€1,000 BMW E36 EV Build 06 : Motor Installation

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hello folks welcome to a particularly sunny day a rather congested workshop on your next episode of our thousand euro Evie build project pretty serious episode today hopefully where we're going to be putting them over on the gearbox together putting them in the car and at least making the wheels torn if we don't actually move the car for the first time so let's get straight to it I'm going to show you guys how we put them all around gearbox together cheaply alrighty so at this point we have our engine bay emptied out power washed power steering system fitted and tested we have no leaks anywhere of our hydraulic lines so yay and this is the point now - a lot of people I have found in the past tend to stall with because you've got this big open space here and what are we going to put in and I think if you can figure out what to put in here things start to get a little bit easier from there so on the floor here we'll see one that I have prepared earlier and what I'm gonna do here now is it gonna walk you guys through from the gearbox to the motor and basically show you the way that I tend to approach these particular parts of a build give you some general tips and tricks and then we'll go ahead bolt it all together and go and throw it in the car okay so first off we have our 5-speed manual gearbox that we removed from the vehicle now very few modifications are needed to this component we drained out the horrible sludgy oil and we'll be refilling that with some nice fresh oil this particular box uses ATF fluid which is good because it's a much lighter oiled and gear oil and it also means we don't need to buy some of my super expensive synthetic gear oil instead we just use 80 atf tree so that's a basic step also pressure-washed it to get rid of you know so many miles of slime it's not a perfect job but it got rid of a lot of the stuff that just tends to come off on you and you're trying to work with it next modification is on the first motion shaft you'll see this little stub here which is normally where the pilot bearing fits into the crank shaft we just basically cut that guy off now the reason for coating that guy off is that we want to get our motor and gearbox as close together as we can with our shaft coupler now I bring the camera in here I'm gonna talk to you guys a little bit true this element here now your next challenge here once you have the gearbox modified is how do we get the power from the motor shaft to the gearbox input now I'm not going to even come even try to talk about having clutches and flight wheels and stuff in here I don't believe in that I've never done it on a conversion I think it's a mistake some people swear by it so feel free to do your own research on that particular topic so for the purpose of this video will be basically talking about a solid cobbler now while we have here it wants to come off which of course it won't is a gear charts are sorry is a splined piece that fits the splined motor shaft rainy seriously there we go okay most of these forklift motors come with a spline shaft they're designed to fit into a gear box final drive type thing now we will be doing a video on modifying a motor as soon as I can get an unmodified motor but then the best best best thing that you can do is to get the gear from the forklift gearbox but this guy basically is designed to fit into so that you know then basically lets you have a fitting that goes I got that goes onto the motor input shaft then you get yourself the clutch disc cut the center piece I wouldn't they need a bit a machining to do to basically line up the two pieces and weld them together that's so that's basically how I've always done DS it's worked out very well for me now there are other ways you know sometimes you can have different types of shaft here you can try using taper lock couplers and things like that in my experience I tend to avoid that because I just yeah I've had pretty bad experiences with that particular settle so I tend to try to use a good solid coupler not like this and to have a grub screw fitted on there to keep it locked on to the so now you've basically got yourself a method of getting the rotating force from the motor into the gearbox so the next thing then that you need to achieve is to physically connect the motor to the gearbox bell housing now mowers will have all kinds of arbitrary bolt patterns and fixings and things like that this particular motor has a bit of a outcropping on Drive and face plate that was originally bolted off to a gearbox or a differential or something like that so what I typically do here is go for a 20 millimeter ru minion plate that we then basically machine out just with simple instruments like drill press hole saw all that cut type of thing and a manual tap set you bait you then basically drill and tap the holes that you need to line the stuff up now many people tend to suffer a bit from not getting these two parents lined up I do have a video for a good few years ago where I did just dash with them over and the gear box for the e39 so I'll try and put a link in that to deduce in the description for you but basically one of the things I want to talk about is because this is a very budget build that if we were to go out and buy a plate like that to be over a hundred euros so you'll see here that is a bit of extra machining went on here to some extra holes that were not using so what I did was I managed to get this plate for basically scrap price from a company that does CNC machining and basically all it takes in this type of thing is for somebody to make a single machining mistake to drill a hole in the rock the wrong place or the wrong size and you've got a you know you've basically got a scrap it and start again so if you're looking for your minion plates and things like that for a budget price it makes a lot of sense to look around those kind of engineering works machine shops all that type of place and they'll usually have something like this that you can get for you know very very cheap if not free you know I think I paid up like 10 euros for that particular plate so you'll see here drive a bolt with the head cut off screwed into the top here and you might be thinking why did I do that well I lined this one up in the horizontal plane so rather than doing what I would usually do is flip them over and sit the gearbox down onto it this was lined up on the horizontal plane so I use this as a peg and I identified this hole here relative to the the input shaft and then you use this guy as a peg to basically line up the rest of the holes so that is pretty much how we get ourselves a budget adapter and coupler Don so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to tread lock the bolt into the motor I'm gonna paint this guy open a bit of auntie rose paint tighten up the grub screw with some tray with some tread lock then we're gonna mount the gearbox on here and I wants with all of that stuff Don will refill the gear oil run them over here just with a 12-volt battery just to check everything's doing what it needs to and then we go rig up the crane and lift it in and yeah so this starting to come together now we've our bolts to the plate painted all the Coulter the grub screw and tighten that down so what we're doing now is we're gonna get the gearbox up here now couple tricks here I usually put a tiny bit of copper grease on to take care about explains and I need to gearbox in gear so I can kind of rock the splines but I can forward a little bit so over here this is where my little pin with the missing head on the bolt go ahead and bring them in what we want is for it to catch the pin first and then we can guide all our shots see told you never have too many blocks of wood guys managed to catch my gold but not my finger all right so I'm on the pin naturally anyone that's ever mounted a gear box to an engine blows up the splines never I know the first time that's it we are on so next thing we want to do and a couple of our nice new bolts in here so we're gonna tread lock each of these I've been very optimistic that I've got this right I think I have right if I haven't you guys a bit of a better view here rather than looking at my backside so mother longer bolts here for the side that should work over easily all right and check court warning frating good over here watch and now we can unscrew the pin for the normal bolt in here [Music] all right so we got fresh all right into gear walks we now bolt it all I'm gonna hit her with a 12-volt battery for the first time here goes Evy Romani [Music] not a bit of vibration or anything out of that that is absolutely gorgeous Wow that just never gets old all righty oh that's not gonna work all righty let's go put this thing in their car it's all right he so hanging on our crane scale we have won all eight kilos so that is quite a bit less than our diesel engine and gearbox work Wade unfortunately my lord leveler is not really leveling for me so I'm actually not going to use that I'm gonna take it off because it just doesn't have enough travel there's not enough weight on the back here for it to be effective so and I'm gonna whip that off and we'll just sling the we just sling it here from the front hopefully that will help us in some way so let's get set up with that and yeah then we can see about trying to get this thing into the car all righty folks so she's in boulders in mounted onto my trusty Land Rover engine mountings with some custom steel brackets bolted into the sides of the motor frame this one here took a bit more fabrication work because I had to make it Bend due to needing to clear the steering column so we're in the gear shift linkage is connected the gearbox crossmember is on and the driveshaft is reinstalled so next thing we're gonna do is gonna put a but put a 12-volt battery on there and see if we can get the wheels turning okay I've got a battery rather precariously sitting here we're in second gear and there goes nothing don't one's got to be spinner rockwheel isn't pink touch break has wedged on oh yes we have wheel spin yeah and of ripping my leg off but we have we have wheelspin folks [Music] she's alive except that we love stocks we're gonna have to free that off hmm few belts of a hammer later this one's now spinning and this one spinning all right time to go drive them no I'm not joking alrighty so we are back on all four wheels some of them a little bit soft balled were bolted in here and you're seeing some wires and you're thinking mmm what's going on here then we follow those wires or follow in here and you say oh my god no you say you have got to be kidding me that looks like a Tesla module Damien you say and we say yes it is so we are going for a Tesla powered test drive it with no controller no power brakes and no power steering so I do stay with us because could end badly and that would give me better views hmm idea okay folks this is it chances are that cameras not going to stay there anyway um selecting reverse handbrake is off of no power steering no power brakes there goes holy Christ that worked Wow holy Christ this car moves Oh brakes brakes brakes okay Wow um that's interesting let's see if we can go forward let's try forced Jesus sweat I'm gonna have to try and I'm not gonna do this because I need to steer I need to yes I need one hand for steering I need one hand for other good wedge you guys in there I could try sticking you here I might stay put here goes Jesus Wow okay oh geez yeah the brakes are really crap um Jesus what this this this yeah this this crap works okay I'll try and steer myself out now all right drivetrain works oh Christ no steering okay here we go oh Jesus hey rice okay Wow huh okay fourth gear oh hey okay y'all we need a controller like staff cuz that was crazy I'm getting back in is gonna be even more crazy good thing is the Cobblers God because I certainly test for it okay I'm gonna go sweep the driveway and we'll be back soon if I don't die hello and welcome back we're about to attempt to bring the car back into the driveway it's not that it's may not go well if I did won't go well all right there goes nothing reverse gear Oh steering wheel straight oh great so when I hit the gas there's chance I'm gonna just plow into the cloud into big blue yay we're rolling all right I think I'm getting used to this it's the old launch control stuff you know yeah this car so much does not have launch control blimey momentum here now Oh gonna have to do the old hill start guys holy Christmas uh okay da worked um so I'm still here car drives when that didn't break the coupler nothing well Oh actually had a handbrake on it just yeah oh yeah listen to that rumble right we got a lot more work to do but the car drives there's my phone beeping yeah considering we didn't break the color or the gearbox our something with our old Tesla lawn chair I'm quite pleased with that so let's wrap this episode up because it's gonna be quite long we will see you guys in the next video do not forget to Like share and possibly subscribe only if you really want to check the links in the description for my patreon PayPal and get up in case you want to see the crazy project projects that I'm working on or financially support this stuff but I really don't see why you would want to anyway all that being said being said I'm hungry and I am quite tired so I'm gonna wrap the day off as well no so well who dull the car works so now I got to get a lot of other stuff done anyway I'm thanks for watching we'll see you in the next video and happy launch controlling possibly [Music]
Channel: Damien Maguire
Views: 238,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PyG--nrFdPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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