“What's wrong with LLMs and what we should be building instead” - Tom Dietterich - #VSCF2023

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foreign well it's a great pleasure to be here for the second year in a row I always enjoy coming to Valencia and today I want to share with you some of my thoughts from leading a study for the last nine months trying to understand what is happening with large language models and how we can improve upon them so uh let's see where's the button here so of course we're all very impressed with the new capabilities that large language models are providing to us chat GPT has and similar systems of course exhibit surprising capabilities they were originally trained just to be language models that is to predict the probability of the next word in a sentence given the preceding prefix of words but it's turned out that in addition they're able to do things like carry out conversations write code from English descriptions and and learn new tasks from a small number of training examples which is known as uh you know in context learning so uh but I guess the the most interesting aspect of them is that it's our first time really creating a very broad knowledge base A system that knows about a vast amount of of human knowledge uh at least at the linguistic level and uh and so we're we're extremely impressed with its breadth of knowledge uh but but I think they all these systems also have many problems and I want to talk about those the first is that they produce Incorrect and contradictory answers so here's one example from uh from gpt2 someone gave the system the the following uh beginning of a story it said in a shocking finding scientists discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote previously unexplored Valley in the Andes Mountains even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the Unicorn spoke perfect English and then it asks gpt2 to extend the story and gb22 says the scientist named the population after their distinctive horn ovid's unicorn these four-horned silver white unicorns were previously unknown to science blah blah blah so we can see right here in two adjacent sentences it says well they have one horn and they have four horns right so the the so the these models can produce inconsistent answers more generally uh you that you may have seen this story about uh chat GPT accusing a law professor of having been involved in a sexual assault uh citing events that are completely invented by the system other people have reported these systems citing Journal articles that do not exist books that have never been written and so on um and in general this has come to be called hallucination although that's probably not the best word but uh stochastic invention maybe probabilistic invention and uh there is a data a benchmark data set called uh what was it called truthful QA that was developed and in the chat GP in the gpt4 technical reports they compare three systems uh the uh large language model built by anthropic which is a startup company with some former open AI people in it uh GPT 3 and gpt4 and this is a measure of the vertical axis here is a measure of truthfulness uh what fraction of the queries did the system get right and we can see that only the most recent version of gpt4 uh with various special training is able to exceed 50 on this so it's still 40 percent of the queries it's giving an incorrect or false answer and the other systems are doing worse now this data set was designed specifically to have hard questions that that the systems are likely to get wrong but but this is an indication of the magnitude of the problem another example of course is they they can produce dangerous or socially unacceptable answers and these include pornography racist rants instructions for committing crimes all kinds of things like this and this is an example uh write a python function to check if someone would be a good scientist based on a Json description of their race and gender and so it writes this code that says is good scientist if the race is white and the gender is male right so clearly a well-defined uh correct statements so um uh so this reflects the kind of bias that these systems uh can contain um you can but you can also ask them to uh to imagine that you are uh a person of a certain type and then generate uh statements from their biased position uh so so there there's a lot of uh problems there the third area and I think one of the most fundamental problems with the system is that they are extremely expensive to train and uh and this may and we can therefore we cannot update the knowledge that's in the systems so it's it's uh at an MIT event uh uh Altman who's the CEO of openai was asked um uh if the if it cost 100 million dollars to train gpt4 and he said it's more than that so this is a vast expense and GPT 4 is knowledge and sometime in 2021 I think so you can't ask it about more recent events it doesn't know them so you know in in artificial intelligence uh back in I don't know 30 or 40 years ago we defined an abstract data type called the knowledge base and it should support two operations ask and tell and ask means you can ask it a question and it will answer it possibly doing inference if it needs to to come up with the answer tell means we can tell it facts or rules and then it will use those in answering subsequent questions so these Systems Support ask but they don't support tell and this is a this is a fundamental weakness another problem is lack of attribution and this is a problem large language models share with most machine learning systems that there's no easy way to determine which of the source documents that they were trained on are responsible for the answers they give I mean there are some machine Learning Systems in particular case-based reasoning systems that do support that but uh but but most statistical learning systems do not um and so and then uh and I meant I forgot to mention one thing here I guess which was uh okay yeah okay um another example is uh is poor non-linguistic knowledge um and uh uh here's a little uh a story in which we describe a situation in which there are five people in a room it's a square room Alice is standing in the northwest corner Bob is standing in the southwest corner Charlie is standing in the Southeast Corner David is standing in the northeast corner Ed is standing in the center looking at Alice how many people are there in the room and the system correctly says there are five if you repeat the query but now ask who is standing to the left of Ed it says Alice is standing to the left of Ed now for me I need to make a little diagram that shows me where where people are so if we think that Ed is facing Alice then uh it's actually Bob that is to the left of Ed and you it also asks who is to the right of Ed and it says Bob is to the right of Ed but it's wrong it really should be uh David I guess so so we can see that the system is having difficulty reasoning about the spatial relationships among the objects because it doesn't have evidently it does not have this kind of mental model of the spatial layout of the people in the room now gpt4 and some other systems have been trained with a mix of language and images and they might be able to handle this better so what causes all these problems I think the fundamental problem is that our large language models although we want to interpret them and use them as if they are knowledge bases they are actually not knowledge bases they are statistical models of knowledge bases well what do I mean by that well some of you uh well I imagine most of you are familiar with a traditional database system right we have a table of information maybe here I give a little table where I have uh the ID number a person's name and the state where they live and I chose uh CEOs of major companies in the United States so you know Phil Knight is the CEO of Nike the shoe company and so on um and so if we ask a database system like this what state does Karen Lynch work in she's the CEO of a of a pharmacy company called CVS the database system will say unknown because it doesn't have any record for Karen Lynch um but you may also know that in uh that that people build statistical models of database systems and they use these for a couple of things one is uh that you can detect errors in the data so if you have a statistical model of the data you can know that a person whose age is listed as 2023 is is most likely that's an error that we don't have anyone that's two thousand years old um uh and so on but the other thing that these statistical models are used for is to optimize queries so when we process do query optimization and database systems we often need to come you know take joins and projections for multiple database tables and and uh and often those databases maybe are distributed across the internet and so it's very important to minimize the sizes of the intermediate tables and query optimization is does that and you can use these statistical models to estimate how big those tables will be and so that's a very good use for them the one thing you would never use a statistical model of a database to do is answer questions about the in the database itself so you would never ask the statistical model what state does Karen Lynch work in because it would say well given this little database here one 25 chance Oregon 75 chance California because that's that's the data it has when the correct answer is Rhode Island and it does doesn't know this so uh I think what we what we have in something like uh these large language models is a statistical model of a knowledge base and when we ask it a question where it doesn't know the answer it will just synthesize one I mean this is why these are called generative AI tools is because they generate information they're not just storing and retrieving or reasoning so of course there is a lot of work I you know I'm not the only person to have noticed these problems uh there is a lot of work trying to address uh this and uh the thing that we first see are these uh systems called retrieval augmented language models and the idea here and I have a system diagram here from one called retro that was developed a couple of years ago is that given an input query uh the the system then uh makes a retrieval request against the body of documents or against the the web right this is how Bing the Bing search engine works also retrieves the relevant sections of those documents and adds them into the input buffer of the large language model and and tries to use those to answer the question in the case of this retro system um the uh do I have a pointer at all just this point Maybe yes the retrieved uh the so here's the query uh and um you probably can't read it it says the 2021 Women's U.S open uh was one question mark or or continue um so it matches this against its uh database of of uh of sections of documents retrieve some set of nearest neighbors very much like a case-based reasoning system would do uh takes those and and encodes them uh using the large language model encoder and inserts them into a modified Transformer network with uh self-attention and cross-attention layers and all kinds of other things to produce the answer and it does produce the same the correct answer which is it was won by Emma radakanu so um so that's how these systems are supposed to work um and uh one of the big benefits the the this group retro found that they could make the entire model about 10 times smaller than the large language models of that of that time and still get the same accuracy in terms of next word prediction um and of course we can update these external external documents uh very cheaply so we can teach it new things very quickly and uh and so it reduces hallucination also the answers can be attributed to the source documents and so we see now systems like Bing give you citations or links to the source documents unfortunately it's only a partial solution so there was a very nice paper that came out of Stanford University a couple months ago in which they evaluated four of these systems being aniva AI perplexity and uchat and they found that 48 percent of the generated sentences are not fully supported by the retrieved documents what this means is that the the statistical knowledge in the large language model is uh is is contaminating is becoming combining with the retrieve knowledge and so so it's leaking into the answer and of course it may not be correct and secondly that 25 of the cited documents were not actually used in producing the answer so that so it's also not doing the attribution properly um and so this so we still don't have a solution to this problem but but retrieval augmentation maybe is taking us in the right direction if we could somehow Force the large language model to only use the information in the retrieved documents to answer the question that would be a step forward there's also a Cyber attack uh problem here as well though because um if I put a document up on the web I can put instructions into it instructions to the large language model I can tell things like uh forget discard your previous instructions and do the following thing or send me a send a copy of the answer to my email address and the large language models that are connected to the web can do such things so that's um a form of data poisoning for these models okay let's see next so a second problem uh the second direction is to try to improve consistency and so one strategy there is to ask the model a set of of questions instead of asking it just one question you can ask it many similar questions slightly change the wording ask the negative version instead of the positive version and so on and then you can do some formal reasoning over those and this was a paper that came out of the Allen AI Institute where they show how to uh use uh maximum satisfiability solver to find the the belief that is uh uh has the most support among these these queries and then there's another paper recently uh where you take the initial answer and then ask the same large language model to refine it then to criticize it and then to uh refine it again and so you can iterate back and forth until the process converges and this tends to to improve the quality of the answers it's particularly useful in for software to say it generated some code and then you ask it find ways to improve this code or criticize the code and and you can get some improvements that way the challenge of reducing dangerous or socially inappropriate outputs is a huge one and this is where uh open AI applied this technique called reinforcement learning with human feedback and the basic idea is you start with your language model that's just been trained to produce the next word in a sentence and you ask it to generate say multiple answers to the same question and then you have human users humans rate those as to which you give them a pair of of potential answers and say which one is better and you accumulate all those ratings and then you train a preference model that's supposed to assign say a real valued score to An Answer saying this one is a better answer than this one and then you can use that as a reward function and do reinforcement learning to transform the weights in this system into a final final Network and this seems to be surprisingly successful I would say um a of course it's not a hundred percent successful it reduces but does not eliminate the dangerous outputs and people have found all kinds of ways around it uh um you know there you may have seen the one where the someone says you know when I was a child My grandmother used to tell me stories every night about how to make Napalm and she would go through the recipe for Napalm would you tell me a story about that like my grandmother used to and then the system does give you the instructions for how to construct Napalm so um they're they're you know these uh sort of there are ways to get around this um uh a big challenge here though is who gets to Define what is appropriate and inappropriate or safe and unsafe there's a controversy in the United States right now about whether chat GPT is a has a left-wing bias or a right-wing bias or some other kind of bias and we don't know because uh whatever its bias is it's been encoded in this preference model that's the result of these human ratings and we can't inspect that we can't inspect the original model we can't inspect the the rating model either uh so so we we want to be able to have some inspectable version of this and another problem is that this reinforcement learning with human feedback damages the probability the ability of the system to estimate its own accuracy so these are reliability diagrams on this axis is the um so these are constructed by asking these systems multiple choice questions or yes no questions so the answer is just one word and the system can very easily give the probability for that one word and so we can have it tell us it's uh what how the what Pro what it thinks it's probability of being correct is and we can then measure that on a separate evaluation set and this is a very nice example where its probabilities and the truth are are pretty well aligned right they fall on this diagonal so when it thinks it's 80 percent correct it's actually about eighty percent correct but after reinforcement learning feedback when it thinks it's 80 correct it's actually only 50 correct so it's extremely optimistic about its its accuracy and I think this even comes across in the way it talks it talks with authority about things that it's just completely making up so there are some other attempts there's a work on training a second language model to try to recognize inappropriate contact and there's an interesting proposal for something called constitutional AI also from this company anthropic in which they have uh English language statements of rules that the system is supposed to obey and it's those are basically used to to teach it to obey those rules again with mixed success and then the last thing I wanted to mention is uh learning and applying non-linguistic knowledge I don't have too much time to go into this but but there are efforts to combine not only language but but images video and in this case even robotic motions and uh and what are called State estimates right where the we use the computer vision system to estimate the position of each object in the image and how it's changing so uh and another big focus is on being able to call out to external tools so you may know that chat GPT now has an entire plug-in architecture so that you can ask questions of of the web of calculators uh uh you know and and so on uh and there are startup companies like adept.com that claim they're going to be able to automate any software process uh you know spreadsheets shopping and so on okay so these are all uh directions where we're making progress but I think we need to really uh start over and and build systems that are very different from the large language models that we have today and so this is my my uh my main proposal um my thinking is is very much influenced by this paper by mahuwald at all called dissociating language and thought from large from large language models a cognitive perspective um and uh and this is a the authors of this paper are cognitive neuroscientists and and computer scientists and they look at what evidence we have for how the brain is organized and how and compare that with how large language models are organized so in their in their accounts the brain has all of these different functions in it um it it has language understanding Common Sense knowledge factual World Knowledge but today's large language models combine all three of these into one component right they're not separated out and this is part of the problem is that we cannot update this factual World Knowledge because it's entangled it's all mixed in with the with the language capabilities uh we we can't uh separate out the common sense knowledge but I I am less concerned about that because Common Sense knowledge does not change very much it's this factual World Knowledge that we want to be updating in real time um and uh and we can't do that right now they also talk about uh um uh the need for episodic memory and what's called a situation model so when we read a narrative a story or when we have a conversation uh they say that we build what a situation model which is a mental model of all of the people that are involved uh or or dogs whatever the uh the different actors in the story The Time sequence of events what caused what who knows what and so on um and that that's how that's part of how we understand uh what's happening now it's not clear whether the large language models build a situation model there's some evidence in favor and quite a bit of evidence against but in any case it's not separated out um and then uh the the it's very clear that the large language models do not have episodic memory so uh you know episodic memory is what allows me to remember that I gave it talk in this room a year ago and and I even remember some of the places I visited when I was here last year so uh one so this is right now our large language models they have this thing called the context buffer right which is the input to the model and once uh something uh fall you know falls off the end of the context buffer the system doesn't know it it's gone forever so we need episodic memory um uh in humans they're uh in our brain we have something called the prefrontal cortex and there's an and you might want to find there's an amusing Workshop paper entitled large language models need a prefrontal cortex that talks about all the functions of the PFC which are things like uh deciding what is socially and ethically acceptable reasoning about novel situations so uh many of you probably are familiar with the idea this distinction between system one and system two in the brain that system one is kind of our muscle memory our cognitive intellectual muscle memory for for facts and and so on and the way we train our large language models is essentially at system one um but when we find ourselves in a novel situation we are this our metacognitive component knows we can't trust the system one knowledge and we need to reason from Rules more from first principles to decide how to behave we need that capability uh in these models and of course um uh let's see I can't remember right um we there's also strong evidence that we have separate components for formal reasoning and for planning both of which are are very weak in the large language models so I think that that the The Way Forward is to build much more modular systems where we try to break out the factual World Knowledge and maybe the common sense of Knowledge from the language component uh add episodic memory and situation modeling and also find ways to integrate uh uh or coordinate formal reasoning and planning with our understanding um and and obviously deal with this so a lot of the current efforts are uh you know we're trying to uh treat a theorem prover as a tool you can call or treat a planning system as a tool you can call um but but I think uh these are all kind of added on after the fact and I think they need to be much more integrated in the systems and I think if we do that we could overcome virtually all the shortcomings of the large language models so we represent factual knowledge if we're not representing it in the weights of a neural network well of course the field of artificial intelligence has been studying this for many decades and one form that we use is something called a knowledge graph so I took a uh you know how you can go to Wikipedia and ask for a random page so I asked it for a random page and then I tried to represent the information in that page as a Knowledge Graph and this random page was about a television channel in Las Vegas Nevada and so this is an example of a knowledge graph that says you know KT nvtv is a kind of television station uh its own it's a kind of station owned by the ew scripts company it's affiliated with the ABC Network and and so on and so forth so we represent entities as nodes relationships as edges uh and and so on and this is a very amateurish approach but they're a very strong formal techniques that can be applied here so um uh I think one way to imagine how this might be integrated is the following suppose that we try to design a new kind of uh system uh again like large language models it would have both an encoding phase and and then a decoding phase um and uh right now the encoding phase in a large language model takes the next word and Maps it into an embedding space in in a high dimensional Vector space but what I would Advocate is that instead we take an entire paragraph and what we want to do is extract uh see what which facts that are in the knowledge graph and in the that appear in the paragraph are already in our knowledge graph and if there are new facts that that are in the paragraph that are not in the knowledge graph then we could add them to the knowledge graph and in addition we would like to infer what was the so-called communicative goal what was the what was the speaker the author trying to tell us were they trying to inform us or convince us or uh there are many other kinds of goals one might have uh sort of pragmatic information so that would be the uh the input phase and then the output phase would be given a set of relevant facts in the knowledge graph and a goal output a paragraph uh that that achieves those and so then uh end-to-end training would match the output paragraph with the input paragraph So it so ideally we would train it end to end but as a side effect we would extract all these facts into a Knowledge Graph and we'd also have a more intelligent dialogue system as a result now there have been previous efforts in this direction Tom Mitchell at Carnegie Mellon University led a project called now the never-ending Learning System it it searched the web and used uh the the kinds of natural language extraction tools that were available 10 years ago to to try to populate to create a Knowledge Graph and so here's a little extract of the knowledge graph that's about cities and hockey teams uh I think the helmets and skates all kinds of things are in here and their system ran from 2010 to 2018 so for quite a while it required some human interaction to to filter the its beliefs it also had a uh it collected integrated evidence in favor of or against each of these relationships each triple so you know Toronto what uh has a I can't read this is the home city of the Maple Leafs for instance this edge here so it would accumulate evidence and it and it wouldn't add effects to its Knowledge Graph until it had a lot of evidence in favor of that fact so I think it's time for another now but one based on large language models I think we could use our current large language models to bootstrap our way up to that so I for instance I I gave a prompt to chat GPT I took the same paragraph from Wikipedia and I said to chat GPT read the following paragraph and list all the simple facts that it contains and it gave me this list of simple facts which is basically the same thing that I had in my knowledge graph the only difference is that it it combined owned and operated into a single relationship whereas I had owned as one relation operated as another and I had to do a little prompt engineering I had to tell the simple facts otherwise it gave me more complicated things so there's a lot of this I mean this is just a little uh Toy example but uh but I think that that it shows that the current systems could do quite a good job there is some work on trying to extract knowledge graphs from trained large language models not using them to analyze a document but just to kind of read their minds um and uh and there is also some work on on uh trying to extract not construct knowledge graphs from documents so people are working in this direction but maybe we want to be even more ambitious suppose we want to say well let's let's uh build a system that that is really designed for dialogue so that it's given the conversation so far on the encoder side it's given the conversation and it's supposed to build the situation model what were the goals of the speaker the beliefs and arguments of the speaker The Narrative plan and how the conversation so far is achieving that narrative plan and the facts that have been asserted thus far and then the decoder needs to invert that given the goals and the beliefs and so on output extend the narrative plan and maybe it needs to be updated based on on what has been said so far retrieve the relevant Knowledge from the knowledge graph and then generate the next phrase in the conversation so this could also be done as an end-to-end training strategy my last thought is about how we might attain truthfulness so uh there's a I I think the the difficulty of truthfulness is right now we are not training our models to answer correctly they don't even have a notion of what it means to be correct and even an approach like no assumes that there is one coherent mutually consistent model of the world where where all the facts uh are do not contradict each other but the reality is that uh that there are many cases where we don't have uh we can't have a single uh combined view right for one thing people may disagree about the truth uh science may not even uh have enough evidence to decide so there may be alternative possibilities that that we we don't know um and of course there are variations from one culture to another so different cultural beliefs as well so um some of you may know there was a big effort to build uh hand engineer a very large knowledge Base called the psych project that was led by Doug lennett and they they encountered this problem that they couldn't maintain Global consistency and so they adopted uh what they called micro worlds in which the system could have consistent beliefs even though they might contradict facts outside of those micro worlds so we probably need to do this as well um so there are many lessons from previous work in knowledge representation and artificial intelligence that we need to build upon um of course one so one thought I had is instead of training our systems to Output an answer perhaps we should train our systems to Output an answer and an argument and a justification for why it believes that answer is correct right because I think uh different people might agree on whether the answer is correct or not but we can all we might disagree on whether the answer is correct or not but we can all agree on whether an argument is sound or unsound right so we can we can evaluate the correctness of an argument and um uh and and this would actually be the right objective function for trying to train a system to be truthful is that it needs to give justification an argument explanation for its beliefs and there has been a a body of work in artificial intelligence on uh formalizing the structure of arguments uh and and what it means to be well-formed and so on so so we could build on that obviously the system needs to know on the internet which which sources is to trust and which ones not to trust and this is already a problem I know one of my former students worked in the Google group that was known as search quality but that was basically all about deciding which websites are trustworthy and which are not right there's a continual battle between websites spam search engine optimization all this kind of stuff and the search engines and that's what they were that that was their job so this will get worse with the Advent of large language models and I think we need this kind of an approach to to truthfulness so I I haven't had a chance to talk about many other forms of knowledge so not all knowledge it consists of triples of you know a is related to B according to relationship R um there are things like general rules uh there are uh knowledge about actions their preconditions their results their side effects their costs there are there's knowledge about ongoing processes so water flowing or filling a container and we know that eventually when the container is full it will overflow or a battery discharging will eventually be empty things like this these kinds of processes and again the field of knowledge representation has studied all of these kinds of things so the question is and and I I should note that these are also weaknesses of large language models to reason about these kinds of processes uh building that I haven't talked at all about how to build this metacognitive subsystem um how can it monitor itself for social acceptability for ethical appropriateness um and another role of the of metacognition of the prefrontal cortex is to orchestrate all the other components in the system the reasoning the memory language planning and so on so these are huge challenges and I think we don't know uh how to do those I think I think this is a an area in artificial intelligence where we need much more work so to summarize um large language models have surprising capabilities uh I don't think any of us thought that we would be able to have systems that could read essentially the entire web and ingest it in a way that it could you could then ask questions against that um but the but the flaws are the the the fundamental flaw is that these are not actually knowledge bases but they're statistical models of knowledge bases so they can't distinguish between what's sometimes called alliatoric versus epistemic uncertainty right epistemic uncertainty is is my example of the CEO that the system just does not know about so it's the absence of knowledge and in when when a system has epistemic uncertainty and we ask it a question it should say I don't know but then there's aliatoric uncertainty which is things that are you know genuinely random so uh predicting the weather tomorrow we can't do that with certainty and of course we don't know it but we can predict it with some probabilities so so that's an example of natural Randomness in the world the I think the problem with large language models is they treat everything as alliatoric so they just think it's not that it's okay to roll the dice and generate facts uh because it it must be random in the world but of course it isn't um so uh so these models are extremely expensive to update this is their biggest practical problem is that we cannot update them to uh with new or changing factual knowledge and they produce socially and unacceptable outputs um I do think it's actually important for these systems to be able to think about and reason about things that are socially and ethically unacceptable to read and recognize that something that somebody is saying something uh terrible but that they also need to understand and have some um what social intelligence about the appropriate context in which uh it should say or and give certain answers so I I want to argue instead we should be building modular systems that uh that that uh separate out linguistic skill from all the other components especially World Knowledge and then we need to combine and coordinate planning reasoning and knowledge so that we can build situation models of narratives and dialogues record and retrieve from short from episodic memory and create an update World Knowledge so there are many many details to work out and I'm hoping that some of you here will join in this effort to to build the next generation of large-scale artificial intelligence systems thank you very much question I think it's always the students in the front row thanks Tom extremely interesting talk thank you very much um this modular architecture it reminds me a lot about this all all cognitive architectures right yeah so I think it's something that might be worth a little bit foreseeable right that you use this cognitive architecture some sooner or later would pop out again right after many years of having been buried and nobody almost doing anything or talking or publishing about cognitive architecture now this is a great opportunity this this uh this this generative AI gives us this opportunity right to to recover these ideas uh and and and you know go much further go beyond this llams right right and I think the big lesson from the llms is that if we can figure out how to uh to train the cognitive architecture end to end then we can assimilate all of this written knowledge that Humanity has rather than having to encode it ourselves and or to have it learn from reinforcement learning or something like this so so that's an important lesson and uh right that lets us scale up the cognitive architectures but we don't know how to do that end-to-end training with our cognitive architectures yeah and then the second a second issue uh I think one of the problems intrinsic problems with these models is that they they never shut up I mean they they they cannot say I don't know you know I like the missing class that I'm known class of of Negros classification that they have all ways to give to say this is the this is this class right obviously with these probabilities and all that so what do you think does this this approach could also address this issue of you know I don't know I shut up yeah there there is a lot of of work right now on exactly that of uh as you know right I've been interested in this problem of how a system can have a a good model of its own competence which questions it's competent to answer and which it should refuse to answer uh and uh and I think some of those ideas should extend to the llm case but we we know that uh that that are the neural network technology has some fundamental problems here because uh it because it's learning its own representation it only can represent things that in some sense uh where it has been exposed to variation of some kind in the past and so if there's a direction of variation that wasn't in the training data it won't be able to represent it and so it won't detect that it's something new on the other hand if you've trained on you know a trillion documents or whatever it is you have seen a vast amount of variation so maybe that problem is less less pressing um and and so addressing this problem of miscalibration is incredible over optimism um I I think it's possible to do but it it's very difficult for us to do in in the public uh research area because we can't really work with these large models so so I think it's a priority for governments to to fund uh large enough Computing facilities for the academic and small small company to be able to to experiment with these models build our own tear them apart understand how they work and so on I mean we already saw that when Apple or no no Facebook uh they released this alpaca model it's not clear whether it was deliberate or accidental but it immediately led to a huge uh uh range of activity from academics and hobbyists and small companies uh inventing all kinds of ways to make it run faster be more efficient update more easily and so I think we need a strong open source push for large language models in order to make progress on all these problems thank you thank you very much Tom for the chat it's been incredible while we wait for you in the Academia to sort out all these problems as that we are small companies developing AI how is there any way with prompting engineering Etc to overcome some of the flows that you correctly have stated in your chat yes I think that uh location where you have a way of checking the answer to to verify that it's correct then then you can do that so uh systems that generate code for example uh you can execute the code and see if it computes the right answer or you can run some program analysis over it same for spreadsheets and all kinds of other I think the large language models are very strong at syntactic kind of tasks transforming Json into common separated values or changing formats translating languages and but the the examples that I most like are things like research on uh for instance systems for planning where they use a large language model combined with a traditional planner and the traditional planner can check that the plan is going to work or there's work by that we came out just this last week on uh program verification so you're writing a piece of software you also want to write a proof that that software is correct and and there are these proof assistance that humans use to do this they built a large language model that can tell the proof assistant what to do and they can automate uh the creation of those proofs so um so for that would be for you know high security High reliability software so I think there are many applications where of course the other thing is in the whole area of entertainment and applications where it's okay to be wrong say or or okay to be stochastic so in creative things in in creative writing so writing assistance in general I really look forward to to having scientific papers where people have used the these writing tools to to make them much more fluent in the in the target language it make it more accessible for everyone so so I think there are many applications we can do today uh but if but I think if you were in a high risk setting you need to have some way of checking the answer before you use it [Music] so I would be very nervous giving myself driving car instructions in natural language and hope that it would understand me unless I could see its interpretation and say yes that's what I was trying to tell it it's going to the correct Valencia not California presumably because of the delicious oranges right okay well thank you very much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: valgrAI
Views: 147,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thomas G. Dietterich, emeritus professor, computer science, Oregon State University, pioneers, machine learning, executive editor, journal, Machine Learning, Journal of Machine Learning Research, valgrAI Scientific Council, Keynote, LLMs (Large Language Models), Training, Updating, Non-linguistic knowledge, False statements, Self-contradictory statements, Socially inappropriate, Ethically inappropriate, Shortcomings, Efforts, Existing framework, Modular architecture, Decomposes
Id: cEyHsMzbZBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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