“It’s a Bachelor Pad!” Bengals Rookie WR Ja’Marr Chase & His Puppy Shop For New CRIB In Cincinnati!

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[Music] oh my god i see you guys upstairs playing cincinnati right now it's peace and quiet it's very beautiful out here i like it so far i'm liking it right now we're going to look at some homes see what i think of them see how i like them if it feels like home than i wanted home is something i can walk inside and feel the atmosphere you know i can feel it from within me my parents love it a lot of it you know that's what matters the most family is everything to me so as long as i feel good with it i think my parents feel even better with them so right now we're going to check out this home close to downtown about a stadium we're supposed to have beautiful views so we're going to go over there and check it out [Music] we're currently in mount adams it's a sought after area in cincinnati ohio this property consists of 4 100 square feet of custom built top to bottom it consists of four levels all connected via elevator and then rooftop patio with breathtaking views of cincinnati it's listed at 1.69 million dollars [Music] yeah it's approved this approval i'll prove it i like it i like the stove set up too i'll say the kitchen is probably one of the biggest parts in the house only because you know that's what my mom always is when she cooks when she comes home for me whenever we throw parties or something like that you know home games everyone's going to be in the kitchen like this is something everybody knows like everyone's always in the kitchen so we need to make sure we have enough space for the kitchen make sure the table is big enough make sure we have food everywhere all over the table so i'll probably say that it was a nice size to be honest [Music] i like the backyard a little bit how important is the backyard i just want to have a big enough backyard for my dogs to run around in and they don't have any grass up here you know i don't want to be picking up poo and pee all day you know off this you know when they could just go in the grass you know i don't touch girls me i can't cook on a grill yet i'ma learn jamar forgot to crack the egg where you gonna put your egg in the pan where you gonna put your i'm just throwing it do you know how to crack an egg it's a nice water fountain i wish it was more in the middle though it was in the middle of being real nice looks like we got an elevator in this house [Music] put the call in oh it looked like it got two different exits i see you guys upstairs i don't know how to work this [Music] thing what's up guys nice to see you again laundry room oh i'm looking to shower oh there's a walking and sit down nice big mirror if you need that this is a nice view i feel like the master bedroom needs to be a big enough size for literally all your stuff i know i have a lot of stuff to be honest so i'm gonna need more than one room that's the funny part already you know we need a tv someone on a walk preferably don't know where at all walk in closet well this is spacious to be honest i needed a lot of space for my shoes the most i mean i love to have a closet that way i don't have to get a dresser that would be smart i mean more room in my bedroom this is nice actually just came out the other side of the elevator oh look at this view this is really nice to be honest you literally see every part of the city right here [Music] i love to wake up and just come outside and see this every day you know what i'm saying i would probably throw a party i'm not gonna lie i would definitely throw a party i have to just because you know i have so much space like this you can see the river from here and you can see the stadium from here too so that's perfect this is the perfect spot you know what i'm saying that all comes down to the pricing and stuff like that too so but this is a lovely home i started off the concert the backyard you know i needed more space for my dog of course but the three pros are i like the kitchen set up i love the balcony view i love it and third is probably the master bedroom you know i like how it's shaped i like the size of it you know the wall can't walk out the area of space i have for the bathroom chasing the bag i'm racing the clock look at them blocked watching them block the market's hot the inventory is low and it's hard to find homes these days i just hope i find a good spot that i love you know with a good view and enough space so we're heading to this house along the river pretty excited about it this is house number two so check it out this is definitely a phenomenal bachelor pad being especially in the east end located close to downtown this property is 3 600 square feet it's three bed three and a half bath consists of four levels there's an elevator that connects all the levels this property is listed at 1.299 million dollars [Music] the door is kind of tough i wish this is a little bigger though this is a lot bigger i think this will turned out a lot better i don't really like the setup so far it feels too compact right now i need more space this is nice i don't know this is a master bedroom or what i like this decoration they got in here floor this is a good view too i like the bean bags oh just closets a little small for me but just you got a nice bell can you set up oh this is right along the river for real but this is a nice view of loving this view right now second floor [Music] more pink [Music] this is probably the master bedroom yep has to be [Music] two closets yup it's gonna be the master [Music] nice walking shower the shower is humongous [Music] i like how you can walk from your bedroom to the shower to the laundry room we don't have to walk all the way downstairs to wash my clothes i probably turn this into a bedroom that way my friends family people have somewhere to stay i second balcony i think i like this balcony is better you know what i'm saying oh the kitchen's on the third floor that was not what i was expecting microwave oven just the difference in cincinnati this is what the microwaves are [Music] one firmly don't have a microwave like that that's kind of cool though yeah just perfect size actually i don't think we would rock these chairs because we might eat a little messy chips muffin bites gushers fruit roll-ups big texas honey buns i can do it all you know i keep going but gotta slow down on some of those snacks this culture's cool though yeah i could picture myself upstairs in here you know i don't know about downstairs i think downstairs was the biggest negative i've seen all day i like this though i just like how you know you could change the scenery and eat outside you know if you try to eat inside and i know i don't want to eat at the kitchen table all the time you know you can eat right here i think the pros and cons to this crib i'll start off with the cons i didn't like the space downstairs i felt like it was too tight i felt like the master bedroom you know wasn't big enough i think my third con is just that the kitchen's on the third floor that's where most of my family is in the kitchen they like to whip three pros are i probably see the view love this view the way how the master bedroom and the laundry room is all next to each other i like how you have walk space all to get in there i'm pretty excited that i've seen two pretty good places about to go see the third so it's going to be a tough decision [Music] okay house number three this property is located in east end it's a four bed four and a half bath there's roughly over 4100 square feet this property is listed at 1.5 million wow [Music] oh i don't know just the master bedroom but this is nice this is crazy right now [Music] and my dog run i definitely like this backyard space i had a nice sized backyard growing up you know i'm saying i feel like a backyard would make a house man i like the shower in a walk-in closet [Music] that's perfect this is how the closet is supposed to look i might have more shoes on the shelves even maybe on the ground too so this is perfect closet and they got two different sides for the sinks they called it his and her sink yeah i don't have a girl you know so i mean uh his and hers is definitely something good you know i'm saying all right let's go check out the upstairs oh my god fish tank as soon as you walk in i don't even look real like a tv they did good this set up i like this this kind of microwave we have back at home regular ones [Music] but i like this this is beautiful some cinnamon rolls in the oven some eggs make some grits too that's about a minimum i can make looks like we got two living rooms in the kitchen this whole upstairs is beautiful [Music] uh this place is really nice to be honest i think the kitchen is the most stand out of course and then the master bedroom is nice i'll probably rank it number two overall just because of the view like you see more of the city i'm a city kid and that's why i like the first place better all right we just looked at three beautiful homes but i'm not ready to put a trigger yet but i look forward to finding a home in cincinnati to get ready for my season play for the bengals oh my bad i didn't miss come on y'all just be sneaking up on me all right just watch these videos right here subscribe and then we'll get back to the dancing
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 1,494,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamarr chase, jamarr chase drops, jamarr chase highlights, jamarr chase bengals, jamarr chase bengals highlights, jamarr chase bengals practice, jamarr chase touchdown celebration, jamarr chase touchdown celebration vs clemson, jamarr chase draft house, jamarr chase white house, cincinnati bengals, cincinnati bengals highlights, cincinnati bengals training camp 2021, bengals vs buccaneers 2021, bengals vs washington, bengals preseason, jamarr chase apartments, nfl rookie house
Id: PMI_HpxsKg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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