♡David Crosby♡March 7, 1981♡Julia Morgan Theater, Berkeley, CA ♡Acoustic Concert🎶Soundboard

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[Music] from the sea here is one like sunrise older than you know still just lying there with some careless way forgot it long ago [Music] when I awoke this morning [Music] don't beneath my floating home down below her graceful side in the Turning time watch the sea fish roll [Music] there I heard this story [Music] there's another island of today's away from here it's empty and free it have Venezuela [Music] nothing more to see than a hundred thousand islands flung like Jewels upon the sea but even me [Music] Sunset smells of dinner [Music] they're calling to meet in my tea but perhaps I'll see you the next quiet please [Music] [Applause] what a strange little run this is it's so live it sounds so strange in here doesn't sound strange to you are those pews pardon me Pat him but this pie is occupude I hope they're not too uncomfortable hmm [Music] look around again [Applause] it's the same old Circle you see [Music] it's got to be foreign [Music] that you should grab a hold of it helps you are going to find past goodbye [Music] rainbows all around can you find yourself some children and gold it will make you old this River this River can be hot or cold and you should dive right into it else you are going to find [Music] pass it around one more time I guess I'm gonna have myself swallow [Music] why [Music] this life is fine [Music] even even [Music] with the ups and downs [Music] you are going to find [Music] [Applause] I have absolutely no idea what I'm missing for the third song yeah well you know pretty tricky that's pretty daring thing to do this early in the set but [Music] this chance for your guitar players to swipe these tunings here [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] if you didn't know [Music] build it down foreign [Music] I don't know [Music] better than them [Music] [Applause] down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down thank you [Applause] if I had ever been here before I would probably know just what to do don't you if I had ever been here before on another time around the field I would probably not just how to deal with all of you [Music] and I feel [Music] like I've been here before [Music] like I've been here before and you know it does make me wonder [Music] what's going on [Music] the ground [Music] do you know don't you wonder [Music] what's going on [Music] under you [Music] a little time [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you y'all don't open that thing foreign net without handlebars [Applause] [Music] I play what's known as songwriter piano that's where you have about eight chords song that you write you start in a different one rotate through the same chords but because you start in a different one nobody spots it you know um okay let's see you know here um foreign ER it's my first Far From Grace my first Hollow Echo the halls of praise how could Santa I thought it was blind it's a bat how could he tear down tell like that how could a little Caesar I couldn't know where I was spoke [Music] I am amazed how they stumbles foreign [Music] cause I keep whipping problems under my [Music] face my fight filled with a friend soon have no more time [Music] I am amazed how this stumbled ore [Music] stumble [Music] onward through the Hayes [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] said oh no we can't pack any more people in here you guys don't even look like you're hiding next to each other send some health Angels after him or something I don't know sat on my party wanna hear a new song [Applause] I don't know if I can remember all the words and everything this is probably the best one I wrote lately I think I hope I hope it's a song called Delta it's not one of those who am I where is it what's going on here why didn't they give me an instruction booklet songs you know I mean you know how come no tab a slot be why you know you get that feeling where's the map why didn't he tell me how this thing works oh well maybe I'm the only one I don't know [Music] Ray Vaughan Dave foreign [Music] thoughts foreign [Music] on the delta while they dance [Music] foreign [Music] someone keep thinking in my sleep a fast [Music] and chance and a seasons of time stops here on the delta while they dance wow they did [Music] wild needed [Music] wow dating [Music] you like it that's the best part of seeing a new one to new people you know you didn't hear on a record or anything it's if it makes it then you know you feel like you actually might get the egg money next week and everything survive new songs more fun almost anything else want to hear some more Samurai [Music] this feeling is [Music] driven before we knew that it was like a Simon jumping on the screen without the vicious sense he was carrying to his feet weapon held across his eyes he wasn't looking for the light looking for the light he was the only one I met [Applause] all right that's some sick stuff right foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] Mouse two cats in a yard it keeps my mouse on guard [Applause] find the coast of Sweden I sang that one night in a concert man I swore I hadn't done it man and Nash bit me a thousand bucks he'd already listened to the tape he knew I'd sung it that way you know mother he framed the chat he framed the check too right God damn it find the coast of Sweden I couldn't believe I did it what should I do now here what can I do um quick day of a song quick foreign [Music] maybe you do I don't know some people are weird I always try to figure out what kind of demented weirdos to me you know [Music] cranial swamp brain fudge [Music] when I was young man found a new dream [Music] to have ever seen I made it some new wings [Music] and I wish so hard up in the air hose singing Carry Me Carry Me Carry Me of the world Carry Me carry me carry me above the world [Music] I once loved a girl [Music] younger than me [Music] her parents kept a locked up in their lives she was trying at night wishing she could be free of course I mostly remember laughing standing and dancing and watching this play [Music] for a while there [Music] Carry Me Above the world carrying and Carry Me Carry Me for the world then there was my mother she was lying and white sheets there she was waiting to die [Music] she said if you just reach underneath this bed could surely if I [Music] was still smiling but she was tired hear that last you know she's still good she would stand up she could sing she could sing Carry Me sing and Carry Me carrying above the world carry me carry me carry me Carry Me carry me for the world [Applause] we need another new song you guys are guinea piglets [Music] hmm [Music] you know where I'm is small things like text to the flavors how close up everything is to be till this distance came in our life Pistons came in amen [Music] and it always happens when you're trying to get next to someone when you want to reach her heart you cannot get close enough to start talk yeah talking straight to one another [Music] do you remember the things you used to write on the dashboard in the dust and the way we never never saw this car would rust till this distance [Music] when you're trying to get next to someone when you walk your heart you cannot get close enough to start talking straight to one another talking and talking and talking and talking I'm telling the truth across these distances in Our Lives [Music] eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right foreign all the time this is Carl's one this is my guitar but this crazy friend of mine Carl plays lead guitar with me later on and he's got this Unwound third string on here that goes you know for all that stuff and just goes right out underneath my ham handed technique just completely every two seconds well so you think now what to do is my polished Vegas Act [Music] I thought once you know how to get some satins and stack heels and throw some sequins in here and Guillotine a chicken instead of the smoke bomb stuff but somehow it didn't go well just not my style I guess [Music] yes what kind of cerebral swamp is in here good day lovely [Music] so sometimes in your life right maybe that's empty I don't know sometimes in your life you take your life's steering wheel and go aim over here and your life goes [Music] right you know what I mean at times like this and there have been many of these times I'm uh I tend to get in my car seeing like it will go where I steer it it's and wind up doing a 10 minute drive an hour and a half later out there on the freeway zoned out smoking one headed for Bakersfield or something it's the only place I could think you know don't please be alone or something I don't know anyway so stop telling my story and sing it David [Music] [Applause] one of those nights when you drive right by your own Street and you wonder who's running your hands and your feet and your car becomes a capsule and sometimes you can't hide last night I just needed I needed to write I wanted to drive my car didn't really care how far I wanted to roll through all these people wanna do driving my car didn't really care how far I wanted to run alone [Music] I was not at looking four honeys oh I noticed like usual but not as strong and the distance between me and my pavement seems to get 100 yards long I still feel the wind on my elbow but I'm driving keep on trying to tune in tune in on the radio [Music] out of the strands I needed to drive my car didn't really care how scared how wrong to the people alone wanted to drive time [Music] release the car goes where you steering sometimes that's the only thing the death so I get her in it and I drive it just to hear it I needed to drive my car not really get how far I wanna drive alone wanted to drive [Music] alone yeah [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Laura Sefchik
Views: 18,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #raredavidcrosbyconcert, #RIPdavidcrosby, #berkeley, JuliaMorganTheater, #SongWithNoWord-DavidCrosby
Id: N1DdXKho_vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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