⚠️Serious WARNING for visitors to the Canary Islands! | It is on the brink of collaps!

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I'm here in lanzerotti the Canary Islands an island that is struggling and is in crisis due to over tourism that is what you're going to believe if you read the mainstream media well this is what they're saying now that the island is on the brink of claps I'm here at Peak time in the afternoon lunchtime to see the lunchtime rush in one of the main Resorts here in lanzerotti player Blanca and I'm going to show to you just how much nonsense this really is and I do urge the media in the UK to maybe focus on your own tourism issues that you have that are having an effect on your economy and on your infrastructure because here in lanzera the island depends on tourism and your poor reporting has a more negative effect on this island than tourism and I'm going to show you why come on let's go and have a real look at what's going on in the Canary Islands and I'll tell you the real news let's [Applause] go so before we debunk what they're telling you I need you to do me a favor I need you to watch this video to the end CU it's really really important I also want you to make sure that you follow this channel cuz I'll bring you up toate real news on what's going on in the Canary Islands and travel in general and also share this around to as many people as you can even to the Press themselves and show them just how dangerous they're being by reporting things that are completely and utterly Incorrect and scaremongering people along the way and of course make sure to like make sure to follow and make sure to drop a comment with your opinions as well cuz you might not agree with me and that's fine you have freedom to do that come on let's go and have a little look around now I came down here peak time lunchtime just to get the lunchtime rush to show you what it's all about because if you listen to what they're saying in the news well you'd imagine not to be able to walk down here would you you'd imagine it to be like sardines you'd imagine this beach to be overrunning you'd imagine the island well to be sinking wouldn't you the way they're going on about it so if you did see my last video on tourists not being welcome in the Canary Islands and there going to be Mass demonstrations on the 20th of April well there is going to be demonstrations on the 20th of April but they're going to be at the Town Hall and although they are a little bit to do with tourism they are more to do with the fact that they're building bigger hotels they're building More Holiday Homes than they are houses and places for people to live and that's the big issue here with the locals that the rents are so high and that houses have been rented out to tourists but yet they still build more tourist houses and tourist hotels rather than looking after the locals themselves so believe me there's not going to be a Rampage of Canarian people walking down this street telling you lot to go home and if you look at my other video you'll see exactly what the locals have to say so you can see there's people out shopping there's people on the beach there's people having lunch it's just a typical holiday Resort the media back home are painting a picture of absolute sheer Devastation of course tourism is going to have an effect on the island and the resources but me they've definitely got things in place to ensure that your holiday goes smoothly of course as well as the tourist hot spots and the bars and the restaurants and shops down here there are many attractions as well that visitors frequent so let's go and have a look at some of the main attractions here in lanzerotti and I'll show you just how busy they are let's go these are the camels in lanzerotti one of the biggest attractions and places to visit let's see how busy it is so here we go these are the camels now I'm not a big fan of uh of the camels with the weight of some people it could be the only thing that is collapsing on the island of lanzerotti what do you reckon so you can see it's quite busy down here there's lots of cars and lots of people and don't get me wrong in the summertime this place does get very busy but what tourist destination does not get busy during peak season as far as the island being in a state of claps and oversaturated well I think these guys have pretty much got this under control don't you so this is Tim and fire National Park the number one attraction in lanzera it actually is a live volcano this is like the pyramids in Egypt to the Canary Islands so let's see just how busy and oversaturated this place is and is that volcano ready to erupt I tell you what I'm ready to erupt with all these news reports that are coming in it's nonsense so again during the summer time here it is very busy with cars we certainly recommend that you book a tour and you can do that on our website www.t trvel on.org yourself a tour and you won't have to wait in line with the rest of the higher cars but as you can see it's not too bad today in summer time yes there are cues but like I've said throughout this whole video what tourist destination around the world is not busy during peak season and they're getting through very very quickly look hardly a wait at all and there we go one man to manage everything hardly overrun let's get to the next place welcome to the Village of yaa this has been voted one of the prettiest villages in Europe and it's home to the town hall now for an island that's about to collapse you would expect everyone to be running around in a panic wouldn't you that's what they'd have you believe but listen can you hear anything going on let's go and take a little look around and I'll show you just how peaceful the village of yaer is and this is a tourist hot spot as well so here we go this beautiful small quaint Village here in lanzera the island that is saturated and on the brink of claps has this beautiful Church look it's so peaceful around this area and like I said it's a very popular place for tourists to come and visit it's part of many tours and as you can see everybody is super busy and this is the oldest bar in lanzera 1890 let's go and take a look so this is like well the local bar for the local people and the workers look lots of people in here they do tap us and there you go busy busy busy in lanzera look there's the uh civil protection clearly overrun overrun grabbing himself a lovely coffee and this guys is your Island in a state of claps I mean come on you couldn't get much more chill than that could you welcome to El goo another main tourist attraction here in lanzera and it's free so you'd expect it to be busy and I tell you what the claps of the island just look at this place it's falling apart let's go and take a look saturated by tourism Brits abroad acting crazy it's just Overkill isn't it beautiful views look absolutely gorgeous and let's take a little look around here because as the news would have you believe the island is collaps in can I just say this is the walkway that hundreds and thousands of people walk down to visit this beautiful attraction here at El goo and just look how spotlessly clean it is how well maintained it is and does it look like it's falling apart to you I don't think so what do you reckon this place here and the main hospital in arifi is the equivalent of the NHS now Health Service here in lanzerotti is phenomenal and on the island they have another hospital which is a private hospital called hospit 10 and many many small clinics around the island which accept your travel insurance so these places really do not have much of an impact with tourism whatsoever but what I do ask the media is maybe you look at the problems with your own Health Service in your own country before saying that our health service is overrun because look there's not many people here at all said the private hospitals are ready willing and waiting to take your travel insurance because they're a business I'm here at the local bus station here in player Blanca lanzera now the bus service in the Canary Islands is fantastic the buses are brand new they're spotlessly clean and they go around the whole island over the last couple of years they've really really invested in local transport and it's so easy to get around this has been done to make it easier for workers out of different resorts to travel to and from work and like I said it is an amazing service I have done a full video all about the bus service if you want to have a look through the channel you'll be able to find that but also behind me is the local police station just in case you misbehave while you're on holiday which I hope you don't because that's what they're trying to avoid more than anything but the Police Service here is also amazing now you've got the local police and you've got the Guardia ceville and you do feel really safe wherever you go in the Canary Islands the police have always got a presence they're always around to help support as well as the ambulance service the fire service everything the services here are amazing another thing about the police here on the islands is you tend to respect them there's no messing around they know exactly what they're doing and believe me if you step out of line they will put you in your place now I've seen a lot of things online from the police back in the UK and irand and it seems to me that they get little to no respect and they're also not given the authority to police properly here in the Canary Islands they are and I tell you what it works I feel safe and those that come here to lanzerotti certainly feel safe on their holiday and that is what it's all about so we have not one not two but we have three feries here in lanzerotti to take you over to fla ventur which is just a 25 minute Crossing two of these faeries are huge and they take cars as well one of them which you can see behind me is for t only so we have the infrastructure to flip between the islands and it doesn't look to be many people on that Ferry heading over clearly not saturated is it so there you go from what was once a quaint little fishing Village here in player Blanca lanzerotti two what they consider Mass tourism now don't get me wrong there does have to be a limit with the amount of hotels they're building with the amount of accommodation they're building for tourists and not for the locals with the infrastructure of the island the water the electrics everything like that there does have to be a limit and I do understand the local people here that can't get affordable housing and can't find anywhere to live in order to do their job and that here is the real problem however if you listen to the mainstream media well they're painting a picture that is completely different aren't they and they're saying that tourists should not come here that tourists are not welcome and that the island is basically on the verge verge of collapse as you can see from what I've shown you today it is absolute nonsense and the reporting they're doing is going to have more of a negative effect on this island than Mass tourism itself yes there are problems but there are problems all over the world including the UK and Ireland so maybe the Press should be focusing their attention on that rather than picking on the small little Canary Islands because believe me they do want tourism they do want you here but they do want it to be limited and managed correctly and that's not your fault is it that's the fault of those that are in charge so I do hope they are listening and I do hope that the mainstream media are listening and if you do want to talk about it mainstream media feel free to contact me I'll gladly come on and tell you all about it anyway that's enough from me Mr Travelon I hope you've enjoyed the video all I've got to say is welcome to the Canary Islands come over respect the islands when you do come over the last thing that anybody want is the sort of Brits abroad this is a beautiful island so respect their culture respect their Island keep everything clean and tidy spend some money and that is all that you need to do and enjoy this beautiful place I'll see you in the next video if you've got any questions please make sure to drop me a comment and don't forget share this video around and follow us on all our social channels to bring you all the real information about travel and the Canary Islands in general see you later [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TravelON.World
Views: 266,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, Travel News, Canary Island News, Lanzarote News, Mr TravelON
Id: 7a6teWYCO3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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