“My Brazilian Bum Lift Nearly Killed Me” | This Morning

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now desperate for a more shapely bottom AR we all I am for sure I'm clenching as I speak uh Bonnie Louise Cooper decided that a liquid Brazilian bum lift was the answer to her press if it can work it sounds like it could be amazing Bonnie Louise paid 1,500 to have at this half a liter of filler injected into her bottom uh but what started is a procedure designed to give her a quick confidence boost quickly left her fearing for her life Bonnie Louise joins us today alongside Dr Zoe to tell her story good morning ladies morning so Bonnie Louis tell me first of all what is a Brazilian bum lift so I had the liquid BBL um it's literally just as simple as putting filler into your bum cheeks now it sounds so simple when you said but the idea of filler going to your face I assume having seen it happen is small bits of filler but how much was it you were going to have put in 500 M 500 milliliters is this something you'd seen elsewhere you'd researched you thought actually that looks pretty painless looks pretty effective I'm going to go for it I really looked into it yeah um it's something I was looking at for a long time um and found the clinic that looked very credible and booked in and why did it matter to you so much was it something that was really affecting your confidence yeah confidence boost okay obviously I'm a very Slim petite girl you're gorgeous and um you know it's just I'm naturally small so I thought filler would be the right option for me you'd done all the squats in the gym and all the leg day and all that this wasn't something checking up on because of course we've got a former Gladiator sitting on the sof he'll tell you actually how to get a per bottom in the gym but you tried all that hadn't you yeah I just wasn't getting the results that I wanted right quick enough or just not just it just wasn't happening okay and so then when you said you said to us you did your research where did you look where did you research and what happened that first day when you went so I looked on Google like the reviews I looked on Instagram because obviously social media is a very um credible thing isn't it a lot of people use that now um found a lot of people this certain Clinic was doing quite a large number so obviously I thought you know they've done quite a few they know what they're doing um and it was just as easy as that so you got the reviews you've got the the you've got the sort of the response you think like this is the place to go to tell us about the experience then because was clearly it didn't go as as you'd hoped it was horrendous um so upon my arrival it was just not what I was expecting it was more like a salon environment rather than Clinic environment um did alarm Bell start going off at that point yeah a little bit uh nothing major okay um it wasn't until I was actually having the filler yeah whilst it in process I just noticed uh it wasn't his way of practice wasn't very clean so he was mixing syringes with tissu so it was a a trolley three tier trolley and you know once cuz I've got the canula in and obviously I'm bleeding so he's wiping the blood yeah and then he's putting that tissue where my fresh needles are okay so it didn't sound like a particularly sterile at that point you're committed so you're yes she's got a canul in yeah so so you go through the process how long did it take about half an hour about half an hour and then in initially what did it hurt or was it fine how did it look were you pleased it was so painful um you know it's many be painf free it's advertised as painf free uh the pain was excruciating I holled out in pain um did that not concern the person doing it he just said it was normal everyone reacts different he actually said to me that I could have a bad pain threshold what but you've had a you've had a baby I have had a baby so you're paying threshold com can't be that I know yeah very very painful um I I was meant to be numbed with li decain there was no numbness happening okay so he finished the procedure um did it look the way you expected it looked great it really good I was happy and then oh okay this is you before and after okay yeah and then and then what happened afterwards when you left the clinic gosh it wasn't long after I realized uh how unwell I was I mean in what way the pain so even immediately after the procedure even getting my trousers on was a struggle cuz it was so sensitive so tender yeah um and then you know I had a 4-Hour journey home and thank God I wasn't driving yeah um I was just you know LED there in severe pain like every bump I could feel every corner um and then once I got home after the 4 hours I couldn't move from the wayand and in the end you ended up going to hospital right I did yeah and what happened when you got to hospital what did they say uh so the my sister called the paramedics to my home um and they done my OB they obviously seen that there was some sort of infection going on so they said right we're going to take you to hospital um so they stood me up obviously because I'm non-mobile at this point and I collapsed um so at this point I've been blue lighted to hospital on a is terrifying isn't it so goes from bad to us it's awful yeah I mean well what happened in the end you had sepsis didn't you when it was it was a lifethreatening infection and what we're seeing is um there's an organization called safe face and they said they've seen a huge number of responses these types of stories um these things happening to many people where they're having this procedure on the High Street not by a doctor or a nurse by a non-trained non-medical person you must make your skin cruel here these these complaints they've had more than 50% of them people have ended up with severe or life-threatening situations like this so there is a call to ban them on the High Street which would mean that then you would want Health Care Professionals doing them only but actually doctors who practice in Aesthetics more than 99% of them say they won't even do this procedure because it's so risky so I think you know that just really says this is a very highrisk procedure and um I would say to anybody out there seriously reconsider getting it done unless you can have it done by a trained doctor but the risk outweigh the benefits I mean how you feeling about it now bu l I'm okay I mean I've still got you know I've had the filler dissolved and everything so I've still got a lot of side effects um and Ono issues and scarring um so it's it's been difficult I mean no more lunchtime bum list back in the gym and the squats keep going with it I'm going to be back in the gym thank you for coming on the show and talking about it it's been amazing okay
Channel: This Morning
Views: 31,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Morning, This Morning ITV, Holly Willoughby, Phillip Schofield, Alison Hammond, Dermot O'Leary, ITV, STV, Josie Gibson, Craig Doyle, Rylan, This Morning Funny Moments, This Morning Funniest Moments, This Morning Interviews, Alison Hammond Interviews
Id: qvGxT8mz81U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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