a strong flavor . I know if you came to Hong Kong to eat Jim Chai Kee or the Mai Noodles opposite it. In fact, we really wanted to try the Mai Noodles, but we left it until next time. I think it should not be too far away. I think the wonton noodles have been experienced here. Yeah , that's good. I'm telling you, what I admire most about their food is the rapeseed wontons and rapeseed. But I just found a white rapeseed that looked like Styrofoam, so we didn't eat it anymore , so everyone just You can decide for yourself. Now we can say that we have eaten, I have eaten , and you can only criticize after eating . Don’t criticize. When eating, you have to eat it before you can express your thoughts properly. We have eaten it now and I don’t think I like it. Hahaha , I want to eat wontons again . But we can just eat the noodles by ourselves. Well, we just took the escalator in Central and arrived at Tai Kwun. During the British colonial period, Tai Kwun seemed to be both a prison and a police headquarters. Now it is wonderful. It has been completely updated into a cultural and creative park , so every one of it is There are some exhibitions and movie screenings in the small cubicles. The atmosphere is very good. We are now in the square here in Tai Kwun. The square here is really super comfortable and empty. Mr. Xu and I are sitting on this side of the square drinking. He almost fell asleep while drinking our drinks. He was really watering his eyes right here. He came to Hong Kong. Mr. Xu also has a dream list that he has been reading for three days . This is Shake Shack because this burger restaurant is an American burger restaurant in Taiwan. We haven't settled in yet , so we haven't had the chance to eat it. But every time my friends go abroad, they always say that they must eat this kind of thing. You must have eaten it before you can eat it. You know, what we ordered today was one of its signature burgers , but today we I ordered the single-layered one because its single-layered meat content is more suitable for us as we have to eat multiple meals today. I have to say that this burger is quite small and very expensive. You see, it is smaller than my fist. This burger costs about NT$230. If you are a boy, he may need a double decker to be full. How much does a double decker cost ? HKD 81. In addition to the burger, we also ordered cheese fries. Many netizens People say that you must eat cheese fries when you come to their house. The fries are so delicious. However, the fries are not cheap at HKD 37. But I think the VIEW here is great. If you eat at Shake Shack in Hong Kong, it is right next to Victoria Harbor . The sea view of Victoria Harbor is worth 200 yuan. If you want to eat, you can find this one in Central. It is on the fourth floor of the International Finance Center. It is quite easy to find and its location is quite good. The location is next to the sea view that Mr. Xu just mentioned, so I think the whole It's very chilly even if you eat it outdoors in cool weather. Their burgers are not hot at all. Although they are American style , they are not like the violent burgers we usually see because the American style burgers we ate before tended to run out of soup. It's a lot of fluid but it's very clean. The meat of their burgers is a little bit dry. I like fat and fat people, so I won't like their hamburger steaks because their hamburger steaks look a bit overcooked to me. I would have liked the drier hamburger steak regardless of the price , and I think the portion size would be less burdensome. Mr. Xu prefers refreshing meals, and he might like their burgers , but I like them myself. As for the greasy pie, I’m really looking forward to the Five Guys burger. In addition to burgers and fries, their milkshakes are also recommended by everyone. We must drink them when we come here. When we first came in, we found that they had a Hong Kong exclusive Mango Bubble milkshake. This is too Hong Kong-flavored , and the milkshake is really evil. The top here is all fresh cream, and below is this pearl-like thing similar to poplar nectar . It has a bit of a slush feel when I put it in. I can already feel it. It's not easy to suck when exposed to heat. It's so thick. You'll like it very much . It has the taste of mango ice cream and mango ice cream in your mouth , and you can bite into the grapefruit grapefruit pieces in the middle. Yes, yes, but I haven't eaten it yet. Bubble Bubble is like People say that pearl bubbles abroad are made with popping beads, not pearls, or pink balls. They pop up with your tongue and bounce in your mouth. It’s actually quite delicious . But if you drink it alone, you may think it’s too heavy is too HEAVY. and fat . It doesn’t matter that I ’m a person who is out for fun. I want to lose weight when I go back. What you can’t help but eat when you come to Hong Kong is this Gan brand roast goose. It’s so beautiful . This roast goose is very smart. When we arrived at the scene, we found that there were so many people outside . People Mountain People Sea. It was impossible to wait for inside. It was absolutely impossible . We made a decisive decision to take out. Did you see that over there? There is Gampai Roast Goose . Now there are a lot of people outside. We are here. There is a street market opposite and there is a place to sit here. It’s so cool. Hahaha, my feet are almost broken. Do you know that it only took us a few minutes to order? It took one minute to order and get the meal, 2 minutes and 3 minutes in total to get it. If you cook the goose outside and use it inside, you have to wait at least an hour. His roasted goose is oily and shiny. This roasted goose is really oily and its skin looks super crispy . It must be delicious. His goose skin is really delicious. It's like a layer of film and a layer of crispy film covering it. When you chew it, it has an oily aroma and is not very fat . I don't think it is like what netizens said because netizens said that their roast goose is very fat. Why don't I feel fat ? I think Hong Kong's roast pork is really better than Taiwan's. I don't know why. Their goose is not like the goose I ate in Taiwan. The goose I ate in Taiwan is slightly more tender. Instead, it's very tender. Like pheasants, there are geese that run by. Their meat is relatively strong and cut into relatively large pieces. It is roasted now, so its goose skin is more of a highlight. What is great about their house is that the goose skin is crispy and crispy. It has a roasted aroma, the juice is very plump , and there is another thing I want to introduce because I just wanted to say why they gave me a sauce for takeout. I tasted it secretly , just like the chicken nuggets are dipped in sweet and sour sauce. It’s sweet and sour. Is there a sweet and sour sauce that tastes better when dipped in a sauce? Is there a complete roast goose ? If you eat the roast goose by itself, I think it is a delicious roast goose. But if you dip it in this sauce, it will be sublimated . It will be sublime when you eat the roast goose. Feel a little fat This sweet and sour sauce is versatile because it has the aroma of goose meat and meaty taste , so it is easy to get tired of it if you eat too much. Dip it in this plum sauce to transform the taste. It feels good , but I don’t like the texture of the meat very much , so you can You can try it if you like something firmer and meatier. If you can, remember to take it out and don’t use it internally. Don’t use it internally and wait until death. We are going to take the Star Ferry to Tsim Sha Tsui to see the night view of Victoria Harbor . I want to make you annoying. All the faces were recorded. Mr. Xu didn’t turn on the camera just now. He only talks about other people’s mouths. He’s a nuisance . He’s a dick . You go back to Wan Chai. You go back to Wan Chai to eat dumplings. I want to go back to Kaohsiung to eat dumplings at Wan Chai Pier. The Star Ferry is so shaky. We haven’t boarded it just yet. The boat was so frightened that the stern of the boat tilted up like this. It started to shake. Our ferry in Cijin was much more stable. The waves were a bit scary. Is it because the waves were bigger today ? I don’t know . I thought it was scary today, but he The flight is very short , so you may have already arrived before you fainted. My biggest wish list this time when I come to Hong Kong is to have tea. The London Restaurant was also introduced to me by a local friend. We just entered the third floor and it was very confusing. You just have to find a seat by yourself. When we first came in, we were all customers. You had to find someone to share a table with. It was actually a bit embarrassing , almost like fighting. It was super scary. And you had to wait until the waitress at the counter came to help you clear the table before you could take it. Go here to order. This big London restaurant is actually quite traditional because the staff will push a very old school trolley over there and ask if you want siomai and shrimp dumplings and shrimp dumplings . I directly took the siomai and shrimp dumplings. I used my remaining Cantonese and ordered a shrimp dumpling. We went to the counter next to him because he was frying radish cake. I said I wanted radish cake and this. Oh my God, I just When I saw it, I asked him directly what it was and he said it was taro dumpling. When I heard taro, I asked for a carrot cake. It is delicious and very Hong Kong-style carrot cake. But when I just watched her pour the oil, I was a little scared because the oil was so oily. There are quite a lot of them. Don’t look at this one. It’s delicious. It’s fried and crispy on the outside and wrapped in a layer of taro paste. The middle is meat filling . It’s a bit similar to Hong Kong-style salted dumplings . Only it replaces the mochi outer skin with taro paste . The way of ordering food is to stamp whatever you want. What are the big and small points in it ? Anyway, he will help you classify the price of the order you want. He actually didn't understand what we said just now, so he just helped you directly. We are preparing black tea . Thank you, please don’t ask me. I really don’t understand here. In fact, everyone here has a tea fee. His tea fee is 11 Hong Kong dollars because they really speak Cantonese too fast and I can’t understand. My conversational ability is only in swear words. You can understand the must-eat shrimp dumplings, which are crystal clear and the color of the shrimp can be directly seen from the outside. Hong Kong's shrimp dishes are very good. Their wontons and shrimps are already fresh enough . Just now, this shrimp dumpling is super springy and has enough springiness to be sure. I want to order shrimp dumplings. I think these shrimp dumplings are much more delicious than those in Taiwan . They are also full of shrimps. This seems to be the first time I have eaten siomai during this trip. I feel that their snacks are really delicious even after eating siomai. I am also super elastic , very delicious, the meat is very solid , and the raw porridge, shrimp dumplings, and siu mai are delicious. I just ordered a bean curd roll. The bean curd roll is layered with skin and meat. . One layer of skin and one layer of meat It has a layered texture when you bite it. I grabbed the chicken claws that Mr. Xu has been dreaming about. The chicken claws are very popular. He only got 4 of them out of the cage at one time and they were all killed instantly . I have already gone to grab them twice. They are no match for the Hong Kong people . You know there was one just now. Brother, he is behind me and he wants to call me in front of me, saying that I came first, so fierce, you are so awesome, no, I will tell you the ordering skills here, you have to yell, you have to shout directly , don’t wait . There's no one in the world to order for you. I'm so polite. I even said sorry. As soon as I said sorry, the food was taken away. Their chicken feet are really popular . They're hot and have the smell of black bean sauce on them . It melts completely and is so tender. You can see that the skin can be pulled off like this. It is really authentic Hong Kong-style chicken feet. It is delicious and very salty. This is the best chicken feet breakfast I have ever eaten in my life. I admit that Come and eat this. Very nice. We have arrived at the racecourse. Everyone, if you take the subway, you really need to pay attention because not every bus goes to the racecourse. So before you get on, you have to remember that it has (passing through the racecourse ). Get on it , otherwise you will be like us. We have to wait for about 15 minutes at Sha Tin Station for the next train. Don’t talk so much about horse racing. This is the only time I will start a business today. Dear drivers, I will handle the Hong Kong trip. Don’t make a big deal about horse racing , haha. Haha ~ Everyone at Sha Tin Racecourse costs 10 Hong Kong dollars to enter , so if you have an Octopus, you can just swipe it in. Visiting fee. Visiting fee . Wow . Wait a minute . I will buy it directly after I win the money. Hurry up and become a tourist. Hurry up and take a photo with the horse. Is your strategy today to bet on the underdog? The underdog is definitely the underdog. Only win. Only win. So if the horse doesn’t finish first, it’s gone. Extraordinary Star . Okay, congratulations to Mr. Xu on this one . We lost all the 100 Hong Kong dollars and donated it to the Hong Kong government. We returned to Taiwan naked and it was time to collect our luggage. The four days and three nights were very fast. We went to their local supermarket to buy some things before we went back to collect our luggage. Their local supermarket us The one I bought today is Wellcome and Parknshop, two very famous supermarket chains. This time I have selected a few souvenirs that everyone said they must buy before returning to Taiwan. First of all, when I come to Hong Kong, I must buy it. Icho can only buy one flavor. This is the limited sesame oil flavor made in Hong Kong. It is only available in Hong Kong . The cookies of Danish Blue Jar Cookies are not made in Hong Kong , but because they are made in Denmark. After Hong Kong, it became very popular , so everyone will come here to buy their biscuits. When you come to Hong Kong, you must drink Hong Kong-style milk tea. This food stall is also the first choice to take home as a souvenir. Their food stall milk tea here also has this 3-in-1 milk tea. 3-in-1 Yuanyang also has 2-in-1 milk tea. We bought the Yuanyang milk tea this time and wanted to drink it. If you want to buy something more advanced, it also has stars. The star-rated ones are about twice the price. It is said that the tea is thicker and the milk is more fragrant. The second batch of instant noodles. I only bought two kinds of instant noodles this time. The second one is the most delicious . Yesterday, Mr. Xu had already eaten this seafood flavor. I think the taste is quite similar to that of Lai Yi Ke. It's just that I haven't had a customer so oily , so the taste is relatively moderate. I already had a bowl of it yesterday. It's delicious. Are you familiar with it? You often eat this kind of noodles when you come to Hong Kong. This Shoudao brand is its main feature. It's not oily. It is a non-fried noodle and it is made by directly grinding shrimps into powder to make noodles , so it seems that as long as you simply add XO sauce, it will be full of umami flavor because the noodle is also a seafood potato chip biscuit series . Yes , potato chips! Oh, yes, if you want to call it potato chips, you can’t say potato chips. They call them Calbee here. Heat wave potato chips seem to be a memory of their childhood , so everyone seems to eat them when they come to Hong Kong . My sister designated them when she came to Hong Kong. They will all buy this kind of chestnut trembling. It is packaged a bit like honey. It ’s Ganli . Why . I don’t care about you. do n’t you complain about me ? Li should get this chocolate fingers very often. It’s not chocolate finger biscuits. They call it chocolate here . It looks a bit like a nutritious biscuit. It’s wrapped in chocolate sauce. It’s delicious. I’ve had it before . It’s also a must-buy companion in Hong Kong. The gift is this Huang Daoyi Revitalizing Oil. I feel that I need to rejuvenate my feet now . It is a bit similar to Hong Kong. He can use this bottle for any incurable diseases. And the last two thanks to my friends in Hong Kong. I am full of love . Thank you. Because we have always heard that their butterfly cakes are delicious in Hong Kong , our friend bought this one this time. They are the butterfly cakes from Royal Cake Shop and the Cookie Quartet. These two are the most recommended brands of their butterfly cakes. I just happened to buy one of the famous ones , which is really embarrassing and very expensive. A box of butterfly cakes may cost 800 to 900 yuan in Taiwan dollars. Thank you everyone for collecting your luggage. Thank you very much. Goodbye to everyone. The above are our 4 in Hong Kong this time. Next up on the 3-day food trip, we have 10 desserts to choose from. Please stay tuned . If you like our video, please remember to like, subscribe, and share it with your friends . Then we’ll see you next time. Get ready to come back. Kaohsiung, I'm so tired, Iron Legs. We decided to go to McDonald's for our last meal in Hong Kong. Mr. Xu, what kind of chicken wings did you just order ? What kind of chicken? Chicken wings, honey BBQ fried chicken , I think you can go to McDonald's instead of ordering. The burgers are good. Big Mike will definitely not be ridiculous. It’s just eating experience. I don’t like the seasoning. I don’t really like how long it has to be
Channel: 澱粉小姐kakaya
Views: 100,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WsUj7A00EOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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