✨ Light Body Integration

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it all started with consciousness the i exist what we just did in nothingness consciousness doesn't have to have anything to uh on which to realize its reality it can exist in absolute nothingness it's that's its natural state in nothingness now along the way when the eye exists said i have so much passion and love for myself maybe you felt that in the last exercise but i have so much passion and love i it's just um it's the falling into oneself loving or knowing oneself so much that then the externalization began the radiance little rays coming out from the circumpon almost kind of like representing the sun in a way this is when you had your first light body it's the outer expression it's you in movement now through the realms for the sake of expression and experience uh for the sake of your sensual desires to know and to love yourself so suddenly you have a light body uh and again don't think of in terms of anything resembling a human body with you know kind of you with light arms and light legs it's just it was your first uh form of beingness without being a physical form it was you in an outer journey so you suddenly developed a light body going into the other realms the non-physical realms and you were able to detect or sense other light bodies and again you think generally you think in human terms like you're going to encounter another physical being somewhere but it was just a knowingness that there was another being a light being in your midst and you began communicating with them not through words but that's where the play began all in a light body all without human physical form all without really shape or definition not even color at some point you came to this planet earth for the sake of experience sensual deep sensual experience that light body back then was kind of like uh kindergarten first grade it didn't have a lot of substance to it didn't have a lot of experience after going through biology the light body picks up the attributes of human biology without picking up the the uh its matter without picking up its density it just it picks up the very best it kind of like skims the surface gets the very best the ability for the human to have sensual experience in a physical body but without the light body doesn't have to have biology it has the essence of biology it has the knowingness of biology but it doesn't have to have the density of the body everything good about being human everything from eating to sex to taking walks in the park to uh having a fine dinner to whatever you really love about that human experience the ability to be in nature all there now integrated into the light body without having to carry the physical body that's the trans-human being and the human body still in its um in its human tissues uh still flesh and bone still vulnerable to the outside but now with light in it light that's lit up light that's emanating and then you take the light body with all the essence of human sensuality and you take the human body now with its light with uh with its um i exist with its energy fields that were created by the light and we integrate those together so you're both you're both your and your human body and light body and then we're going to bring them together so you're both what is the light body well that's what we're here for to talk about the light body it's a lot of things and i'll be adding to this as we go but it's essentially your sovereignty your sovereignty the true angelic being has no body uh it's nobody zero as adamus has been talking about lately zero but there's no body it's difficult for the human mind to comprehend that because they want to have a body identity you're used to it from so many incarnations you want to have something that identifies your body so even if it's not a physical body you then think it's this big kind of glowy thing uh out there somewhere floating around but actually there is no body there's not even there's not even a body of light so to speak in the other realms there is just awareness there's a lot of that's been written and talked about in the light body and many think that suddenly you have a a body that has no weight it's just literally light particles and that with that you take that and travel to any part of the universe or you can walk through walls or walk on water or or any of that and it's not that that's totally wrong but that's not really the point of the light body that we're talking about here the light body here as i say is your sovereignty the light body is the awareness that the physical body is simply a costume that you're wearing and really actually not so much uh when that belongs to you because it's something that was handed down from your ancestors because it is singular it is just you it's your essence it is your energy but not energy in all sorts of little particles and pieces like atoms it is so beautifully simple it is not prone to pain or disease like your human physical body is when you have an extremely elaborate communication network like you do in your human body it can get off the the communications can be offset unbalanced and that's where things like disease come in when you have a very elaborate communication system like your physical body that really doesn't belong to you it's the byproduct of your ancestors then it can get very filled with disease or imbalances or pain the light body is singular it's all yours it's not a composite of ancestors or or past lives it is a center point for your energy here on this planet and the light body also contains um well your entire body of consciousness that adamus has talked about so many times your body of consciousness so it's not just physical it it includes uh what you would call your mind that's part of the body of consciousness your thoughts your awareness your memories that's all now part of the body of consciousness and ultimately of the light body so it's all of these things in the so don't think in terms of the light body is just this chunk of skin and bone and fat think of your light body in terms of your true essence the light body does not necessarily glow with light but it can but it's not it's not uh necessary the light body is just presence now the light body that you develop now that you allow now will incorporate the best of the physical characteristics and the physical senses so that when you now go into other realms other dimensions or when you go to the ascended masters club wherever it happens to be you can recreate your physical whenever you want but without the complexity of the physical body you recreate the physical with this simple like body doesn't have all the the complex communication you're just there you're just there you can literally go to any place in creation and instantly manifest the physical body even if there's no such thing as time or space or air or water or anything else this is the real uh traveling the real ability to go anywhere including coming back to earth without going through incarnations without going through the birth process and simply appearing appearing to to others uh with it's not an illusion but it's a manifestation of the light body in 3d form but without actually having to be in this old outdated vessel and i apologize cauldre i wasn't speaking specifically to you but by acknowledging and allowing the light body in it begins to change the the dna it begins to get you off of the ancestral uh cycles it begins to break down the aniotron that communication network in the body and slowly replace it with a much simpler much more efficient system which ultimately could help in slowing down or possibly even reducing aging it will definitely have an impact on the pain level of the body definitely and it will also give you more more respect for your body as you realize now it's letting go of all the connections with the ancestral and coming back to your true sovereignty your energy your physical body is going to smile and putting it in simple terms your physical body as as we talked about in the last session will feel the presence of your light body it will feel the ease and the efficiency and the grace of the light body it would be like having your physical body will feel like an angel has come to visit an angel that doesn't have aches and pains an angel that doesn't have an extremely complex communication system like the aniotron the human body will at first possibly try to reject it because it's foreign and it may not trust it but it will quickly learn that it is part of you part of the consciousness and it will start adapting and mimicking as we talked about in doing so the biggest change that will come about initially is the release of the aniotron the nitron once again is this complex uh communication the light communication system within the body that connects and communicates uh every neuron every nerve every every cell and molecule and atom and organ in the body and it will realize it doesn't need that old complex system so there'll be a feeling at first of uh possibly of disorientation in the body because it's used to having this massive communication thing working all the time it's like you know heavy uh energy consuming equipment for the body but then it will learn that where the aniotron has pulled away that the light body with a singular communication not a network but a singular communication will come in and start handling a singular a new singular type of communication in the physical body so there'll be then a period of feeling a tremendous relief a tremendous release uh tremendous lightness and er it it would just it will feel like a sense of freedom uh and but before it does it it before all this starts happening the the human biology can kind of kick up and and say because it doesn't understand what's going on wonder and maybe you'll feel more pain for a period of time but after a relatively short period of time with the awakening of the the code within as one acknowledges that they're masters then what happens is the human body begins to let's say kind of fall in love with the light body the human body says i want to be like that i want to be light and easy i don't want to have this complex communication network i want to be i want to be able to be solid and i want to be invisible i want to have all these capabilities so pretty soon what happens is the physical body starts trying to imitate trying to imitate the workings of the light body it will kind of it will look to the light body to say how do you do this how do i do that how do i get out of my trappings of of being in the human body it will start kind of mimicking and and then eventually allowing the the light body in they will for a quite a period of time be working together with each other when the light body comes into your current biology it also automatically rebalances and rearranges some of the energies and the energy loads within your body because the light body is truly yours it will also provide certain cleansing or what you would call healing services within your biology right away the light body will find places where energy flows are stuck where they're blocked and it will slowly start gently start to massage those blockages to help get the energies in your biology flowing in a very balanced way once again the light body will come in and start untying some of the uh the energy strands that have been keeping you connected with your ancestral biology it will be like untying knots in a rope because the light body doesn't need nor does it desire to have those ancient connections the light body will immediately go into what we call the death trigger within your biology it's that mechanism that basically says at a certain point in your life you're going to die out of the physical body the light body will go into the the mind of the physical body and yes the physical body has a mind of its own but the light body goes into the mind of the physical body and changes over the patterns that would normally cause you to die of illness or old age and eventually allow it so that you can simply walk out of the physical body when you're done the light body is much much more energy efficient than the physical body even the way you eat and consume food is going to change your crystalline light body actually won't have to eat but part of the humanness of you still will want to the christian light body does not age like the physical body as a matter of fact it can go to work for you right away rejuvenating your skin rejuvenating all the tissues in your body rejuvenating at a very deep inner level you take a good deep breath and allow that crystalline light body to start associating with or integrating with your physical biology in every cell of your body every cell and there are billions of them and every cell there is a space that was left uh open for the ultimate integration of what you would call your light body your uh crystal body i'm the term somewhat uh sometimes are not so good but but the light or crystal body to come in in every cell in every incarnation you've had this space has remained open science doesn't necessarily recognize this right now but ultimately they'll come to see that there's a there's a hollowness in every cell there's a vacant space this was designed from the very uh first human bodies that ever developed on this planet this was designed specifically for the time when you'd be integrating your light body it wasn't known when that time would come how it would come who it would come to but it was known that ultimately part of the human journey was to be in biology and also to be in the light body simultaneously convey to your body that the real evolution is filling every cell within it with this i like to say this golden nectar this sweet drop of divine honey filling every cell in your body bringing consciousness not just biological intelligence but consciousness into every cell [Music] bringing what some call light [Music] bringing what some call wisdom or divine [Music] light is everywhere it's everywhere light is the river of consciousness the flow of consciousness radiating from the i am the i exist externalized for its journey it's experience it's playfulness light is everywhere it's in you right now it's in every part of your body the light has always been there now it's emerging it's coming into that body through that body it's already in every cell of your body it's been kind of neutral dormant [Music] inactive it's been waiting waiting for this time it hasn't been putting any pressure on your physical biology it's just been waiting [Music] for now for the allowing [Music] and then it emerges it comes through it is in cooperation with the physical cells in your body it's not overtaking them it's in a playfulness with it [Music] the cells don't see it as a foreign object something that has to battle the cells know the light has always been there always waiting to come through so the cells have an acceptance or allowing of the light of consciousness of awareness [Music] every cell right now emerging coming through is awareness [Music] i am i am that i am i exist i exist and this light is singing out to every cell i exist we exist the biology with light and the light with biology this is where they come together and a type of merging a type of melding together out in this very playful space of no space [Music] so now there's the integrated light and physical there's physical with light and there's the light body with physical there's all three you're never one you're never singular the reason it feels good or simple is because this is really who you are [Music] light in the body [Music] sensual biology in the light and as well the marriage of body and light together the light body is something that has been in preparation for a long long time as it comes into the physical body it connects on a point by point basis with all the key energy points or coordinates in the physical body the light body is something you have designed as you breathe in as you allow it it starts to literally make love to your physical biology [Music] it loves all of the cells in your body and loves the organs it loves the blood loves the skin and physical body finds relief in this new type of body mechanism slowly and gently the light body replaces generation and after generation of ancestral biology it's about allowing this light body your true vessel to come in it's about making that clear choice from the am consciousness that you're allowing this [Music] it doesn't matter if the mind doubts that it can be done wonder if this is scientifically possible it doesn't matter because in the true i am consciousness all things are possible biology and light melding together [Music]
Channel: Adamus Saint-Germain
Views: 27,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enlightenment, channeling, spirituality, love, selflove, self-love, transformation, ascension, ascended master, shaumbra, crimson circle, adamus saint-germain, adamus, spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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