“Two Days in Ziklag”

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The following message by Alistair Begg is  made available by Truth For Life  for   more information visit  us online at truthforlife.org. Our Scripture reading this  morning comes from 2 Samuel   and chapter 1, and we’ll read from the  first verse through to the end of verse 16.  Second Samuel 1:1: “After the death of Saul,   when David had returned from striking down the  Amalekites, David remained two days in Ziklag. …   On the third day, behold, a man came from Saul’s  camp, with his clothes torn and dirt on his head.   And when he came to David, he fell to the  ground and paid homage. David said to him,   ‘Where do you come from?’ And he said to him,  ‘I have escaped from the camp of Israel.’   And David said to him, ‘How did it go? Tell me.’  And he answered, ‘The people fled from the battle,   and also many of the people  have fallen and are dead,   and Saul and his son Jonathan are also dead.’  Then David said to the young man who told him,   ‘How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan  are dead?’ And the young man who told him said,   ‘By chance I happened to be on Mount Gilboa, and  there was Saul leaning on his spear, and behold,   the chariots and the horsemen were close upon  him. And when he looked behind him, he saw me,   and [he] called to me. And I answered, “Here  I am.” And he said to me, “Who are you?” I   answered him, “I am an Amalekite.” And he  said to me, “Stand beside me and kill me,   for anguish has seized me, and yet my life still  lingers.” So I stood beside him and killed him,   because I was sure that he could not live after  he had fallen. And I took the crown that was on   his head and the armlet that was on his arm,  and I have brought them here to my lord.’  “Then David took hold of his clothes and tore  them, and so did all the men who were with him.   And they mourned and wept and fasted until  evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son   and for the people of the LORD and for the house  of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.   And David said to the young man who  told him, ‘Where do you come from?’   And he answered, ‘I am the son of a  sojourner, an Amalekite.’ David said to him,   ‘How is it you were not afraid to put out  your hand to destroy the LORD’s anointed?’   Then David called one of the young men and  said, ‘Go, execute him.’ And he struck him down   so that he died. And David said to  him, ‘Your blood be on your head,   for your own mouth has testified against you,  saying, “I have killed the LORD’s anointed.”’”  Amen. May God bless to us the reading of his Word.  Father, we acknowledge our need of you, all day,  every day, when we open up the pages of your Word,   that in reading words we might meet Christ, the  living Word. And so we humbly ask that you will   enable us, that you will come and quicken my mind  and control my tongue and open my heart, open our   hearts, and fill us afresh with the wonder of  your grace, we pray. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.  Well, I think it’s fairly obvious—I  think I’ve made the declaration—that   having made the journey through the thirty-one  chapters of 1 Samuel, we’re turning the page and   embarking on a journey that hopefully will take  us through the twenty-four chapters of 2 Samuel.   What happened all the way up until the  end of Samuel 1 had very much to do   with the coming of David as the king and the  death of Saul as the one who has failed. And   that is exactly where, as we begin 2 Samuel,  we find ourselves: “After the death of Saul…”  Let’s just read that first verse  again: “After the death of Saul,   when David had returned from striking down the  Amalekites, David remained two days in Ziklag.”   Let me ask you a question: I wonder, am I the only  one who, in turning to the Bible like that and   reading what I have just read, am I the only one  who hears a voice inside my head that goes along   these lines: the voice says, “Are you kidding  me? With all that’s going on in the world, and   with all that’s happening in the private world of  individuals,” the voice says, “are we really going   to keep our focus on these events which took place  approximately a thousand years before Christ?”  Now, it may be that that has never occurred  to you. It certainly was drumming in my ears   as I was studying this week. Along with that,  the question “What possible benefit may come   from, for example, considering the fact that  ‘David remained two days in Ziklag’?” Now,   here we are, dwellers in the twenty-first century,  with everything that is unfolding for us—the   concerns of life, our children, their future, our  past, our finances, our employment, everything—and   here we’re going to have a study under the heading  (and this is the heading) “Two Days in Ziklag.”   It actually sounds like an article  in a travel magazine, doesn’t it,   where you have that “Two Days in Copenhagen,” and  it tells you how you can spend them, and where   you can go for coffee, etc.? “Two Days in Ziklag.” Well, insofar as you may have thought along those   lines, or certainly are thinking along them now as  I have introduced the notion to you, it’s a good   moment for us to remind ourselves of what we’re  told in the Bible about the nature and purpose   of Old Testament Scripture. And this, of course,  is a familiar verse to us now, from Romans 15,   where Paul writes, “For whatever was written  in former days was written for our instruction,   that through endurance and through the  encouragement of the Scriptures we might have   hope.” And what Paul is actually saying there is  God continues to speak through what he has spoken.  So, from that conviction we then turn to,  for example, the opening statement here   in 2 Samuel. And in it we’re told  just essentially three things.  First of all, we’re reminded of the fact  that Saul is dead, and all of the tragedy   that is wrapped up in that—what we studied  last time and what we needn’t rehearse now.   He had been rejected by God, and God  had chosen a replacement for him—namely,   David. And while Saul’s reign, if you  like, was collapsing, David was triumphing.  And so we’re told of the death of Saul, and we’re  told also of the triumph or the victory of David.   We’ve had that recorded for us: “when David had  returned from striking down the Amalekites.”   And as we read that and pondered it, we realized  what an impact had taken place as a result of   what they had discovered when they went to Ziklag.  Remember, they went back there, and they found it   had been burned down, and their women and their  children had been taken away, and David and his   men had gone to sort that out. Well, now we’re  told that he returned and he remained two days—a   time for respite, time for reflection,  and also a suspenseful time for David.   Because we know, as the readers, about the death  of Saul and how it has happened, and David does   not yet know about that. He’s not yet aware of  the outcome. He needs to inquire about it. And the   answer that he gets is very different from what  the narrator has told us already in chapter 31.  We’re going to have to leave the  arrival of that man who has come   “with his clothes torn” and dirt in his hair as a  sign of mourning, as a sign of contrition; and the   reason we’re going to leave it for the moment is  because I want to deal with that voice in my head.   I want to deal with that question: Why spend time  on a consideration of the story of the kings of   Israel? In fact, somebody wrote to me in the last  couple of months and said, “I listened to your   talk. Why don’t you get out of there and into  the good stuff in the New Testament? Why don’t   you get out of those ancient stories and go where  the gospel is found?” Well, I’ll leave aside that   comment. I didn’t reply to it, because I felt  that if I did, I might not do a very good job.  Well, the answer, in short order, is this: Why  would we spend time doing what we’re doing?   Because the story that we have rehearsed  and the story that we’re about to follow   here in 2 Samuel is an essential part of the  story of the entire Bible—is an essential part of,   in fact, the history of the world. It is an  essential part of the history of the world,   because at the center of the history of the world  is the story of Jesus Christ. The story of David   ultimately can only be understood in light of  all that follows in terms of the King who comes.  Now, we wouldn’t have a difficult time explaining  the significance of David to our neighbors or our   friends. People come back from visiting Tuscany,  and they will say that they had been in Florence,   and we ask, “Did you see Michelangelo’s David?”  And if they were prepared to stand in line,   as others of us have done, their answer  would be “Yes.” And there in that amazing   marble, seventeen-foot-high rendition  of David, the king of Israel, people   day after day there in Florence stand and gaze  at a block of marble carved so magnificently   and depicting the one who is at the very  center of the story that we consider now.  Along with that, if you have  Jewish friends, as I do,   you will know that they understand and are  happy to make much of the fact that David is   without question one of the most important  figures in the whole of world history. And yet,   even when I talk with my Jewish friends about  these things—even perhaps when we realize that   there in the center of Jerusalem, the old hotel  stands as a tribute to the place of David in their   history; it is the King David Hotel. Impossible  to go there and miss it! But when I say, “Well,   how does David fit in to the great scheme  of things?” often they simply stare blankly.  Now, the reason for that is because we need  our Bibles in order to understand this story.   Remember the question in the back of my  mind: Why would you even consider the kings?   Well, because the story of the kings, and  particularly here of David the king, is at   the very heart of the story of world history. I was thinking this morning as I drove in that   the navigational system that many of us have on  our cars is, of course, remarkable. You can take   it down to, for example, the intersection here  between Pettibone Road and Root Road, and you can   zoom in on it down to a position of probably about  a hundred feet. But when you travel, perhaps, with   your grandchildren in the car, you can zoom it  out for them—zoom it out to show where Pettibone   Road fits in the greater Cleveland area, where  that fits in Ohio, where Ohio fits in America,   and indeed, depending on the system you have,  you can spin it all the way out and see where   America fits in the entire world. Now, I mention that because   having read 1 Samuel, we know that the death  of Saul paves the way for David’s reign.   But we also know—as we scale back again—we  also know, because some of us have read ahead,   that David’s reign will also crumble, that he will  also fail, and that even when it transitions to   Solomon, his son, early on in Solomon’s kingship,  the dream will be over. And the question will   then still remain: Where or in whom are we going  to discover the kingly rule of God? All right?  And in the midst of all of that, you then have the  words of the prophets. And when you read the words   of the prophets, in the midst of all of they are  saying, they are announcing the fact—for example,   in Isaiah and in Jeremiah—they’re announcing  the fact that out of a dry ground, as it were,   there will be a root that emerges, a  righteous branch, a fresh shoot, a new shoot.   And from whence cometh it? It comes from the  tree of David. It comes from the Davidic tree.   And when this one comes, say the  prophets, he will set things right.  Now, remember, we’ve scaled way back. We’re  standing way back. We’re now at the end of the Old   Testament. We’re now, as it were, looking into the  four hundred years of the intertestamental period.   Now we have come to the end  of the Old Testament record,   with the news that there will be one who  comes who is the great King over all.   And we look around and hear the story, and we  listen as people tell one another about it.   And there’s just year after year of silence,  four hundred years of silence. Where is the   one who was promised? Where is the  King? Who is the King? Who will come?  And then, after these years of silence and in  the midst of darkness, a forerunner comes. A baby   is born—remarkable story of his birth; you will  remember it. And we’re introduced to him in John’s   opening chapter of his Gospel: “He was  not the light”; he “came to bear witness   about [that] light. The true light, which gives  light to everyone, was coming into the world.”   And, of course, you will remember that in the  birth narratives… In fact, Matthew’s Gospel begins   “Here is the gospel of Jesus, the son of David.”  “Unto you is born this day in the city of David   a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” And Jesus  stands forward, and what’s his message?   “When he heard that John had been arrested  … Jesus began to preach, … ‘Repent,   for the kingdom of [God] is at hand.’” Now, remember, here we are: “After the   death of Saul, when David had returned  from striking down the Amalekites, David   remained two days in Ziklag.” In that pregnant  pause there, in anticipation of the third day,   all of the hopes and dreams and longings  are contained, if you like, in that—waiting   for the moment when in the gospel of Mark, Mark  records Jesus said, “The time is fulfilled.”   “The time”? What is fulfilled?  Well, right at the heart of that   lies the reign of Israel’s most significant  king, a thousand years before this.   A thousand years before this. Mark  1:15: “The kingdom of God is at hand;   repent and believe … the gospel.” Now, we need also to answer another question.   And I do this, again, purposefully. If this is  tedious to some, let me simply apologize. But it   occurred to me as I was studying this week that  for all that we’ve said about kingdom and about   kingly rule and about a King who reigns and a  King who comes, without being unkind in any way,   as Americans, we don’t do kings. In fact,  the very Declaration of Independence took   on George III. And when the words were penned, you  know, “We believe that all men are created equal,”   that was in many ways a rebuttal of the  whole idea of a king and of a kingdom!   America is founded on the basis that we will not  have anything to do with kings or kingdoms. And so   I said to myself, “Well, I’m not sure that people  listening to me have processed or are processing   what is being conveyed here.” So what is the kingdom of God?   Well, the kingdom of God, in essence, is  God’s own rule. It is the reign of God   over all: over individuals and over nations and  over history and over everything. And when you   read of it in the Gospels—as Jesus begins here  in Mark 1, for example—it quickly becomes obvious   that God’s rule, in the Gospels, is never a realm.  It’s never a place. It is his ruling over history.  Now, why is that important to understand?  Well, because if we get it wrong,   we will inevitability view God’s kingdom in  geographical and in sociopolitical terms—which   I must say to you is largely what many who  profess to be followers of the truth of the gospel   actually see it as. And the reason is because when  you read the Old Testament—for example, you read   the Psalms, and it talks about Zion, and it talks  about Jerusalem, and it talks about the place,   and it talks about the land, and it talks about  the nation, and it talks about the territories—you   say, “Well then, what are we to do with all  of those national and territorial pictures?”  Well, the first thing we need to do is think.  And when we say to one another that we believe   the Bible literally, we need to understand what  we’re saying when we talk about “literally.”   What does it mean to believe the words  of the psalmist concerning Jerusalem   literally? What was Jerusalem? The place of the  temple, the place where God met with his people.   How is that fulfilled today, literally? The  answer is it is fulfilled Christologically.   It is fulfilled in Christ. That is  why Jesus makes the point very clearly   that his kingdom, he says—this is John  18—his kingdom is not of this world.   He said, “If my kingdom was of this  world, then my disciples would fight.”  And when you read on through your Bible—and  we’re way back here in the navigational system.   You say, “Some of us are lost in the navigational  system!” Stay with me. When you go on from the   Gospels and you go into the Letters, what do you  have described? Well, you have the kingdom of God   inhabited by a redeemed and a believing people  who already live in the heavenly realms—you   know, classically, in the book of Hebrews and in  chapter 12. Chapter 12, and he’s talking about   what God did in the past at Mount Sinai, and he  says, you know, on that day you couldn’t even come   close to the circumstance there, because you would  tremble with fear and you would be caught up. And   he says, “But here, listen,” verse 22: “But you  have come,” past tense, “to Mount Zion and to the   city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,  and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,   and to the assembly of the firstborn who are  enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all,   and to the spirits of the righteous made  perfect.” He’s writing to the Jews of his day,   the converted Jews of his day, and he says,  “You’re already there. You’re already there.”   You have the same thing in Ephesians chapter 1. Now, what that essentially means is this:   that in the coming of Jesus, God has  begun to establish his rule presently.   “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is  at hand, because,” says Jesus, “I am the King.”   And then, when you go to the miraculous deeds of  Jesus—when you see immediately in Mark’s Gospel   the casting out of demons and the healing of  people and so on—it is pointing to the reality   of the person of Christ, that he is  the one who is the embodiment of all   that the Old Testament anticipated. And so that which has begun in the   present will be established one day openly and  universally. If you like, you could draw a line   between Mark 1:15 and Revelation 11:15.  That’s what it is. So, Mark 1:15:   “The time is fulfilled, … the kingdom of God is  at hand.” Revelation 11:15: “The kingdom of the   world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of  his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.”  Now, that’s as far as I should go on this,  and probably as far as you have patience for.   I hope in some measure that at least  gets you thinking, gets us thinking.  Let me make three observations, and I’ll stop. Here, then, in the story of the kingdom of God,   is our message. This is our message. Why is  it our message? Because it is the message   that we have been given by the King to  proclaim. The apostles understood this.   And that is why when you read the preaching  of the apostles in the Acts of the Apostles,   you discover that this is what they’re saying. For example, when Paul goes to Ephesus in   chapter 19 of Acts, it says that “he entered the  synagogue and for three months [he] spoke boldly,   reasoning and persuading them about the  kingdom of God.” “Reasoning and persuading   with them about the kingdom of God.” In other  words, he wasn’t saying—and don’t misunderstand   me when I say this—he wasn’t saying, “Have  you invited Jesus Christ into your heart?”   No. He was saying, “I need to explain to  you the whole panorama of God’s purpose.”  In fact, Acts ends in that way. This is how Luke  records the ending of Acts: “Let it be known   to you that [the] salvation of God has been  sent to the Gentiles; they will listen.”   And then, of Paul: “He lived there  two whole years”—“two days at Ziklag,”   “two whole years”—“at his own expense,  and [he] welcomed all who came to him,   proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching  about the Lord Jesus Christ,” who is the King,   “with all boldness and without hindrance.” Now, we have an indication of how he would   go about that, because we have some of his  sermons, we have some of his addresses:   to Felix, to the governor, to Festus, and so  on. And what did he do? Well, he explained   that the reality of God’s rule over the world  was established in creation. Was established   in creation. That’s why we sang about it this  morning. Genesis 1 and 2: God created the world.   His kingly rule was established over the  world that he had made. Into that world   comes disruption, comes rebellion—Genesis  chapter 3–11, and the implications of that.  Yet despite that, Paul would have said,  God, realizing that people had turned   their backs on him, he still expressed his  love. And he promised to bring his blessing.   And he promised it to his servant Abraham, who  came from a pagan background and was called out   of Ur in the Chaldees. If Paul was preaching, he  might have said, “He came from a pagan background,   I came from a religious background, but we’re both  in the same continuum.” He would have told them   that God, who had made this promise to Abraham,  was the one who redeemed his people from another   king, the pharaoh, from Egypt. He would have  told them that even when they were out of there,   they became a disobedient bunch, and although  he gave them judges, that there was no king;   everybody did what was right in their own eyes.  “And that’s why,” he would have said, “that’s why   they asked for a king.” Because they thought if  they had a king, they would be fixed. They could   be like all the other nations of the world:  “Give us a king so that we can be like them.”   He gave them a king. But he gave them  rules for how the kingship would work.   That king failed to fulfill those rules. So he  promised another king, David. He failed. Solomon   took his place. That collapsed. The prophets  came, declaring a righteousness in this King.  Now, here is one of the encouragements that I  had this week when that voice was in my head,   saying, “Are you really going to deal with  this kind of stuff?” Did you pay attention   to what happened in the Abraham Accord, where  the signing of something took place that was of   political impact in relationship to the nation of  Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain?   And so, with great cause for celebration,  those pieces of paper were signed.   Our good friend Melanie Philips commented on  this, and she wrote, and in her piece in The Times   during the week, she was actually explaining where  the Arabs came from. She was quoting from Genesis!   And as I read on and marveled at her grasp,  as she spoke again about the nature of peace,   “Oh,” I said to myself, “Melanie,  there’s a missing piece in this peace.   And that peace is only found in Jesus.” Now, unless we are prepared   to do the hard work of thinking, we will be left  simply trotting out the routine mantras with   which so many sound their cause. But when,  for example, you think about who is then   represented in God’s promise to Abraham, again,  as with David, you need your Bible. And this is   what it says. Galatians 3: “The promises  were made to Abraham and to his offspring.   It does not say, ‘And to offsprings,’” plural,  “referring to many, but referring to one,   ‘And to your offspring,’ who  is Christ.” “Who is Christ”!   There is no possibility of making sense of  this entire panorama of world history apart   from all that is wrapped up, if you like, in “two  days at Ziklag.” Jesus is Abraham’s offspring.   He is the son of God. And therefore,  all who are in Christ through faith are   Abraham’s offspring and therefore the sons of God. You see this? “For in Christ Jesus you are all   sons of God, through faith. For as many  of you as were baptized into Christ have   put on Christ. There[’s] neither Jew nor  Greek, there[’s] neither slave nor free,   [neither] male [nor] female.” It doesn’t mean  there are no Jewish people left or there’s no   difference between boys and girls. No! The reality  is that “you are all one in Christ …. And if you   are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring,  [and you’re] heirs according to [the] promise.”  That is why, my dear friends, when we think of our  Jewish friends—and I grew up with these boys and   girls at school. A third of my class, probably. On  Friday afternoon they went—and they kicked me out,   because it was Sabbath time, and they didn’t  want the little cheeky gentile in there—and   they gathered, and I would see the candles in  their room, and I would think, you know, “Look   at all these things you have.” And I thought,  “I wonder what’s happening as they’re reading,   and reading the story of the Scriptures.” And then, as I became older, and I realized   what Paul, the great converted  Jew, had to say of these things:   how he told of the fact that when they  read from the Scriptures in this way,   even the gospel was veiled—veiled to those who are  perishing, because “in their case the god of this   world has blinded the minds of … unbelievers.” And  even, he says, when they read in the Law, there is   a veil that remains. Their minds, when they read  the old covenant, the same veil remains unlifted,   because only through Christ is it taken away. Well, you know, our time is gone, so we will stop,   and perhaps we’ll pick it up here. But not only is this our message,   but this is also our mission. This is also  our mission: that the gospel of the kingdom   is to be proclaimed throughout the whole  world as the testimony to the nations,   and then the end will come. That’s Matthew chapter  24: the gospel of the kingdom to be proclaimed   throughout the whole world as a testimony  to the nations, and then the end will come.  Why would you be studying the first verse of  2 Samuel 1? Well, because it’s about David.   And because David cannot be  understood without our Bibles.   And because our Bibles introduce us to the fact  that not only do we have a message to proclaim,   but we’ve been given the whole gospel, given to  the whole church, to take to the whole world.   And frankly, the commission is for members  only. For members only. Only those who are   citizens of this kingdom may proclaim it  to others and invite others to join them.  “Faith and hope has come to  you in the gospel,” says Paul.   “You’ve been delivered from the domain of  darkness. You’ve been transferred into the kingdom   of his beloved Son in whom we have redemption,”  or freedom, “and the forgiveness of our sins.”   So when we pick up the narrative—as  we will do next time, God willing—we   do so in the awareness of two things:  that the kingdom of God is actually what   all of this history is about,  and also that the kingdom of God   is the answer—is, if you like, the ultimate  solution—to all of the world’s troubles; a kingdom   which comes first in the person of Jesus, then  proceeds through the proclamation of the gospel,   and then, and only then, after these,  will it come openly and universally.  Well, I wonder, are you then able  to sing praise to Jesus the King?  A brief moment: O God our Father, in a multitude of words,   we pray that by the Holy Spirit we may  so navigate our way through all of this   that whatever else we understand, we grasp that  Jesus is the King—that he is at the very center   of your plans and purposes for all of time in  all of the world. How vastly different is this   from the perspective of our contemporary thought,  where Jesus is forced to fight for a place   on the ground of gods and deities and ideas and  philosophies. O God, encourage us that one day at   the name of Jesus, every knee will bow. And until  then, let us be about the business of the kingdom.   Thank you for a song to  sing. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This message was brought to you from Truth For  Life where the learning is for living to learn   more about truth for life with Alistair  Begg visit us online at truthforlife.org
Channel: Alistair Begg
Views: 5,722
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical Figures, Gospel, Jesus as King, Kingdom of God, Sovereignty of God, Studying the Bible
Id: bOWeqV2Tn6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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