✅ 2024 Update! Publish Android app to Google Play Store | Uploading ProcessAndroid app bundle

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hi I am fuz a professional front-end developer and specialist in Google Play console over the past 3 years I have been providing professional supports for Google Play console assisting numerous developers in navigating the process of uploading and Publishing their apps on Google Play Store in this single video I will guide you through a stepbystep process on how to upload an app on the Google Play Play Store now if you are an indie developer looking to publish an Android app you might concern about the Google Plus new policies requiring 20 testers for 14 days but don't worry I have a exact solution to address this requirement I will utilize entirely free tools for publishing making the process is smooth and accessible for you I would like to mention that I have a dedicated team for testing Android app over 14 days period with the regular testing I have assisted over 40 apps successfully published in Google Play Store additionally I have been providing continuous support for past 3 years if you encounter any issues such as app rejection or app removal from the Google Play Store feel free to reach out to me for best solution so let's get started with app publishing process first we have need to ensure we have all necessary documents and requirement those are bundle file app icon app Banner short description long description and privacy policies if you don't have those resources don't worry I will demonstrate how to generate them using free tools let's begin by building the app bundle file let's create app icon app banner and app screenshot using free tool canva.com you can easily create any graphic for your app from canva.com it is a premium packages you can use freely if you want then you can also use paid version let's create an privacy policy for the app for generating privacy policy I am using this website you can also use this website I will give it link on the description box you will will check it out from there and go to this website and fill up the form according to your app copy it from here and create an Google doc file and paste it there after that you can share it on publicly and for make sure you can click on incognito mode and you can check this out excellent job now we have everything prepared we are ready to upload our app to Google Play Store click on create app and give a name and is it app or game and is it free or paid we have to put the information here we need to check all the Declaration and create app a app dashboard has created and this is the whole app dashboard we can put all information for the app here you can see that one app to instant get installation of app on my phone or developer phone or user owner phone then you can choose internal testing process okay but before internal testing process we have to fill up some information we already created a doc file with privacy policies we find it and we can put it there here is our doc file already created and this privacy policy and copy it and it's viewer copy the link and we paste it here and save it then going back to dashboard app access our app have without access any restriction go back to dashboard ads our app contain adds or no according to the app we have to put that content rating here is some questionary we have to fill up the questionaries put your email address here according to my app I am fill uping the form according to your app you have to follow that I'm going back to next next and save it and target audience according to our app we have to fill up those form right our app not a news app our app not contain any covid-19 data safety it is a most important part on uploading the app no it's not a Gman app we have to select app category it's entertain app and if you want then you can give it the tag here we have to put the short description and long description which we created before it is a full description or long description and app icon we have to put the app icon this one yes which already uh created from canva it is a banner yes this Banner and some screenshots are there and uploading it minimum we have to upload three screenshots from here same extion I am uploading same and we need to for don't need Chromebook and we have to then we can go to save and we have completed the store listing now I'm going to close testing and set up the countries add countries religion okay all countries I'm selecting then select testers I am going to the name of list and all the testers list I will provide you can put it there as a CSV file you can export CSV file from your Google Sheets yeah this is the testers CSV file you can see it then add email address and save the changes all the email address here and create and it's uploaded and save it and create new release we have already build in the bundle file from the hdk right I'm going to release name give it first right initial release upload the a file or bundle file from yes this is the bundle file and it's uploading the bundle file is uploaded and click on on next and here is the one error declaration error I am just giving it advertis and marketing for uh ID and clicking next then there is no issues close testing manage and preview the confirmation and release without permission for now and we will upload it later and send it to review the after that app is in review now after the release we can perform test starts and we have to test the app for 14 days after that the uh copy link will clickable you can see that the app still in review when it in review we cannot do anything the app releases time is vary from app to app so we have to wait few hours to few days for app releasing after the 8 days letterer app is released now now after release the app you can see that two link will clickable copy link one is for Android and one is for web and after that you will forward to your team members or your testers after they install the app you will see the progress in here already 11 testers are installed my app here here you can see the progress bar after 20 people installing the app you will see the two step done one step is release second step is 20 star optained in your closed test after that the last step will begin on the last step One Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 day 5 day up to 13 Day we see progress on here you can see that one day 2 day to 13 Day After That the apply for production button will clickable then we can click it and fill up the form let's fill up the form now after 14 days testing you will see the button clickable request for production we will click click the button and the form will pop up and we have to fill up the form after the successfully fill up form we have to submit the app after submitting you will see this like okay this is the long video video if the video will help you please like this video and if you have any questions in your mind please contact with me all the link will be in description thank you
Channel: CodeVenturePro
Views: 5,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google play console, google play console tutorial, android app upload, publish andorid app on google play, closed testing, 20 testers, pre-release test, android app uploading
Id: TMqDtuI_abo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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