✽ FERTILIZANTE con CÁSCARA DE PLÁTANO Banana - Para tus Flores

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In today's video I'm going to be showing you the difference between using a banana peel freshly removed from the fruit to make a tea and the banana peel that we let dehydrate and then crush it and use it as a fertilizer. We are going to start making the banana tea in two ways, on the one hand I am going to use the peel cut into squares and on the other hand I am going to be processing it so that we are left with a puree of the peel to see which of the two is more efficient and what kind of compounds are we going to be removing from the shell before cutting and processing it. I am going to show you that for this experiment I am going to use distilled water and we are going to measure first the amount of dissolved solids, which since it is a water that does not have minerals, it will have to give us approximately almost 0 and it is giving us 0.01, this gives us it is indicating the purity of the water, that we do not have any dissolved minerals, there are no salts for those that gives us almost zero. Meanwhile I am going to heat the water to make the two types of tea and cut the banana peel, I am going to use half of the peel to make the tea where I am going to be cutting the banana peel into small squares and the I am going to be using the other half to process the peel, and I take out the thickest part and cut it all into small squares to later process only half and make the two types of tea. And later I will be showing you with a drawing what is happening when we make the tea from the cuts and what difference is there going to be when we are processing this banana peel, I am going to weigh it but this is only for the experiment that I am doing to try to have the same amount processed and in small squares, I leave the 37 grams on one side and I separate the rest, ready I have 37 here and 37 in the other part, I am going to process this half and directly in this way to try to have a purée with this shell I am going to leave it this way, although it is not all crushed and this is because as we have a small amount of shell it is complicated, but as it is it will be super good for us to be watching the results that I want to show you, I am going to move it to be accommodating the two containers where we are going to be making the tea and I am going to put all this ground peel in the first place and in the second place the pieces of the banana peel cut with the knife I already have the two peels ground and cut knife and now we are going to put the hot water that I am going to recommend that the water has boiled, let it rest for approximately a minute and it is the water that we are going to be using. The two shells are left with the hot water, I cover it here and this other one and just as they are I'm going to leave them aside to cool down, meanwhile I'll be explaining how to do with the shell when we have it dry. To dry the shells there are several options, this is one that we use, where you put several hooks with a thread and you hang the shells in such a way that the new shells do not overlap and I am going to recommend that you intersperse it with the shells that are already almost dry because if two new shells stick together it will take a while longer to dehydrate. We must bear in mind that when we hang them directly outdoors, the rain is going to be our greatest enemy because if we have the shell that is already quite dehydrated and water falls on it , the whole decomposition process will start. And this is the one I'm going to take with me to be doing all this ground husk. And then another much faster way is to put them in the oven, so that they dehydrate little by little. The advantage we have with the dry peel is that we can keep it much longer to fertilize our plants when they need it. When you dry them in the oven, they usually look like bubbles like these that are here, but when they are dried in the sun and in the open air they will be like this and now I am going to cut them into little pieces to be able to do everything this processing ... I have everything well cut and I am going to recommend that you remove the stems from the shell because they are usually very hard for processing, we are going to put them inside the processor. I already have all this dried banana peel powder which is amazing how plants are going to be using it once it has been broken down by microorganisms in the soil. Once you finish doing all this processing you will find the banana peel fibers that come in handy to aerate the substrate and you can incorporate it when you are putting together a substrate in your house, and then we go to have all the rest that is seen in brown, which is the completely crushed banana peel to make it easier for microorganisms such as soil fungi to degrade it and release all the nutrients, we already have the banana peel dry and ground, on the other hand, the tea we have from the processed peels and the tea from the knife-cut peel, I am going to remove the peels from the two teas that we were making, I hope the water goes away and we are going to be making the comparisons. And then I'm going to be showing you which is for me the best way to be using the banana peel and before analyzing the results of the three fertilizers that we just made with the banana peel I'm going to show you what happens at the cellular level in the banana peel when we are making a tea where we cut the peel with a knife or we were processing it as in this case, to get to the last one, where we dry it and finish grinding it. And the plant cell is going to be formed by a membrane where it is going to protect the nucleus, where the DNA is, they are going to see different types of organelles such as mitochondria , chloroplasts, but this one is not going to be of interest to us now and outside Of all this membrane, unlike, for example, the animal cell, we have a cell wall and it is this one that is here, because next to it we are going to have another cell, for example, that the cell wall will also come and that will I am showing it because it is going to be this cell wall that is going to be giving rigidity to all the cells and it is in this cell content where we are going to have the compounds that we are going to be interested in for fertilization. If, for example, I have a banana peel here and I have all the cells in this shape and we are going to make some quickly that are quite square because precisely this cell wall gives it that rigidity, I now have all these cells that would become the part of the banana peel and if now I cut with the knife in this way and suppose that the knife cuts it right here in this case these cells that were cut that are going to be left in this way, the ones above and we are going to The ones that are below will remain in this way and then all the others that are there will come, all the content that these cells had when making the cut will be released and will remain in suspension, which in this case will become water hot that we put on it, then with the knife I am going to be cutting some cells. If now I process this banana peel and it had all these cells, by passing it through the propeller of the processor or the blender I will be destroying many more cells, so in this way, as more cells were broken, I will have a greater content of the liquid internal in the tea that we are preparing, that now we are going to be seeing this with these two types of tea that we were recently making, where when cutting it with the knife we ​​have fewer broken cells and when processing it we are going to have much greater release of the cellular content , but what about this cell that I had well formed here I cut it with the knife or I crushed it, but I will be left with all the cell wall that I had up here and the one that I had down here and all these walls and the remains that we may have left if we manage to get microorganisms to come and decompose the entire wall, for example, we will be releasing more nutrients into the soil and we will be achieving this with the banana peel that we leave dry and that we are going to use it as fertilizer directly on our plants, I am going to explain all of this to you now with the experiments that we have just been doing, and now we are going to analyze the two types of tea, I will once again measure the amount of dissolved solids and we are going to go first to this one where we were making the cuts 1.53 more than anything to be seeing a quick reading, 1.50 we leave it clean with water and we are going to see what happened in the case where I was processing all the banana peel and the reading is giving us at first almost 3 notice that practically when we are processing the shell we are getting twice the nutrition, unlike when we are cutting it and this is because we are going to have greater cell cutting and release of all this cellular content than in this other case. And in this tea we are going to find all the cellular content of those cells that were broken and they are mainly going to be minerals and sugars that this cell may have had. When we dry the banana peel, not only are we going to have all this fibrous part, cellulose, but we are also going to have all the cellular content that was released in this case in the tea, but now we have it completely dry, as in this content cell we are going to have high levels of sugar it will be super good for us to feed all the microflora and fauna that we have in the substrate so that little by little they begin to decompose all the solid part and release all the nutrition that we are going to find in this dry banana peel, and to be using the tea in this case, which was the one made from banana peels, I'm going to recommend that you make a dilution of approximately one part of the tea that we just made and one part of water in this way as it is you can use it on your plants to be fertilizing and more than anything at the time when your plants are beginning to flower but in the case where we were crushing the husk and c As you could see that we practically have double the nutrients, I am going to recommend that you make a part of the fertilizer that we have just made and we are going to add two parts of water to make a dilution and be able to use it in our flowering plants in this way, like this as it is we have it ready to fertilize our plants and as it is dry the advantage you have is that you can keep it in a bottle for much longer and use it when your plants need it, in this case I use it a lot for all plants of flower that you have in pots practically because in this way with this dried and processed banana peel we are not only going to keep all the microorganisms that grow in the substrate active, but also once they decompose it, the amount of nutrients is impressive that they are going to be releasing for our flower plants and you can store it that way, taking into account that it is well sealed and that it has been well sealed. shell out for a long time. And in this case for irrigation directly, look at what these roses are, you leave a good amount in this way and keep in mind that the substrate, if it has good organic matter, will come in handy because, as with all this tea, we get a lot of sugars of the cells of the banana peel are going to be feeding them so that each leaflet or each vegetable remains decomposes much faster once you make the irrigation with the banana peel tea wait approximately 15 days in between you water it with water normal, to help release any excess nutrients that it may have and then after 15 days and more than anything in the summer time you fertilize again. I am going to show you how to use dry banana peel, in the plants that you have in a pot so that it not only intensifies the color but also gradually increases all the flowering as it is, what I am going to recommend first is that in the pot you stir it a little with the fork to be moving the entire first part of the substrate and a tablespoon approximately of this banana peel all over the top remember that in this peel we are not only going to have many minerals but we are also going to have many sugars that they are going to feed all the microorganisms that we had above and they are going to start to grow and decompose all the organic matter, not only what we had in the pot but also all the dried banana peel that we put, we only have to do a watering to activate all this banana peel that we put and always remember that the banana peel has to be very superficial because we are going to have more oxygenation and the micr oorganisms are going to act very quickly, in this way we are fully fertilized I hope you liked the video share it with your friends and in a very short time we will be seeing each other with much more botanical biology and today applied to the treatment of the shell of banana, which I am going to recommend whenever you are drying and processing it to be able to store it in jars and use it when you need it, I send you a big hello.. Bye
Channel: MiradasBiologicas
Views: 72,125
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Keywords: CÁSCARA DE PLÁTANO, platano fertilizante, YOU WILL NEVER THROW AWAY BANANA PEELS AFTER WATCHING THIS VIDEO - BANANA PEEL FERTILIZER, banana peel, best fertilizer for plants, fertilizer from banana peels, how to make banana peel fertilizer, how to make liquid fertilizer from banana peels, liquid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer from banana peels, organic fertilizer, garden ideas, organic liquid fertilizer, plant, natural garden, pupuk organik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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