✈️FLYING with 5 KIDS😬

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- [Kendra] Don't touch anything. - That part is scary. - I just got _. (upbeat music) Look at that. (upbeat music) - [Jeremy] You guys ready to check it out? - Good morning, we are headed to Utah on an airplane in like an hour and a half. The kids are being so helpful this morning. I've been amazed at the jobs they're able to do. It's stuff that usually just Jeremy and I are doing. They're taking our the trash, they're making lunch, they're packing bags, it's awesome. - [Jeremy] So Kendra has all of the clothes bagged and numbered for which day they're gonna be wore and Isaac is packing it up. (upbeat music) - We are in the car and we're headed to the airport. There is not a tornado in sight, in fact there is not even a storm in sight so that's good news. We're running a little bit late which is why Jeremy just went through a yellow light. - [Jeremy] It was yellow. - It was kind of orange. - [Jeremy] It was yellow. - It was a little bit orange. It was not red though. - So when can we see Grandma and Papa? - [Kendra] Yeah we're gonna see Grandma and Papa. - We're going to Utah. - [Kendra] Utah. - Utah is my favorite state. - [Kendra] Raise your hand if you were born in Utah. Okay Laura, you were born in Kansas City. - Oh yeah. - Me and Isaac were born in Utah. - [Kendra] Gosh should we go see the house where you guys were born at? - Yeah. - So Kendra and I aren't from Utah, we just went to school there. I did law school there and then we moved to Kansas City. - So we're basically headed to our beginning. This is where Jeremy and I met, this is where we were living when we first got married and had Isaac and Elise. So it's full of wonderful memories so we're excited to share some of that with the kids. - And CVX Live is happening so we're gonna see a bunch of YouTube friends. - What? (techno music) Well this is not our first time flying with all five kids, but I don't know if I'm ever going to not be nervous about flying with five kids. I feel like we're driving up to the airport terminal and I'm like alright, game face on. This is it. Molly had to come with us this time? - Uh huh and I have her signature. - [Kendra] Nice. The way we do this when we go to the airport is Jeremy drops me and all the kids except for Caleb off and then he goes and parks the car and comes and gets us. - We're waiting for a bus, I can see it coming. But I put the bag inside out with our car seats. So before the bus gets here I have to try to fix that. There's the bus, let's make this happen. (epic music) I just got it in time. Just barely. Did we make it? That was close. - I always feel like we look a little crazy walking through the airport. - So fast. - [Jeremy] We're going fast? Good thing we only have 25 minutes til they board our plane. - Uh oh. - Kendra was just making fun of me for forgetting my laptop last time. She's all did you remember your laptop? Yeah, I got it. It's a big event when our family gets on a plane. - [Man] Thank you guys. - [Jeremy] Alright, let's go. - They're pretty excited. - [Jeremy] Look in there you guys, look. Check out the cockpit. - [Flight Attendant] Say hi to everybody. - They let the kids look into the cockpit and Caleb goes whoa, that's a lot of buttons. We weren't able to get all six seats together this time so the boys are a few rows back and the girls are here with me. - Hi. - So I was just saying to Kendra that if parenting were the Olympics, then traveling at the airport could be an entire event. Trying to get on the bus, trying to get to ticketing, going through security, sitting on the plane. It's amazing. - How does the runway make us go so fast? - [Jeremy] I think the runway has ice on the bottom and we just slide right down it until we fly up into the air. - Before we left the house I was looking everywhere for one of my pairs of earrings. I had left it on the table and I couldn't find it anywhere. Finally we just had to go and I was like man I'm not gonna have my earrings that I love. Guess what? I just opened Laura's backpack and she had packed my earrings. She took them from off the table and she packed them at the bottom of her own bag with some random socks. Did you take my earrings? - I had them 'cause I have my ears pierced. - [Kendra] Let's see your pierced ears. You ready? - Going to Utah, Arizona. - [Kendra] No, we're not going to Arizona, we're going to Utah. - Utah is in Arizona. - How fast are we going? - Whee! (upbeat music) - That part is scary. We just passed California. (upbeat music) - I'm getting some good, I just got _. I just got _. I just got _. (upbeat music) - We're landing. - [Jeremy] How was it Elise? - It was good. (upbeat music) - [Jeremy] Three, jump. Good job. You got it, you got it. - So this is a new baby carrier that I have for Jenae and she's loving it. - [Jeremy] That's awesome. - [Elise] And you're loving it. (rock music) - [Kendra] Good job team. You think so, oh you think so Jenae-nae. This is it, our rental van. - We're almost there. - [Kendra] We did it, almost. - Then we have to buckle in all the car seats. - [Kendra] We're getting close, we're getting close. Jeremy's pretty much a professional car seat installer at this point. - The worst calling in life. - [Kendra] I birth the children and he does the car seats and we're calling it even. (techno music) Oh my goodness, you guys see this? Look at that. - Yeah! - [Kendra] There is an actual opening. So you feel cooler driving a van with a sunroof? - I always cool driving a minivan. - [Kendra] Yeah you do and you look good doing it. (techno music) (screaming) Just in case any of you are wondering, this is why we flew to Utah this year instead of driving. Jenae hates the car so much. That would have been 16 hours of a crying baby. So sad. - Oh my girl. How are you? How are you doing buddy? - Good. - [Jeremy] Jema, hey. - Her little curls just adorable. - [Jeremy] Jema look a baby. - [Kendra] What do you think? - [Jeremy] So we're here at Marla's place. She's making dinner for us, thank you. - [Kendra] And it smells so good. - All day we've just been off with vlogging, with the camera. So what I mean by that is something cute is happening and we go and we grab the camera and we forget to press record. - [Jeremy] Maybe it's because we were trying to travel 1,000 miles at the same time and it's hard to do both really well. - Unless you have ninja, catlike reflexes, which sometimes Jeremy does. (upbeat music) - Grandpa. - [Jeremy] Do you wanna come roll down the hill? Do you wanna go roll down the hill? - Yeah. - [Jeremy] He's going. - [Grandpa] Cubby, do a somersault. (screaming) Oh Parker, good job, good job. - I'm okay. - [Jeremy] On your mark, get set, go. Faster, faster. (rock music) - [Grandpa] Caleb's building a snowman. (laughter) (rock music) - [Jeremy] How do you feel after doing that? Laura you wanna go down the hill, not up the hill. - We've had some kids that liked grass and some babies that hated it. She's holding her feet up. What do you think of the grass big girl? - [Jeremy] She's just kind of scowling at it like what is this? - No? No, not a fan of the grass? (techno music) We're staying in a rental house for the first couple days we're in Utah. We much prefer to stay in rental houses over hotels because instead of getting one room with all of our craziness, we get several rooms. We're going in to see it now, it's a townhouse. It looks like it's right next to a park. - That's awesome. - [Jeremy] You guys ready to check it out? (upbeat music) - Whoa. - [Jeremy] Here's our new place. (upbeat music) - Oh my. - Don't know why it's so fun to see a new place that you're gonna stay at. It's just like super exciting. - [Caleb] This is the master bedroom. - [Jeremy] Here's where Mom and I will stay. And then what's nice is it has a big old closet. So we can just put Jenae-nae in a nursery. - Hi. Do you hear the trees? - [Jeremy] So we got all the kids in bed. It's been a super long day. I'm excited for all the adventures coming ahead. J House out. - Elise is gonna be a sea monster and a fairy and she's nervous. - Duck, duck, goose. - One, two, three. 28, 29, here I come.
Channel: J House Vlogs
Views: 6,167,581
Rating: 4.6814718 out of 5
Keywords: J House Vlogs, J House, jhousevlogs, jhouse, kids, children, baby, family, vlogs, fun, cute, funny, lifestyle, flying, travel with 5 kids, flying with 5 kids, first flight, cvx live
Id: WCJru0qnCDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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