“Trust yourself” - Selena Gomez speaks at WE Day California 2013

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hi guys how are you we're good to see you guys are you guys having a good night I have to say that it's such an honor to be here it is I'm so happy to be here I'm like a nerd and brought my own speech but I hope it's okay that I take this opportunity to really just spend with you guys and tell you a little bit about my story I'm not an activist I haven't changed the world or led a campaign I'm here to just tell you my path so that you hopefully can take something away from it because I don't like being honest with this is a truth I don't like being honest with press and interviews I like being honest with you directly which is each and every one of you cuz I feel like I can and I'm I'm just gonna start with the basics so I'm 21 and my mom has ha ha ha ha my mom had me when she was 16 and I'm from Grand Prairie Texas and she worked for jobs and completely dedicated her life into making mine better so to me she is the definition of a strong woman and I love her so much because she's taught me those values so much I have been acting my entire life and I have known since I was first on Barney you know that purple dinosaurs great you guys are so motivating I feel like I could say anything when I was 11 the point being is when I was seven I wanted to be an actress and I wanted to live my dream and when I was eleven I had a casting director tell me that I wasn't strong enough to carry my own show and I'm sure all of you have been told that you don't have what it takes and that you may not be good enough and you don't have enough people supporting you and you're being told all of these things when deep down it's all you want to do you want to be a part of something great you want to make something great and it does more than knock the wind out of you it crushes you when people tried to tell you that you're not good enough and it almost did for me but there was my mom next to me stronger than ever and she said the most important thing is to always trust in myself if I have if I'm doing something because I love it I should do it because I love it and I believe I can do it so she told me to keep going she told me and she taught me to turn the other cheek and let the credits burn like the critics be critics and let us just trust ourselves so for me two years later I got my own show and the first thought the first thought wasn't oh man that girl when I was 11 said I wouldn't carry my own show and I did I mean I thought about that for a little bit but I thought about what my mom said my mom was like you have to trust yourself and I realized if I didn't believe that I could do it I wouldn't be able to be here and I have I'm gonna I'm gonna say I live a very blessed life I have so much to be thankful for and a lot of you are a big part of inspiring me because I don't think you get it and maybe you're not told enough but you inspire me to be better and we should inspire each other to be better I'm surrounded by people who are supposed to guide me and some of them have and others haven't they pressure me there's so much pressure you got to be sexy you got to be cute you got to be nice you got to be all these things and I'm sure you can all relate you all have pressure that you have to deal with every day I'm sure with school with work with friends with parents with family with parents I know sometimes with mine they tell me what to wear how to look what I should say how I should be until recently I had given in to that pressure I lost sight of who I was I listen to opinions of people and I tried to change who I am because I thought the others would accept me for it and I realized I don't know how to be anything but myself and all I really want you to know is that you are changing the world I'm not changing the world you're changing the world and that's amazing please please just be kind to each other and love and inspire people because let's do it let's do it let's change the game let's change the game the most important thing is that we learn and we continue to learn from each other please stay true to yourself please just remain who you are and know that we have each other's back all of us have each other's back I'd be lying if I said that I've never tried to make myself better by giving in because I have but I've learned from my actions and for all the things I've done I'm proudest of that I've learned from my mistakes I want you to know what it's like that I know what it's like figuring out what types of friends you have you are who you surround yourself with so I just want to say I hope I can inspire each and every one of you to just trust yourselves and to love and to be loved and thank you for allowing me to come up and ramble and talk to you guys because this is such a beautiful thing you're doing be proud of yourselves this is great thank you so much for the opportunity for me to come out here and share my story with you guys
Channel: WE Movement
Views: 2,937,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We day, free the children, youth empowerment, speech, live, California (US State), Oakland, United States Of America (Country), selena gomez, selena gomez speech, selena gomez speech 2013, women empowerment, be yourself, confidence, girls insecurities, we day california, we day 2013, selena gomez we day, selena gomez empowerment, selena gomez trust yourself, selena gomez live speech, selena gomez confidence, oracle arena, selena oakland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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