Hello everyone, in this video we are going to learn how to recover in this case the GT media v7 s5x How to recover Yes, for example when we are performing an update and in the middle of the update This is interrupted either because we move the USB or the we extract or because the electricity is interrupted by turning off the equipment and when we turn it on it no longer charges the system because of a bad action. So at this moment this v7 is working and is working with the lc system if you are in Latin America and Central America and you want to know how install this system so that you can see the channels on the 70w and 61w amazon you can see it here on the card that I leave here above or below in the comments or in the description and there you will find the link to the video to see the tutorial on how to have This system is good in this video, as I told you, an error can occur when updating, causing our computer to stop working, so to recover it what we have to do is Download or have an update on the USB and rename it to the name flash.bin but since this equipment is working we are going to do the step of updating the equipment and in the middle of the update I am going to cut off the power so that the error occurs so to update we go to the menu We go here at the end as you already know USB grade and We give it est to update having already previously had the update file already here. Then we give it Start as if we were updating in the middle of the update, I'm going to interrupt, because it's here that it turned off and comes back and I connect it so that the device has an error like Ven here it has a u indicating that it has an error that cannot be loaded and this screen appears Force upgrade that is a protection system that the team has to rewrite the speare but as I already told you the update has another name and it requires Yes or yes, have an update with the name flash.bin or with the name flash so what we are going to do is go to the computer since we have the update. Here we are going to go to the computer and rename the update that we already had here so for that we go to computer and we return being here on the computer and with the memory connected where we already had the update that we could not finish, we double click on it And in this case I have several update files but they are from the same computer this is this update is from the forum from fritza and this is to install the lcan system as I told you if you have not seen the video you can see it below in the comments or at the end of this video I leave the link So since what I want to install is the update that I already had here What I'm going to do is right click on that file and right click change name and I put lower case flash sh and I hit enter. Don't worry if you don't get the Bin point since I have it configured so that the extensions appear Once we already have the name like this, what we are going to do is disconnect and we are going to go to the decoder and continuing here in the decoder, having the memory here on the outside, we proceed to connect it or if we want, we turn off the decoder, we connect the memory and we understand again, but how I already have it on and to facilitate the Tutorial Since I only have one hand I am going to proceed to connect the memory like this and it will automatically start updating like Come here and instead it says downlo and here I change it to d start writing again the operating system to the firmware in the internal memory in a forced manner, then remember to download the receiver update file, change the name to flash.bin or flash and re-enter it and turn on the device. Of course, this will delete everything for configuration, but since I already have a copy security now I restore it we leave it as it was as Come here this notice I get because I have the system for AC I click here Cancel and we have the equipment working again and the next thing is to update the configurations enter the values as they are before and That's how we recovered the equipment. So that's the end of the video, see you in a future video, goodbye.