“Thanks for Telling me, I Don’t Need You Now!” | Dragons’ Den

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first to face the fire of the Dragons this French entrepreneur Silva thermal who believes he has a mini product with maximum potential so the first reaction most people have is to find it amazing they find it so surprising they have a feeling of a the future is now but will the Dragons see a future in his business idea No hi dragons my name is Sylvain como I'm here today to offer you 15% of my company in return for 80,000 pounds meaning you is the ultimate selfie and you know how people love selfies these days so how does this work well people come in our 3d scanning booth they get scanned they get taken 60 pictures each and every angle all at once and then our technology analyze those pictures stitch them together for 3d printing we can do it in a chocolate metal we call it scandal which is basically a candle we have done that for three years we have partnered with Selfridges harvey nichols and also with laboum marche in paris and with your investment what i want to do is to spin off that business from my current company into a dedicated company so I will definitely welcome your questions but before that I wanted to show you what we're talking about more closely an intriguing pitch from london-based Silver Plume on look at one who wants a sizable 80,000 pound investment to help launch a new miniature model business in return he's offering a 15% stake scandal online innovator Nick Jenkins may have made his fortune in the personalized greeting cards business but will he see similar potential in silver statue selfies what kind of a person wants a statue of themselves because I don't want a statue of myself I think God you know I don't even like him a photograph taken let alone a statue that'd be an ugly thing to have on my desk but I you know I wouldn't I mean I'd be mortified if anyone gave me a statue some people might want that of you the market of people who want to statue of me is small take that for me I'm concerned about the market a lot of people would have maybe the same reaction that yourself like oh I don't want to see myself like that but a lot of people and think the exact opposite I want that that's cool that's different that's new we've seen people returning and doing another one and we have been successfully producing almost 2,000 of them selling for 150 pounds people come and do that for special events in life when they are maybe pregnant because they want to remember what they were at that moment okay this is very clever by the way I mean it is it isn't very impressed with the with with the printing of it mmm the color less so but the actual the accuracy it's fantastic the entrepreneur believes there's a demand for his life like miniatures now Tuukka Suleiman wants to understand how his 3d printing business works who owns a scanner me you own the scanner well the company yeah the company whoever in vests the scanner come into it oh this is so of course when when when I will spin off and create that new company I will put in everything I have a spinoff I mean you have another company as well yeah at the moment I make her the logo you see here is the company I'm running for like last 3 years selling 3d printers what's the turn of that company that company I mean I'm not into offering that company but if I'm invested in you yeah I just want to know it's a not that big it has a physical store and it has a website selling 3d printers related to meaning you would be putting in there are my question I'm sorry but this is bizarre really yep you're you've got a company that has a printing business yeah 3d you're saying the printing capability to do this you're offering us nothing because basically I could go to your company tomorrow buy the printer oh yeah ask somebody for 40,000 and own 100% of the company but the printer that you need to do this is not one of those that I sell the printer you need to do this cost seventy thousand pounds it is a different type of things and yeah but you're asking me for 80,000 for 15% of a business that of a business that doesn't yet exist so I could still buy the printer myself I could do all of this myself yeah technically that's right but thanks for Tony so I don't need you then yeah the revelation that anyone can own the 3d technology manufacturing sylvans models raises a red flag in the den he has already been reluctant to answer a question about the turnover of his printing company now Deborah Medan wants transparency on the model business he's here to pitch can I just understand the profile of your sales over three years yes and what was your profit problem is it's not easy for me to give you an answer for that because as you understand it was not a separate business it was part of an existing business we used it when you separate a business out you've got to be able to say that is the value of the business that I am separating out okay that's all I'm asking you this is not a trick question it's not even a well it shouldn't be a difficult question I've generated in the past three years that's your question let's say anywhere between 50 and 100,000 pounds I'm not I'm not you can't throw your arms in the air and say boy maybe fifteen hundred thousand passed give me answer the best guess I can give you is probably fifty thousand over the past fifty thousand pound over three years or fifty thousand pound a year over the few years so it'll be fair 15,000 16,000 e be fair no I don't want to obviously yeah it was incredibly painful sorry about that what you're basically saying is it generates fifteen to sixteen thousand pound profit a year yeah silvers on a collision course with Deborah Medan over how turnover is split between sales of his scanning business themselves of his 3d models there's nothing that exasperates the Dragons more than an entrepreneur who is unclear about what he's bringing to the table but now there's some clarity on the numbers can Sarah Willingham find a money-making opportunity in mini you so you own the scanner you don't turn the printer you don't own any technology you are selling the idea of Oz to invest in a business which has a relationship with Selfridges Harvey Nixon the bon marché that's that's it currently yeah I mean blood plus older yeah is that worth the additional five hundred thousand pounds that you've put on the valuation that's what I believe but what I think and the reason why I'm here today is because with your expertise your network your marketing and my technical expertise and experience together that makes something that works but Silvani see I think you've just explained why we add half a million per the value I'm not entirely sure why you add half a million pounds worth of value because you've just explained what this business needs which is with us pointing to one of us where our expertise from our marketing and our exposure and all the things we could bring it so what what what I do is I make that happen I'm you make what happen you you get our money yeah you added value is coming from this side of the room not that side of the room so I'm really sorry so that but I won't be investing I met summary dismissal from a damning Deborah Medan will the rest of the den give a deal equally short shrift I don't believe that selling portraits of yourself on 3d printing is a business that I think warrants to people if you want to make this into a larger scale out of it is viable for that reason I'm out I'm gonna tell you where I am very quickly I can't see I can't get I can't get past where the real value in that in the business lies so I'm out Sarah Willingham joins Tuco Suleiman in walking away from an investment will gifting supremo Nick Jenkins be any more willing to put his money into Silver's models but with a lot of personalized things it can all be done over the internet because we have photographs we have photographs that contain memories and it's a law all about memories and with the 3d scanning thing it's just about me and I have a real issue with the size of with the size of the market because it takes so it strips away the most important thing about personalized goods which is it's about bringing back memories and you can't recreate that in a scanning booth so I'm afraid for that reason funky though I think this is it's a too limited to invest in so I'm out for dragons out only pizza Jones remains can he set aside his earlier concerns to form a printing partnership I was slightly different view to Nick you know I've loved I'd love one of those of myself I'd like one maybe two pieces and I know a few other people that were too for these but I'm sitting here as an owner of a photography business thinking I wonder if that sort of thing low cost of entry trial in a few stores we could put sort of a photo booth style scanner in the stores and see whether it was kind of work and that's very much what I was looking for examiner but the issue to me is actually it's more about you okay you invest in an idea with the person and what you've done is you've said you bring more to the party dragon and I think that's where you went wrong today and that's the reason why I'm not gonna invest in say I'm out Lucy gosh thank you Peter Jones's final refusal see Silva exit with nothing his complex business structure failing to win over the Dragons they wanted those numbers I didn't want to be dim numbers you know then it's gotten worse and worse and then it's very hard to go back from the bottom up when you've done so bad in the beginning [Music] you you
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Views: 148,406
Rating: 4.8293185 out of 5
Keywords: bbc iplayer, united kingdom, british tv, british tv shows, watch british tv online, dragons, den, best, new, series, worst, pitches, funniest, moments, most, shocking, ideas, products, businesses, peter jones, deborah meaden, dragons den worst pitches, dragons den funny, dragons den series 17, dragons den 2020, shark tank, shark tank 2019, new dragons den, new shark tank, sara davies, tej lalvani, touker suleyman, 3D PRINTING, mini you statue, christmas gift ideas, family portrait
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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