“Pastor” Mike Todd: The Self-Help Scam Artist!

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hey guys colin here and welcome back to the channel where the bible and critical thinking meet to give you real christian commentary about the things that matter thanks so much for watching let's get into the video so pastor mike todd is the leader of transformation church in tulsa oklahoma as i've mentioned before his church operates according to the worldly seeker sensitive model of today's modern church movement they often put on very worldly displays of fleshly entertainment which are unbiblical and which distract from the true gospel of jesus christ today i have a new piece of evidence to offer you courtesy of mike todd's own instagram you see mike todd has a new book out called crazy faith which of course he and his church have been spending all of their time ranting and raving about because everything's always about him but apparently the book is number one on amazon in a few categories and mike todd decided to make a post on instagram about that let me show it to you so here it is and the book is number one in a few normal categories which include christian spiritual growth and christian inspiration there's no problems here yet but wait just a minute because the book is also number one in christian self-help and motivational self-help pay attention here folks because mike todd is giving us a glimpse into who he truly is and what he truly does as christians we know that there is no such thing as self-help we know that pastors should not be encouraging their congregations to participate in anything called self-help at all why well because god is the one who helps us all blessing flows from god that's where our faith comes from the idea of a christian promoting self-help is a blasphemous and unbiblical idea which refuses to give god the credit that he deserves a christian saying that they helped themself is like a fish saying that they created water it's just plain stupid yet this unbiblical mess is something that mike todd seems to take great pleasure in in fact mike was so excited that his book was number one in the category of self-help that he put it on his own instagram and boasted about it guys this is an unbiblical and unchristian movement mike todd's church transformation church this is what they're based in christian self help i've been telling you guys this stuff from the beginning of this channel steven furtick joel osteen mike todd and all the rest of these entertainment trendy pastors are self-help gurus and motivational speakers masquerading and pretending to be pastors and now one of those men is actually admitting it for you he's posted it on his social media for all the world to see you heard it here first folks mike todd is promoting self-help and really this is no surprise because if you watch any of his sermons you'll see that that's exactly what he does he doesn't promote help from jesus help from god help from the church no he's outright admitting that he promotes a christian variety of self-help and of course he throws in all the christian buzzwords and all that kind of stuff pretending to give the glory to god but his ultimate message is unbiblical there's no getting around it mike todd is a proponent of a christian version of self-help now let me offer you three points that decimate mike todd's unbiblical worldview here number one as christians we know that the gospel is the good news we ought to be sharing with people the gospel is the greatest message we could possibly spread now that doesn't mean that we don't say anything else other than the gospel because we know there is a time for people to move from milk to solid food or from the basic gospel message to deep theological teaching in first corinthians 3 2 paul says that when he says quote i fed you with milk not solid food for you were not ready for it so while the gospel is not the only thing we should say it is in fact the most important thing that we say as christians in fact romans 1 verse 16 says quote i am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of god for salvation to everyone who believes the power of salvation itself is in the gospel message and the gospel message is fundamentally a message that says anyone can receive salvific help from god if they believe in jesus christ many of you guys already know this stuff so why am i telling you this over and over again well because i want to really hammer home this point i want you to understand that self-help is the opposite of the gospel of jesus christ it is the opposite of the message of christianity it is a satanic doctrine that comes from outside of the scriptures self-help ultimately is you saving yourself but the gospel is god saving you in self-help you deserve the glory for all the things you do but the gospel involves giving god all the glory rather than yourself but if this is the case then why is mike todd advertising that his book is a self-help book well because mike todd is telling you who he truly is he's a charlatan and an unbiblical egomaniac who doesn't produce sound teaching number two scripture makes this whole self-help trend in the church seem well really stupid and that's exactly what it is isaiah 41 10 says quote fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you i will help you and i will uphold you with my righteous right hand god is the i in this passage and he is sovereign when did the church forget that when did we start to begin to praise ourselves and rely on ourselves with this self-help nonsense that symbols like mike todd and his prosperity gospel buddies like to preach the bible on the other hand declares that god upholds us protects us and helps us all blessing comes from him bar none self-help is merely an illusion no one has ever truly helped themselves absent of god's blessing god is the only one who can bring any hope any help or any positive change to this fallen world this unbiblical advertisement from mike todd demonstrates that he does not hold firmly to this true teaching of scripture which brings me to point number three many of you are probably trying to come up with all sorts of reasons why mike todd would post something like this because every time i make a video about this guy people feel the need to come to his rescue with a thousand different reasons why he's so biblically illiterate that he can't understand why what he's saying is unbiblical so i thought i'd just deal with a few of those reasons a few of those objections which i know people will try to use to get an excuse for him so that he can get out of this first many people will try to suggest that mike todd doesn't run his own instagram he pays other people to do that and that's probably true but if that's the case then he clearly does not have the discernment required to find doctrinally sound people to work for him but part of his job as a pastor is to do just that to find people to help him in ministry who can be trusted doctrinally therefore if he does not have the discernment to find good people to accomplish these ministerial tasks then he is unfit for ministry himself regardless of any excuse you come up with another excuse some will try to make for mike though is that he does not make the amazon book categories this christian self-help category that was up to amazon not him maybe he doesn't define his book that way as a self-help book that's just what amazon calls it so he shouldn't be held to that standard unfortunately that's a really bad argument which has as much logical coherence as a can of soup you see if mike todd doesn't agree then good for him but if that's the case why would he use this category which someone else came up with that he apparently doesn't agree with to advertise his own book which apparently he believes does not fit into that category well maybe because it makes his book look more successful and maybe because he's showing us yet again as he always does that he cares far more about success than he cares about being true to the word of god that's very evident in all of his sermons that's why mike todd is a false teacher and that's why i will fight against him on this channel for as long as it takes and i pray that more and more people will join me in this fight because this man is deceiving people with prosperity gospel garbage and you better believe that we're going to keep calling him out for it that's the only loving thing to do in this situation that's the only biblical thing to do in this situation just face it if you make excuses for why mike todd or any of his employees would have posted something like this none of it reflects well on his discernment or his theology any way you cut it because mike todd at the moment is a basket case of unbiblical statements he is constantly exalting himself and consistently dishonoring god and his word the reason i'm making this video is because i care enough about mike and the people he's deceiving to warn them about what's coming galatians 6 7 says this quote do not be deceived god is not mocked for whatever one sows that he will also reap when we sow self-help we will reap worldliness and self-centeredness in the church mark my words because this stuff is only the beginning that is why the remnant of christians who still believe in god's word must stand up now before this is too far gone we must fight for truth today because tomorrow might be too late and let's pray for mike todd and his church that they would repent of this falsehood and turn to the truth of god's word thank you so much for watching if you liked that video please like comment share subscribe and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one if you didn't like that video for any reason then i invite you to watch my frequently asked questions video link in description where i deal with some common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using scripture this channel is funded by generous donations from my amazing patrons if you'd like to help us put out more videos fighting for truth hit the link in the description or go to patreon.com colin a miller you can donate to my ministry there and earn tons of rewards just like these and until next time fight for truth never surrender and keep your eyes open thank you and god bless [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Colin Miller
Views: 6,452
Rating: 4.8739634 out of 5
Id: oeJz9JDSYuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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