“Meet Me In the Upperroom” - Pastor DeMarlon Nixon

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[Music] well good morning and praise the lord everybody [Applause] come on if you're able why don't you stand to your feet and give the lord a hand clap of praise come on how wonderful is it to be in his house and his presence to come together with like believers this is wonderful i said this is wonderful isn't this a blessing it's so awesome to get to see everyone your smiling faces and i don't know about you but i expect the lord to do what he wants to do this morning if you have a need that's okay if you have a warrant that's okay hello god is the provider of all of our needs our scripture is a very familiar one psalm 122-1 i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord come on how many know that the house of the lord is a house of prayer how many know that he answers prayer he responds to prayer he is a good father come on silver and gold is the lord's i said he owns it all you may need a healing you may need peace strength comfort direction you can get it all from the lord jesus christ come on join me in prayer as we bind together in faith lord we thank you oh we really thank you we thank you for keeping us all week long we thank you for the peace and the joy that we feel we thank you lord for your love your loving kindness which has drawn us we thank you lord that we can lift up our hands without judgment without apprehension we thank you for the blood that you shared that we may come boldly unto you lord god we want you to have your way we want you to say what you want to say we want you to do what you want to do move however you see fit give what you want to give and take what you want to take we know we have needs but right now our desire is that your will will be done the way that you want it done lord we cast our cares upon you we're not worried about anything we want to praise you and worship you in spirit and in truth truly we say lord have your way we love you we thank you we praise you and let the whole church say in jesus name amen and amen hallelujah come on put your hands together keep on clapping and give god glory hallelujah hallelujah repraise him because he deserves the glory he is the lion of judah oh hallelujah we praise you jesus oh bless his name oh hallelujah [Music] bless your name jesus you're the lion of yours you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my [Music] [Music] you are the great i am [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] today so join in with me help me [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] help me [Music] [Music] higher of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] help me [Music] i don't know about you or what [Music] [Applause] magnify him god be magnified be glorified be glorified in the temple be glorified in the earth we are people we glorify you lord oh bless his high name come on and bless him hallelujah just because he's god and we know that he's god that's why we praise him woke me up this morning started me on my way but breath in my body i have my right mind activities on my limbs oh god i bless you nobody but jesus can keep us hallelujah we're standing here today because of him because of his love oh help us lift up jesus today oh something down on the inside ought to be stirring right now when you think of your goodness the goodness that god has given you the goodness that has passed over you when you look back over your life hallelujah of all the ways that he's made all the doors that he's opened all the needs that he supplied oh we bless your high name yeah oh yeah the fact that i can even think i give him glory that i can even think hallelujah praise his name or bless god or bless god oh bless god he deserves it hallelujah i don't praise him just because of what he's done hallelujah are the bad things that i may be experiencing i praise him because he's god i know that he's god because i know him i'm aware of him i have a revelation of who he is he is god alone there is no other god there is none that can compare to him he is all-powerful almighty everlasting that's why i praise him yeah yeah yeah my lord i know he's in control i know he's in control i know hallelujah he said stand still and know that i am god i know hallelujah so i can stand still right here and give him the praise and watch him be god and [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] glory to god blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah i'm still stuck on help me lift them up help me lift them up yeah brother brandon said you might as well you know what time it is come on brother help me lift them up [Music] help me lift them up and i feel brother ferguson on me i know this isn't my part no no no i'm coming your way [Music] i can't feel the [Music] feel lord presence of the lord and i'm gonna give my blessing right now i can't feel the presence of the lord and i'm gonna get my blessing right now can't you see him working on the outside i can feel it moving on the inside coming entering and cause you're casting him they open up for when they pull you out of blessing when the lord steps in it gives you everything [Music] is [Music] and i'm can't you see him working on the outside i can feel moving on the inside come and entering and cause you're causing him he'll open up a window for you my blessing when the lord steps in it brings you everything you need with healing here right now i can't feel the practice of the lord and i'm gonna get my blessing right now the lord is here [Music] [Applause] oh god oh god praise the lord hallelujah oh he was glad when they said unto me hallelujah when i woke up on this morning and i came about my way i had god on my mind i never knew it was god that had woke me up that i put one foot in another oh that i was in my right mind praise god hallelujah song i said help me lift him up they called him uh the lion of judah the sweet rose of sharon the king of kings the lord of lords he was out for andy omega he's a beginning end and someone even extend that and everything in between hallelujah help me lift him up bible says that when i am lifted up i will draw oh man unto me hallelujah help me lift them up sister banks front row help me lift them up second row help me lift them up visitors on the third row help me lift them up the marquez family brother bring them on the back and roll help sister mary on your own lane over there help me look sound man little brother antonio i says musicians help me lift him up hallelujah oh praise he is worthy to be lifted up testimony after testimony help me lift him up praise after praise service after service breath out of breath help me lift him up praise god for this morning though at this time we give a we give a chance to anybody uh or a couple of buddies uh with a couple of short long testimonies you know what do with god i don't even even gonna limit you like that because when it when i think about god and what he's done we can be here all day and all night they would have service minister jones pastor min jones hallelujah all night long until folks were just falling out the window don't worry no worries because that that that kind of power we would we would reach out and lay hands and rise and right back up why because we are lifting him up so if you have a testimony today we would love to hear from it you can keep it all to yourself but help me lift him up praise the lord praise the lord somebody come on praise the lord somebody come on i can look at everybody and tell you doing all right i said i can look at you and tell it could be worse i said i can look at you and tell the lord's been moving on your behalf oh come on some people are sick and dying right now some people are famous they're starving and so i can look around and see the lord's been feeding the lord's been clothing he's been providing shelter so i'm not going to bother you with any of that but i've had a song in my spirit since yesterday if you know it you can sing it with me but it says this morning when i rose i didn't have no doubt i said this morning when i rose y'all i didn't have any doubt i said when i woke up on this morning i didn't have any doubt i knew the lord would take care of me i said i knew the lord would provide for me i said i knew the lord would lead and guide he's gonna make a way when i rose this morning i didn't have any doubt when i saw this brand new day i didn't have any doubt when i smelled food being cooked this morning i didn't have no doubt i knew the lord would take care of me i said i knew the lord would provide for me said i knew the lord [Music] i rose this morning with the holy ghost [Applause] and i didn't have any doubt i said i woke up this morning filled with this precious spirit and i didn't have any doubt i said i woke up this morning with jesus on my mind and i didn't have no doubt i knew the lord will take care of me i knew the lord will provide for me i knew the [Applause] how jesus will save your life i said he saved i said i felt like praying i felt like running for jesus i felt like running for jesus i felt like telling them glory [Music] i feel like lifting come on that's just my testimony i'll share it with you but there ain't nothing wrong praising the lord there ain't nothing wrong living this life for god and i am so thankful that he woke me up this morning with him on my [Music] i mind like fighting i felt like buddy glory hallelujah the bible says we have to fight the good fight of faith i didn't say getting up and fighting with your spouse fighting with your brother fighting with your sister but fighting the good fight of faith i felt like fighting i like fighting i feel like i feel like we have any more testimonies in the house [Music] i feel like praise the lord everybody praise the lord again amen hallelujah amen i think i praise god amen i knew i wasn't here for my birthday amen hallelujah i want to give god thanks for amen hallelujah amen hallelujah why because they matter i look at the mouth of the man he said 13 884 days today the lord has made amen hallelujah so i got a reason to rejoice say that hallelujah 13 884 days today amen that the lord has made i shall rejoice and be glad in it if that's you today man you'll rejoice to amen because this is the day i feel like fighting [Music] praise god hallelujah testimonies from the ministers praise the lord hallelujah i have a testimony come wednesday night after service i got a phone call about 11 12 o'clock at night big homie calls me he's crying can't get what he's trying to trying to say it's not it's not in his character to calm and crying but but his child i find out was in an accident the photos he sent me that expedition was flipped over the engine was inside of the cab it didn't even look like sister banks and anyone would survive a wreck like this i would be crying he calls me pray he texts me because he just can't get it out i knew exactly who to call i said jesus i called a couple brothers jesus bind with me it doesn't look good i don't want to say everything's going to be okay because i'm not lying to them we're going to pray that the will of the lord be done the bible says he would keep a hedge of protection that surrounds them right so he tells me we're at the hospital it's about three or four o'clock in the morning i keep my phone next to me because i'm waiting for a response i'm having my mind i'm asleep and praying i'm like one eye open one eye jesus it's what you do when you're fighting you sleep with one eye open one eye shut and so he calls me he tells me he's going to be okay he he has he has last year lacerations in both lungs broken collar bones ribs are broken a gash in his head but i remember the enemy comes to the lord and he begins to speak about the behalf of job do anything that you want but spare his life let him live although there was lacerations on his lungs cut on his head broken ribs and lord knows what else is going on he lives he lives [Applause] later on that same day later on that same day i'm at work working right because we pray and we work right we pray and we work about a little bit before lunch time he says hey i don't i forgot what the word it is uh when you come out they're they're dismissing him or they're discharging him i said praise god not just for what happened but for what didn't happen and this is my testimony why is it my testimony because he's still answering prayers he's still saving he's still delivering he is still discharging from oh hallelujah he heard my cry he earned my 911. he heard my prayer and he responded i'm not living this life alone i'm not fighting by myself song said help me lift him up praise god for all the testimonies were ever said and unsaid spoken and unspoken many testimonies in the house of the lord and at this time uh we'd like to thank everyone every visitor that is here today uh forgive me if if i can't read this correctly or it doesn't come out the way that i'm reading it though but you know what i'm trying to do we have an edward flanagan for my east side 7th street i'm from the east side so i get excited when i hear that we have a nathan um hendon we have an angela coleman a david ravine hey i see the face i'm sorry but we welcome you to freedom temple pentecostal church today we greet you we honor you we say thank you for joining us in the house of faith today praise god because you could be anywhere else but you chose to be with us today and we thank god for you on this day we have a candido gonzalez he was in a car accident fingers cut off and we're praying for surgery we're praying for that connection of the disconnection again candido gonzalez he recently got into and i guess an accident and uh at work and had to get a hand amputated praying for healing so so so we have a couple of prayers for this brother uh and and i want you to help me pray too i don't have a prayer card but since i have the mic pray for my children i have mamas and daddies in here baby girls you know my baby boy that while they're on their road finding their way always remember when they get to that point that they remember that the blessings always flow from the father on down and to the house of the lord heavenly father in the name of jesus we're praying god for candido gonzalez today god mighty god for an accident god and amputations god the disconnection of a god mighty god lord we praying god that you lord god will connect them god back you lord heal god would guide god the surgeons god of surgery oh lord you are the doctor the spirit god would have worked through the doctor god in the house of the emergency room oh lordy god mighty god be with them today god go before him god and do god what you do best lord god we're praying right now god for sandra god and victoria god and baby tom god mighty god that you were to lead them god in the ways god that they would go god that you will cover god and deliver them god from the hands god of the enemy oh lord god we're praying right now god that the the will of god the foreordained word of god inside of their life and god the finely orchestrated way god of what you do god can take the sounds of heaven god the winds of the holy ghost god would breathe upon their life lord of god we're praying right now god for the will of the lord god in this service god the word god that you have placed god inside of the man or the woman of god today to manifest god as a good seed god following god on good ground god reaping god a hundred fold god almighty god lord we're praying god that every mind every heart god your spirit of god will flow in the house today god would usher its power god its glory and its love of god through every god soul here today we pray god that you lord will have your way in this house in your people god in this time god in jesus name in jesus name name lord and give him glory adoration and glory we're gonna reverence him he is the giver of life hallelujah he's our source of strength he gives us hope and joy and peace thank you lord jesus thank you lord you give life [Music] bring light to the darkness you give home you restore every heart that is broken [Music] great are you lord it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you oh yes lord you give life [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we pour out our praise we pour out our praises your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise oh come on and bless god put your mind on him to the darkness you give hope you restore every heart that is broken oh come on bless god great are you lord it's your breath it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] him right there we'll praise him right there raise him right there come on and shout and rejoice give him praise give him glory hallelujah jesus hallelujah oh yes lord all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these phones will [Music] [Music] oh so we pour out our praise we pour out our praises [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you alone god we give it all to you alone jesus we give it all to you only you holy oh we give it all to you jesus we give it all to you lord yes lord we give you all the praise all the glory we put our minds on you jesus [Music] oh yes lord hallelujah we give it all to you jesus [Music] come on lift your hands in this place hallelujah come on lift your hands thank you lord god hallelujah come on lift your hands and worship him he's worthy hallelujah thank you lord god wonderful jesus wonderful savior hallelujah come on lift your hands if you can and lift up the name of jesus he's wonderful he's worthy to be lifted up he's worthy to be glorified he's worthy to be magnified come on anybody love him today hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god we love you jesus hallelujah hallelujah it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise pour out our it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you oh it's your breath in our life come on somebody make it into me an intimate moment with god [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] so we pour out our praise to you [Music] oh it's your breath hallelujah [Music] it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah we love you jesus [Music] we will say that you are great our hearts will cry these bones [Music] these balls [Music] is he great in anybody's life we pour out our praise we pour out our praise it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise to you only it's your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise we pour out our praises your breath in our lungs [Music] come on just lift your hands up real high [Music] hallelujah and while your hands are lifted just open your up and talk to him i give you all the glory oh it is me i give it all to you jesus i lit you up i lift you up oh i magnify you it's your breath in my lungs oh my lord my lord i need you [Music] glory to god oh lord we need you thank you lord come on if you can just put your hands together and give god a hand of praise in the temple come on clap your hands all your people make your right hand meet your left hand and give god a hand to praise and while you're clapping your hands open up your mouth and bless him with the fruit of your lips because he deserves [Music] he deserves your praise he deserves your adoration hallelujah he's been good to us [Music] tell your neighbor say neighbor he's been good to me [Music] i came to lift him up i came to bless him because i know him i know him for myself hallelujah tell your neighbor again say neighbor he's been good to you and he's shown up been good to me and because he's been good we owe him a praise we're not going to park there but scripture says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise we got to make sure that when we lift him up it's not because of duty but it's because we love him it is because he's worthy hallelujah hallelujah what this is the day that the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it doesn't matter what's going on on the outside it doesn't matter what's going on on the inside i will rejoice and be glad in it he's brought me a mighty long way i'm trying to behave and just move on but he's brought me a mighty long way hallelujah do i have a witness in here i'm gonna stop but do i have a witness in here that jesus came and got you from where you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and some of us wasn't in no pretty place he came and got us out of some terrible places oh welcome the freedom temple what the spirit of the lord is and what the spirit of the lord is there is freedom [Music] oh it's jesus he set me free he set me free he broke the bands of prison from me now i'm glory bound my savior in the sea glory to god he set me free [Applause] the old saints said god save me why should i be bound [Applause] [Music] we got to move on look at somebody on your roof and tell them you not gonna bind me on this road [Applause] [Music] come on praises calmly amongst the upright [Applause] [Music] well hey pick him up praise him like you feel it whoa [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you've been through what i've been through you would praise them too [Music] oh yeah yeah [Music] i'd rather praise them than lose my mind put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up put them down you put your right foot in you take your left foot out you do a holy dancing gotta work it out you put your right foot in you take your left foot out you do a holy dance and gotta work it out pick them up put them down pick them up put them down pick them up oh yes well [Music] i got a right to praise him [Music] i got a reason to praise him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] i like this kind of church oh [Music] yeah yeah tell your neighbor say no more dead church we're gonna be where the fire is i love it i love it help yourself [Music] hey help yourself [Music] if there's any way i got a right to praise him he's in the house of god excuse us while we praise him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on you got a few more moments then we're moving on oh yes hallelujah somebody plays them on live stream [Music] yeah yeah [Music] hallelujah yay [Music] help yourself sister mary this is your church [Music] oh hallelujah help yourself come on freedom temple nothing's changed oh hell of a sunderland hallelujah my my my [Music] he's coming on in he's coming on in he's coming on in he's coming on in he's moving this way he's moving this way he's moving this way he's moving this way he's on my road he's on my road he's on my road he's on my own he's coming in he's coming in he's coming all in he's coming on [Music] whoa [Music] everything's [Music] [Music] gonna be all right it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right it's gonna be all right i know it will it's gonna be alright gonna be all right gonna be all right i know it it will be it will be b-i-b-i b-r-i b-i-i b-r-i something's got to break something's got to break something's gotta break something's gotta move i know it'll heal gonna be all right gonna be all right gonna be all right [Music] all right in the name of in the jesus of jesus in the name of jesus be all out all right all right all right step back take your hands off your eyes step out and take your hands off your eyes take your hands all right all right [Music] all all right [Music] the devil is [Music] into yourself right give me your shirt in the name of jesus move out of my way mountain be removed in the name of jesus and be cast into [Music] [Music] of low self-esteem go in the name of jesus be cast into the sea oh [Music] that was blocking me through the chains that was holding me up right way through went through breakthrough [Music] whoa yeah yeah hallelujah [Music] come on help yourself oh god come on jesus [Music] hey yes lord we know that no [Music] have your way god have your way come on it's real [Music] yay [Music] mama [Music] god is exalted god is exalted god is exalted be no exalted oh lord be thou exalted our lord be thou exhausted god is insulted no more defeat no more defeated in the name of jesus come on come on take a few more moments and lift him up like you want to bless him worship him [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Laughter] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] praise god hallelujah amen it's all right to praise and worship him no matter what's going on because you've got the victory praise god praise god praise god praise god have your way o god [Music] thank you jesus praise god thank you jesus wonderful savior amen thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god i want you to lift up your voice and just release a sound of victory in this place come on release the sound of victory and come on you can do better than that open your mouth and release a sound of victory in this tabernacle hallelujah praise god thank you lord we thank we thank the lord amen for his presence and his moving in this place we thank god for all of you that are here amen we trust and believe god that he's going to do amen what he desires to do in the midst of his people on today amen we don't take it for granted amen being able to come back to the house of god one more time he allowed us to come together one more time amen get your bibles let's go to the book of acts we won't belabor the time amen book of acts amen we're gonna go at that first chapter amen give god honor amen for his awesome presence and thank god for all of you amen in your respected places god bless you amen thank god for our visitors amen we trust amen that the law will bless you in a special way amen on today thank you jesus mighty god mighty god acts the first chapter looking at verse number amen 13. it's the first part of the verse is what i really want acts chapter 1 verse number 13. thank you jesus glory to god you have it all right and when they were come in they went up into an upper room where a boat both peter james john there was andrew and philip that was thomas and bartholomew that was matthew amen there was james and simon and judas amen amen and let's go ahead to verse number 14. these all commanded with one accord in prayer and i'm sorry all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the woman and mary the mother of jesus and with his brethren let's go verse 15 and in those days peter stood up in the midst of the disciples and said the number of names together were about a hundred and twenty go back to thirteen that first part that a part and when they were come in they went up into an upper room i want to talk to you for a few minutes from this topic meet me in the upper room meet me in the upper room father we thank you now for the opportunity that you've given us to gather together in this place in your name that we might break bread together we ask god in the matchless name of jesus that you would open up our understanding to your word and that today god we would receive your word with joy and gladness and that god your word would do what you intended it to do and that is to bring about an eternal change in our lives and we will be careful to give your name the praise somebody shout in jesus name put your bibles down and put your hands together and give god a hand of praise as you take your seats meet me in the upper room because in the upper room there is an experience there in the year of 2021 this july the fourth is inter independence day when amen the wind when america amen hallelujah separated if i got my history right from britain amen we became independent amen hallelujah we we now know it as the land of the free amen look at your neighbor and say neighbor i'm free and tell them say you free no matter what you're going through in life no matter what you're experiencing amen we are free amen hallelujah but but we find here and i'm not going to be long i hope i don't belong but we find here what we're dealing with in the time that we are in hallelujah and it doesn't really matter what your age is what your gender is what your ethnicity or your race is we find that all of us amen are looking for answers hallelujah you could be in kindergarten you could be in elementary you can be in middle school you can be in high school however you could just begin it may be beginning college or have graduated and all that you are learning or have learned you will come to find out you still got some unanswered questions and the unanswered questions is how do i survive in the world that we are in now hallelujah how do the saints keep professing jesus after dealing with a pandemic how do we keep professing jesus amen hallelujah when we pray and it don't go the way we expect or hope for it to go hallelujah thank you lord god we think that it's money that's gonna make us better we think that it's relationship hallelujah that's going to make us better if we have a big enough car or we have a man hallelujah we have a big enough house or drive a fancy enough car amen hallelujah that life would be better that if i could just accomplish this and accomplish that then i can begin to live can i tell somebody you don't need any type of materialistic blessing in order to live what you need to live is jesus because in him is life y'all gonna help me preach or y'all gonna leave me out here by myself hallelujah every answer that you would ever need is found in jesus i'll go a step further and tell you that every answer you would ever need is found right here in the word of god hallelujah but i gotta tell us because this message isn't just for sinners but it's for saints too because i want to announce to the body of christ and mankind in the whole those of you that are in the temple and those of you that are on live stream we too low and we've got to come up higher because i heard the words say that they went up somebody tell your neighbor say neighbor it's time to go up come on hallelujah i don't have time to build it up i've just got to jump in so i can get you out of here at a decent time hallelujah and i don't have a word for babies hallelujah if this is too much meat for you then friend today you're gonna have to gum on it i think sometimes we talk too low and that's why the people stay low but we gotta talk higher thank the lord god if you really want a move of god in your life if you really want an experience with god then you're going to have to come up higher than where you are what do you mean preacher you're going to have to pick yourself up out of depression and you're going to have to pick yourself up out of despair i wish i had a talkback church in here come on you got to dismiss your right to carry your burden because of what you've been through or what you've experienced or what somebody done to you look at your neighbor and say neighbor it's time to shake that stuff off and come up on higher somebody give god a hand of praise right there come on now come on saints you're too low too much is shaking you all that's going on in this world you crying about the wrong stuff you're losing your mind about the wrong stuff the devil is a liar i know where yet i know where he's moving but i come to declare today that the devil is a liar you can bring all the weight that you want you can try to smother this service if you want to but i heard scripture say that when the enemy would come in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up what a standard against him i heard another scripture say it is the lord that rides upon the flood tell your neighbor say neighbor god's got me covered come on do i have any believers in here do you believe in this life do you believe in god do you believe in the power of god do you believe in the saving grace of god look at somebody and tell them i believe you gotta come on up you gotta you gotta come on up you love my house hallelujah can i help us today i think i'm almost done can i help us today your accomplishments it's not going to fulfill you you're quiet in here you know you can marry the most beautifulest woman on this planet and you're going to find out sting things are still going to hit you you can marry the most handsome man on this planet and you're going to find out that even in your best marriage there are still moments of loneliness y'all ain't going to help me hello you can be barren without children and just pray and believe god that he would bless you and then when you have the child you'll find out that trouble still comes but i got good news for you that no matter what come up against you he said i won't leave you comfortless but i'll give you me how are you going to give me you i'm going to give you my spirit and my spirit shall live in you it shall dwell in you it shall build you up his spirit shall teach you his spirit shall comfort you his spirit shall love on you his spirit shall soothe you his spirit shall heal you do i have a witness in here anybody had the spirit of god has his spirit not been a keeper i said his spirit is a keeper oh saint said it this way he'll keep those that want to be kept is there anybody in here you want to be kept by god i don't want to get caught up in this world i don't want to be lied to i believe the lies of this world i don't want to talk like the world look like the world act like the world i want to be a child of god with every fabric of my being i want to represent the holiness of god i don't need everybody i just need two or three of you to go with me today meet me in the upper room meet me where there's peace meet me where there's understanding meet me where there is direction come on meet me where there is instruction anybody in here today you need god's instruction you need his direction is there anybody in here today you need an answer from god hallelujah i got good news for you again in the spirit of god is the fullness of joy every answer you will ever need is with his spirit somebody say you got to have his spirit am i making sense to anybody yet you got to have his spirit by man acts 1 verse number 4 says and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should what not depart from jerusalem jerusalem is likened to the church thank god for the church i know that the church is being come against real hard people are saying you don't need the church to be saved i get it i understand it but you got to understand this it was not man that formed the church it was not man that put together the church it was not man that did this it was god it was god that drafted the temple it was god that drafted the tabernacle it was so important to god that even his word describes the type of furniture that ought to be in the temple he even said forsake not to assemble yourselves together oh my god i don't care what the world says or what some backslider says we need the church of the living god [Applause] you need the church you can't dismiss the church you can't shut the church down you can't quiet the church please don't misunderstand me i gotta feel the power of god i'm not talking about the building because the building is not the church we are one body but many members it's me and you and you and you and you we are the church of the living god and there's something about when the church comes together hallelujah to god don't misunderstand me i got enough power with me to make the devil in his imps run but when we get together assistant pastor one can put a thousand a flight but two could put ten thousand is there anybody in here that's ready to bind together and shut hell down if that's you open up your mouth and make some noise in this place come on make a loud noise hallelujah to god he said meet me in the church and he said wait for the promise tell your neighbor say neighbor you have a promise tell them say you have a promise you have a promise from god hallelujah know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost god's spirit lives in you dwells in you have its being in you it is we that give god's spirit a habitation it is we that give god's spirit a home loose me and let me go i'm going to preach this like i feel it it don't matter hit about shut up i'ma cry loud and spare not you won't know what i'm going to do minister admin i'm going to stay focused and i'm gonna preach the word do you hear me devil you've come too late to mess with me now i'm gonna stay focused and i'm gonna preach the word my body is the temple of god god he doesn't work on the inside of me you want to know how the world is going to change you want to know how you're going to see a difference in this world by those that the spirit of god lives in if my people which are called by my name shall lumber themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from the wicked ways then will i hear from heaven forgive their sins and i'll hear their lands you want to see something change in america let the people of god rise up [Music] tell your neighbors say come on up higher come on saints come on out of hard nah hell of a satire you stop worrying about offending somebody get about satire for the word of god it's like a two-edged sword it'll cut you going in and it'll cut you coming out but it's gonna save your soul [Applause] [Music] i said it's going to save your soul somebody ought to praise god right there somebody ought to give god a loud praise right there i said come on give him a loud praise can i preach it like i feel it we got to understand this saints that we are the temple of the holy ghost for his word the class that out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water do you hear me saints another verse of scripture i feel the power of god it says that what we need is a gully washing yellow satire hurricane could treat after the power of god am i in an apostolic church or am i in a charismatic church we need to let the power of god flow [Applause] it's coming out of your belly you humiliating nixon it's coming out of your belly every time you sing it's coming out of your belly do you hear me you have a son a little behind every time you holler it's coming out of your belly yellow shadow there is a release from you into the land there's a release you're the temple god lives in you simply put we are the conduit between man and god help us we are the share the experience of god that we have with others i know it seems like they don't want it but you got to share it anyway i know some rejected but you got to say it anyway don't you remember don't you remember when someone first approached you and told you about jesus didn't you reject it did you say i didn't want to hear it all about satire but then you got to the lowest place in your life after you tried everything else you said i might as well give this jesus a try and you found them out to be real and to be true heal about satire hallelujah i'm going to preach into my voice run out like minister amen i'm going to preach until somebody shout out lord save me deliver me bring me out i want to be free [Applause] you tell your neighbor say neighbor meet me in the upper room you got to meet me in the upper room that's what it's meant when the statement is made come on as you all come on don't try to fix yourself up to come to god to come to god in the state that you are in come to him confused come to him feeling unloved come on to him even while you're in your sin hell of a shall tell you he loves you still for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life ain't that love that he would die for us wow we were yet sinners knowing that there was a chance we still might not come to him that's love that god would get i'm gonna slow down that god would get off of his throne wrap himself into flesh hell of a shatter i believe it's first of second timothy 3 and 16 proves what i'm saying thank you lord god that it was great amen great is the mystery of godliness talk holy ghost without controversy it was god hillary shutter can i go a step further and tell you that jesus is god hillary certainly god wrapped himself in flesh became the man jesus you want to know why because if god stepped off into this world in all of his glory you anoint everybody before us would have dropped dead because of sin because sin cannot stand not in his presence but he wrapped himself in flesh dwelt among the people preached the word healed the sick was received up into glory what's so important about it assistant pastor god wrapped himself in flesh y'all in the upper room with me are y'all still on the outside of the door yellow god wrapped himself in flesh in the man named jesus for the whole purpose that you and i would be redeemed to him that you and i i feel like preaching in here that you and i will be brought back into relationship with him well pastor why did he have to wrap himself in flesh i'm glad you asked he had to wrap himself in flesh that he could defeat sin in the flesh that you and i could have the victory in the flesh in the flesh he beat death hell and the grave he didn't leave us without hope tell your neighbor there's a way out y'all don't believe me in here maybe i should have been at another church this morning there is a way i cannot preach this like i feel it can i preach shall i preach i'm gonna preach anyhow there is a way out no matter what you're going through right now no matter what you're experiencing no matter what you're involved in man i feel this thing riding on my back no matter what you're engaged in there is a way out now pastor i've been trying to get free from this and i can't get free i've been trying to walk away from this let me keep reeling me back in i'm telling you there is a way out i don't know what it is you're dealing with i don't know who i'm talking to right now i don't know what it is that you're dealing with but don't you be discouraged i'll be dismayed i understand that in your flesh you can't beat it you cannot conquer it you made yourself promises i'm not going to do this i'm not going to do that i'm not going to go back over here but you keep finding yourself in the midst of it again but you are without you are not without hope because i heard the word say that with the temptation he's gonna make a way of escape [Music] just look at your neighbor and say neighbor i'm still battling it with it right now but even while i'm in it god's gonna give me a way of escape i wish i had a real church i was somebody would be real for a few minutes in here you know you better than something you know you dealing with something that you can't tell nobody because if they trade you told them they judge you if you told them they treat you different if you told them they'd handle you like you got a disease but cannot tell those that are diseased cannot tell you you are not without hope just come on up to this upper room [Applause] tell your neighbors say come on up higher tell them say come on up higher tell them say you too low some of us are waiting for god to pull us out and yes god he'll pull you out but there are some things you're gonna have to get yourself up and make a choice i'm coming out of this up with somebody right now today with standing on their feet open up their mouth and shout i'm coming out i'm coming out right now [Applause] hey come on shout it i'm coming out right now [Music] his word says that he will not put on us more than we're able to bear god won't put it on you but here we find ourselves in a dilemma yes lord i hear you yell about shatter because we're dealing with things that god did not put on us hallelujah and if god didn't put it on you that means that you put it on your own self hallelujah to god and if you put it on your own self then you have enough power to take it off of yourself i think you ought to just pull it off right now you want to pull off the layers of weight you want to pull off the web the level that the layers of doubt god help our unbelief hello come on saints come on up higher you got to be willing to sever those from you that's been holding you back you've got to be willing to cut out those out of your life that's been hinting you from going forward their opinions yeah god their opinions concerning you their opinions concerning your life y'all sit down tell your neighbors say today's my coming our party come on hallelujah thank you lord god i don't need no red white and blue to bring me independence i need the holy ghost don't misunderstand me hallelujah thank god for the country thank god for our independence please don't misunderstand me hallelujah ain't nothing wrong with us celebrating being patriarchic hallelujah amen but i know where my freedom come from it came from jesus y'all ain't gonna help me hallelujah you can have an american flag in your front yard and still be bound y'all ain't gonna help me but god came on the inside and set me come on he said in the word he said come on wait from the promise tell your neighbor say wait from the pro wait for the promise i'm almost done i feel something fighting but i'm gonna push my way through it amen he said wait for the promise of the father amen verse five said for john truly baptized with water but ye shall be what baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence john baptized unto repentance but jesus is going to give you the baptism of the holy ghost y'all are going to help me here verse number 8 says but ye shall receive what power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you're going to be a witness amen in the amen unto me both in jerusalem in all judea and samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth hallelujah you got to wait for the promise the promise of god's spirit i hope i'm not over anybody's head you've got to wait for the promise of god's spirit here's the thing if you don't have his spirit you can receive his spirit hallelujah but i'm finding out that there's a lot of us that have the spirit of god living on the inside but we don't allow the spirit of god to be active in our lives we don't let the spirit do what it was given to us to do we grieve the holy spirit of god god's spirit is your help tell your neighbor say god's spirit is your help and you've got to let the spirit of god help you amen hallelujah his spirit brings his word back to your remembrance it is his spirit hallelujah that tells you don't you cuss oh what my cousin saints hallelujah it is a spirit that tells you don't lie it is a spirit that tells you don't cheat and don't steal is his spirit that convicts you while you in the club yeah it's a spirit that makes your stomach turn while you drink it you know that stuff that you his spirit tells you don't you smoke that weed oh it doesn't got tight up in here it's a spirit that tells you it's to be it's too late to be gone over there you ain't strong enough to go over there we just gonna talk no his spirit warns you and you've got to let the holy spirit on the inside order your steps come on when you have god's spirit you are to run after the spirit of god rather than the things of the flesh am i talking good to anybody hallelujah we need in the church of god we need the infilling of the holy ghost you call it holy ghost you can call it holy spirit i like calling it holy because it just seemed more powerful you know but they're one and the same amen we need the infilling of the holy ghost within the body of christ i know the world needs it but let me tell you the church needed to we need a refilling of god's spirit i'ma say it again we need a refilling of god's spirit i'm afraid that we've gone through so much over these past years that it's come it caused us to become discouraged and become doubtful come on can you be honest hallelujah that your walk with god is different that is not as fervent as it used to be you're easily distracted amen by the cares of life even by children in church you're easily distracted you're distracted by the pain in your body you're distracted amen hallelujah hallelujah amen the lack of money you're distracted hallelujah by how people look at you from across the room you're distracted even while you're in service amen by things that you know you left undone at home we are distracted and it's causing the wrong type of implosion let me preach it's causing the wrong type of implosion within the body of christ y'all not gonna help me so we're not opening service right oh no pastor don't mess with that i don't want to offend nobody and hurt nobody feel us no we need to be led by the spirit of god we are so wrapped up in what's going on in our natural life that we are missing the direction of god in the spirit i'm there now we need to be in tune with the spirit of god that we know what to teach and we know what to preach and we know what to sing and we know what to play and we know when not to give up something and when to stay in something we're walking out of things that we shouldn't walk out of some of you've given up being the usher you're out of the will of god some of you have got off the praise team you are out of the will of god some of you have sat down from preaching you are out of the will of god it wasn't spirit-led it was flesh-led because you were offended because you were upset with somebody y'all quiet in here or you did not want to give up something of the world where you could be a tool for god's use really you're going to choose the world over god talk back to me in here y'all love me you love me on this road you love me back there i can't hear you thank you you love me over here come on you love me over here come on hallelujah did i been preaching it about love haven't i been teaching it by now we ought to be able to get along but listen and it's real good when somebody else gets rebuked you shout and scream and amen but when it meets you on your own front porch you are to still shout amen and receive it amen if you agree stand up and give god a hand of praise i quit one or the other i'm tired of being bound i'm tired of being restricted when it come to preach you can be seated when it come to preaching this gospel i can't have favorites y'all quad in here when it come to teaching this word i can't single out one but don't single out the other i'm telling you we need the holy ghost working on the inside of us you wouldn't get a rebuke from the preacher if you let the holy ghost rebuke you come on now i cannot be the only one that see what i see a man kissed it and feel what i feel we ought to be in tune to the holy ghost we gotta be led by the spirit tell you david said we gotta be led by the spirit too much going on in the atmosphere because we're not led by the spirit and it's easy to blame somebody else for what's going on hallelujah to god i'm gonna tell you when you can feel it when you can discern it then that means you have a part in it y'all quad in here hallelujah tell your neighbor say neighbor we got to come on up higher come on we got to come on up higher tell your neighbor say we got to come on up higher come on tell them again we got to come on up higher we too low we need to be in we need to be in tune with the spirit of god i'm almost done we need to be in tune with the spirit of god we've got to be led by the spirit of god if we are led by the spirit of god there'll be less fights if we are led by the spirit of god there'll be less assumptions if we're led by the spirit of god there'll be less fighting in our mind if we're led by the spirit of god there'll be less fighting in our emotions come on hell of a shuttle you know what i desire as a pastor in this church hallelujah as i hasten to a close i desire unity hallelujah i desire a free atmosphere for all of us to worship god and to praise god i desire to preach freely even in the midst of those that are close to me and profess to love me i don't want to be bound by anybody because it is my responsibility that at the end of the day that your soul be saved come on talk back to me in here hell of a satire so tell your neighbor again say neighbor we got to come on up higher we got to come on up higher and break free from these bondages we can we got to stop doing church amen this normal way we've been doing no no no no no come on what's the best song to sing no did we pray come on what scripture should i open up with have you been praying all week there ought to be a spiritual scripture in your spirit there ought to be a scripture in your belly come on even myself i can't wait till the last moment ten minutes before it's time to come out and to preach the word to be trying to figure out what in the world am i gonna preach or teach i think all of us need to come on up higher all week long we ought to have a song in our belly all week long we ought to have a prayer in our spirit all week long there ought to be a scripture in our memory come on all league wrong god there ought to be a word in our belly that god's dealing with us with that he's revealing to us am i making sense to anybody come on hallelujah whatever it is going on in your life some of that stuff we got to deal with it before we get to church so that we not oh god that we not enter into the presence of the lord with all of these weights and bondage to the point we can't lift our hands and worship hallelujah we can open up my mouth and glorify him come on do you hear me when we come into god's house we gotta enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise that meanwhile while service is going on every preacher in here with your title even when you wear color you are to worship and praise god that means when the praise team is up here and you're singing and leading us into the presence of god hallelujah you don't stand there like a stiff statue singing a song that you are singing but you gotta sing with expression you gotta make me believe that you believe what it is that you're singing to me that mean while you're singing you ought to lift your hands and worship him while you're singing tears are to flow down your eyes why because what you're singing is your testimony what you're singing it is your experience i keep fighting this same devil that's trying to come up against me hallelujah but the devil is a liar and the truth is not in him i'm going to defeat this devil with love do you hear me i'm going to defeat it with love i'm not going after it with a rebuke i'm going after with love you've got to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise every now and then the singer ought to lose it lose it and begin to praise god the single other have to step down from the platform and then begin to just worship god come on even the musicians the keyboard player the drummer and the bass player when he's here hello even while you play you got to open your mouth and bless god you got to praise him every now and then even if it disturbs if it deserves the song if it throws it off you got to hold you got to stop the keys you you got to put the drumsticks down hallelujah and you got to lift your hands and bless the name of the lord for he is a strong tower and the righteous run in and they are safe harley oh god i got to go tell your neighbor say neighbor there is safety in god every now and then the ushers got to stop ushering and begin to bless the name of the lord even the sound man from the sound booth hell of a shutter let the camera fall when may you've got to bless the name of the lord even the young people with as much as they could understand gotta lift their hands up and bless the name of the lord why don't you give it a try right now lift your hands and lift your voice and bless the name of the lord i said bless the name of the lord i said bless the name of the lord meet me in the upper room hallelujah louisiana i'm just going to quit i'm just i'm just going to stop but look at your neighbor and say neighbor say oh neighbor say neighbor come on up higher tell them say neighbor you've been down too long look at your neighbor and say neighbor it's time to shake it off you got to shake off the offense hallelujah to god tell your neighbor say neighbor hallelujah i'm losing my voice here but i'm gonna preach it in the house tell your neighbor say neighbor you gotta shake it off you gotta shake off the offense you've got to shake off the trouble you've got to shake off the unforgiveness you got to shake off the pain and tell your neighbor say neighbor come on up higher you got enough in you to come on up higher i know that you feel defeated but it's not over yet i know that you feel like it's too late but it's not too late there is still breath in your body that's still the activity of your limbs god's gonna make you better i said god's gonna make you better somebody open your mouth and shout i said so come here lady nixon come here lady nixon i need to catch my breath and i get a swig of water but while i take a short break i want you to pick up from where i'm leaving off and then i'm gonna come back and get the mic but i want you to preach this thing to somebody get up out of what they're in oh come on up higher but they say i must get to jesus up he told me to go to the open room i'm going somewhere get out of my way huh get off me i gotta get to jesus i know what you're saying i know what's going on right now but my mind is focused on jesus i heard my name called he called me and i'm going to the upper room there's something he want to give me i'm going to get my power up i'm going to get my promise i'm going to get what he said was for me get out of my way i lay it down i know it feels good and comfortable it's good to my flesh even now but i need jesus i need what he has for me i can't allow it to keep me back i can't allow it to cause me to miss out on my promise of i've got a promise in my view i see jesus off and he's calling me to it so get out of my way i'm on my way to jesus i got to make it her in the name of jesus come on saints i come to disturb your atmosphere i come to agitate you in the power of god i come to get on your nerves till you move from where you are i come to remind you that there is greater in you i come to remind you that god got purpose for your life i come to remind you that you're still alive you're still alive because you have purpose you're still alive because god's got a plan look at your neighbor and say neighbor say oh neighbor i'm not dying yet i got a work to do hallelujah come on minister jones i'll give you about two minutes hold on a minute come up higher come about a little bit god him wait on him wait on him wait on him wait wait on him oh yes yes yes yes come on saints i come to push you to a higher place i come to push you to a greater anointing is there anybody that want to go higher is there anybody that's ready for the anointing you need the anointing it's the anointing that destroys the yoke lift your hands i said lift your hands and say lord i receive i receive the anointing hey hey [Music] hello [Music] you said you wanted it you wanted it come on you said you wanted it you want a better prayer life you want to be used by god come on come on to the upper room god's going to use you yeshiah you wondered you wondered some of you asked me will god use me do you think god will still use me yes come on up higher come on up higher somebody's on youtube [Music] somebody on youtube come on up higher come on up higher higher higher in the lord the altar is open the altar is open [Music] stand up daughter come on stand up everybody come to the altar stand up stand heal up you need to receive it come on come on the archer is open head of a shutter stand up your hands lifting come on come on i want you to stand because there's about to be an impartation whatever you need god's going to take you higher [Music] you can be filled with the holy ghost today we can baptize you in water today you can go down in the name of jesus [Music] today [Music] [Applause] wait wait on the promise wait wait wait wait on the promise hella messiah in the last day said god i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] come on receive it whatever the hindrance is shake it off come out of your feelings and receive it don't let your fitters and flesh be greater than the spirit of god come on god want to put you back in the right place he wants to put you back in right position god wants you to serve him [Music] come on up higher come on up higher [Music] come on up higher come on up higher [Music] about come on the holy ghost is real come on there's an outpour of god's spirit come on you can get filled for the first time you can get refilled you can get a double portion come on elaborate sunderland glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god i believe god i believe god come on let us hear the cries of the righteous yes lord yes lord yes lord yell about [Music] [Music] come on [Music] by the spirit of god holy ghost the recesses [Music] i call you up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on he's here right now what about y'all come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you talk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on he's here come on he's here right now [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] come on he's here [Music] oh [Music] oh come on come on [Music] come on zion come on zion god wants to deal with the wrestle in our spirit [Music] come on god wants to deal with the wrestle in our spirit that's for all of us [Music] come on he's got your attention right now you've got his attention right now let him deal with that wrestle in your spirit come on come on up high oh my god come on up higher come on up higher come on up higher god i feel that thing come on up higher [Music] to have purpose in the name of jesus i despair all confusion i come against all hindrance i come against all blockage in the name of jesus i lose it from the way [Applause] [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ come on come on he's here come on he's [Music] [Applause] here [Applause] oh come on zion come on up higher come on up higher come on up higher come on there's a shaken in today there's a shaken in today [Music] hallelujah come on he's moving in this place let god deal with you come on it's real come on it's a real moment [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord oh yes come on saints come on saints [Music] yes lord come on come on today is the day come on today is the day where he strengthened us in those weak places come on we got to become more committed to god come on more committed to god i think you ought to you got to become committed right now yes lord in the name of jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna do it with you when we repent and we ask god to fill us god's gonna fill you with the holy ghost are you ready [Music] [Music] make me a house a house may the fire of the altar never burn out may the fire of the altar never burn out may the fire of the altar never burn out the fire of the altar never burn out may the fire of the altar never burn out the fire of the altar never burns come on i need a believe in church got no feeling with the holy ghost right now come on i need some prayer [Applause] warriors [Music] me [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] open up [Music] [Music] up let it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yep [Music] woke up [Music] oh [Music] oh god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] god [Music] [Music] come on we need a praying church [Music] come on break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on i need to pray in church [Applause] [Music] break break break [Music] come on keep praying [Music] may the fire of the altar [Applause] come on [Music] make me a house a house [Music] oh [Music] yes lord god's gonna do it [Music] god's gonna do it i said god's gonna do it [Music] [Music] god's gonna do it [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh yes oh yes come on lift your hands all over this place yes lord [Music] the holy ghost is real oh yes jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on jesus come on jesus do what only you can do [Music] my god come on one more time lift your hands towards heaven lift your hands all over this place lift your hands hallelujah [Music] [Music] right now [Music] make me [Music] me [Music] of jesus christ may the fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all in the name of jesus oh feel me lord feel me lord feel me lord feel me lord feel me lord fill me with jesus fill me jesus fill me lord fill me lord and tell me with power fill me with power only goes pound fill me jesus in the name of jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now lord right now lord come on i need a praying church come on i know it's time to go but this is what it's all about come on [Music] [Applause] come on i got stammering lips but we need to go all the way come on i need to pray in church jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] never [Music] oh jesus jesus oh in the name of jesus i thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] come on come on oh [Music] oh [Music] right now [Music] [Music] in the name [Applause] just as we did for chanel that between now and night service got going baptize him in the holy ghost somebody shout we're going all the way [Applause] [Music] come on between now and tonight's service god go fill him with the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah yay come on lift your hands all over this place the time is far spent god is faithful somebody shall god's gonna do it god's gonna do it listen we got to get out of here before we do our offering i want to put this on your mind that when we come to surface tonight let's come different than what we did this morning let's come ready for a move and experience of god let's enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise when we come tonight come with it on your mind we're not gonna throw nothing together but we're gonna give god our best come on lift your hands and say god help me to give you my best amen it's offering time come on get your gift in your hand and let's give to the lord in this place thank you lord god thank you jesus glory to god yes lord thank you lord look at your name and say neighbor you coming back tonight tell them don't lie to me now it's all in him is all in him the fullness of the godhead is owned in him he's holding him it's all in hell the mighty god is jesus and it's all in him he's holding him it's all in him the fullness of the godhead is all in him it's all in him it's all in him the mighty god is jesus and is all in him [Music] anymore you don't have to put the blood on the door someone has taken the place of the lamb and it's jesus the great i am oh you don't have to breathe the lamb anymore you don't have to put blood on the door someone has taken the place of the lamp and it's jesus the great i am oh i've been redeemed i've been reaching i've been redeemed i've been redeemed i've been redeemed i've been redeemed i've been redeemed i've been redeemed oh said you don't have to bring the lamb anymore you don't have to put blood on the door someone has taken the place of the lamb and it's jesus so great i am oh you don't have to bring the lamb anymore you don't have to put blood on the door someone has taken the place of the lamb [Music] i've been redeemed i've been redeemed i've been reaching said you don't have to bring the lamb anymore you don't have to put blood on the door someone has taken the place of the left jesus so great i am i've been redeemed i've been redeemed oh i've been redeemed i've been redeemed yes i've been redeemed amen just a couple announcements amen and we're gonna dismiss service amen some of you've asked um for my grandmother's funeral amen a homegoing celebration rather it will be amen this coming saturday in lake charles louisiana amen um viewings from 9 to 11 services at 11 for those of you that want to travel amen to louisiana to attend amen there's no pressure amen some of you said that you were going amen but i don't want anybody to feel any pressure amen to take the trip if you desire to go amen we can give you that information amen for you the 10 i know many of you in here have met her a man on more than one occasion amen when we've gone to louisiana to minister amen we had to stop by momon's house amen and then when she's come amen and met us in houston amen when we're having a preach there and she came to service amen also don't forget amen on the 15th and 16th of this month is camp meeting amen in saint marcus amen is going to be there at the embassy suites hotel in that conference center amen encouraging everyone to attend thursday and friday since it's just right around the corner down the road up the street a few more blocks and use their amen so let's go and fellowship amen it's good for us to see that there's others living this life and not just us amen it is it's encouraging amen hallelujah amen and then and then we are hasting amen i know we're not there yet but we're coming real close amen to the month of september amen and for that entire month of september we're going to celebrate i think it's 58 or 59 years somebody 58 thank you mother bailey it's going to be 58 years amen of freedom temple are y'all ready to celebrate the heritage amen of this church maybe we can get sister miriam to design us another shirt for this new year amen praise the lord amen come on give god another hand of praise love on somebody [Applause] you're dismissed in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Freedom Temple Pentecostal Church
Views: 1,768
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 32sec (9212 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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